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Lyr Req: Finiculi Finicula - Funiculi Funicula

21 Dec 00 - 12:44 AM (#360867)
Subject: Finiculi Finicula
From: GUEST,

Could anyone provide me with the lyrics to Finiculi Finicula? We would like to sing this song at Christmas. Thank you! Dee

Click for related thread

21 Dec 00 - 12:50 AM (#360870)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Finiculi Finicula
From: kimmers

It's in the DT, albeit somewhat buried. Search for "Funiculi" and it will come up.

21 Dec 00 - 12:55 AM (#360873)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Finiculi Finicula
From: kimmers

try this

Hope this works... my first attempt at blue clickies.

21 Dec 00 - 01:41 AM (#360895)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Finiculi Finicula
From: GUEST,Dee

Thanks for your help kimmers I got the words I needed. Have a great holiday season! Dee

21 Dec 00 - 03:34 AM (#360913)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Finiculi Finicula
From: Steve Parkes

You can find the Italian lyrics here, along with a very jolly arrangement of the tune. I used to listen to this on "Children's Favourites" when I was a kid! (I bet you did too, Roger?) I always wnodered what the words meant -- I do know thery were written to celebrate the opening of a funicular railway, hence the funny name of the song. Obviously, the English version is nothing at all to do with the orioginal! Can anyone do a translation?


21 Dec 00 - 04:03 AM (#360918)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Finiculi Finicula
From: Joe Offer

Hi, Steve - you can find a translation at the Mudcat Cafe (click).

21 Dec 00 - 07:45 AM (#360967)
Subject: Lyr Add: FUNICULÍ FUNICULÁ (Renzo Arbore version)
From: Steve Parkes

Thanks Joe. Actually, if you want to ride a genuine funicular and a rack railway, come to Wales: you'll find the first on the Great Orme in Landudno and the second on Snowdon at Llanberis. (Not to mention a whole load of "normal" narrow gauge and full-size steam railways.) The Great Orme one does actually go round a fewe bends.

Meanwhile, back in the thread ...
These Italian lyrics are given as "Renzo Arbore Version". I take it that's a man's name, not something to do with trees. There's obviously a reference to "pulling the rope": "Tiráte co li ffune". Here are the words:

Aisséra, Nanninè', me ne sagliette,
Tu saje addó'...
Tu saje addó'...

Addó', 'sto core 'ngrato, cchiù dispiette
Farme nun pò...
Farme nun pò!

Addó' lo ffuoco coce, ma si fuje,
Te lassa stá...
Te lassa stá.

E nun te corre appriesso e nun te struje
Sulo a guardá...
Sulo a guardá...

Jammo, jammo,
'Ncoppa jammo ja'...
Jammo, jammo,
'Ncoppa jammo ja'...
Funiculí - funiculá,
Funiculí - funiculá...
'Ncoppa jammo ja',
Funiculí - funiculá....


Nèh jammo: da la terra a la montagna,
No passo nc'è...
No passo nc'è...

Se vede Francia, Pròceta, la Spagna...
E io veco a te!
E io veco a te...

Tiráte co li ffune, ditto 'nfatto,
'Ncielo se va...
'Ncielo se va...

Se va comm'a lo viento e, a ll'intrasatto,
Gué saglie sá'...
Gué saglie sá'...

Jammo, jammo,


Se n'è sagliuta, oje né', se n'è sagliuta,
La capa giá...
La capa giá..

E' ghiuta, po' è tornata, po' è venuta...
Sta sempe ccá...
Sta sempe ccá...

La capa vota vota attuorno, attuorno,
Attuorno a te...
Attuorno a te...

Lo core canta sempe no taluorno:
Sposammo, oje né'...
Sposammo, oje né'...

Jammo, jammo,

You can't really see France and Portugal and Spain from the top of Vesuvius, can you?


21 Dec 00 - 10:46 PM (#361534)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Finiculi Finicula
From: rabbitrunning

Of course we always sang My High Silk Hat to this tune, (in a slight variant from the DT) with gestures, so I can't hear it as a Christmas song...

21 Dec 00 - 10:57 PM (#361542)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Finiculi Finicula
From: Matt_R

Ahhhh songs of my homeland! You don't know HOW much we get a kick out of the "Jammo jando 'Ncopa jammo ja!" chorus....ahhh...LOL!!!

22 Dec 00 - 03:23 AM (#361608)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Finiculi Finicula
From: Steve Parkes

Matt, I'm glad to have brought a smile to your face at this festive time of year, Why no return the favour and tell me what it means?!


22 Dec 00 - 03:45 AM (#361613)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Finiculi Finicula
From: Marymac@her sister's

I used to know an OUTRAGEOUS parody of this concerning masturbation-from a female point of view, I think. I'm not sure of the title of the parody, and I rather doubt it was ever recorded. It was probably written in the mid-to late-70's. I believe it was written up in some song sheets of feminist songs, probably mimeoes, and I think I got my copy from feminists and activists in Philadelphia. It was somewhat graphic and SIDE-SPLITTINGLY FUNNY!


22 Dec 00 - 07:31 AM (#361653)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Finiculi Finicula
From: Steve Parkes


22 Dec 00 - 10:27 AM (#361717)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Finiculi Finicula
From: Snuffy


I remember a similar parody from a male perspective that we sang in the army (UK) in the mid 60's. I've forgotten most of the words, but like you said - it was GRAPHIC!


22 Dec 00 - 02:19 PM (#361832)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Finiculi Finicula
From: Matt_R

Steve--I have no idea! I believe they are the vocables, or nonsense words. In the original Italian, those words are always italicized...just like in Rossini's "La Danza" there is the word "Finche" in the chorus that is italicized while the rest of the chorus is not. Like I said, I'm thinking it's nonsensical.