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Lyr Req: Oidhche Mhaith Leibh (Scottish blessing)

20 Dec 00 - 04:47 PM (#360590)
Subject: Scottish blessing song
From: Peg

Hi all; I have a couple of the verses in Gaelic to this but would like to find the rest if anyone has them. Much appreciated!!!


Soraidh leibh is oidhche mhaith leibh
Oidhche mhaith leibh, beannachd leibh
Guidheam slainte ghnath bhi mar ribh.
Oidhche mhath leibh, beannachd leibh.


(Farewell and good-night to you; Good-night to you, blessings be with you. We wish good health to all of you Good-night to you, blessings be with you.)

Cha'n 'eil inneal ciuil a ghleusar
DhuiSgeas smuain mo chieibh gu aoibh,
Mar ni duan o bhebil nan caileag.
Oidhche mhaith leibh, beannachd leibh.

Thuit ar crann air saoghal carach
'S coma sud, tha mhaitheas leinn;
Bidh sinn beo an dochas ra-mhath:
Oldhche mhaith leibh, beannachd leibh

20 Dec 00 - 04:49 PM (#360593)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Scottish blessing song
From: Peg

arrgh!!! sorry for that quadruple post! It kept saying it wasn't a valid URl thingie so I kept trying!

please delate the extras, oh kindly goodly elves of html disaster fixing, and thank ye kindly...


Your wish is my command. :-) --JoeClone

20 Dec 00 - 04:53 PM (#360595)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Scottish blessing song
From: catspaw49

They can't delete Peg, but if we have a few extra posts here, then the others will fall off to the bottom and people will post on this one.

Sorry, no help with the song though.


20 Dec 00 - 06:26 PM (#360670)
Subject: Lyr add: OIDHCHE MHATH LEIBH (John MacFadyen)
From: GUEST,Philippa

words by John MacFadyen (Mòd 1897)

[seisd/chorus] Soraidh leibh is oidhche mhaith leibh
Oidhche mhaith leibh, beannachd leibh
Guidheam slàinte ghnàth bhith mar riubh.
Oidhche mhath leibh, beannachd leibh.

Chan 'eil inneal ciùil a ghleusar
Dhùisgeas smuain mo chlèibh gu aoibh,
Mar nì duan o bheòil nan caileag.
Oidhche mhaith leibh, beannachd leibh.

'S guth gu m' chridhe pong nan òran
Caidir? solais oigridh 'seinn;
Aiteal ciùin air laithean m'oige;
Sonas a bhi'n còmhnuidh leibh.

Mathair uisge 'n tobair fhioruisg',
Cainnt ar sinnsir brigh na loinn;
'S faochadh tlàth o anradh m'intinn
Nuair bheir rann na glinn a'm chuimhn'.

Grian cha laidh an nochd air miltean.
Leis am binn a fuinn 's a roinn.
'S do'm bi'n sgeul 'na mhòr thoil-intinn
Dh'innseas dhaibh gu'n robh sinn cruinn.

Astar cuain cha dean ar sgaradh,
'S dùrachd daimh am bannaibh toinnt'.
Gleidh an t-agh na d'fhàg a bheannacht;
Oidhche mhath leibh, soiridh leibh.

Thuit ar crann air saoghal carach [corrach]
'S coma sud, tha mhaitheas leinn;
"Bidh sinn beo an dòchas rò-mhath":
Oldhche mhaith leibh, beannachd leibh

main source: "A' Choisir-Chiuil, The Saint Columba Collection of Gaelic Songs". London and Glasgow: Bayley and Ferguson (no date given)

21 Dec 00 - 07:00 AM (#360954)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Scottish blessing song
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Tune?? Please??

21 Dec 00 - 10:14 AM (#361028)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Scottish blessing song
From: Peg

thank you Philippa!!! I really appeaciate it.

Animaterra; I have a CD with this recorded by MotherTongue (we only did two verses, but the tune is the same for all); it is called "This Winter's Night" and you can get it from various places I think...

Also, someone recently recorded a version of with an ever-so-slightly different and I think called the song "The Blessing"; the name escapes me but it may have been Connie Dover...? I wrote it down because it was played on A Celtic Sojourn a couple of times...


12 Mar 03 - 09:06 AM (#908157)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Scottish blessing song
From: GUEST,Laura Plummer

Many thanks to the kind and wise soul who posted the lyrics to this beautiful song. Hear it sung on the album 'The border of Heaven: Celtic music on the American frontier, by Connie Dover - she has an amazing voice.

slan agus go raibh maith agat.