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BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix

26 Nov 00 - 12:41 PM (#346900)
Subject: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: Micca

The first batch of My Pix of last weeks Mudcat Gathering at the White Lion ,Swinton, Manchester, England are here...
href=>Click here

26 Nov 00 - 12:43 PM (#346901)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: Micca

OOPS mucked that up try this
Click here

26 Nov 00 - 12:51 PM (#346904)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: Noreen

Thanks, Micca- good piccies!

26 Nov 00 - 12:54 PM (#346905)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: Catrin

Wonderful, wonderful stuff Micca!! Brings back all the memories *sigh*

Roll on Yorkshire *sigh* again



26 Nov 00 - 12:58 PM (#346906)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: Jon Freeman

Great pics Micca!


26 Nov 00 - 01:44 PM (#346915)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: Naemanson

Looks like you guys had a great time. Thanks for the toast Catrin.

Soooo, where are the pic's from New Hampshire? Jeri took a few. I think there were several cameras making the rounds.

27 Nov 00 - 02:01 AM (#346983)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: Terry K

The "unknown local" was called Derek. He appeared with Joan From Wigan - who is notably absent from the piccies (?). Could it be the hair over-exposed the film?

Cheers, Terry

27 Nov 00 - 11:01 AM (#347013)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix

Where are you? Once again gender shock has reared its ugly head. Had my males and females all mixed up. And is it my imagination or does Bill Sables get sexier with every passing birthday? Damn.

27 Nov 00 - 12:00 PM (#347038)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: Dave the Gnome

WooooHooo - Fame at last. I don't remember falling asleep though - It must have been during Matty Groves....;-)



27 Nov 00 - 12:41 PM (#347066)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: Micca

Sorry Sinsull but I am the bloke in the weskit in 117, as promised the caption for pic 117 is
AndyG Bill/sables (behind Andy )Patrish behind Bill RHS of table, Bagpuss, Josie(Catrins daughter) Catrin, Noreen, Micca, in the tasteful blue leather weskit sorry about this but their is limited caption space...

27 Nov 00 - 12:50 PM (#347071)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: GUEST,Matt_R

Is it me, or do Bagpuss and Noreen have it goin' ON!?

27 Nov 00 - 12:55 PM (#347079)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: Noreen

Dave tG: can we have the millennium- enhanced version of Matty Groves included in the DT, please? It was such fun!


27 Nov 00 - 12:57 PM (#347081)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: Micca

What do you mean, Matt???

27 Nov 00 - 01:01 PM (#347083)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: Noreen

Would you care to elucidate, Matt?? As far as I know there is nothing going on between me and Bagpuss... :0)

27 Nov 00 - 01:26 PM (#347102)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: Bagpuss

I'm so subtle Noreen that you didnt even notice anything going on...

Come to think of it, neither did I...


27 Nov 00 - 01:40 PM (#347111)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: Noreen

But it was a fun weekend, KT, we packed such a lot into such a short space of time...



27 Nov 00 - 01:44 PM (#347115)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: Micca

hey Baggy, is there somthing we didnt notice??? and you werent in the least like a large pink and white cat....

27 Nov 00 - 02:15 PM (#347145)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: John Routledge

Excellent photos Micca.

How lucky we all are to be treated to Matt R's charm. I inded feel priviledged to be part of a group the drives Matt to the pinnacle of his skills with words.

Looking forward to the next meet

Cheers to all. G.Broon

27 Nov 00 - 02:22 PM (#347157)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: jacko@nz

Thanks Micca

I do appreciate seeing the folks I talk to and sing with

27 Nov 00 - 02:50 PM (#347177)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: Llanfair

I still don't know what YOU look like, Jacko!!!!
Cheers, Bron.

27 Nov 00 - 02:52 PM (#347178)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: Jeri

I shall attempt to translate Matt's statement: "Is it me, or do Bagpuss and Noreen have it goin' ON!?" = "I think Bagpuss and Noreen are very attractive."

I'm going to try to send some photos from Barry's party in today. (I will first ask those who haven't already shared their likenesses with us.)

27 Nov 00 - 03:31 PM (#347203)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: okthen

well done micca, really good to put faces to some of the folks here. Must dig out a complimentary photo of myself(so that would be circa 1975)to post here, I'll check the attic,



27 Nov 00 - 05:30 PM (#347279)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: Diva

Brill photos Micca

27 Nov 00 - 05:30 PM (#347281)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: Jon Freeman

Thanks Jeri, I am glad someone translated it! I wonder if Matt realises how us UKers would interpret his statement.


27 Nov 00 - 05:45 PM (#347294)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: Matt_R

Sorry for the use of the words! I suppose next time I better find a phrase that is translatable in ALL languages, or keep my mouth the hell shut!

27 Nov 00 - 05:48 PM (#347296)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: Jon Freeman

Smile Matt and don't worry about it and it's quite funny really. In one of my first ICQ chats to an American, I said I needed a fag...


27 Nov 00 - 05:53 PM (#347302)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: Matt_R

Chuffin' heck!! I just learned that phrase from Onslow on "Keeping Up Appearances." I use it as much as possible! Now THAT will confuse Americans! (Except my family of course!)

27 Nov 00 - 09:14 PM (#347395)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: Catrin

Oh! happy days!

28 Nov 00 - 09:04 AM (#347484)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: GUEST,Patrish

Jon, I quite often need a fag!
great Pictures - thanks Micca
love Patrish xx

28 Nov 00 - 12:50 PM (#347567)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: Bagpuss

Matt R



28 Nov 00 - 08:55 PM (#347965)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix

Thank you for showing me how wrecked I was and for allowing at least 100 million people worldwide witness it too. Actually this is not the first time my picture has been on the web. Feed in amateur+young+ beans + leather + Frederics and go down about 17 levels of blue clickys and you will find a photo of me performing a song called 'The timing it is a changing'-Dave the Gnome remembers it well. Happy surfing FOG (FRIEND OF GNOME)

29 Nov 00 - 04:02 AM (#348111)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: Dave the Gnome

It's a lie I tell you! I don't remember anything well at all...;-)

Millenium version of Matty Groves changes with the year/weather/mood of Dave or Ged singing it - I will try to get the definitive version off them and see if they mind me posting it. For those who didn't hear it, after Matty 'cops it' he gets resurected and gets his own back - use your imagination!

Good news about a Mudcat meet at the next Swinton Festival -

1. The rest of the committe are quite happy to go for it and

2. We have a provisional date - weekend of 26-28 Oct 2001. Watch this space.



29 Nov 00 - 06:15 AM (#348129)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: Mrs.Duck

We sent our photos to the Mudcat resources DURING the weekend but they still havent appeared!!!!As far as we know the e-mali went through but it does seem a long wait. Should we be worried?

29 Nov 00 - 11:16 AM (#348287)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: Iarf

Aaaw missed my piccy.......;-) Iarf...(The jealous)

29 Nov 00 - 05:02 PM (#348492)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: Catrin

Ah but Iarf - don't you know you're up against the 'cat detectives!

Cheers (clink!)


29 Nov 00 - 05:46 PM (#348528)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: John Routledge

Mystery solved

It was Geordie Broon in the Lounge with a set of pipes.


30 Nov 00 - 04:39 AM (#348759)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: GUEST,micca at work

Geordie, is that who committed the murder????***BG***I thougt your playing was fine.

30 Nov 00 - 07:03 AM (#348787)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: GUEST,micca at work

If you just let me know what you look like, and what name you were using, I will be happy to publish any pix I have of you....

30 Nov 00 - 07:14 AM (#348789)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: Liz the Squeak

So which one was Roger then?? Any Roger.... (shut up Moriticia and Micca.........)?

Geoff - the waistcoat is wicked, better than sky blue leather thing anyway! I didn't realise he still had that .... I thought it had been decently buried at a cross roads with a stake through it, one midnight on a full moon.....


30 Nov 00 - 10:50 AM (#348905)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: Noreen

Roger, Liz? I don't remember a Roger- and I think I would have remembered...


30 Nov 00 - 12:30 PM (#348995)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: Mrs.Duck

Perhaps he was one of the penguins!

30 Nov 00 - 02:07 PM (#349073)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: Noreen

Aah, thanks Mrs. Duck, now I remember!! :0)


30 Nov 00 - 04:59 PM (#349168)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: Catrin

And I haven't got a bleedin' clue what your goin' on about! :-)

30 Nov 00 - 05:09 PM (#349179)
Subject: RE: BS: Manchester gathering 17-19 Nov pix
From: Noreen

Well, Catrin, Liz started it, and she wasn't even there...