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personal messages

26 Nov 00 - 02:22 PM (#346922)
Subject: personal messages
From: Morticia

I can't get into mine and haven't been able to since last night. I mention this, not because I am expecting a message from Mel Gibson ( although you never know!) but because my 'puter has been having all sorts of tantrums and hiccoughs lately so I wondered if it is my machine or the Mudcat that is hanging on to my p.m's.Anyone else having trouble?

26 Nov 00 - 02:24 PM (#346923)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: The Shambles

I see what you mean.

26 Nov 00 - 02:30 PM (#346924)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: Jeri

Try this for personal pages.

None of the servers except Loki are working. When you click the link for personal pages on Loki, it tries to go to the original non-operational server - probably Shorty.

Alternatively, you can just replace "www" with "loki" in the address after you click on the personal messages link and get the "web page ain't here" message.

26 Nov 00 - 02:40 PM (#346925)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: Mary in Kentucky

Thanks Jeri, I could read threads using loki but didn't know about the PM's. I promised a catter some Stephen Foster info, so now I can send it.

26 Nov 00 - 03:06 PM (#346926)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: Morticia

thanks Jeri......I'm glad to know it isn't my machine.....It's alright Mel, you can contact me now!

26 Nov 00 - 04:11 PM (#346932)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: GUEST,CarolC

I can't get into my personal pages because Loki won't let me reset my cookie. For anyone I owe a message too, I'll get to you as soon as I can.


26 Nov 00 - 04:32 PM (#346933)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: Naemanson

Dearest Morticia,

I have longed for you ever since I saw your pictures on the Mudcat Resources pages. Please tell me you are not involved with anyone now.


(I'm writing from my good buddy Naemanson's computer)

26 Nov 00 - 04:40 PM (#346935)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: Mary in Kentucky


Mel sent you a PM from my computer also...see if you can retrieve a PM.

26 Nov 00 - 04:42 PM (#346937)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: Naemanson

Ha Ha Mary, My Mel beat your Mel to the punch!

26 Nov 00 - 04:42 PM (#346938)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: Naemanson

The Mels are fighting over Morticia! A girl's dream come true?

26 Nov 00 - 05:02 PM (#346939)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: Mary in Kentucky

I bet Mel could send Morticia PM's from all over the gang?

26 Nov 00 - 05:10 PM (#346941)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: Catrin

Thanks for the info folks! I'd been wondering whether or not it was my machine too!



P.S. Mel says sorry Morticia - but he's tied up with me at the moment (I'll let you know when I've finished with him)

26 Nov 00 - 05:22 PM (#346942)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: Morticia

Mel, Mel, Mel....( sigh) how often have we talked about this insatiable longing you entertain for me? It's unseemly....and quite frankly, people are beginning to talk.....still, it's not your fault,I guess.....some of us are just born irresistable.(By the way, I should avoid certain red-haired,northern ladies no matter how nice the singing voice......she has thousands of boyfriends...or used to, now she just has a very big lawn.....if you get my drift)

26 Nov 00 - 05:42 PM (#346945)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: Rick Fielding

Jeri. You are simply amazing.


26 Nov 00 - 07:18 PM (#346950)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: Jeri

Yeah, yeah, yeah, Rick - sure. So why isn't Mel calling ME!?

26 Nov 00 - 07:37 PM (#346951)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: Mary in Kentucky

Jeri, we can fix that...

27 Nov 00 - 12:47 AM (#346981)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: alison

while you're fixing that.. can I get a few from Sean Connery? *grin*

thanks for the link Jeri.. next move was to head off to the "help" pages...



27 Nov 00 - 07:10 AM (#346992)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: Mary in Kentucky

Consider it done alison. Now if I can just get one from Colin Firth. *BG*

27 Nov 00 - 10:00 AM (#347005)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: Rick Fielding

Hi. Vic Tayback here. I understand there's a whole lotta beautiful wimmmen lookin' to hook up with me. Gotta be an improvement on that "Flo"!


27 Nov 00 - 10:54 AM (#347010)
Subject: RE: personal messages

I'd like to hear from Orson Welles "across the divide" if anyone can manage it for me.

27 Nov 00 - 11:51 AM (#347033)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: Naemanson

Talk about thread creep!

Let's see if I have this straight. Mudwomen tend to want fantasy figures over their men! So far Mel has the greatest number of votes over Colin Firth and Sean Connery with a stray vote for Orson Welles. And we still need to hear from the Florida precincts.

What a shame. Here I am, single, available, and no one is interested because my name is not Mel, Sean, Collin, or Orson.

To quote the wicked witch, "...oh what a world, what a world..."

27 Nov 00 - 01:05 PM (#347084)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: Noreen

Mortie, you can keep Mel, even if he does bring the chocolate... :0)

27 Nov 00 - 01:42 PM (#347112)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: Morticia

oooooh, Mel Gibson and chocolate.....excuse me, I need to go and lie down.Naemanson, I'm only allowed fantasy figures 'cos the old man takes a dim view of the real kind otherwise you'd be top of my list!

27 Nov 00 - 01:56 PM (#347126)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: GUEST,Orson Welles (across the divide)

Trust me, Sinsull, I'm not your type. For starters, I'm dead and you're not. Our love doesn't stand a ghost of a chance.


27 Nov 00 - 02:03 PM (#347129)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: Liz the Squeak

Oi! You leave my beloved Sean out of this, he's mine and he's been mine since I was 11 and he was in Thunderball.... in those little shorts....krjth;o fknvn; k

jbngnvxcjnyi okeMB246e$£"%^^$trgf DHNJKAE

27 Nov 00 - 02:07 PM (#347132)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: harpgirl

...Sam Elliott melts my popsicles, Brett! That voice is my downfall! Of course, Frank Lindamood sounds like Sam when he sings!

27 Nov 00 - 02:08 PM (#347133)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: mousethief

Hmmm. Can't blame that one on the capslock, Liz.


27 Nov 00 - 02:11 PM (#347143)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: Liz the Squeak

Mrs Manitas has now had her medication and will be returning to as normal as she gets shortly.

Sorry chaps. Sean does that to me every time..... he's mine I tell you, mine, MINE!!"!""$"%£Q^$" Ouch, what was that sting, why have you got that hyperdeerrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmmmiccccccccccccccccccczzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

27 Nov 00 - 03:06 PM (#347191)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: LR Mole

Oh, THAT Rosebud. Don't look in the basement.

27 Nov 00 - 03:17 PM (#347196)
Subject: RE: personal messages

To all you pseudo-Orsons. He was a magician. Of course, he'll be back!
Liz - care to share?

27 Nov 00 - 09:34 PM (#347403)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: Catrin

Refresh _ 'cos I need this!

27 Nov 00 - 09:38 PM (#347404)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: Catrin

Mortee - now I've worn mel out, he says he need only a year to recuperate and then I'll send him over to you....

28 Nov 00 - 05:10 AM (#347453)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: Morticia

I suppose you've eaten the chocolate too?

28 Nov 00 - 10:21 AM (#347493)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: Catrin


28 Nov 00 - 05:02 PM (#347790)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: Helen

You ladies obviously haven't discovered Russell Crowe yet. A much better Oz export than Mel.


28 Nov 00 - 05:15 PM (#347803)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: Diva

Harpgirl....Sam Elliot...I thought it was only me LOL Oooh and Nicolas Cage.

28 Nov 00 - 05:32 PM (#347825)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: Hollowfox

No complaining about Orson, now. (We will have no whines before their time.)

28 Nov 00 - 07:55 PM (#347938)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: harpmolly

Excuse me, but if we're talking about Aussie imports here, let me just put in my two votes (duplicate ballots, heh heh...)

Anthony Warlow, because no one's ever heard of him, but he has the most scrumptiously amazing voice ever, ever, ever!!! (I'm weak in the knees just thinking about it...)

and Hugh Jackman. Just because.

Those two boys are more than welcome to PM me anytime. (When their wives are out shopping, preferably...)


28 Nov 00 - 11:08 PM (#348035)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: CarolC

Patrick Stewart and Alan Rickman...

...not at the same time of course. They'll have to take turns.

28 Nov 00 - 11:18 PM (#348041)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: Matt_R

I just saw "Gladiator" tonight, and must say that Russell Crowe was very inspiring in it.

30 Nov 00 - 03:48 AM (#348752)
Subject: RE: personal messages
From: Patrish(inactive)
