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BS: Avoiding SPAM

12 Dec 00 - 04:02 AM (#355463)
Subject: Avoiding SPAM
From: Brendy

Shunning Praise At Mudcat.

Just got as wee threat from the Blessed Virgin in a PM. Check it out, folks:

"....Uh oh! Better get your mailbox all cleaned out for a flurry of new mail! Yup! It's a-coming, any day now! Not in the threads, where you can complain about it! Nope!! Private! Except I will copy and distribute anything I say to you, if I want to!"

When I want to complain to anybody, Praise, I usually do it in person.


12 Dec 00 - 05:00 AM (#355475)
Subject: RE: BS: Avoiding SPAM
From: Bagpuss

But you just thought you would make this complaint in public.... ;-)

And theres me thinking that this could be yet another thread that could be turned into a discussion of "Spam and eggs, spam and beans, spam spam egg and beans..."


12 Dec 00 - 05:36 AM (#355487)
Subject: RE: BS: Avoiding SPAM
From: Brendy

No, Bagpuss.

Just wanted to make the threat public.


12 Dec 00 - 05:45 AM (#355490)
Subject: RE: BS: Avoiding SPAM
From: GUEST,Bun

I like your term "the blessed virgin" Bun

12 Dec 00 - 05:58 AM (#355492)
Subject: RE: BS: Avoiding SPAM
From: Bagpuss

I give up.

I even put a smiley on the end of it, just so as you would know I was only jesting with you. But still I get taken seriously.


12 Dec 00 - 06:03 AM (#355494)
Subject: RE: BS: Avoiding SPAM
From: GUEST,Bun

The blessed virgin at holiday time threatening everyone - hahahahahaha
Bun ;-)

12 Dec 00 - 06:06 AM (#355495)
Subject: RE: BS: Avoiding SPAM
From: CarolC

Speaking of SPAM, does anyone have the lyrics for the song? I looked for them in the Monty Python website that was posted to the "Odd links" Thread, but I couldn't find them. Thanks.


12 Dec 00 - 06:12 AM (#355498)
Subject: RE: BS: Avoiding SPAM
From: Brendy

.....sorry, Bags. Misunderstanding. I took it that you thought I was complaining.


12 Dec 00 - 09:18 AM (#355606)
Subject: RE: BS: Avoiding SPAM
From: flattop

Looks like we're all going to have to pray for you Brendy, even those of us who don't believe.

12 Dec 00 - 09:24 AM (#355614)
Subject: RE: BS: Avoiding SPAM
From: Zebedee


Click here for the Spam Song lyrics.


12 Dec 00 - 09:30 AM (#355628)
Subject: RE: BS: Avoiding SPAM
From: alison

looks like harrassment to me.......

OK Brendy said some unkind things..... but asking people to flood personal messages / emails isn't right either in my book.....



12 Dec 00 - 09:48 AM (#355647)
Subject: RE: BS: Avoiding SPAM
From: Jeri

CarolC, the Spam Song is at this Monty Python website.

As to the rest of this, it's personal. Brendy, I knew you had a temper, I just never realised how little control you had over it, or how cruel you were. That's sure how it comes off. As far as "sharing" with the rest of us...

I feel like I'm at one of those professional wresting matches..."And now, our featured grudge match. In one corner, we have the evil "Brendy the Mouth" who scores points with insults laced with profanity when his opponents are vulnerable. In the other corner "Praise" is up this time. We don't quite know why she keeps accepting these matches when she normally gets beat up, but the crowd sure loves her."

12 Dec 00 - 11:12 AM (#355700)
Subject: RE: BS: Avoiding SPAM
From: GUEST,Witness

We DO know why she accepts she's Gods Personal Representative Here on Earth, and its a HOLY WAR! Jehad!!! Death to the infidel. The Christian Taliban. Ayatollah Praise. Thank You JEEZIS!!You must make allowance for someone who speaks directly to God.

12 Dec 00 - 11:30 AM (#355713)
Subject: RE: BS: Avoiding SPAM
From: Jeri

Dear Witless, it does make it easier if you demonize people, doesn't it? Nobody gives Praise a chance to just post as herself. Her religion gets so far up some people's noses that's all they ever notice. That's all they ever knee-jerk about. In a way, they're a lot more vulnerable than her, if all it takes is for her to make what she meant as a compliment. They miss everything she says except the insult they're looking for - enough of the flimsy excuse they're looking for to be cruel.

Zebedee, sorry about repeating the link to the Python song. I was off being long-winded while you were clicking "send."

12 Dec 00 - 11:48 AM (#355723)
Subject: RE: BS: Avoiding SPAM
From: Brendy

" does make it easier if you demonize people, doesn't it? ..."

Hence the 'Evil Brendy' bit, I s'ppose. But, really..'The Mouth?
What about 'Brendy the keyboard', Jers?

Seems like reality gets lost up some of those noses you were talking (typing) about, Jeri.
And one not a million miles away from your own mouth.

And don't exaggerate, neither.
I don't miss a thing!!!

(Feeling sharp sensations in my arms legs and back)
Somebody's praying for me.

12 Dec 00 - 12:07 PM (#355741)
Subject: RE: BS: Avoiding SPAM
From: Max

Everybody please chill. This behavior is childish on all fronts. Praise and Brendy, don't use my site for your personal battles please. Agree to disagree and don't waste your precious thoughts on each other.

12 Dec 00 - 12:32 PM (#355754)
Subject: RE: BS: Avoiding SPAM
From: Jon Freeman

Praise: Makes some innocent comment which mentions God and the Irish,
Satan: "Brendy, that bitch is at it again, ramming religion down peoples throats and what's more she dared to mention the Irish. Tell her where to go."
Brendy: "A f*** off Praise you bitch"
Satan: "Praise, you don't have to take that from that little shit, make him suffer"
Praise: "Yes Brendy you little shit, I'll make you suffer".

Satan: "Great I've got those too at it and better still, I have Praise going against her own beliefs, let's see who else I can draw in".
Satan: < chuckles to himself >


12 Dec 00 - 12:44 PM (#355763)
Subject: RE: BS: Avoiding SPAM
From: GUEST,Tammy-Faye

Shee-oot! Ah guess ol'Preys talks th' talk purty good, but cain't walk th'walk. Y'all pray fer er REEL hard, now. Hope she's back showin' all us poor sinners th' way REEEL soon. Hallah-freakin-looyah.

12 Dec 00 - 12:47 PM (#355764)
Subject: RE: BS: Avoiding SPAM
From: little john cameron

Jon, you don't know how close you are.Or maybe you do. ljc

12 Dec 00 - 12:54 PM (#355767)
Subject: RE: BS: Avoiding SPAM
From: catspaw49

ljc and Jon.......If you have never read, "The Screwtape Letters" by C.S.Lewis, you need to.


12 Dec 00 - 12:57 PM (#355769)
Subject: RE: BS: Avoiding SPAM
From: Zebedee

I've read "The Screwtape Letters" but still come back to thinking about the Turkish guy from a few years back:

'Kiss me'


12 Dec 00 - 01:29 PM (#355790)
Subject: RE: BS: Avoiding SPAM
From: mousethief

Why should we believe anybody's claim that something came from a PM? Especially someone with such a grudge against the person he's accusing?

I say you lie, Brendy.

12 Dec 00 - 01:33 PM (#355795)
Subject: RE: BS: Avoiding SPAM
From: katlaughing

Oh crap, Alex, talk about throwing down the gauntlet!

Brendy, please do not rise to the occassion.

Max has asked for this to stop, so let's all do so.



12 Dec 00 - 01:35 PM (#355801)
Subject: RE: BS: Avoiding SPAM
From: Amergin

I'm with you on this, Alex.

12 Dec 00 - 01:38 PM (#355809)
Subject: RE: BS: Avoiding SPAM
From: Brendy



12 Dec 00 - 01:40 PM (#355814)
Subject: RE: BS: Avoiding SPAM
From: Brendy

A hem...


12 Dec 00 - 02:16 PM (#355852)
Subject: RE: BS: Avoiding SPAM
From: mousethief

Brendy, sorry, this doesn't prove you got a PM from Praise saying "Uh oh! Better get your mailbox all cleaned out for a flurry of new mail! Yup! It's a-coming, any day now! Not in the threads, where you can complain about it! Nope!! Private! Except I will copy and distribute anything I say to you, if I want to!"

12 Dec 00 - 05:36 PM (#355983)
Subject: RE: BS: Avoiding SPAM
From: Bill D

looks like it's about time for one of Max's tricks where the thread comes to an end and there's no box to type in.....__

12 Dec 00 - 09:14 PM (#356093)
Subject: RE: BS: Avoiding SPAM
From: Banjer


So close to Christmas too, tsk, tsk.....

I have NEVER been ashamed to tell anyone that I am a member of the Mudcat Cybervillage, but something like this could go a long way towards causing me to hang my head in shame!

12 Dec 00 - 09:54 PM (#356116)
Subject: RE: BS: Avoiding SPAM
From: CarolC

Zebedee and Jeri,

Thanks for the links.
