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Where is Roy Guest?

31 Dec 00 - 10:25 AM (#366200)
Subject: Where is Roy Guest?
From: Deckman

Somewhere around 1958 - 1958 Roy Guest showed up in Seattle. He was from England and was a very entertaining folksinger. He stayed here about six months, did many gigs and concerts. He taught me a very good version of "Brennon On The Moore." I heard that he planned to return to England. Has anyone heard of him lately? Thanks, Bob Nelson, Everett, Wa. USA

31 Dec 00 - 11:06 AM (#366216)
Subject: RE: Where is Roy Guest?
From: Rick Fielding

If anyone does have any info, might they also know the whereabouts of a folksinger named Murray Young. I have an old album of Roy and Murray together with absolutely NO liner notes.


31 Dec 00 - 08:03 PM (#366514)
Subject: RE: Where is Roy Guest?
From: okthen

Sorry to inform you,but I'm pretty sure I read his obituary a few years ago (he was only in his early fifties)Roy Guest at one time ran the "folk directions" booking agency and had several big names on his books, including Incredibles and Arlo Guthrie.

I didn't know him personally, but dealt with the agency a couple of times, I believe he was a "larger than life" type of person, good to have at a party.

There are probably several members here who knew him.



01 Jan 01 - 09:59 AM (#366685)
Subject: RE: Where is Roy Guest?
From: GUEST,Ewan McVicar

Roy was a well respected figure in the Scottish folk scene for a while. See mentions in various books about him in the early 60s, including in Hamish Imlach's autobiography which I am about to make available in electronic form - in about 10 days time at . Eventually he became in charge of Brian Epstein's old agency, NEMS.

01 Jan 01 - 12:04 PM (#366728)
Subject: RE: Where is Roy Guest?
From: Rick Fielding

Any info 'bout Murray Young?


01 Jan 01 - 12:33 PM (#366746)
Subject: RE: Where is Roy Guest?
From: okthen


sorry I've never heard of him, Is/was he American?



01 Jan 01 - 12:53 PM (#366753)
Subject: RE: Where is Roy Guest?
From: Rick Fielding

Bill.From the one "Roy Guest, Murray Young" album cover, I thought he looked a bit oriental. Also he sang some Carribean songs. Just figured since he must have been a friend of Roy's, that maybe some others had heard of him.


01 Jan 01 - 07:41 PM (#366893)
Subject: Hamish Imlach
From: Susanne (skw)

Hooray! Ewan, thanks for the info. I trust you'll post the address here. Did you revise the text? And will there be any new photos?

02 Jan 01 - 04:16 AM (#366991)
Subject: RE: Where is Roy Guest?

Susanne Photos are so hungry for bytes that I plan to go the other way. Just publish the text, so people can promise to pay a couple of quid and I'll send them a text file by email. I'll put a few of the photos on the website, but by no means all. If someone else wanted to make the photos available neither I nor Fiona Imlach would mind - in fact I'll suggest to Fiona she might want to do that. We used all the good photos, I think - have you some more? Don't know what you mean about revising the text. What does it need? My newspaper obituaries for Hamish are already on the website, by the way, at . I've a vague recollection that Mudcat software may snip out addresses, so I'll give it again with different brackets [].

Best regards, and have a good year.


02 Jan 01 - 05:18 AM (#366999)
Subject: RE: Where is Roy Guest?
From: GUEST,Ewan McVicar

Rather weird that I am suddenly called GUEST - ghost in the machine?

I left the www. off the front of my website, thinking it inessential. Then I thought to check. I was wrong. [] should get ou there. Look at the AUTHOR section, follow the clicker to the Hamish obituaries.


02 Jan 01 - 07:11 PM (#367369)
Subject: RE: Hamish Imlach
From: Susanne (skw)

Have you tried 'Reset Cookie'? :-)
Anyway, thanks for the info and the link. I wasn't implying that the book needs revising. I just remembered Muriel told me that before he died Hamish thought about putting more text and photos in and have it republished. As for photos, I'll see what I have and send it to Fiona.

03 Jan 01 - 03:16 PM (#367946)
Subject: RE: Where is Roy Guest?
From: Doctor John

Roy Guest died a while ago. His obit was in Froots where he was described as an booking agent etc. I did have an EP of his years ago which was enjoyable (although not particularly orginal) stuff. Dr John

04 Jan 01 - 04:30 AM (#368275)
Subject: RE: Where is Roy Guest?
From: GUEST,Pete MacGregor

Murray Young turned up briefly in Edinburgh at the Howff when Roy Guest was running it in late 1961. I last saw him at the King & Queen in London the following year. I think he originated from Hong Kong or possibly Singapore. Like Roy, his self confidence tended to outpace his musical ability.

04 Jan 01 - 11:31 AM (#368437)
Subject: RE: Where is Roy Guest?
From: Rick Fielding

Thanks pete. The live album that I was referring to with Roy and Murray, although enthusistic, didn't strike me as very good. Lotsa sing-alongs. One song I remember was "Stanley and Dora". The audience laughed a lot.


04 Jan 01 - 07:59 PM (#368741)
Subject: RE: Where is Roy Guest?
From: GUEST,Ewan McVicar

Damn me, I have not brought Stanley and Dora to mind for many years. Roy was a rock and roll teen singer in the US at one point in the 1950s he told me, with a rolled up handkerchief in his pants - he said the big professionals wore a plastic sheath to indicate the size of their manhood, but his agent could only afford a handkerchief. I must remember to put Roy's story about the time he worked on the Dewline onto my website some time.