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Signs of cancer ?

10 Nov 00 - 02:53 PM (#338137)
Subject: Signs of cancer ?

If a person has cancer in his/her stomach or something around there, how will he/her notice it ? What will be the first signs ?

- Wants to throw up ? - Blood in the WC ? - Tiredness ? - Wants to drink a lot (of water) ? - Headache ? - Fainting ? - Problems with speaking exactly ? - Loss of appetite ?

.... or maybe other ??

10 Nov 00 - 03:04 PM (#338148)
Subject: RE: Signs of cancer ?
From: Wesley S

Can I suggest that you talk with your doctor right away if you have any of these symptoms?? The folks here at the Mudcat are wonderful but I don't think they are qualified to determine this on line. Good Luck.

10 Nov 00 - 03:41 PM (#338174)
Subject: RE: Signs of cancer ?
From: Morticia

they are a diverse set of symptoms,SA, and I concur with Wes.If you have any of them, see your doctor but please note that, by and large, most things are harmless and fixable, (even cancer) if you get them seen to promptly.

10 Nov 00 - 03:54 PM (#338187)
Subject: RE: Signs of cancer ?
From: jeffp

If you have any doubts, GO TO A DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY!!!! If it is cancer, the earlier it is treated, the better your chances are. If it is not, the sooner you know, the sooner you can stop worrying. If it is something else, the sooner it is treated, the sooner it will be better.


10 Nov 00 - 04:54 PM (#338226)
Subject: RE: Signs of cancer ?
From: Allan C.

I have to echo the advice above. Get thee to a physician. If it is worry that has kept you away thus far, please know there are many ailments which can present similar symptoms, virtually all of which are curable if action is taken early on.

Be assured that my best hopes are with you and are supporting you as you gather the strength to make the call and to get the doctor appointment.


11 Nov 00 - 02:33 AM (#338494)
Subject: RE: Signs of cancer ?
From: mike putt

I went through this a while ago, I had symptons that could have been cancer related, I kept them to myself until i plucked up courage to face the bad news from the doc. (month's, I'd probably have been inoperable if it was cancer ) only to dicover that it was an infection that needed nothing other than a course of medication for two weeks. So please if you have any suspicions see a doctor, you will either put your own mind at rest or catch it in time