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Lyr Req: I've been serching for this song ..

17 Nov 00 - 08:29 PM (#342732)
Subject: I've been serching for this song ..
From: GUEST,Giovanna

I heard this song 13 years ago, i was an old folk duet song. I can't recall the title , something like " mondy morning" the only thing left in my memory is part of the lyrics. I hope someone out there can help me to find this song or even tell me the singers of it. part of lyrics runs:

Man:"early one morning, one morning in spring.. gal:" i am going to be married next money morning" man:" oh 16 yrs is too young to get married...." gal" " he'll buy me gay golden ring"

that all i can remember.

17 Nov 00 - 10:58 PM (#342787)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I've been serching for this song ..
From: Helen

Hi Giovanna,

Type all of this

[next Monday morning]

including the square brackets into the top space in the blue box on the top right of this page and click GO. It will take you to the song in the Digital Traditions (DT) database on this site which has thousands of lyrics and midi files for folk and blues songs.

Here is the first verse, and you can hear the midi file or right-mouse-click the midi and save it to your computer.


As I was a-walking, one morning in spring I heard a fair damsel, so sweetly did sing As she was a-milking, when this she did sing I 'm going to get married next Monday morning

Welcome to Mudcat. Have a look at some of the other threads and get to know us. Just be warned, it's such a nice place you might get addicted and not be able to leave.


18 Nov 00 - 07:38 AM (#342903)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I've been serching for this song ..
From: GUEST,Giovanna

Words failed to convey how greatful i am now, i thought i'd never be able to hear this song again. It's a mircale that my post has been replied within a couple of hours!!! Helen , thank you so much!! you're right, i am completely in love with this site!!! I am now a happycamper!!! yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

18 Nov 00 - 07:35 PM (#343187)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I've been serching for this song ..
From: Helen

Newbie-alert! We've hooked another newcomer into our lovely little community. (grin)

I'm happy to see how happy you are. All in the normal day's work at Mudcat.

Welcome, again, and come and join in the fun.

in Australia