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Wanted: Shantywoman for Roll & Go

16 Nov 00 - 11:46 AM (#341722)
Subject: Wanted: Shantywoman for Roll & Go
From: Naemanson

Roll & Go has been together as a group since the 70's. I joined in 1992. When I joined it was still just a group of friends singing together and occasionally getting paid a pittance to do some performance. Then about 2 or 3 years ago we decided it was time to get serious (a little) and focus on our sound. We have been working hard and it shows. This year was our busiest year ever with at least a dozen gigs ranging from coffeehouses to festivals. We were street musicians for Maine's OpSail 2000, we performed with Gordon Bok and Castlebay at a small festival in Kennebunk. We performed at the University of Maine (Farmington) coffeehouse. We have been featured at the Bath Brunswick Folk Club's annual Songs Of The Sea concert for the last three years running. This year we shared the stage with The Beans. Other venues have included the Maine Arts Festival, the annual Maine schooner races, Camden's Windjammer Festival, the dedication of the Reuben James Memorial and the dedication of the Portland Observatory. We're working on a CD. We've been inducted into the list of Maine touring performers. We have achieved the point where we are fielding calls to perform at various functions.

We perform traditional and new sea music, chanties, forebitters, and ballads, as well as occasional forays into drinking songs, traditional American, English, Irish, and French folk songs as well. We share leads throughout a performance with each person invited to lead songs.

Over the years we have had a number of changes in the group. Membership has varied from our current low of 6 to as high as 10. Most recently we have been 4 men and 3 women. There have always been women in the group. We believe they add a vital and necessary quality to the music and contribute substantially to the sound that is Roll & Go.

And now to get to the point of this post. One of our members has left the group and though she says she may be able to return in a year or so we feel that it is best for the group to add a member to replace her while she's gone and, if our new member agrees, remain to enhance the feminine section of the group after her return. This could be a long term commitment if you want it to be.

We rehearse in Portland, Maine, on the first, third and fifth (when available) Tuesdays of the month. We gather there because it is a convenient central location. The members of the group live in Richmond, Bath, Freeport, Portland, and Kennebunkport. One of our members was commuting from Boston for several years until she moved to Maine.

If you are interested, or if you know someone who is interested please have them contact me at This is my spam account. I check it at irregular intervals but I do check it. Alternatively I will provide my phone number by PM. Once you contact me we will arrange for an interview and audition. (Sorry to make this so formal but we are inviting you into a family and we need to be sure...)

This is a wonderful opportunity to do some great music and meet some great new friends. Please pass the word.

16 Nov 00 - 11:55 AM (#341724)
Subject: RE: Wanted: Shantywoman for Roll & Go
From: MMario

brett - with your permission I could post this on another forum where you might get a few nibbles - it's based mostly around boston, but I know some of the people dwell northwards - and that at least some of the people are from maine.

16 Nov 00 - 11:59 AM (#341725)
Subject: RE: Wanted: Shantywoman for Roll & Go
From: Kim C

:( I wish I could! :( Maine's a little far away from Nashville.........

16 Nov 00 - 12:26 PM (#341750)
Subject: RE: Wanted: Shantywoman for Roll & Go
From: Morticia

I'd be in like Flynn but from Hampshire, UK it's a bit of a trek for 3 rehearsals a month......pity......

16 Nov 00 - 01:31 PM (#341789)
Subject: RE: Wanted: Shantywoman for Roll & Go
From: Jeri

NEW Hamphire isn't, and boy, do I love them shanties..hehe.

16 Nov 00 - 02:25 PM (#341842)
Subject: RE: Wanted: Shantywoman for Roll & Go
From: Margo

Darn, if it was Portland Oregon, you'd have some takers here... Margo

16 Nov 00 - 02:31 PM (#341845)
Subject: RE: Wanted: Shantywoman for Roll & Go
From: Naemanson

MMario - Post away! Thanks for the help.

Morty and Kim - Maine is a MUCH better place to live than just about anywhere else. Think about it! I could even rent you an apartment (a flat for those in the UK.)!

Jeri - I was hoping you'd be interested. Let's talk about it on Saturday.

I didn't mention any ability to play an instrument because that isn't really a criteria for us. However, we do a few pieces that call for instruments so an ability to play something would be nice. Our own instrumental abilities are minimal. We have two guitarists, a banjo, concertinas, and a pennywhistle plus an entire foo-foo band.

Please note that whoever gets selected will be leading songs right from the gitgo. We do not keep anyone in the background unless they choose that spot. Even then we won't let sleeping dogs lie. Poor Eli has been trying to keep to her chosen role as ya-ya girl now for quite some time but we keep dragging her to the fore.

16 Nov 00 - 03:36 PM (#341903)
Subject: RE: Wanted: Shantywoman for Roll & Go
From: DebC


Do you have a member of your group named Allison? I do believe that she and I met a Passim open mic. I will see you on Saturday at Barry's.

Cheers, Debra

16 Nov 00 - 04:52 PM (#341950)
Subject: RE: Wanted: Shantywoman for Roll & Go
From: Naemanson

Deb - the answer is yes, and no. Alison is the departing member and she will be sorely missed.

See you on Saturday!

16 Nov 00 - 11:39 PM (#342163)
Subject: RE: Wanted: Shantywoman for Roll & Go
From: Bat Goddess

Hi, Naemanson --

I'm interested. I'll talk to you at Barry Finn's on Saturday. My only problem (I'm located in Nottingham, NH) is that I work nights Mon-Wed. Let's talk about it.

Bat Goddess

17 Nov 00 - 08:59 AM (#342286)
Subject: RE: Wanted: Shantywoman for Roll & Go
From: Jeri

Hey! I saw it first! MINE! MINE! MINE! - WAAAAA!
Er, wait a minute...want both of us? We'll talk on Sat. :-)

17 Nov 00 - 09:21 AM (#342302)
Subject: RE: Wanted: Shantywoman for Roll & Go
From: Naemanson

Now, now! No fighting over the position. Though there is an attraction in having two extra women in the group that would be subject to discussion by the full organization. Trust me, we WILL talk tomorrow.

TOMORROW! YES! The party is tomorrow!

Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy!

17 Nov 00 - 03:29 PM (#342584)
Subject: RE: Wanted: Shantywoman for Roll & Go

Be fair Naem. Show them the shirts first.

17 Nov 00 - 03:35 PM (#342593)
Subject: RE: Wanted: Shantywoman for Roll & Go
From: Naemanson

Aw Sins! I wanted to wait before they found out about the @*! uniform.

18 Nov 00 - 06:21 AM (#342881)
Subject: RE: Wanted: Shantywoman for Roll & Go
From: Naemanson

This thread has slipped too far down the list,
Away Rio,
Get up to the top where you sure can't be missed,
And we're bound for the Rio Grande!

28 Nov 00 - 11:35 AM (#347506)
Subject: RE: Wanted: Shantywoman for Roll & Go
From: Naemanson

Once more into the breach dear friends!

IOW, refresh!

28 Nov 00 - 12:34 PM (#347557)
Subject: RE: Wanted: Shantywoman for Roll & Go
From: Bat Goddess

So, we never did talk about it at the party. (Of course, I'm too far away in Nottingham, NH -- another 40 minutes from Portsmouth) AND I work nights 3 nights a week and have a steady Friday singing gig at The Press Room.

So, what, we put butterscotch schnaps on the shirts and then . . .

BTW, I'd really like the lyrics to "Dramamine."

Bat Goddess

28 Nov 00 - 12:41 PM (#347563)
Subject: RE: Wanted: Shantywoman for Roll & Go
From: Catrin

Now you've got me fantasising about running away from home (UK) to join a band!!!

I can but dream.....

28 Nov 00 - 01:43 PM (#347606)
Subject: RE: Wanted: Shantywoman for Roll & Go
From: Diva

Its a nice dream Catrin....LOL So how about a mudcat concert from Roll and Go once they are organised?? Just a thought.

28 Nov 00 - 02:16 PM (#347634)
Subject: RE: Wanted: Shantywoman for Roll & Go
From: Noreen

Now, an apartment and a singing group to join- yes, sounds just what I'm looking for- when's the auditions, Brett?? And I've just taken my concertina out of mothballs...

Ah, just remembered something... what's the job market like? That is the order of priorities when finding a new place to live, isn't it?? :0)


BTW I'd love to know what an 'entire foo-foo band' is, and also what Eli's role as a ya-ya girl entails?

28 Nov 00 - 02:54 PM (#347671)
Subject: RE: Wanted: Shantywoman for Roll & Go
From: GUEST,Andrea

Sigh...and I was just in Maine last September, too...if I'd a' known you were looking for a (female) chanteyman, I might have looked a little harder at the employment market...(fantasies of crewing on the Margaret Todd by day and singing by night)

28 Nov 00 - 03:27 PM (#347710)
Subject: RE: Wanted: Shantywoman for Roll & Go
From: Naemanson

Noreen, a foo-foo band consists of any number of noise makers which the sailors used to keep time or accompany a singer. It could be anything from fiddles and concertinas to simple wooden blocks. Ours consists of a rattles, shakers, two tamborines, a small set of symbols, a few sets of bones and a plastic rainstick. There is also the horn, quite literally a longhorn steer horn fitted with a mouth piec so it can be sounded like a horn. Alison was able to get two or three notes out of it but she also plays trumpet.

And the job market is pretty good now depending on your line of work. I work in construction and the contractors are always crying for good workers.

Eli sees the role of Ya-Ya girls as providing harmony back up only. The rest of us see that as a cop out to avoid leading songs. You ought to hear her sing Mexico!

Andrea, you can always come back.

Auditions depend on when you want to show up. The position is available until filled.

Just keep in mind, it's more than just a place in the band, we are a family and a democracy.