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BS: A White Christmas?

25 Dec 00 - 11:24 AM (#363109)
Subject: A White Christmas?
From: Ebbie

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know
Where the treetops glisten and children listen
To hear sleighbells in the snow
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
With every Christmas card I write
May your days be merry and bright
And may all your Christmases be white

Just wondering how many Mudcatters have snow on the ground today.

Snow has been late coming to southeast Alaska this winter. It has flirted with us several times but there hasn't been a serious snowfall yet.

I had to laugh when I looked out my window this morning- just enough fresh snow on the grass to make it stubbly, looking like a man who needs a shave. Well, it tried!


25 Dec 00 - 11:26 AM (#363110)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: Ebbie

Well! That was seriously botched. But Merry Christmas, everybody!


25 Dec 00 - 11:30 AM (#363112)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: Bill D

well, a mottled landscape...just enough leftover snow to remind us....we get 'white' about 1 year in 10-12

25 Dec 00 - 11:41 AM (#363117)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: Allan C.

While I have encountered snow already on the ground on Christmas Eve/Day a few times, never in all my travels have I ever experienced accumulating snowfall on those days. So I'm still dreaming...

25 Dec 00 - 11:57 AM (#363123)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

Yeah the "white shit" is falling here... You can have the F#@*ing stuff too! Yours, Aye. Dave (who has to shovel it and drive in it after work) anyone need sailors in Arizona?

25 Dec 00 - 12:00 PM (#363124)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: GUEST,Sarah

I often (probably too often) say that Amarillo in winter looks its best under a blanket of white...the local grass "dies" in the fall, and the whole town is brown and cold and depressing when the skies are clear blue and the north wind whistles through at 40-60 mph.

It's lovely right now. White and slowly getting whiter as the morning passes. Just enough to cover the grass so far; the trees are coated with frost and look delicate against the gray skies (we have LOTS of sky!). There's no wind. The streets are still clear, but the weatherman promises more this afternoon. I don't even care if I have to shovel the driveway; my Scotties will come "help" me in that instance, and will give me a few laughs while they bound like black, foreshortened dolphins through the drifts.

Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!

25 Dec 00 - 12:14 PM (#363131)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: catspaw49

We've had a very early cold and snowy spell for this part of Ohio and we do have a solid ground cover here and its snowing now as I type.


25 Dec 00 - 12:22 PM (#363133)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: McGrath of Harlow

No chance - rainy and chilly, but snow is pretty rare at this time, round here. But it's just the first day of Christmas - maybe by Twelth Night...

25 Dec 00 - 12:40 PM (#363140)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: Sorcha

Started snowing here, in Wyoming, about 5 AM, we have about 2" now. Looks like it will snow all day....."shovelin', shovelin', shovelin', shovelin', all night long...."

25 Dec 00 - 01:53 PM (#363165)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: roopoo

Well we have had snow and hail showers here today in Yorkshire, but it hasn't settled. Biting cold though, compared with what it has been. Of course, the SO who has just returned from Russia is scoffing at our meagre showers and says it's good to see somewhere that ISN'T snowy.


25 Dec 00 - 02:05 PM (#363169)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: bbc

1 hr N of NYC--a little snow on the ground, but clear roads--cold & windy. Suits me fine. Merry Christmas, all!


bbc (in between cooking chores)

25 Dec 00 - 02:09 PM (#363173)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: sophocleese

A lovely clear day here in Orillia. Sunlight blinding us off of the snow. We had a big fall of it two weeks ago and then rain a few days later which settled and hardened it. Since then snow has fallen gently about every other day to freshen things up again. It snowed yesterday in lovely big flakes.

25 Dec 00 - 03:00 PM (#363188)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: death by whisky

No snow,but a beautiful clear sunny day. Seasons greetings to all

25 Dec 00 - 03:35 PM (#363203)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: Matt_R

Same here! No snow, bright sun, not a cloud in the sky...42 degrees. Merry Christmas one and all!

25 Dec 00 - 03:48 PM (#363206)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: Murray MacLeod

Just checked the temperature outside, 72 in the shade. I want all my remaining Christmasses to be like that, had enough of the white stuff as a kid.

Must go now and pick the last of the avocados ....

Merry Christmas


25 Dec 00 - 03:53 PM (#363208)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: Ebbie

I want snow! Lots of it! We've had a pretty winter so far and the mountains all around us are white but I want SNOW!

I love to walk in it, crunching and creaking it underfoot, marveling at the diamond magic all around; I especially love to see it floating down and piling up softly to ever greater depths.

I even enjoy shoveling the stuff and keeping a high-walled path through the lawns but haven't had the chance this year. So far. "We're bound to get some pretty soon," she says wistfully. "This is Alaska.


25 Dec 00 - 04:04 PM (#363211)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: catspaw49

You're a sick woman Ebbie. I love ya', but you one sick puppy.


25 Dec 00 - 04:21 PM (#363220)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: bill\sables

We had a little snow this afternoon, it stayed on the cars but not on the ground

25 Dec 00 - 04:31 PM (#363224)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: Matt_R

Don't worry, Ebbie, I know how you feel! I want snow too! But it never does. We can 16 inches back 3 weeks ago...but it all melted within 2 days.

25 Dec 00 - 05:26 PM (#363230)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: tar_heel

we have some snow on the ground still hanging around from last tues/wed...not much,but its clear,cold and enough snow to say....yea,its a white christmas...........i'd trade it all just to spend christmas day with sandytoes...dang!

25 Dec 00 - 05:29 PM (#363233)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: Lanfranc

"It never snows here, it stays pretty green" (Joni Mitchell - "The River")

About 2km away from McGrath, unsurprisingly similar conditions prevail.

Got to rise at sparrowfart tomorrow to see younger daughter and SO off to Australia for 3 months. Contemplating switching passports - could do with some sun!

25 Dec 00 - 06:19 PM (#363251)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: Ebbie


The older I get, the stranger, I guess. My brother in Oregon doesn't want to even visit me in Alaska- he's looking for a warmer place, not colder, he says, and he's afraid he'd like it here. (He would!)

When we get the big fluffy stuff I'll let you know. Then I'll be a happy puppy.

Tar Heel, where is Sandytoes? (I always cringe when I see her name- I can practically feel the grit between my teeth. :) I hope everything is well?


25 Dec 00 - 06:45 PM (#363255)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: GUEST,BanjoRay

I'm on holiday in Aviemore, in the Scottish Highlands. We had an inch of snow Christmas Eve and its been cold and fine today, so we had an enchanting walk in the woods today after a lovely champagne breakfast. Hardly anyone out, lovely views, white and crisp - gorgeous. This does not happen often in the UK - apparantly lots of bookmakers have had to pay out on white xmas bets - great!

25 Dec 00 - 07:16 PM (#363267)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: Little Hawk

Snow? AAAAARGGHHH!!! You want snow? I wish I could export ours to you. Orillia got hit, like Sophocleese said, with a major snowfall about 10 days ago...mountains of the stuff. It was so bad that virtually the whole downtown was closed on Tuesday...even the banks! I've never seen that happen here before. It was really incredible. I believe it was the heaviest overnight accumulation of snow on Orillia's records to date.

I hate snow.

I would rather be in Cuba.

Despite all that, however, I am having a good time...a nice quiet Christmas day. I intend to go out on boxing day with my digital camera, and photograph the lemming-like masses as they rush the doors of WalMart like Mexicans storming the Alamo. Should be a hoot. It's what every Cuban is dying to do...poor suckers...they don't know how good they've got it. I never go in the place myself. goes on.

Oh the weather outside is nasty
And they botched my rhinoplasty
But the thing that just lays me low
Is the SNOW! Is the SNOW! Is the SNOW!!!

- LH

26 Dec 00 - 01:53 AM (#363391)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: Jimmy C

Ebbie, we have a fair amount here in southern Ontario already, and more is expected. If you want some in Alaska you can have ours, please. I hate the stuff. If it would only come on Christmas Eve and stay a day or two, but NO. It will be here until April. As I get older,Florida looks pretty good for a winter retreat.

26 Dec 00 - 02:43 AM (#363401)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: alison

No snow here......100F / 40C in the shade at my back door....

if it counts.. I started off white on Christmas day.. now I'm a bit pink.. and hopefully in a few days I'll be brown... *grin*



26 Dec 00 - 03:14 AM (#363405)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: KT

Hey, Ebbie!! The Eaglecrest ski resort is not far from you, right? I know someone who'd be happy to take you there. Surely there's enough snow there to crunch in and maybe even enough to make a snow angel or two. Just say the word and I'll arrange it!!!

26 Dec 00 - 07:16 AM (#363430)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

We have had two snow days from school in the past two weeks; there was still enough on the ground to make it a white Christmas. Call me crazy, but the only way I make it thru the winter is if we get plenty of the white stuff- reflects the light or something, I guess. Send more! more!
Alison, my daughter thinks it's amazing and wonderful that it was 100F for your Christmas! Hope it was (and continues to be)merry!

26 Dec 00 - 07:29 AM (#363434)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: Mrs.Duck

It snowed on us as we went out for a walk on Christmas morning. Bitterly cold too molly's nose was bright red just like a little Rudolph. In fact that was about all you could see of her wrapped up in her snowsuit and mittens. We went down to the lake to wish the relatives a Merry Christmas!!!!

26 Dec 00 - 09:31 AM (#363453)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: Irish sergeant

Ebbie, You are one sick woman! I like you kiddo but you got problems. Hey do you want some of ours? Here in Syracuse, I just finished shoveling the driveway and I expect, thanks to lake defect I'll be shovelling again this afternoon. Christmas was white, it looked lovely now can I have some warmth so my front yard doesn't end up looking like Flanders circa January 1917? Happy holidays specifically Newy Years and Hogmany. Kindest reguards, Neil

26 Dec 00 - 11:25 AM (#363476)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: KT

Hey, Neil! It's with great excitement I recall those six delightful words from my childhood.."All Buffalo public schools are CLOSED!!" Hate to tell you this but, brace yourself....I hear it's headed east again!

26 Dec 00 - 12:04 PM (#363488)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: Ebbie

"Lake defect?" Neil, you're a bitter man.

Does no one remember playing 'fox and geese' in the snow? Most years I have taught neighborhood youngsters how to lay out a grid on my front lawn. I'm not as agile as once I was but I still like to watch them going at it and it brings back great memories of frost-tipped noses, glowing cheeks, being warm inside my coat but gulping great breaths of crystal-cold air; my hat falling off into the snow and jamming (See? A link to the music!) it back onto my head trapping snow against my burning ears... And of trooping into the house coated with fuzzy snow that slowly drips onto the floor.

Ah, what's not to like!

Yes, KT, Eaglecrest is not far from here. If you could set it up, tell them I'm available. If I could meet you, better yet!


26 Dec 00 - 02:11 PM (#363539)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: Barry T

Well, in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, it's 9 degrees Celcius (45 Fahrenheit). 'Counted ten robins eating berries off a bush outside my yesterday.

So much for the 'great white north' (at least in this part of the country)!

26 Dec 00 - 03:19 PM (#363579)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: Liz the Squeak

Make that a wet Christmas and we got it. Still, beautiful shaft of sunlight (the only one we've seen for a few days) throught the church window this morning, just lit up the crib. Much nicer than the orange light bulb that hangs there, eeurrrgh.


26 Dec 00 - 03:21 PM (#363581)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: sophocleese

Oh Barry T. yesterday we managed a high of -15 degrees Celsius. No robins for us, but a lot of pleasure in sitting in front of a fire with a book. Today has been warmer and we went out tobagganing at the nearby golf course this morning. Lots of families out there having a ball. Now its snowing gently again, just small flakes, almost invisible.

26 Dec 00 - 08:00 PM (#363722)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: GUEST,Sarah

Hah! Eleven inches yesterday! They sent us home from work early today because we're going to have about six more -- and it's coming down now! If they want me at work tomorrow, they're going to have to come get me...Yippee!

For a ol' Houston girl, this is fun!

I have a little shovel that goes in and out with me...


26 Dec 00 - 08:39 PM (#363745)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: Joe Offer

Well, we have plenty of snow here in California - up to 12 feet in places. All I have to do is look down the street at the mountains 40 miles away, and I can see lots of beautiful snow.
But here in Sacramento, the grass is getting green. This is the time of year when I love living in California.
-Joe Offer-

26 Dec 00 - 08:45 PM (#363746)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: Sorcha

Sick, Joe, sick. And ebbie, you are sick too. Sure I remember Fox and Geese, but I was young then, and impervious to cold. Now I freeze at anything blow 60F.....besides, I couldn't run to save me, let alone run in snow........

26 Dec 00 - 08:53 PM (#363749)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: GUEST,Sarah

(Psst, Ebbie -- they are all crazed but thee and me.)


26 Dec 00 - 09:24 PM (#363768)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: MarkS

Snow covered ground here in eastern Pennsylvania with a forecast of up to 12 inches this weekend - a "major storm" is on the way. Been a white Christmas, will be a white New Year, and has all the indications of being a white winter to the end. At least the ski lift operators are happy.

27 Dec 00 - 09:12 AM (#363931)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: Firecat

It snowed when we were opening the big pile of pressies!! Didn't lay though :-(

27 Dec 00 - 09:52 AM (#363953)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Sarah, thee and me and Ebbie makes three. I remember fox and geese- how did it go? I'd like to get my teenagers and my curmudgeonly sister playing it tomorrow- and I'm waiting for that storm to make it up here to NH!

27 Dec 00 - 05:31 PM (#364162)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: Helen

34 degrees C, sunny, very little cloud, a hot breeze. No snow. But the funny thing is that it snowed in Tasmania (the southernmost island state of Oz) on Christmas evening. How weird!!


27 Dec 00 - 08:07 PM (#364270)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: Ebbie

Sarah and Animaterra, it is so nice to be amongst the sane! Not to mention among those who know how to have fun.

Fox and Geese: There is one fox and however many geese. Shuffle-step a wide ring in the snow. About 1/4th of the way around, shuffle step a short alley inward then create another ring. Repeat at least once more then create a center 'safe space'. Connect four equidistant alleys to each ring. (You end up with a large wheel in the snow connected by spokes, with the hub in the center.)

The point is to not get caught by the fox but all travel is by path only. This game is subject to variation- for instance, it can be played that each one caught becomes another fox. This is especially helpful for puppy foxes; youngsters are at a definite disadvantage.

Have fun!


27 Dec 00 - 08:49 PM (#364303)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: GUEST,Sarah

Ebbie, Animaterra,

Hope you get to play Fox and Geese soon, soon -- some of us from work took off to the vacant lot across the street at lunch today and did so. Too much fun. Since my brother lives in Fairbanks, I'm probably the only person in Amarillo with real mukluks -- guess who got to make the circles...

They had to send out the heavy trucks and four-wheelers to get us to work today. Short hours again, and most of the town closed, anyway. Official 19 inches -- much-needed moisture here.

I wish you a white winter soon.


27 Dec 00 - 09:07 PM (#364309)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: sophocleese

More snow in Orillia this morning. Went tobogganing again. I got a little braver and went down the steeper hill. My arm still hurts from landing on it after the jump. The funniest thing going toboganning is watching all the other people. We're at the golf course and there are always a fair number of people. There is a sort of useful convention of going up on one side of the slope and going down on the rest of the slope. Most kids seem to notice this and follow along well enough, but some of them just don't notice or actively try and get in the way. One girl of about 9 years old slowly zig-zagged up half of the slope towing her GT Racer. She never looked up to see if anybody was coming or wanted to come down towards her. Another younger boy came up the middle of the steeper slope turned around about halfway up and went down a little bit on his sled and then started to climb in the same place. Six of had been waiting patiently for him to finish getting to the top but it didn't seem as if he wanted to or understood that those of us standing there were doing anything other than watching. I asked him, nicely, to not climb in the middle of the slope so we could go down and he turned and walked across the rest of the slopes, in front of a lot of other people, to get to the other side.

28 Dec 00 - 02:12 AM (#364420)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: Terry K

No sign of any snow over Christmas here in Hertfordshire - until this morning! We have a covering of maybe six inches.

All very pretty but one reason I'm up early is that today is the day of "The 16th Annual Beech Way Classic" the golf tournament for residents of our road, which I have the pleasure (?) to organise this year. So I have 27 golfers expecting to wake up and play.

Greens will be slow.

Cheers, Terry

(apres golf at the pub may still be possible)

28 Dec 00 - 06:04 AM (#364448)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: McGrath of Harlow

See, I said Christmas Day was only tghe First Day of Christmas...Here we are on the Fourth Day, and it looks like a Christmas Card all across England. Well, it is here in Harlow anyway. Sun shining on glittering deep snow.

28 Dec 00 - 07:05 AM (#364463)
Subject: RE: BS: A White Christmas?
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Ebbie, thanks for the reminder on the game! I haven't played since the 4th grade, during a brief stint in Greeley, Colorado(where we also trick-or-treated in knee-deep snow!) Looks like there will be plenty of opportunity to play after Saturday- 7-12 inches forecasted!!
And how I wish I could personally see the English Christmas card you describe, McGrath!