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Syd at the Jug

28 Nov 00 - 11:59 AM (#347524)
Subject: Syd at the Jug
From: bill\sables

Just a line for all the catters who frequent the Jug. Syd the landlord had a heart attack on Saturday night and is in York Hospital. I,m sure you will all join me in wishing him a speedy recovery.


28 Nov 00 - 12:03 PM (#347527)
Subject: RE: Syd at the Jug
From: Patrish(inactive)

I am so sorry to hear that, please pass on my love and best wishes

28 Nov 00 - 01:09 PM (#347586)
Subject: RE: Syd at the Jug
From: GUEST,eric

Sorry to hear that Syd is so ill in hospital and I would wish him a speedy and complete recovery. Give my regards to landlady, Bill and please keep me informed as to how Syd is, if you would ?? Eric.

28 Nov 00 - 01:37 PM (#347603)
Subject: RE: Syd at the Jug
From: Eric the Viking

Sad to hear this. Hope Sid is soon better and that Val is coping. Give Sid my best wished Bill. See you tomorrow.



28 Nov 00 - 01:51 PM (#347614)
Subject: RE: Syd at the Jug
From: Mrs.Duck

We only heard today and were really upset. Let's hope it won't be too long before he's up and about again. I'm sure a;; the Jug regulars will be thinking of him and Val over the coming days.

28 Nov 00 - 01:55 PM (#347616)
Subject: RE: Syd at the Jug
From: Noreen

Hope it's not too serious, Bill. Not having met Syd yet, I look forward to enjoying his hospitality at sometime in the future, and send my best thoughts for a full recovery.


28 Nov 00 - 03:40 PM (#347732)
Subject: RE: Syd at the Jug
From: Mrs.Duck

I spoke to Jason (barman) at the Jug earlier this evening and he said Syd was doing very well. Val was out visiting. He hoped that as many as could would be there tomorrow night as Val is feeling in need of good friends and activity around.

28 Nov 00 - 04:54 PM (#347781)
Subject: RE: Syd at the Jug
From: Tig

Let's hope everything improves rapidly and Syd is soon out of hospital. Both he and Val are 'real' people and very well loved by all of us who go to the Jug. Please send them both lots of healing hugs. I'm certain one of us can print out the thread for them. Here's some bonus ones from me, the badger and firecat. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

28 Nov 00 - 05:33 PM (#347826)
Subject: RE: Syd at the Jug
From: Cobble

Hope Syd is improving, we hope to see Val at the Jug on Wednesday. All our thourts are with you Syd and Val. Best Wishes Brian + Margaret.

28 Nov 00 - 06:47 PM (#347880)
Subject: RE: Syd at the Jug
From: bill\sables

I just come back from the Jug and Val informs me that Syd is out of intensive care tonight and going into an ordinary ward.

29 Nov 00 - 05:12 AM (#348118)
Subject: RE: Syd at the Jug
From: bill\sables

If there are any more messages for Syd I will run them off tonight at about 7-00 UK time and take them to the Jug

29 Nov 00 - 06:10 AM (#348127)
Subject: RE: Syd at the Jug
From: Mrs.Duck

I'd send hugs and kisses but I don't want to send him straight back to intensive care with the excitement!!
We love you Syd but surely this was a bit of an extreme way to get into bed with a nurse!!
Now stop messing about and get yourself back behind this bar and pour me a pint

29 Nov 00 - 07:18 AM (#348145)
Subject: RE: Syd at the Jug
From: Jon Freeman

Best wishes Syd. Like Noreen, I hope to get to the Jug and meet you one day.


29 Nov 00 - 09:49 AM (#348212)
Subject: RE: Syd at the Jug
From: magician

Tig told me of Syd's illness late last night. I will do what I can from a distance. If you need anything Val just shout. Love you both and hope to see you soon.


29 Nov 00 - 01:32 PM (#348385)
Subject: RE: Syd at the Jug
From: selby

Get well soon Sid and beat wishes to Val Keith Eileen Tom & Joe Sorry we can't be there tonight.

29 Nov 00 - 02:04 PM (#348396)
Subject: RE: Syd at the Jug
From: GUEST,eric

Glad to hear that Syd is improving rapidly, hope it continues, love to Val and all other Jugcatters.

30 Nov 00 - 01:53 AM (#348732)
Subject: RE: Syd at the Jug
From: roopoo

Well done Mrs Duck for thinking in practical terms last night (despite giving us all the silent treatment and flashes - sorry, flash cards). I hope Syd doesn't get overexcited when he gets the tape of us all!

Val said last night that Syd had been out of bed and was looking much better. Such a tragedy it takes something like this to get him to slow down.

Hope your laryngitis clears up, Mrs D.


30 Nov 00 - 06:30 PM (#349247)
Subject: RE: Syd at the Jug
From: bill\sables

Thanks to all who sent Syd good wishes on this thread. He was given a copy today and became very emotional which if you know Syd is not like him at all. Thanks again

30 Nov 00 - 07:25 PM (#349270)
Subject: RE: Syd at the Jug
From: Les from Hull

Please send the best wishes of the 'ull crowd to Syd.


01 Dec 00 - 01:33 AM (#349448)
Subject: RE: Syd at the Jug
From: roopoo

One more thing I want to add about Wednesday: Syd got a real treat when geoff the Duck played his favourite tune especially to send to him on the tape. I said it then, and I'll say it again - I will never malign a kazoo again!

If Syd got emotional, he must be feeling below par. Let's not forget Val, who has to try and steer the ship without him. It's a good job she has a diamond geezer like Jason to help.
