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BS: 'Catter formerly known as Soddy

28 Nov 00 - 01:49 PM (#347613)
Subject: 'Catter formerly known as Soddy
From: Jim Krause

I've been hangin' out here for, oh, maybe a year, maybe longer. And the whole point of a nicname is starting to be lost on me. And anyhow, there are several 'Catters who use their real names. So I decided to join 'em. I didn't think there was much point to using a penname, since anyone could look me up in the profiles section. It just seemed a bit too contrived. So, from now on, I will sign my posts

Jim Krause

28 Nov 00 - 02:11 PM (#347626)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Catter formerly known as Soddy
From: bill\sables

Hi Jim, Welcome to the real name world. Cheers Bill

28 Nov 00 - 02:17 PM (#347637)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Catter formerly known as Soddy
From: Noreen

Hi, Jim, pleased to meet you.


28 Nov 00 - 02:20 PM (#347642)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Catter formerly known as Soddy
From: Jim Krause

Howdy. Ah, yes, that's a lot better, I think. Rather like a breath of fresh air.

28 Nov 00 - 02:28 PM (#347652)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Catter formerly known as Soddy
From: Jim Krause

Oh, and while I'm at it, I'll tip you all off right away. Krause rhymes with Drowsy. Why? Because Great Granny said so, that's why. And she was the Preacher's wife. ;-)

28 Nov 00 - 03:02 PM (#347680)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Catter formerly known as Soddy

Shocked again! I thought Soddy was female. Don't know why, just did. Hi Jimmy.

28 Nov 00 - 03:35 PM (#347723)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Catter formerly known as Soddy
From: Jim Krause

Ah, now Sins, ya couldda looked me up in the photo section, Pilgrim. My ugly mug is posted right there fer th' whole world ta see. Jim

28 Nov 00 - 03:57 PM (#347750)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Catter formerly known as Soddy
From: Zebedee

Strange, I went the other way.

I posted for a year or so under my real name (Ed Pellow) but then decided to change to an alias.

I'm not sure why. I don't post controversial stuff, but I feel more comfortable in a 'disguise.' I guess that given my unusual surname I didn't like the fact that I was so easily recognisable, when others weren't.

Call it paraniod, and I'm open enough to let you know who I am here, but I feel happier posting as Zebedee.



28 Nov 00 - 04:18 PM (#347763)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Catter formerly known as Soddy
From: mousethief

Mousethief I am, and Mousethief I shall remain.


28 Nov 00 - 05:14 PM (#347802)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Catter formerly known as Soddy
From: Dan Calder

Hi Jim,

I never did use a nick-name, and I've been hanging around here for a few years. Not a very active contributer, but enjoy my daily fix. The nick-name thing always reminded of the CB Radio craze where everybody had a "Handle". Never got into that either.

Nice to meet you.


28 Nov 00 - 05:19 PM (#347809)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Catter formerly known as Soddy
From: Rick Fielding

Jim....Soddy....The penny drops! Got your album, and I'm enjoying it. Played a couple of cuts on the radio. Good work. I'm getting about 40 radio submissions a month now, and I simply get dis-combobulated at times.

If you like traditional music done nicely with no frills (I do) you'll like Jim's CD.

Regarding "Noms de Plume de Mudcat". I used my real name at first 'cause I didn't know any better. I'd only had a computer for three days and an the thought of an alias never crossed my mind. I only regret it when when I want to swear a lot and say "how can you be so stupid??!!" Hardly matters though. Two hours later I forget who said what, and why I thought it was stupid!

Rock feldstein

28 Nov 00 - 05:24 PM (#347816)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Catter formerly known as Soddy
From: Matt_R

I changed mine because I got sick of hearing that "Meeeeebo" dreck. Some folks have this far-out notion that I somehow changed attitudes or personality by taking a new name. It simply isn't so. As Chris Cornell, formerly of Soundgarden, and according to Max, is a Mudcat member, says "You can't change, can't change, can't change me."

And Ed, I knew it was you the second you mentioned Mr.Sifter on HearMe that time!


28 Nov 00 - 05:26 PM (#347819)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Catter formerly known as Soddy
From: MMario

heck - I'm not trying to hide or anything. But I've been "MMario" for over 15 years; probably have more people who know me as MMario then I do under the name my mother gave me. And since she intended to name me Mario....

In college I was "bear" to one group of friends; "Uncle Ludolph" to another; Lmpy (that is correct, no vowel between the l and the m)to another group; "Sandwich" to my resident advisor; "Ham on Rye" to her boyfriend. Probably more nicknames then I can remember off the cuff right now. The point was, THEY knew who they meant when they used the name; and I knew who they meant - and responded when they used it.

28 Nov 00 - 05:33 PM (#347828)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Catter formerly known as Soddy
From: Zebedee


Maybe I'm paranoid, but whilst the most stupid things that I say in conversation are by nature ephemeral, here it is archived forever (or at least for a very long time)

I find that to be a big difference, hence, in my case the preference for a nom de plume


28 Nov 00 - 05:36 PM (#347831)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Catter formerly known as Soddy
From: harpgirl friends call me "Abbynormal"...not sure I like "harpy" any better, but hey...they both fit!

28 Nov 00 - 05:42 PM (#347840)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Catter formerly known as Soddy
From: Jim Krause

Yeah, I've had a few nicnames in my time. But they never stuck for some reason. To my wife, I'm Jim, to my cat (lessee if I can spell this) I'm Perrrneeyow??, to my brother, sometimes I'm JR, in Highschool I was Mole, briefly; to my Grandma MSRIP I was Jimmy. No one else for some reason ever called me Jimmy. To the bank, the electric co., the cable co., and the gas co., I'm James. A few weeks ago, a buddy and I went to this blackpowder rendezvous in downstate Illnois. There were so many Jims within hailing distance, that we ALL had to have nicnames. That was the only time Soddy ever came in handy.

28 Nov 00 - 05:46 PM (#347841)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Catter formerly known as Soddy
From: Jon Freeman

I never used to use a nickname but I started to use one in the Hearme voice rooms where you do get some very unpleasant people at times and I didn't feel comfortable using my real name.

At the moment, I am squiggle and sometimes halfwit in chat rooms and Jon Freeman everwhere else.


28 Nov 00 - 11:31 PM (#348047)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Catter formerly known as Soddy
From: Lyrical Lady

The name I answer to in the real world is Barbara, Barb and sometimes Barbie (only my nearest and dearest get to call me that!) Barbara would you mind ...Oh Barb could you please...By the way Barbie Sue, I was wondering if you might........It gets overwhelming at times! Lyrical Lady is the name I chose! I use it when I come out to play! I don't have to answer to anyone unless I choose to. This is my time and my place (infact the rest of my family does not know any of you exist, except for Night Owl and Musicman, who are special to me). Not to say the rest of you aren't but they are the two people I classify realistically as friends. You'll find that when the situation requires a sincere respnse, I'll sign my real name but for the most part I remain, Yours, LL

29 Nov 00 - 12:56 AM (#348078)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Catter formerly known as Soddy
From: Thyme2dream

I started as Thyme2dream on yahoo forever ago, cos I grow herbs, and because it's something I wish I had more of...Thyme as a nickname grew on me, so I still use it~even in the real world now. I sign a lot of my posts with my real name anyway. Welcome Jim, but bein a Kansas girl myself I kinda liked your nickname:-)!!

Karla Dalaine,
who is also Thyme
and used to be Sabra...

29 Nov 00 - 06:26 AM (#348134)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Catter formerly known as Soddy
From: Little Neophyte

Well Jim I would go by my full real name but then everyone would realize how famous I am and it would ruin the private intimate relationships I have built around here. People would just want to be friends with me so that they could say they knew me.

Can I still call you Soddy?

Little Neo

29 Nov 00 - 08:10 AM (#348160)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Catter formerly known as Soddy
From: mkebenn

If youe name is Mike, it's impossible to use w/o a number like 103279 after it. mkebenn is a simple contraction of my name, see no reason to hide. And to think my father's name is Austin...sigh. Mike Bennett

29 Nov 00 - 08:23 AM (#348168)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Catter formerly known as Soddy
From: DonMeixner

I would have used my real name too but somehow, Shimbow Shrugger of Thunders and Lord of Darktree Tower, seemed too long so I chose a common name from the phone book.

Mice to neet jou, Yim.


29 Nov 00 - 08:47 AM (#348182)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Catter formerly known as Soddy
From: Troll

I am troll. troll is me. What can I say? In other places I am other people. But always I am troll.


29 Nov 00 - 09:23 AM (#348195)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Catter formerly known as Soddy

Just checked your photo. Definitely male and a banjo too. And I thought you were a woman. Sigh.

29 Nov 00 - 12:29 PM (#348342)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Catter formerly known as Soddy
From: Dale Rose

Hey, is that Jim Krause as in Euphoria, 97th, part-time Darlin', etc? If so, hello there. Now if you are some other Jim Krause, well then, hello anyway.

I live down in the Arkansas, about 45 minutes South of Mountain View, where the current version of the Darlin's will be on Friday's Christmas show at the OFC ~~ I'll be there.

By the way, I am Dale Rose in real life, too.

29 Nov 00 - 12:45 PM (#348354)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Catter formerly known as Soddy
From: GUEST,MAtt_R

Don, back last December we actually did have a member who went by Shimbo Darktree.

29 Nov 00 - 04:25 PM (#348449)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Catter formerly known as Soddy
From: Jim Krause

I'm back. Had to leave yesterday since they were shutting off the lights here in the lab, gently telling me it was time to close up.

Little Neo, you can call me anything except Latefor Supper.

Dale Rose, Yep, that's me. The one and only.

Sinsull, hope yer not too disappointed.(smirking to myself.) I never really tried to disguise my gender, especially because I'm sure I've told stories about the Missus, the Light of My Life, and She Who Is Always On My Mind. Jim

29 Nov 00 - 10:16 PM (#348671)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Catter formerly known as Soddy
From: DonMeixner

Hey Matt,

I remembered that actually. Shimbo is a character from Roger Zelazney's boks To Die in Italbar and Isle of the Dead.
