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Lyr Req: Cumha Do Dh'Uilleam Soisal

16 Sep 97 - 11:17 AM (#12358)
Subject: cumha do dh'uilleam soisal

I'm looking for the Gaelic lyrics to the song 'Cumha do dh'uilleam Soisal' (aka the Chisholm Lament), particularly the version that Karen Matheson sings on 'The Blood is Strong'. Englsih translation would be nice, but not necessary.

Thanks in advance,


17 Sep 97 - 12:00 AM (#12389)
From: Cliff

I just returned from seeing Dick Gaughan in Cambridge, MA.
I have had a few drinks and the power went off so he wasn't able to finish his show so besides being depressed I am somewhat inebriated. Despite that, here is the song as sung by Ms. Matheson. Suas leis na gaidhlig agus tha mi duilich airson na gaidhlig dona.

Och a thearlaich Og Stuibhart
'se do chuis rinn mi leiradh
Thug thu uam gach ni bh' agam
Ann an cogadh a'd aobhar
Cha chrodh is cha cairdean
Rinn mo chradh ach mo cheile
O'n la dh' fhag thu mi'm aonar
Gun sion 'sant-saoghal ach leine

Oh Gur a mise thair mo sgaradh
Sged a chan-am cha bhreug e
Chaidh mo te bha na bantraich
Nach dh'fhuair samhladh do'm cheile
Fear do cheile 's do thuig-se
Cha robh fur-asd a' fhaotuinn
'Scha do sheas air cullodair
Fear do choltais bu treine
Mo run geal og

Oh young Charles Stewart
Your cause is the reason of my sorrow
You took from me everything I had
In the war on your behalf
I am not mourning cattle or sheep
But my partner
Since I am left alone with nothing but my shroud

I am torn apart
And although I say it, I am not lying
My happiness has turned to sorrow
Since you will not return from death
One possessing your wisdom and understanding
Is not easy to find
And not one stood at Culloden
Who possessed your appearance and bravery

17 Sep 97 - 06:03 PM (#12428)
Subject: RE: cumha do dh'uilleam soisal
From: James

Can I get the words to An Spailp/in F/anach?