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Fritz, the German Dragon- Author?

14 Dec 00 - 01:07 PM (#357151)
Subject: 'Fritz, the German Dragon'- Author?
From: Branwen23

Looking for an author for this parody of "Puff":

Fritz, the German dragon lived by the Rhine,
And frolicked in the German beer and drank out of a stein.
Little Ziegfried Bergman loved that rascal Fritz,
And brought him Pabst and Michelob, but never any Schlitz.

|: Fritz, the German dragon lived by the Rhine,
And frolicked in the German beer and drank out of a stein. :|

Together they would get drunk on beer with billowed foam.
Fritz would wait 'til morning and then carry Ziegfried home.
German kings and princes would flee at the sight,
And go to have a drink, themselves, to rid them of the fright.

A flagon's full forever; not so, little cans.
Pull top rings and all those things gave way to other brands.
One grey day, it happened: Ziegfried came no more,
And Fritz, that drunken dragon had to go down to the store.

His head was hung in stupor; his eyes were glazed with pain.
Fritz could buy no more brown ale because he had no change.
Without inebriation, Fritz could not go on,
So come and have a drink with me, as we all sing his song.


14 Dec 00 - 04:40 PM (#357271)
Subject: RE: 'Fritz, the German Dragon'- Author?
From: Joe Offer

Oy, do you think somebody would actually claim authorship on this one, Bran?
But I like it, I really do. It's my kinda song.
-Joe Offer-

14 Dec 00 - 06:12 PM (#357333)
Subject: RE: 'Fritz, the German Dragon'- Author?
From: Susanne (skw)

Weeeell - it hasn't quite got the feel of the original, does it? (Also, I'm pissed off with people who identify Germans solely with drinking too much beer! All my friends are quite sober wine-drinkers; the only one who hast just 'fessed up to liking beer is a friend originally from Hull.)

14 Dec 00 - 06:20 PM (#357339)
Subject: RE: 'Fritz, the German Dragon'- Author?
From: mousethief

Yes, how could they have left out the sausage?

15 Dec 00 - 05:38 PM (#357963)
Subject: RE: 'Fritz, the German Dragon'- Author?
From: Mrrzy

LOL! Best parody of this one I've ever read!

15 Dec 00 - 05:46 PM (#357966)
Subject: RE: 'Fritz, the German Dragon'- Author?
From: InOBU

OH Susanne (skw!
Oh Oh OH! I want SOOO much to add other styrotpical German traits to your comment, to agree that Beer drinking is not the most appropriate thing to hang on Germans, however, as I have written vociferacly about my family being killed by prejudice as Gypsies in places like, well... Germany... far be it from me to carry on this process... ONLY KIDDING all of you who are about to flame me...
On a point of interest, Micalob is an Irish American beer, short for Michal O'Brian... sung the song to my wife last night, as she worked late on a brief, she wasn't amused, oh well... - Larry

15 Dec 00 - 05:47 PM (#357969)
Subject: RE: 'Fritz, the German Dragon'- Author?
From: mousethief

Didn't some famous Irishman say that the reason God invented Beer was to keep Ireland from taking over the world?

15 Dec 00 - 05:57 PM (#357980)
Subject: RE: 'Fritz, the German Dragon'- Author?
From: InOBU

I believe it was the same fellow who said if God put the Dutch in Ireland it would be a gardin... if God put the Irish in Holland, it would be an ocean... _ Larry

15 Dec 00 - 06:51 PM (#358009)
Subject: RE: 'Fritz, the German Dragon'- Author?
From: Lanfranc

Thanks - I wish I'd written that.

I will sing it, though, attributing it to Goethe, and see who challenges me!

The only other "Puff" parody that ever got a drunken giggle from me was :

"Flush the magic toilet, lived by the Thames, and frolicked on the mudflats from Wapping to Southend ...."

09 Sep 02 - 07:08 AM (#779545)
Subject: RE: 'Fritz, the German Dragon'- Author?
From: JudeL

Micca, While looking for something else entirely I came across this parody and thought you might like to pass the words on to Jez as an alternative to sing when he's lying down in the gazebo at 2 in the morning. Jude

09 Sep 02 - 07:53 AM (#779572)
Subject: RE: 'Fritz, the German Dragon'- Author?
From: Nigel Parsons

Can't supply an author, but it's on the playlist of Loren Davidson who has an e-mail address on his homepage, he may be able to name the author for you


25 Aug 03 - 09:00 PM (#1008061)
Subject: RE: Fritz, the German Dragon- Author?
From: GUEST,Carrie

I am not a drinker. I am actually one of those people who finds it more fun to watch other people inebriated. It's free entertainment without Anyway I love the humor of this. I Admit that I would never sing this to my kids though.

27 Mar 18 - 01:46 PM (#3913521)
Subject: RE: Fritz, the German Dragon- Author?
From: GUEST,Loren

I believe I'm the person who made this popular in the SCA, but I can't take credit for the lyrics.

Back in the early 1970s - 1974 or 75 - there was this woman folksinger who played in the student union (I think it was after they finished Wilson Commons) at the University of Rochester, in upstate NY. She's the person *I* heard it from. I have no clue who she was; her name is long-since lost to too many alcoholic beverages. :) I'd love to find out.

I performed it at revels in both the East Kingdom and Caid up until I left the SCA in 1984.

Loren Davidson, fka Andregor Starseeker