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BS: What did you get

25 Dec 00 - 07:36 AM (#363048)
Subject: What did you get
From: bill\sables

I was just wondering what everyone got for Christmas. I was given a book from my father in law, an 1891 edition of "Allans Tyneside Songs". There are songs in there I have never heard before.

25 Dec 00 - 07:57 AM (#363051)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Little Neophyte

For Christmas I was given guidance from a dear friend and a good flashlight from God so I can now see the path I want to walk in the New Year.
Guess the best presents come in all sorts and sizes.

Little Neo

25 Dec 00 - 09:57 AM (#363073)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: bflat

Poor me, my computer forgot about all those special gift giving ideas that came flooding into my mailbox in the pre-season offers. I got the gift of friendship from my fiends, the real friends, quite lucky I'd say.


25 Dec 00 - 10:00 AM (#363076)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Bernard

My daughter got me a litre bottle of Drambuie... hic!

Cherry Mishmash e'ry body!!

25 Dec 00 - 10:17 AM (#363078)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Bat Goddess

Squid bits and a light up pen, gravestone-shaped soap and truly magic markers that change color. An antique corn bread mold, a wonderful selection of micro brews and a bottle of Bushmill's (strictly for medicinal -- voice -- purposes!). The joy and surprise of acquaintances who didn't expect a gift, but got one anyway.

Bat Goddess

25 Dec 00 - 10:39 AM (#363088)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Little Hawk

I got one of the sweetest SO's in the history of the world, a couple of great coffee table books (one on the Battle of Britain, and one on the illustrated history of the British Navy....lotsa beautiful paintings of ships from Henry VIII days right to the present), and an egg made out of a semiprecious stone whose name escapes me at the moment (will have to ask SO). Then SO and myself shared in some computer stuff (CD burner, discs, etc. and a software program for learning conversational Spanish...Ay, chihauhau! Ay, caramba! Te quiero mucho, carissima. Ahora, donde esta mi burro? El con los pantalones verdes...).

I also got a framed picture of me and Mike Latter playing music at some gig a while back, and a book of poetry from his stuff.

Good friends, good thoughts, good times.

- LH

25 Dec 00 - 10:55 AM (#363094)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Clifton53

I got a Tascam Porta 2, 4 track tape recorder, for which I was very grateful. Now all I need is a team of experts to set it up for me, I am technophobic, but I'll work on it.


25 Dec 00 - 11:10 AM (#363101)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Alice

I got a wonderful Christmas Eve dinner at a friends house, good conversation, and the chance to sing "Jolly Old Saint Nicholas" to a very appreciative four month old baby (a real cutie and born music lover).

25 Dec 00 - 11:37 AM (#363115)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: DonMeixner

A woman who loves me, a happy family, and a healthy Mother for another year. Don't need more.


25 Dec 00 - 11:42 AM (#363118)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: GUEST,Sarah

I got stuff I've wanted from friends and family who love me, but I also got this in the local newspaper, and would like to share it with all of you:


Christmas is much more than gifts By MICHAEL DeVAUGHN Guest Column

I learned the true meaning of Christmas in December 1991, when I was pastoring one of my first churches in Midland.

I remember this Christmas in particular because my mother was in the last stages of breast cancer. The doctors had told me she wouldn't make it until Thanksgiving, but it was Christmas and we were still together.

All of this was weighing heavily on my mind, and suddenly it was Christmas. I had no Christmas spirit whatsoever. None.

I tried to put up a tree, but it wouldn't fit into the tree holder. In true Grinch style, after struggling with it for more than an hour, I dragged it into the back yard and gave it a good toss. The neighbors came over later that evening and put up the tree. With no Christmas spirit, at least on my part, we did have a tree.

Christmas morning came, and about 9 the doorbell rang. A young child of about 10 years old was standing on the porch, and I noticed a shiny new bicycle leaning against the steps.

"May I help you?" I asked.

"My mother told me to tell you that Santa Claus forgot to visit the kids next door to us," he said.

I spoke with him more and obtained all of the details. A family on his street had awakened with nothing under the tree for Christmas. The mother, who was wheelchair bound, and her four children lived alone. The young boy's mother thought he should come over in person and bring this to my attention.

After speaking to the mother on the telephone and confirming this was true, I called my good friend Dr. Viola Coleman and told her about my young visitor; that somehow, the mother had fallen through the cracks of the social agencies, and the children had received nothing for Christmas.

She asked me if any of the stores were open, and I mentioned to her that I had just returned from Walgreen's.

"Meet me at my house in an hour," she said.

In one hour I was there. When I arrived, Dr. Coleman pulled up in the driveway and the back of her van was loaded with boxes of Christmas gifts - radios, dolls, tape players, puzzles. It was amazing. Everything a child could possibly want or need for Christmas was in the back of her van.

"Take these to the children you called about," she said.

"What will I tell them?" I asked.

"You'll think of something," she replied.

I loaded the items up and drove to the home where the children lived. I took one box out of the car and carried it with me to the house. When I knocked on the door, two little girls opened the door, with their mother watching from the sofa.

"I'm sorry." I said. "There seems to have been a terrible mistake. Santa left a whole lot of toys at my house, but he had the wrong address."

I looked at the box and read one of the girl's names. They both began to jump up and down, yelling, "That's us! That's us! That's us!" at the top of their lungs.

Together, we quickly unloaded the car, and the children where exuberant. I never will forget the joy on their faces as they tore open packages, tried on hats and gloves, and placed batteries in their radios. It was overwhelming.

As I drove home, I thought about what had just happened in light of my own personal struggles with my mother's illness and her imminent death. I learned then, and have always remembered, that the true meaning of Christmas is to bring happiness into the lives of others.

It's not about what we have, or what pain and suffering we have endured, but it is about our capacity to live beyond these tribulations, to live outside of ourselves, and in the process bring joy, hope and love into the lives of others.

I decided to place my sorrow on a back shelf and make this the best Christmas my mother ever had. I was like Scrooge waking up on Christmas morning after having been visited by the Ghost of Christmas Past. I saw things differently.

My mother passed away shortly after Christmas, but my experience with Dr. Coleman and the children grounded me and helped open my eyes. Even in my sorrow, at Christmas, I was able to bring joy into the life of someone else.

Just as the Christ child lying in the manger brought great joy to humankind, this Christmas I challenge you to forget about yourself - for just one day.


Michael DeVaughn is minister of Amarillo's Carter Chapel Christian Methodist Episcopal Church.

25 Dec 00 - 11:42 AM (#363119)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Rizla the Green

A partridge..a couple of turtle doves..three french hens and a few other things.

25 Dec 00 - 12:02 PM (#363125)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get

Sarah, thank you for your post. A wonderful message of love.


25 Dec 00 - 12:10 PM (#363128)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Alice

Thanks, Sarah, for sharing that story.

25 Dec 00 - 12:33 PM (#363136)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Banjer

Sarah, what I got for Christmas pales in comaprison to what the minister, Rev. De Vaughn, recieved. What a wonderful story, thanks for sharing it with us. I'm sitting listening to one of my favorite presents. The first of a four CD set of AMERICAN ROOTS, A History Of American Folk Music. Featured are names like Woodie Guthrie, Roy Acuff, Pete Seeger, Cisco Houston, Jimmie Rodgers, The Carter Family, and many others....Wonderful music!! Currently playing: Ida Red by The Blue Sky Boys with Curly Parker

25 Dec 00 - 12:45 PM (#363143)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Sorcha

floor mats for the car, flannel pants, a new computer, and lots and lots of love.......Kate got striped neon colored toe socks with fringe and Scooby Doo slippers! At least her feet are warm, *BG*

25 Dec 00 - 01:01 PM (#363150)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: GUEST,Bob Schwarer

Great Christmas!! Got my wifes parrot to sing "Jingle Bells" (Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle 'way). She tries hard. Also gives us "Ho, ho, ho merry christmas".

This will go on for a few weeks then we'll give it a rest 'til next December.

Our other bird found out how to turn lights off and on. We used one of these Clapper things to power some decorations from a hard to reach outlet. When Jake squawks the lights go on or off. Lots of fun for him.

Bob S.

25 Dec 00 - 01:28 PM (#363156)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Uncle_DaveO

On Christmas Eve (my family's traditional gift time), I had the loving presence (with a C) of my Beautiful Wife, my three great kids, a good son-in-law, and some and beautiful, intelligent and (for the most part) well-behaved grandchildren. Lots of warmth, not to be accounted for by the cheery fire in the fireplace.

Oh, and by the way, the de regeur shirts and ties, moccasin sox, Woody and Arlo Guthrie CDs, and a few other odds and ends.

May I belatedly wish each of you a wonderful Christmas (or Chanukkah, if that's your persuasion), and in just about six more days, a Magnificent Brand-New Millennium. And be sure not to let it go to waste: Use it all!

Dave Oesterreich

25 Dec 00 - 01:45 PM (#363161)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: roopoo

Well. I got a diamond cross on a chain from my mum, a silk tablecloth from China, chocs and a teapot from the SO, a still non-existent web page from my son, and a home made picture from my younger daughter. But the older girl bought me a cookery book (via Amazon): "White Trash Cookery Book"! It's a belter, including a recipe for 'gator! "Uncle Willie's Swamp Cabbage Stew"!

Good thread material, methinks!


25 Dec 00 - 02:09 PM (#363172)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: bbc

My family around me & a full day in church on Christmas Eve. Blessings of the season to all!

bbc (also some misc. fun stuff)(I'm thinking of buying my own autoharp w/ gift money, looking ahead to the time when my borrowed one will be reclaimed.)

25 Dec 00 - 02:09 PM (#363174)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Roger in Sheffield

A central heating boiler packing up on christmas eve 3PM !!
christmas socks (with santas on them) DOUBLE HUMBUG
....and a book on rare wildflowers of the UK, one of the pages took me back to a lovely holiday a few years back. We stopped the car on a quiet road and "found" Old Winchester Hill quite by chance. The hilltop (site of an old fort/castle?) was covered in wild flowers and butterflies flitted around in the sunshine while we took in the wonderful views. one of the plants in flower I had never seen before or since until the photograph in this book. Round-headed Rampion (Phyteuma orbiculare), and the blue flower heads were covering the hilltop, a beautiful place
Another page has Water Lobelia, which reminds me of Irish bog pools this summer, between Roundstone and Clifton, where it grows beneath the water and puts up flowers above the surface into the windswept wilderness beneath the dramatic backdrop of the Twelve Bens
Anyone going to be at the sword dancing at Handsworth tomorrow? Might see you there or in the Cross Keys after????


25 Dec 00 - 02:18 PM (#363177)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: catspaw49

Wonderful story Sarah and thanks.

Ol' Spaw got what he's been getting for several years now, and I am lucky to have it the other 364 days as well. I have two fine young sons, each meeting his life in the best way he can, and both with love for Mom and Dad. I have the finest wife I could ever have imagined who tolerates me and actually loves me for reasons that I cannot fathom. We have Connie and Wayne and their boys and the family we've built rather than been born to and all the traditions we try to maintain for our kids.

And I am lucky and blessed to have found this place two years ago (about now as a matter of fact) and to have the wonderful friends that have been made here.

So what else do I need?

Spaw (well hell, if you're flush, you could send me some money.......)

25 Dec 00 - 03:33 PM (#363202)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Matt_R

Clothes, my annual Tolkien Calendar, a T-square (hey, I'm an artist), and CD's (Meatloaf's Bat Out of Hell II, Moody Blues' Days of Future Past, and Billy Ray Cyrus' Greatest AWESOME album). Oh yes, and a 19" color TV to replace my 23-year-old B&W TV.

Now I'm sitting here blasting U2's Rattle & Hum . Listening to a kick-ass song U2 wrote and sang with Bob Dylan.

25 Dec 00 - 05:06 PM (#363229)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: InOBU

I got a real act of kindness from a Greyhound driver. I had to put m wife on a bus to Virginia this morning, (her mum got sick see Chrismas in the UK for details...) Well, Genie was on the bus, which was delayed in starting, and crying ... and as you know, US is the nation of rules, and NYC is the point to the rule book capital of the world... so I asked the driver if there was time for a phone call at any stop. He told be that there was in Baltimore. I asked him to tell that to my wife. He looked about to see that the dispatcher wasn't looking, and said, "why don't you go on the bus and tell her yourself." That was the best Christmas gift (even if it weren't the only one so far) I could have gotten. Genie got a great gift last night, her brother, who has been homesteading in Alaska since she was 5, called out of the blue. First time she spoke to him in her adult life. He gave us his teliphone number and email adress! Email for a guy who lives by hunting bear and moose and lives in a cabin he made himself in the wilderness! Amazing days we live in!
Merry Christmas all

25 Dec 00 - 05:32 PM (#363234)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: tar_heel

my son gave me a 4 box set of cd's...the music of bill monroe from 1936 to 1994.even has a history book included with photos and info about the life of bill monroe....all total,98 songs by the father of bluegrass.........thank you,son....................

25 Dec 00 - 07:23 PM (#363271)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get

Oh those wonderful kids! Got a bike rack for the car; holds three bikes and a three CD collection with book of Joan Baez. And, three bottles of wine for future use.


25 Dec 00 - 07:25 PM (#363273)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: katlaughing

Bill/sables that sounds like a really lovely and impressive book; I didn't know there were any songs you didn't know.:-)

One of my sisters works with Native American teens, many of whom live well below the so-called poverty line. One little boy, 13 years old, has stolen her heart. When she found out his family circumstances, she and my other sister, who is a minister, went to their church and spoke about it. Much in the way of Sarah's story, my sisters said the thing they loved this Christmas was delivering toys, clothing, and groceries to this boy's home, courtesy of the church. The children were thrilled.

The really neat thing was, while they were there, a huge moving van pulled up. There is a donor in Lincoln, Nebraska, who gives away 100 brand new bicycles every Christmas to needy children. My sisters and the children watched in delight as 4 new bikes, of appropriate sizes, were unloaded and given to my sister's student and his siblings. Absolutely made their day.

We had a few of the usual type gifts, bathrobes, etc.. Rue gave me a Tibetan Singing Bowl. The thing that I really will cherish, is my sister, the minister, wrote in page after page of a small spiral bound notebook, the many reasons why she loves me and what she remembers of me throughout our lives. I couldn't read it right away as it started to make me cry.

And, of course, there is my SO and my daughter whom we live with and my other children and grandchildren. It's been a pretty great day all in all.


25 Dec 00 - 07:33 PM (#363276)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: katlaughing

LilBonaphyte, I forgot to say, it sounds to me like you passed on what you me. Thanks for that, darlin'.


25 Dec 00 - 08:21 PM (#363291)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Guy Wolff

I got to play my gutar with a Borouque Flute player and a Viola de Goma player and a realy happening bass drum.. The first was my brother in law Brian the second was Erica my wife and the third was my other brother in law Seth.. Tons of hello's to all here who I've had the luck to talk with over the last few years.. I loved Bonnie's post !!!

25 Dec 00 - 10:30 PM (#363309)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Mark Clark

I really hit the jackpot so far. Boxed sets of Lighting Hopkins and the songs of Willie Dixon. It's been sounding really great around here all day.

      - Mark

25 Dec 00 - 11:59 PM (#363347)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Troll

I had BOTH my kids all day and my daughter-the vegetarian- fixed dinner. We had a tofurkey (yes. I am serious) and it wasn't bad. I made pies and sort of hovered. It's my kitchen and I worry about my knives and things.
My daughter gave me a nifty detail sander, my son gave me a six-pack of socks-which he will doubtless steal- and the Memsahib gave me a recliner and a book to read while sitting in it.
My brother gave us a little fountain to go in our new sitting room and the duplicating company sent us our new CD, Klezarchy.
All my mudcat friends seem to have survived the holidays so far. What more could I ask for.


26 Dec 00 - 12:18 AM (#363351)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Matt_R

Hee hee, sounds like a boxed set Christmas for everyone! I got both of ELO's box sets...but I was impatient and bought them myself! 4 litle diamonds!

26 Dec 00 - 03:22 AM (#363407)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get

I just finished up the dishes from dinner, which we shared with good friends. I'm fortunate to have people in my life that can open up new worlds with the simple act of unclasping a guitar case. Earlier, amongst an undeserved bounty, I opened gifts from my sister which included two LP records ( they're large round, black vinyl things with music on them): Dubliner's two record set, and a Clancy Brothers/Makem home recording. Lovely. But, the thing that made me weep- a collage she made of photographs of, and words by, our late brother. I wept at our loss, and our resilience, and his poetry, and our ability to learn and be strong. And I thought that part of what makes me a grown-up is the lessons I learn from grieving. It's coming up seven years, now, since he died, and not having him around at Christmas is throat-tightening, but what I get from his death and life every day is the ability to empathise. I hope I do not lose that.

26 Dec 00 - 03:41 AM (#363409)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: GUEST,(Mollificent at Mum's house)

Thought you 'Catters would appreciate the song we whipped up at our traditional Christmas Eve bar carol last night.

On the first day of Christmas, Alex (proprietor) gave to me,

One very tall Long Island iced tea;

Two pints of beer,

Three mai tais,

Four salty dogs,

Five shots of rum!

Six scotch and sodas,

Seven whiskey sours,

Eight Bloody Marys,

Nine Fuzzy Navels,

Ten Margaritas,

Eleven Margaritas,

Twelve Margaritas...

(by the end, of course, we were all too schnockered to remember the bloody words anyway, and couldn't pronounce what we could remember...)


26 Dec 00 - 03:44 AM (#363410)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: GUEST,Moll again


Incidentally, I'm sorry to hear about your loss. My grandmother died four years ago the day before Christmas, and it's still really hard. I sang "Christmas in the Trenches" for my parents and some friends tonight, and then they requested "Kilkelly, Ireland," and by the time I got to the last verse I was almost bawling. Finished it, but just barely. This can be a tough time of year.


26 Dec 00 - 04:08 AM (#363412)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: paddymac

Ah, Mouldy, you'll love that swamp cabbage, provided you can get the real stuff, fresh. It's actually the apical meristem of the cabbage palm tree. The outer layers are very bitter, so be sure not to use them. A good rule of thumb is to take a little nibble from the bottom of the leaf. Don't use it if it has any bitterness in the taste. Just boil it up with some fat-back or good smoked bacon, add a little salt and pepper, and enjoy. It's one of those things that's hard to make a little of, so be sure to get the gang together. If you've never had it before, you've got a treat in store. Don't know where you live, but tell your green grocer you want fresh "heart of palm." I doubt it's in the market on a regular basis, but the suppliers' mart of any sizeable city should have access to it. Damn, I'm getting hungry for it just by thinking about it. It's amazing how an old-time survuval food can become kinda chic in better times.

26 Dec 00 - 04:22 AM (#363413)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: paddymac

I got off on a tangent thinking about Mouldy's swamp cabbage recipe and negelected to mention my favorite gift. My eldest son plays mandolin in our pub band, but also plays lead guitar in a heavy-metal. Way back in the summer of '97 they asked me to record the A part of the irish trad tune "Dunmore Lasses" with them. It was fun, but I never expected anything more than a demo tape to come of it. Well, the group self-produced it as a CD to sell at their gigs. He gave me a a copy of the CD as a surprise christmas present. I think I can now truthfully say I'm probably the only fat-old-fart that ever played hammered dulcimer in a heavy metal band, and has the CD to prove it. Never realized life could be such a hoot.

26 Dec 00 - 05:50 AM (#363420)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Banjer

Kat's post had a message that we could all pick up on. How hard could it be to start right after New Years day promoting the following thought among coworkers and family, and anybody else we can think of:


If you could get each person you contact to supply one toy a month. If each person bought a $5 toy that would mean $60 over the course of 12 months. Most of us could swing that. (in my case there are about 15 coworkers, and 6 family members as a base group. That's 21 pieces per month X 12 = 252 toys)

When the space becomes critical, one could find someone with a rental storage facility that has room, or maybe get a local business involved and donate some space.

Then, next November, contact a local service organization to donate the toys for needy kids. OR - arrange to go to a local youth facility and hand them out ourselves. The small effort would produce great results, for ALL

Think about it!

26 Dec 00 - 06:06 AM (#363422)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: CarolC

I got to spend time with my son, which is always a treat. I'm just now eating some wicked barbeque sauce my brother gave me (that he made himself... on top of basmati rice and tofu based meatless hot dogs... yummy). I know, 6:00 AM is a funny time to be eating barbeque sauce on anything.

I got a really nice phone call from a good friend who lives far away.

And some other interesting stuff.


26 Dec 00 - 07:07 AM (#363426)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Hi, Bill! How have you been? I thought of you yesterday when I opened my new Intellitouch Tuner from my dad- you inspired me to ask him for it! Now if I can just get it to work...
A day at home with my family- never once started the car. My sister, brother and mum showed up from various points and no one had a tantrum (it was the sibs I was worried about, not the kids!). I never touched the computer. My kids were wonderful all day.
It was our first Santa-free Christmas; my daughter finally gave him up at age 11 this year; so we became Santa for a little girl off the local giving tree, so we had fun picturing Felicia's pleasure at opening the doll and other things she had asked for.
There are still 11 days left of Christmas; may they continue merry and bright for us all!

26 Dec 00 - 07:08 AM (#363427)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: John P

Three CDs that I had on my list to get after I dumped all my vinyl: Jethro Tull - "Benefit", Janice Joplin - "Pearl", and The Beatles - "Abbey Road".

We had a Tofurkey dinner, a Pictionary game, and a nice jam session with some new friends who are fast becomming really good friends.


26 Dec 00 - 07:36 AM (#363438)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Little Neophyte

I had a wonderful Christmas at Rick and Heather Fielding's home. Gifted with presents of much love, warmth and good friendship.
And Santa put under the Fielding Christmas tree a very special friend for me..........Little Ricky
He is a beautiful Betta fish. Maybe I'll get Little Ricky to join the Mudcat. He is so cute!
Oh got to go, Little Ricky is blowing bubbles at me, guess its time to feed him breakfast.

Little Neo

26 Dec 00 - 07:39 AM (#363439)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Bernard

First time in over twenty years that I haven't roasted a Christmas turkey.

I had beans and sausages on toast instead.

26 Dec 00 - 11:12 AM (#363472)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Morticia

On the 23rd, I got my telephone lines phone calls from friends and family, no e-mail and no Mudcat.But we all had a great time anyway, gales of laughter and lots of daft games and today.....the cable modem kicked back in.....hurrah!!!!A belated Merry Christmas to all!!

26 Dec 00 - 11:30 AM (#363479)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Sorcha

Ah, Bliss! THE DAY is over and I can get back to some sembalence of Normal Life. Yesterday, we opened presents as soon as Mr. got home from work, about 8 AM, had breakfast in front of the fire, and cleaned up the mess. Then:

Mr. went to bed, Luke went "out" with the SO, Kate went cruising to see what she could see, and the dogs and I sat here bored out of our minds. Forgot to go to Library and get new books. TV, as usualy, bombed. Can't play music when Mr is asleep.......I guess I could have done laundry, lol!

No Christmas Dinner to speak of--there was no one here to eat it. So I had tamales and Chile Colorado (I cheated--bought the tamles from the vendor) and just made the chile gravy. On top of that, I think I finally seperated a rib, I am off to do the laundry today, and maybe call Dr. and get some Humibid.

PS--Why is today called "Boxing Day"? Did there used to be boxing matches, or maybe it'ts because you "box" all the presents to return? *BG*

Love ya'll-------Sorch

26 Dec 00 - 11:42 AM (#363482)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get

I had a Christmas celebration with my son - the first in four years. AND a surprise visit from my niece in Florida - the first in countless years. Some family squabbles were settled (No, I was never a part of them). A new baby led a lot of people back to their senses. No tree. And the lights refused to work after the first ten minutes. But the Smith boys' candles lent a warm glow. 2001 has all the markings of a banner year.

26 Dec 00 - 12:31 PM (#363504)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Rick Fielding

What did I get? One more fine afternoon and evening with friends, a turkey that worked, and a lotta nice feelings. A book on music and a book on baseball (someone knows me well) and from Heather's Dad, the present of my choice! Ooh! OoooH! Gonna be a new Dremel to replace the one that blew up during my shed renovation!


26 Dec 00 - 12:56 PM (#363509)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: GUEST,Steve Latimer

Mark Clark, what is the name of the Lightnin' Box Set? I'd love to get it.

Matt R. What Bob song did he do with U2?

We had a wonderful Christmas. My family gathered at my sisters house on Christmas Eve. It's not very often that I'm with my brother, three sisters my mom, my 2 children and my niece and nephew and my SO. The fact that we were all there made this night very special.

We are not really Turkey fans, we had our "traditional" dinner. Sushi, Curry & Roti, many appetizers, home made lasagna, Greek & Caesar Salads. I also discovered that there is something I like more than Jameson's. Tullamore Dew is scary it's so good.

After we opened the presents the kids (ages 6-10)put on a Christmas play that they had written. They then went to bed and a couple of my sisters friends came over, both working musicians and we had a wonderful kitchen jam. Three wonderful, tasteful guitar players creating beautiful music. It called for more Tullamore Dew. I even got the five string out long enough to chase my mom and brother home.

The only CD's I got were Bob & The Band "The Basement Tapes" and one that I bought for myself when I was shopping, "The Best Of Arlo Guthrie" which I had on Vinyl, then Cassette and now CD. I've always felt a kinship with the fellas on the Group W bench.

I'm glad to hear so many others had such a wonderful Christmas.

26 Dec 00 - 02:01 PM (#363532)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Mrs.Duck

Sorcha, it is called boxing day because in days gone by it was considered wrong to open presents on Christmas day which was a day for churchgoing. They therefore opened their 'boxes' on the following day. For this reason boxing day can never be on a Sunday and moves to the 27th if this happens.
I got dream catcher earrings, duck earrings, Aztec earrings and I've still got a spare set of holes!!!!!I also got lots of chocolate and some sensuous body lotion----bye!

26 Dec 00 - 02:07 PM (#363536)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Mootlefish

I got a train set, a megabloc piano, fluffy pink slippers, pull along ducks and a video remote control that plays lots of tunes and lots of paper and boxes too!!

26 Dec 00 - 02:15 PM (#363541)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Boats

I got a kitchen, a popalong train. slippers with Pooh on, stacking ducks, a video remote control that plays lots of tunes and even more paper and boxes.
PS my sister talks too much.

26 Dec 00 - 02:49 PM (#363557)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Liz the Squeak

I got some chocolate, a book about chocolate and some new earphones. And a green man. And a coat that is a bit on the large size - still, I'll not need gloves with it!

I also got a child with a temperature of 39.8..... she's better now and got lots of fuzzy felt and a Clangers' puzzle.


26 Dec 00 - 03:10 PM (#363569)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Jimmy C

Sarah, thanks for the beautiful story - it reminded me of a time when some friends and I discovered a neighbour who was in the same situation, the father was out of work and sick, 3 children, the mother too proud to ask for help etc. We found out by accident through the visiting nurse who was attending the husband, After a few phone calls we came up with 2 hampers of food, turkey included, about 6 boxes of toys and clothes for the children and parents. Not to embarrass the lady we had it delivered with no name. Later when her husband recovered and returned to work, she mentioned it one day to me, I just played dumb and said " Maybe there is a Sanat Claus after all". She still has no idea where the stuff came from. WE all felt really good that year.

This year, after Midnight Mass, all the family at home except one daughter, snow on the ground, good Christmassy feeling all around. I got the usual shirts,chocolates, after shave, socks etc. but also my wife gave me a book " 1000 years of Irish Poetry", my daughter gave me " 44 Irish Short Stories" and from Santa another book " Traditional Songs from the North of Ireland". Later my 2nd daughter who lives in Ireland called to wish us a Merry Christmas and to inform us that she was engaged to be married, he proposed on Christmas day, she was so happy it made our day also. All in all a very merry Christmas.

26 Dec 00 - 06:00 PM (#363645)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: NightWing

Jacket and a cookbook


*grump* I'm always slightly grumpy this time of year. Too much going on.

But I did get to watch my 5-year-old nephew get quite basically buried by a blizzard of gifts from both sets of grandparents and five aunts and uncles.

No doubt he really and truly is growing up. Last year he spent the rest of the day playing with the wrapping paper and boxes; this year, the Game Boy. *L*


26 Dec 00 - 06:12 PM (#363650)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Sorcha

Liz, that is what you get for taking her to Micca's! LOL! Sorry she is ill, that's no fun at all. PS--we all also got another bucket load of tears and joy from Wes and Bretta.......damn these tears, you'd think I'd be cried out dry by now, but oh no............

26 Dec 00 - 06:19 PM (#363657)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: katlaughing

Damn, Sorcha, ya should have gotten in the car and come over! If I'd known you were going to be sitting there thinking of laundry I'd have told you so that day!*BG* We had plenty to go round and it would have been fun to have you. Next year, m'dear, if circumstances are the same!


26 Dec 00 - 06:38 PM (#363669)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Sorcha

Well, damn all! I shoulda thought of that, too! Oh well. Next year will probably be more of same, you still gonna be in Casper? We could make a PLAN!! Whatcha doin for New Years Eve/Day? I could sleep on the flaw, and smoke in the garage with Rog.........

26 Dec 00 - 06:43 PM (#363673)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get

Krizmuz started owt purty fair fer me cuz I ment thizzerr ol girl whut wantud ta do sum fine sekshual acts on me an I figger as ta how I wernt doin nuthin' elz Ide take her up on the idee. Come ta find owt tho thet she wantud me ta pay her an wen I dint have no money, she slapped me upside the head reel hard an callt me a lotta names.

Weuns went ta Catspaws playz fer the mornin an Paw gimmee thizzeer book whutz got maps of all the states an everthang senz weer alwayz a gittin lost when we come a lookin fer you folks. Catspaw gimmee the honor uv goin down inna bazement an pluggin in the outdoor lights. Now I kinda messed up there cuz I wuzza standin in some cat pee er sumpin there by the litter boxes which are over whair the plugs is. When I plugged 'em in I got me a big ol jolt uv thet thair eelecktricity whut nocked me acrost the bazement on my ass. The resta the day wuz kinda blurry after thet an I wuzza gittin worreet thet the shock had messed me up sorta' so the boys all took me ta the Emurjentzy Room. Az I wuz goin thru Catspaw's back yard though, I stepped in one of them piles uv Weimaraner poop an Buford made me leev my shoos inna driveway an I went barefoot ta thet ER.

The Docs sed thet I wuz jist a little screwt up frum the axsiddent an Ide be OK, but they alzo found out when they wuzza checkin me over thet the girl who give me her body also gimmee one of them thair Veneereeyul dizeezis so they gimmee sum pennysillin an sent me on home.

So I guess fer Krizmus I got a map, a zap, some crap, an the clap.


26 Dec 00 - 06:50 PM (#363676)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get

Oh a slap too. Soze thatted be a slap,a map,a zap,some crap,an the clap.

Ialwayz gitz sum mitey fine stuff.


26 Dec 00 - 06:55 PM (#363680)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Sorcha

Oh, Cletus, honey, I am soooooo sorry! You better git PawSpaw to take you out to the compost heap so's you kin git a good meal. Mebbe there is some Piggy Pudding left?

26 Dec 00 - 07:09 PM (#363691)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Banjer

Cletus, you don't suppose that map 'Spaw give ya is a hint of some kind, do ya? I bet if ya look at it real good you'll find the page for Ohio cut out of the book. That's so when ya find yer way to anyplace you won't be able to find yer way back...That 'Spaw is kinda sneaky in some ways...What I really wonder about is when ya got knocked on yer ass with the 'letricity, how did ya know that anythin' was wrong...What I hear, you wander around in a fog about all the time anyhow...Well, I gotta go, tell the Reg's I wish all of you a Merry Christmas.

By the way folks, do you realize now that it's over there are only 364 shopping days till we do it again?

26 Dec 00 - 07:11 PM (#363694)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Sorcha

And today I got.......1 pound of pristine pecan halves from my bestest friend Judith, and a set of prints (watercolor) from an artist friend--Barbara Schaffner--of me and part of my "band" performing at Old Fort Laramie in period dress. These are WAY, WAY cool! 4 small ones, and one large one, all #93 of 2,000. I wish you could all see them (need digi cam!!) Now I just have to get them framed and find a place to hang them..........(I have unframed art stashed behind the sofa, the speakers, the more wall space!!)

26 Dec 00 - 07:14 PM (#363698)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get

a broken heart and a bitter disposition

26 Dec 00 - 07:17 PM (#363703)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Sorcha

Well, GUEST, I have had a broken heart more than once, most recently 9 Demember. A bitter dispositon? That one is your choice, my friend, your choice. Need a hug? Here's one.....((((((**))))))

26 Dec 00 - 08:22 PM (#363733)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: momnopp

I got drunk and silly on eggnog & Captain Morgan's that I bought with my Christmas bonus. Luckily I did my drinking in front of the fire with family/loved ones. I got a book on writing a business plan and some earrings and a Celtic Women CD and lot of smiles and giggles and a stomachache from stuffing myself silly with lucious food.

All told it was a good and a warm holiday. Eventually we remembered to light the Menorah and then we went home.


26 Dec 00 - 08:47 PM (#363747)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: GUEST,nathan tompkins


Thank you for the hug....I need all the hugs I can get right now....been crying my eyes out....she dumped me today and is going back to her ex husband (who btw is a control freak)....

Nathan aka Amergin

26 Dec 00 - 09:04 PM (#363754)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Sorcha

Well, nathan, I am sorry she dumped you, but it was her decision. There is heartbreak, and then there is heartbreak......our best friend killed himself Dec 9, and Wesley lost his newborn son last Friday. Pull yourself out and see what you can do for others,,,,,,,,and another hug, in case you need it......(((((((((**))))))))

26 Dec 00 - 09:21 PM (#363765)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Nathan Tompkins (inactive)

Oh, Sorcha, I am so sorry to hear that....I am still in shock over this....I love her....Well, here's a big hug for you and Wes, Sweetie.....((((((((**))))))))


26 Dec 00 - 10:15 PM (#363796)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: GUEST,Noreen

Sorry for your trouble, Nathan / Amergin: knowing that someone hurts worse than you, doesn't necessarily make your own hurt any less...

What did I get? I got through Christmas Day, and had some laughs with my children. Mudcatters will understand- peeling veggies in the morning, all round the kitchen table, listening to 'Simon & Garfunkel Greatest Hits', singing along but changing a few relevant words:

I am a Sprout, I am a Ca-a-a-rrot
(And a sprout feels no pain.
And a carrot ne-ver cries.)

I'd Rather be a Carrot Than a Sprout...

OK, but it was funny at the time.


27 Dec 00 - 08:59 AM (#363923)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: GUEST,Noreen

Well I thought it was funny anyway...

27 Dec 00 - 09:16 AM (#363932)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: katlaughing

Noreen, I laughed so hard, I am just now picking m'self up off the floor! *bg* Esp. significant to a veggie like me!


27 Dec 00 - 09:21 AM (#363936)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Firecat

I tgot a Siemens Mobile!!! And a Steps book and a Westlife and a1 album and a Westlife bag and 2 clocks andlots and lots of teeties and a v. posh address book and a little chest of drawers and slippers and a new outfit and magician coming down and Chicken Run and a pot doll and 2 teddies and bubbles and a tenner and a £10 HMV voucher so I did pretty well. Roll on 9 days time for my birthday!!!! 17!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

27 Dec 00 - 10:05 AM (#363957)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: catspaw49

Firecat? You got lots of teeties? I thought two were all that was needed? Are these falsies or somethin'?


27 Dec 00 - 11:05 AM (#363979)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: GUEST,Caitrin @ home

Well, the spiffiest thing I got for Christmas was a Gerber multi-tool. :) It could eat a swiss army knife for breakfast...a great thing for a techie to have. The second-spiffiest thing was a nice piece of Clan MacDonald tartan, just the right length for an ardsaidh, and a black silk dress to wear it with.
On another note, I also got a nice trip home. Living six hours away, it's fairly seldom that I see my family...even with Mum's martyr complex and Dad grilling me about my grades, and Charles fighting me for the computer, it was good to be home.

27 Dec 00 - 11:27 AM (#363986)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: GUEST,Nancy King

I had both my sons at home for Christmas, and that's always a gift...

But in addition, I got a wonderful surprise: sixteen individuals and couples--many of them Mudcatters--got together and bought me a beautiful piece of art I'd been publicly coveting for a couple of years now. It's a remarkable turned-wood piece made by 'Catter Bill Day, who really knows how to bring out the hidden beauty in a chunk of wood. No verbal description can do it justice--you'll all just have to come to my house and see it! I'm really overwhelmed that so many friends think enough of me to do this. The best surprise I've had in years.

Love to all, Nancy

27 Dec 00 - 02:40 PM (#364069)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Bert

TWO robes, now I won't have to stand around naked while one is in the wash. A sweat shirt, a wooden model kit for a boat and other little goodies.
BUT in the after Xmas sales I got a reversable windproof coat for $18. And A 5HP 13 gallon Air compressor with some air tools.

Now I've got the giggles picturing Rick building a shed with his Dremel tool. Rick, you should heed 'Tim The Toolman' and find yourself a 350 Chevvy Engine and....

Bert. (BTW, is Tim The Toolman related to Cletus?)

27 Dec 00 - 03:04 PM (#364077)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Songster Bob

Moll wrote:

""Thought you 'Catters would appreciate the song we whipped up at our traditional Christmas Eve bar carol last night.

On the first day of Christmas, Alex (proprietor) gave to me,

One very tall Long Island iced tea;

Two pints of beer,

Three mai tais,

Four salty dogs,

Five shots of rum!

Six scotch and sodas,

Seven whiskey sours,

Eight Bloody Marys,

Nine Fuzzy Navels,

Ten Margaritas,

Eleven Margaritas,

Twelve Margaritas... "

... which reminds me of the T-shirt I saw:

One tequila, Two tequila, Three tequila, Floor!

I got only one bottle of booze (maybe I'm less type-cast than I used to be; I used to get at bottles from at least four different friends, and sometimes more), three CDs or four, some shirts and socks, and permission to buy myself a National steel guitar clone from Ebay. It came a week ago, and sat around till Christmas when I could finally open it and see if it was any good. And it was. Plain metal (not etched or engraved) but decent sound, no dents or dings, hard case, etc.

Bob Clayton

28 Dec 00 - 03:50 AM (#364435)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: sledge

I have yet to find out what santa bought for me, however two weeks will see a flurry of torn wrapping paper and who knows what else?

Merry christmas and all the best for the new year


28 Dec 00 - 11:02 AM (#364552)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: GUEST,scabby doug (at work)

I got a new shiny Crafter mandolin that I had been hinting heavily about, and the soundtrack CD to movie "O Brother Where art Thou?".

I'd like to echo some of the syrupy stuff that others have been posting but I kepp getting ovecome by nausea (sorry - just kidding..LOL)

28 Dec 00 - 07:07 PM (#364854)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Liz the Squeak

Must be a bummer having orthodox Christmas, just when the telly puts on all the new series' stuff.... Still, it's a bit of a bummer when all you get is syrupy stuff about lost elves, absent parents who always make it home, and every Christmas, everywhere, from Trondhiem to Tanganika being a white (as in snowy) Christmas... Phoebe wouldn't believe it was Christmas day because it wasn't snowing!


28 Dec 00 - 07:30 PM (#364868)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: CamiSu

My two older kids are home for a while, and they CLEANED the living room. After that I wasn't expecting anything else from them, but they'd also brought fun stuff from St Andrews and Barcelona. And my Austrian son gave me a painting by a new friend. Plus a really nice quiet day. AND my brother, whom I was caring for in early December is doing quite well now, and has a marvellous HUGE scar that we threatened to tattoo a zipper onto!

Happy New Year to All


28 Dec 00 - 07:44 PM (#364873)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get

A cold.

28 Dec 00 - 07:50 PM (#364877)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Sorcha

Guest, I had one of those too, but I passed it along, as one is supposed to do with colds. Feel much better now. CamiSu, GO FOR IT!!!

28 Dec 00 - 11:43 PM (#364980)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Gypsy

a beautiful, handcarved tuning wrench for the dulcimer! Wow! two stands for the mandolins! Yay! a pickpocket for the picks! Life is good. Now if i just pull out that wheel fiddle.....

29 Dec 00 - 10:57 PM (#365460)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: WyoWoman

I got from my son a Leatherman tool, the only material thing I really wanted. He thoughtfully got me the "urban" version, complete with corkscrew and butter spreader. Said he figured I'd need it more than an awl ...
And the following card from my daughter:

"Mommy -- (yes, she's 23, but I'm still her mommy)
Christmas has always been such a happy time for me, even though we've never had tons of presents under our tree (or tumbleweed). But we always had our tree and our cookies and our stockings and our church. And even in the tightest $ years, you made sure Austin and I felt cared for and loved. We always did. It worked!"
(The tumbleweed reference is for the year I decided to get a huge tumbleweed -- we were broke, they were free and plentiful out in the back yard -- and spray it with snow. I covered it with ornaments and thought it looked so artsy. My son and daughter were horrified and not one Christmas went by thenceforth without one of them wagging a finger at me and saying, "NO TUMBLEWEEDS..." )

And in a telephone call with my 81-year-old mother, she -- eternally cranky she, the source of so much fury and angst during my younger days -- said, "You know, I think I've learned from you how to say 'Thank you,' and I've been just thanking people for how they've contributed to me over the years ..."

Now THAT one just about made my heart burst. I haven't had much this Christmas in the way of material goodies, but I've had such a remarkable season on a spiritual and emotional level.

And, of course the jester's hat. My friend Paige bought me a big, purple jester's hat because I said I always look like a dope in hats. Now I REALLY look like a dope in my hat ...

Best wishes of the season to all y'all,


29 Dec 00 - 11:23 PM (#365469)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Son of the Mill

I got a pair of socks and a ---- both three sizes to big.

29 Dec 00 - 11:27 PM (#365472)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Matt_R

A big bully is trying to take my present away and keep it for his own. I mean to take it back.

29 Dec 00 - 11:41 PM (#365479)
Subject: RE: BS: What did you get
From: Haruo

Least needed but well-meant: Vineyard songbook & CD Jesus, I believe you. Most pleasing: two coffee mugs (one huge, the other more modest but with writing in Mazatec on the outside (being a language nut, Mazatec strikes a chord - it's the infamous Mexican whistling language, a tongue so tonal that large amounts of content can be whistled from mountaintop to mountaintop); well, actually the $50 from Aunt Barbara was probably almost as pleasing to me as the mugs. Hottest to the tongue: wasabi peanuts. Most needed that I didn't get: my annual haircut (Lynne forgot to bring her clippers).
