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BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...

22 Nov 00 - 09:20 AM (#345065)
Subject: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Tomsk

Having seen the thread on the gathering within the RED rose county (Manchester for those of you across the pond), it made me wonder if there are any WHITE rose 'cats around. If so, where are you from, and what regular events / clubs do you attend??

22 Nov 00 - 09:46 AM (#345079)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: bill\sables

HiTomsk, for a regular meting of catters (between 6 and 20 every week ) come along to The Jug, Chapel Hadlesey, Near Selby every Wednesday night about 8-30. You should be able to get there by car now that the floods have gone down. Cheers Bill

22 Nov 00 - 10:26 AM (#345113)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Bagpuss

Some of us Yorkshire catters went along to the "other side" for the manc gathering. We should arrange a big Yorkshire gathering sometime. Since many already go to the Jug, that might be a good idea. Then maybe, if we did a weekend thing, some of us who can't really "do" wednesday evenings might be able to join you.


22 Nov 00 - 10:29 AM (#345115)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Tomsk

A weekend gathering.... sounds good. Plenty of camping ground up Selby way I'm sure....

22 Nov 00 - 10:36 AM (#345120)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Noreen

Oh, Bill, when I saw this thread title I thought you had started organising the next gathering already...

Well, why not?!


22 Nov 00 - 12:15 PM (#345175)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Mrs.Duck

We've been talking about this gathering for some time and althought her details are not finalised we can certainly count on Syd and Val at the Jug to offer hospitality if they are in residence. We will make some arrangements and look forward to seeing as many as can. It is likely to be early summer I think but that needs to be confirmed. In the meantime if any 'catters that are within travelling distance want to come to Wednesday nights they are always welcome. If you can only make weekends we could always have a mini gathering on a Friday or Saturday.

22 Nov 00 - 01:11 PM (#345202)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: bill\sables

Camping will be available in the extensive grounds of the Jug but at the moment they are better suited to Geoff and Mrs Duck. But keep watching this space Bill

22 Nov 00 - 01:31 PM (#345210)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: zander (inactive)

I live in Halifax in West Yorkshire, we are spoilt for choice in folk music sessions, all stations between Hebden Bridge, Bradford and Leeds. I for one would welcome a Tykes gathering. Regards, Dave

22 Nov 00 - 02:12 PM (#345228)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Cobble

Mrs. Duck a mini weekend gathering at the Jug sounds good but could it wait till after Christmas as Cobble has to work all weekends before Christmas. We can't be there tonight, he's at work. Mrs. C.

22 Nov 00 - 04:27 PM (#345288)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Bagpuss

Zander - can you recommend good sessions in Halifax? I live in Hebden Bridge, but havent been here long and just want to know the best places to go.


22 Nov 00 - 05:00 PM (#345304)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: zander (inactive)

Hi Bagpuss, your nearest place would be the White Lion at Heptonstall which I think is on a tuesday, from what I gather it is a very good Irish session, there is a good mixed session on sunday afternoon at the Old Lane Inn,Old Lane just outside Halifax, give it a try. Best regards, Dave

22 Nov 00 - 05:57 PM (#345353)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Catrin

Red Lion in London,
White Lion in Manchester
Red Lion in Llanfair
White Lion in Heptonstall


Makes the hairs stand up on the back of my neck

Or could this provide the basis for a new conspiracy theory?:-

Aliens from outer space are planning to take over the earth. They are using 'Folkies' for their sinister and potentially catastrophic purposes. These aliens meet in places which utilise their secret code-word. "Lion".....

22 Nov 00 - 05:59 PM (#345357)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Catrin

Actually, what i really meant to say was "What a brill idea! I can't wait!"



22 Nov 00 - 06:48 PM (#345388)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: John Routledge

Yet another prepared to risk the journey over the Pennines.

Hope something can be arranged soon. Promise to sing only songs from Eastern England.

Cheers to everyone G.Broon

22 Nov 00 - 07:11 PM (#345395)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Peter K (Fionn)

Bagpuss, why not convene a gathering of catters at Hebden Bridge, right on top of the Pennines, more or less? Or even Heptonstall. (How big's the White Lion?). Then we could include a pilgrimage to the grave of Sylvia Plath Hughes.

By the way, do you know anything about Sunday night story-telling sessions at one of the pubs in Hebden Bridge? Part-heard a mention of it on the radio, and I've been meaning to investigate. I believe the pub name had something to do with boats in its name.

22 Nov 00 - 07:13 PM (#345398)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Mrs.Duck

Catrin it's a well known fact that most aliens that visit earth end up in Hebden Gridge. As we speak Syd at the Jug is taking Bill Sables to look at a barn which could well be the perfect size and distance (500 yds)for a ceilidh/concert for the Yorkshire gathering so it is getting sorted Noreen, honest!!

22 Nov 00 - 07:22 PM (#345402)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Tig

Bill came back and the discussion continued......It looks like the possibility of a spring gathering but depends on a range of problems - what will the new vicar be like? Which weekend and which month? Watch this space....

22 Nov 00 - 08:00 PM (#345424)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Micca

Well, I know the vicar in Driffield, does that help?

22 Nov 00 - 08:32 PM (#345443)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Diva

These "gatherings" are slowly moving Northwards..Nynia and I will get to one eventually. :-)

23 Nov 00 - 12:40 AM (#345542)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: roopoo

Sorry I wasn't there last night. Hope it was a good'un! It's 5.30am as I write this: I went to bed at nine to get a good night's kip prior to the mayhem I have unleashed on myself this weekend: 4 craft stalls in 5 days, starting tonight. I woke up bright and breezy at 5, and I am about to start work again. I have 3 evening fairs and one all-day, so I'm grabbing the chance to get some work in. Next week I will be late as I have to go to Castleford first.

I know the one of the neighbouring vicars, but unfortunately, being over the river, Haddlesey has made it into the neighbouting diocese as well. It could happen that they don't immediately find a new vicar. In this case (an interregnum) the nearest people usually try and cover, or they stick in a temp. They don't just send a vicar and have done these days: the church council and church wardens have to interview and approve them too! They advertise the position and offer it to those they think may be interested. But they don't have to accept. This might mean the vicar of Drax, or the vicar of Brayton (nearer) could cover. There'd be no problem, I'm sure, with the Drax guy. I've met him and he's great fun. I once saw the vicar of Brayton having his dinner in the Jug, so he's ok too!


Mrs Duck - did you manage to get a copy of that photograph?

23 Nov 00 - 02:18 AM (#345569)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Terry K

What's all this about vicars? Are you suggesting that the vicar might hold sway over something happening in the real world. How unusual.


23 Nov 00 - 04:10 AM (#345590)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Tomsk

Boat loads of artistic licence:

"In Selby Town, in Yorkshire They rucked up a row with the Parson there... This pious gentlemen so they say, Was far too fond of going astray...

So if going astray should be your plan Just think of the Selby Clergyman"

23 Nov 00 - 04:19 AM (#345594)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Llanfair

This is sounding good. Can I get there by train? Where can I stay? I loved seeing folks last Friday, but it wasn't ENOUGH!!!!!!!
Love, Bron.

23 Nov 00 - 07:20 AM (#345619)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: bill\sables

The problem with the Haddlesey vicar(according to Syd at The Jug) is that he preaches Hell and Damnation to those who partake of the Deamon Drink. I don't have a problem with that as I dont drink, but to hold a dry gathering in a church hall would be like signing a death warrant. But he leaves at Christmas and Syd is expecting, nay hoping, that his replacement will be one of the drunken variety of clergymen. Bill

23 Nov 00 - 10:45 AM (#345684)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Noreen

This is getting verrry interesting...

Bron, provisionally: get yerself to Manchester & I'll drive you? We could sing all the way!


23 Nov 00 - 01:19 PM (#345701)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Mrs.Duck

It is possible by train, Bron but singing all the way with Noreen sounds better!! The vicar holds sway over the church hall and won't allow a bar. However on my fortieth we had a ceilidh there and we were able to bring our own which with the Jug no more than a cockstride was not a major problem. Of corse if the new encumbant lets us have a proper bar Syd will be happy to oblige. Places to stay_well there is always camping and if I remember rightly there are one or two of the locals that have done b&b in the past-worth checking!I think about four friends stayed there when Geoff had his fortieth last year. I'll ask Syd.

23 Nov 00 - 01:37 PM (#345703)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Eric the Viking

Bron if you can get to Dewsbury or Bradford (interchange) I'll pick you up provided that it's time conveinient, if it's a school friday any time after about 16.00 should be Ok. It's about 3/4 of an hour by car on a good night longer if traffic bad, but not as far as Llanfair.Should be there early evening.This is looking good. I was talking with Bill last night and he is developing the idea well.Dates still to be arranged but most people talking about spring.

23 Nov 00 - 01:41 PM (#345704)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Eric the Viking

Come to think of it for anyone who might need a lift from where I live-Cleckheaton, near Bradford and Dewsbury, give me a yell. You can get to Selby by train, and I expect that there is a non too frequent bus service to C/H, but you need to ask someone like, Bill,The ducks, Tig or Mouldy, or Selby as they will know. Cheers. Eric

23 Nov 00 - 01:52 PM (#345711)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Catrin

Noreen - can I come in the car and sing???

P.S. I'll be good, I promise.

23 Nov 00 - 02:58 PM (#345733)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Mrs.Duck

You can't come if your going to be good!!If people get as far as Selby I'm sure lifts can be sorted.

23 Nov 00 - 03:19 PM (#345738)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: nutty

If the venues are dog friendly - I will be joining you from North Yorks and can accomodate at least 1 in the vehicle

23 Nov 00 - 04:07 PM (#345751)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: bill\sables

Hi Nutty, The Jug is in North Yorkshire, Where are you near, Bill

23 Nov 00 - 05:25 PM (#345780)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Mrs.Duck

No problem with dogs outside the pub Nutty but as they serve food they are not allowed in the bar.

23 Nov 00 - 05:34 PM (#345786)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: nutty

I'm in Redcar ,Bill which is some distance from the Jug but I hope to be there

23 Nov 00 - 05:48 PM (#345797)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Liz the Squeak

Sounds more and more interesting - as my forebears (well, three of them anyway,) originally came from the White Rose County (never could abide red ones, perhaps that's why) - a village called Dunford..... presumably a ford over the Dun or some bloke called Dun made a ford..... whatever.... I'd love to go, and possibly fulfill a thwarted ambition from last year, to actually go to York!!


23 Nov 00 - 06:26 PM (#345810)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Llanfair

Thanks for the offers, folks, can i decide nearer the time, please? I'm looking forward to it already.
Cheers, Bron.

23 Nov 00 - 06:45 PM (#345812)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Geoff the Duck

Nutty - It's just straight down the A19 from you. But if you find yourself in Doncaster, you have overshot the Jug.

23 Nov 00 - 07:01 PM (#345816)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Tomsk

Back to lifts again... If this ever happens (!!!) I'll be coming from Ossett.. Anybody Wakefield or Dewsbury way will be welcome to a lift...

23 Nov 00 - 07:53 PM (#345829)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: bill\sables

OK Nutty Give Stan Gee my regards

23 Nov 00 - 07:54 PM (#345830)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Terry K

Hey, nutty, do people actually still live in Redcar? I thought it closed down just after I left Sir William Turner's Grammar at Coatham all those years ago.

Cheers, Terry

23 Nov 00 - 08:07 PM (#345832)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Iarf

May I have an Invite please?

24 Nov 00 - 03:59 AM (#345949)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Patrish(inactive)

Looking forward to it - whenever it is
Iarf - where abouts are you? do you need a lift?
an invite? You are a mudcatter so you have an automatic invite-silly billy. Looking forward to meeting you
Patrish xx

24 Nov 00 - 06:11 AM (#345965)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Bagpuss

Iarf - we really missed you at the manchester one. Someone really famous would raise our profile no end!


Bagpuss (the other really famous one)

24 Nov 00 - 09:37 AM (#346039)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Noreen

Iarf: since you asked so nicely...!

And as Bagpuss said, you were there in spirit in Manchester so we look forward to meeting you. You could even bunk in on the lift from Manchester... depending on how many instruments Bron brings...

And Catrin, of course!


24 Nov 00 - 09:58 AM (#346044)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: mandomad

I know I'm going to sound a bit daft here...but what happens at the gatherings besides a good natter with fellow catters? Do you have sing and a play? I live in Wakefield so could easily make this one.

24 Nov 00 - 11:31 AM (#346084)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: bill\sables

Hi Mandomad, You know who I am from our meetings at Whitby The Llanstock gathering was a singaround and music session on the Friday night then a stage type concert Sat afternoon folowed by a Ceilidh Sat night, Sunday was a singaround at lunchtime The manchester one was a singaroung most of the time due to lack of venue for a ceilidh. The Yorkshire one, when it is organised will include musicians sessions, Ceilidh, Singarounds and anything else I can think of. One of AnnaP's in New Jersey included a canoe trip on the river so if we flood again that posibility might not be out of the question.
Cheers Bill

24 Nov 00 - 11:48 AM (#346100)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Noreen

Hi, mandomad. Doesn't sound daft at all. I found it hard to imagine before Llanstock, and certainly couldn't have imagined anything quite as good as it turned out.

We're inventing it as we go along! Depends v. much on who's there, but the important thing to me at each of the gatherings so far has been the possibility of everyone contributing to the whole, in whatever way, either by playing, singing, reciting, listening (lots of this required), sharing anecdotes (musical and otherwise), dancing, (with or without veils, Patrish!) providing cookies / cakes / beer / beef jerky / chocolate... have I forgotten anything? Oh yes, lending capos and plectrums, singing each others' songs...

So, your answer is... whatever you want.


24 Nov 00 - 12:49 PM (#346123)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Catrin

Heeheeheehee - I can't wait 'til spring!!

Giiiive meeee spriiiiingtime..........

24 Nov 00 - 03:21 PM (#346165)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Linda Kelly

Me too please!!! I work weekends but with plenty of forwarning I am sure I could be there -Sam Pirt and I wereo nly discussing this on Wednesday.

24 Nov 00 - 05:37 PM (#346221)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Iarf

At the Manchester thing the Friday night was like a meeting and get to know each other ...Back slapping and hugs all round (including me ingognito) obvious enjoyment of meeting old friends. Some really good singing and lots of drinking.(Freddericks did the biz). Saturday was a slow start but new friends kept turning up and it was a stunning you know I was there.....Oh my Oh my......I met so many lovely people and now I have to disappear. Iarf .....(the Pheonix).

24 Nov 00 - 07:12 PM (#346261)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Cobble

Include us in, we may also be able to help with lifts from train stations and we have a couple of beds in our caravan . Mrs. C

25 Nov 00 - 06:04 AM (#346442)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Llanfair

Can I digress(good word) from the Yorkshire gathering for a second to ask if the famous "Scratch" ceileigh band could be available the 3rd Saturday in July to visit Mid- Wales and play for an evening?
There's going to be a tractor rally in the daytime, with a procession and everything, and they want a good time in the evening in a marquee.
Of course, it doesn't have to be just the band, we could have a mini gathering.
It's nice here in the summer, the rain's warm.

Talk to you soon,

25 Nov 00 - 08:31 AM (#346480)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: bill\sables

Hi Bron, I have emailed Sam, Noreen, Eric the Viking and Skipjack re the July 3rd I am OK and I hope they are Bill

25 Nov 00 - 08:35 AM (#346483)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Tomsk

The dancing sounds interesting.. What does Patrish do with veils??? Belly dancing perhaps?? Dance of the seven??

25 Nov 00 - 12:00 PM (#346566)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Noreen

Bron, the 3rd Saturday in July would be the 21st, if I understand you? The idea sounds great- and tractors too! :0)

Llanfair in the summer would be lovely. It is in my diary.

Bill, thanks for the e-mail. You know I've just been waiting for the opportunity to play with the members of the mudcat ceili band again... or should I rephrase that...

25 Nov 00 - 05:56 PM (#346723)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Mrs.Duck

That's right Tomsk and she's promised to teach me too!

27 Nov 00 - 04:00 PM (#347214)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Eric the Viking

You can play with me Noreen-but you must have curly hair and say Baaaaaaaa every so often!

27 Nov 00 - 09:30 PM (#347400)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Catrin

Tomsk - actually, I'm the only one who's succumbed to dancing 'the dance of the seven veils' - believeme it was a lot more fun, and a lot less 'sexy' than it sounds!

Eric - I'll bring a toy sheep to the jug - if that's any use!

28 Nov 00 - 03:04 PM (#347684)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Noreen

Eric, you silver-tongued smoothie- how could a girl resist? I've got some socks with sheep on as well, if that would help... :0)


29 Nov 00 - 07:35 AM (#348149)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Boxette

I'm living at York uni at the moment. Haven't been to many sessions as yet but am hoping to get to the Jug soon; by all accounts it's the best one around. The Maltings in York centre is apparently good too. Kit x

29 Nov 00 - 01:26 PM (#348379)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Eric the Viking

Boxette, are you of "teached by skipjack" (Greg) fame? We'd love to meet you, Skip said he'd bring you one night.

Noreen-we could be a pair of woolley jumpers!!!!!

Roll on spring!

30 Nov 00 - 07:47 AM (#348809)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Liz the Squeak

July sounds great, can I share the caravan with Skipjack et al please, they had much more fun than me in my soft warm bed with en suite, tea & coffee facilites and the colour telly..... Maybe Manitas can actually manage to stay off the cough mixture long enough to play this time....


26 Feb 01 - 06:52 AM (#406362)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Noreen

Refresh for an update? It could be nearly spring....

26 Feb 01 - 07:32 AM (#406373)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: GUEST,jayohjo in Russia

Aaaargh! I don't believe this! I live in Hebden Bridge for EVER, and now as soon as I leave the country I find these plans! I'm so very jealous - any chance it could be happening in late July though? That would be VERY nice, and I promise to show you all the best chip shops (mmm, chips, I miss them....) Bagpuss - wish I could get at my cookie so I can PM you, but can only manage email as am in internet cafes and suchlike, you live in Hebden Bridge? Where? Who are you? What fun! Anyhow, love and best wishes - hope this comes off, as it is truly God's own county ;) Jayohjo XXX

26 Feb 01 - 11:22 AM (#406520)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Bagpuss

Jayohjo - here's my e-mail addy:

if you want to get in touch. I haven't been living here in Hebden Bridge long, but I like it so far!!


26 Feb 01 - 06:47 PM (#406777)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Tyke

SPRING IS HERE!! Well at least the Spring 2001 edition of TYKES NEWS I Shall start distribution tomorrow night. I might try and get along to the Jug on Wednesday if the Snows not too deep!

Tykes News has a filofolk page's which are free to advertise in. However you should always check by phone to verify that the venue is still operating as we do not remove listing by word of mouth. The organiser needs to write to cancel the listing! Before we remove any folk event from filofolk. What ever happened to filofax's perhaps we should get up to date and call it wapfolk or palmtop folk?

Tyke's News filofolk listing are also available on the web at

Oh no I have just had this vision of a singaround full of people with wap phone's as a word prompt and midi file playing bagpipe tunes! Beem me up Scotty!

27 Feb 01 - 06:05 PM (#407524)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Liz the Squeak

Remind us of the dates and stuff again please? We will be in Beverley at the end of June, anyone want to do something then?? Like babysit????!!

LTS, Manitas & Bratling

14 Mar 01 - 08:08 AM (#417205)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: GUEST,Jayohjo in Russia

Ah, the Mudcat is truly a lifeline - I seriously miss music, there doesn't seem to be much folk going on in Russia. I've become alarmingly keen on dodgy Russian pop though.... So it is imperative that some kind of gathering happens, to bring me back to my senses! (Otherwise, I shall just carry on counting the weeks til Sidmouth) Russian love from Jayohjo XX

14 Mar 01 - 10:32 AM (#417291)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Noreen

There she goes, Russian off again...

Any news, folks?

14 Mar 01 - 09:57 PM (#417848)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: John Routledge

Will drive from Stockport to THE JUG for a Wed Session. The start of a convoy? GB

15 Mar 01 - 01:51 AM (#417964)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: roopoo

Brings on thoughts of a certain film from the 70s... Haddlesey crossroads would never be the same.

You would have to be very careful turning down to the Jug with your big rigs as the Reliant main dealership is on the corner (worra landmark!) and they park their stock on the forecourt.

Re Russia. My SO arrived back last night after finishing his 4 year stint out there. He said it was quite funny when it came to say goodbye, as they all just said "See you next time you're here", and there won't be a next time! He's off for a 2 and a half year stint in China on Tuesday. He got in at 8.30 last night and by 9.20 we were in the Jug. Ain't it nice to only live 5 minutes drive away?! He didn't get into dodgy Russian music, but he's been given 2 oil paintings which in my opinion are dodgy. Nothing naughty, as they're landscapes, but they remind me of those cheap garish things that Woolworths used to sell. It was bad enough when he bought one in Poland some years ago. My years at art school rear up and I have to really bite the bullet to live with these things. Anyway, the walls are full and I already have a queue of pics waiting their turn. The main problem I have at the moment is that he has arrived back with a pair of cross-country skis and I have to find somewhere to store these damn things. At the moment they're stacked up in the hall.


15 Mar 01 - 09:44 AM (#418127)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: GUEST,Patrish

Andrea, it was great to see you both in the Jug last night.
It was a particularly fine night at the Jug, the music is still ringing in my ears.

15 Mar 01 - 12:16 PM (#418225)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Terry K

Andrea "he got in at 8.30 last night and by 9.20 we were in the jug".

And its a five minute drive, so how did you spend the other 44 minutes and thirty seconds?

Just wondering.

15 Mar 01 - 12:17 PM (#418230)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Terry K

Andrea "he got in at 8.30 last night and by 9.20 we were in the jug".

And its a five minute drive, so how did you spend the other 44 minutes and thirty seconds?

Just wondering.

15 Mar 01 - 01:08 PM (#418278)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Mrs.Duck

Twice! WOW!!!!

15 Mar 01 - 03:35 PM (#418419)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Eric the Viking

No wonder they were both smiling- I thought it was the great session

16 Mar 01 - 02:56 AM (#418882)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: roopoo

Nah! He unpacked presents (I got a pashmina from his visit to China, and some nice fancy teas), had a cup of coffee, didn't go off at me for the walls knocked out and the new kitchen I had ordered in his absence, and announced he was knackered. Then he lugged his baggage (NOT me, you lot) upstairs. I told him I was off to the Jug anyway and he was at the front door almost before me! He's always ready for a beer when he arrives, and if there's time for the Jug...


16 Mar 01 - 04:45 AM (#418907)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: GUEST,Sam Pirt


I am a Yorkshire-Geordie Catter, The regular clubs I attend are Cottingham & The JUG!!!!!

Cheers, Sam

03 Oct 03 - 02:22 PM (#1029022)
Subject: RE: BS: UK 'Cats: Yorkshire...
From: Tyke
