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First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow

31 Dec 00 - 02:23 PM (#366316)
Subject: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Naemanson

OK Gang, brainstorming time!

I just got hit by this idea in another thread. I haven't thought it through but wanted to get it out on the table.

Consider, a performer band sometimes leaves on a tour. They expend get amounts of cash and energy going from town to town performing in small venues and building an audience.

Consider, we have members scattered across the world.

Consider, people generally want to hear what and who they are used to hearing.

Idea, the First Ever Mudcat "Touring Roadshow" could be made up of local performers augmented by other members from neighboring towns. The only thing that goes on tour is the name.

Example: The New Hampshire contingent hosts a house concert featuring Barry (Finn and Haddie) and guest starring Kendall (or me). The "tour" then moves on to Boston where Finn & Haddie are the guests at a concert featuring Peg. The tour then moves on to Connecticut where Peg is the guest at a concert featuring ____.

You get the idea.

That's the bare bones of the idea. Can we put some flesh on it?

31 Dec 00 - 02:24 PM (#366317)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

This sounds wonderful! Count me in!

31 Dec 00 - 02:30 PM (#366323)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Naemanson

BTW, any money that comes out of this should be dedicated to the Mudcat.

31 Dec 00 - 02:33 PM (#366324)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Matt_R

Sure, if you're ever down Eastern Carolina way, and have the urge to hear the most insanely mixed bag of music...I'll be here.

31 Dec 00 - 03:06 PM (#366339)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: joshleik

yes yes yes yes!!!

31 Dec 00 - 04:37 PM (#366383)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: GUEST,Indigo

Naemanson, that is a great idea! Good luck! Indigo

31 Dec 00 - 04:39 PM (#366384)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: kendall

This sort of thing could make my declining years more enjoyable, count me in!!! LOL

31 Dec 00 - 04:50 PM (#366394)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Allan C.

Absolutely ingenious! I love it!

Among the beauties of it is that there is no time limit (as I understand it). The gigs can happen whenever it is convenient to the performers involved. Club appearances would be possible but not requisite. House concerts would also be among the possibilities. It is also possible that there might be one or more of us who could be "core members" who could lend some continuity to the process.

This is great! Isn't it great? Just great!

31 Dec 00 - 05:11 PM (#366414)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Ribbit

Count me in. I'd love to be a part of this in whatever capcity that I could be of assistance.

01 Jan 01 - 03:41 PM (#366809)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: R!

Here's where I feel left out. I can't play an instrument and I can't carry a tune, even in a bucket. BUT I am a very good audience. If you bring the tour to the Philadelphia/southern New Jersey area, please let me know. I will carefully and appreciatively listen.

Go well, Rowana

01 Jan 01 - 03:46 PM (#366812)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Amergin

Rowana, I'm with you there, I currently can't play an instrument, either, and I'm not sure how my singing is.....but I am a great audience.....would love for this to come to the Portland, Or area....

01 Jan 01 - 06:46 PM (#366867)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Allan C.

Without an appreciative audience, there is no meaniful performance. Audience members are extremely important!!

01 Jan 01 - 09:36 PM (#366929)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Barry Finn

I've no shame, I'd sing anywhere. Count me in. Barry

01 Jan 01 - 10:53 PM (#366943)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Mark Clark

Sounds great! Who'll be guesting when it moves to Iowa?

      - Mark

01 Jan 01 - 10:54 PM (#366944)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Naemanson

Unbridled enthusiasm is fine and appreciated but I started this looking for ideas on how to make this a reality. This thread is intended as a brainstorming platform.

Remember, as I said in the first post, I haven't really thought this through. I'm looking for ideas on how to make it work, some devil's advocates to say it can't work and WHY it can't work (the why is important), and anything else the genius of the 'Cat can come up with.

02 Jan 01 - 12:18 AM (#366966)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Allan C.

It seems to me to be not dissimilar to the Adventure that Bill and I had (seems odd to say this now) LAST YEAR. Perhaps it would be helpful for you to know a little about how it was accomplished.

I began by mapping out a tentative route (which was later changed radically) that would pass through places I knew some 'Catters lived. I sent some emails to the people I hoped to visit, asking how they would feel about the possibility of having a 'Catter or three appear on their doorsteps. After receiving some tentative but positive responses, I began planning the route with greater definition. I sent a few more emails to those whom I knew lived along the new route. More positive responses and more adjustments were made to the route. This route/itinerary was posted in a thread along with a probable starting date and a request for more 'Catters to let me know if the route was passing somewhere near their cities. A zillion emails later, I finalized the route and the plans for departure. Then I had a brainstorm about doing a "hit the road" show at a local coffeehouse and made arrangements for that as well.

Among the deciding factors for the direction of the route I chose was the hope of being somewhere near certain areas when festivals such as Old Songs and the Wyoming Cultural Fest were taking place. There were other events such as the monthly meeting of the Oklahoma City Traditional Music Association that we wanted to be around for as well.

The hard part was that I was only able to be away from my job for a certain amount of time. For that reason Bill and I had to absolutely RACE from one stopping point to another in order to complete the route on time. Another part of the planning involved making certain that we usually didn't travel more than three or four hundred miles in any one day. (Ha!) Yet another part was ensuring that there were accommodations of some sort at each potential stop. This involved a multitude of hotel reservations for which I managed to acquire a number of discount deals.

The planning for all of this required a whole lot more effort and time than can easily be imagined. In the two months before we launched the Adventure, I received and sent an average of six PM's and two emails each day. There were countless phone calls (many of them long distance) as well.

I hope that by knowing some of what I did you will get some idea of where to begin. I won't say that I chose the very best methods for accomplishing my goals, but they worked (or Bill and I and various Mudcatters MADE them work!). It is because of the success of the Adventure, that I have every faith that the Roadshow can become a reality.

02 Jan 01 - 02:05 AM (#366981)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Peter Kasin

Capital idea, Naemanson...and let's take Rowana and Amergin on the tour as the designated Mudcat audience ringers!:-)


02 Jan 01 - 02:29 AM (#366982)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Amergin

or maybe I could get up and recite a little poetry or something.....

02 Jan 01 - 06:00 AM (#367009)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: CarolC

Well, however you set it up, would some of you please come here? (Shepherdstown, West Virginia.)

It's a beautiful little college town with lots of accomodations for anyone who wants to come in from out of town, and several possible venues, from large ones to small intimate ones. The audiences here are great. (When events are promoted effectively.)


02 Jan 01 - 06:20 AM (#367010)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: John P

I've been trying to figure out why this won't work, but I'm not coming up with anything. The mechanics would be fairly simple -- local musicians would set up a gig in a normal way, except that they would split the evening with a performer from a town not too far away. At some later point, they would go share a gig set up by someone else in a different town. Sounds pretty easy. The folks from out of town get to play a gig without having to set it up, or attract an audience all on their own. Mudcatters get to meet and jam with each other. Sounds great.

OK, here's a potential hurdle to overcome. The world of folk music covers an extremely wide spectrum. Our audience may not go for a bluegrass band. A singer/songwriter audience may not like our music. I have seen split evenings with very different types of music work well, but I have seen some very unfortunate pairings as well. Usually it seems better to have similar but not identical genres next to each other. This might be hard to arrange. Or we could just stick anything together and see what comes up.

It might also be fun to ask the performers who are sharing an evening to work up at least one song together. I could see great possibilities here, both for performers in similar genres and for people who don't have much in common.

This is a wonderful idea. I live in Seattle and perform around the Pacific Northwest. I know of two or three venues I can probably book with a couple of months' notice, and we have a nice guest room in our house.


02 Jan 01 - 07:02 AM (#367017)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: katlaughing

Traveling distance is the main problem I see out here in the wild west, but the idea is really great and I hope ti works out.


02 Jan 01 - 12:18 PM (#367072)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: GUEST,Big Mick

Any gig that falls within the constraints of schedule and travel, I would be happy to participate in. At various times we could actually travel a bit further. Here is an idea. Why don't we begin planning now for next years FSGW Getaway, and then stay the extra day and do Max's Radio Show. Several of us did the show this year and had a ball. We could make this the highlight annual show. With almost a year's notice we could probably convince some of our out west and overseas Catters to plan and make the trip. Kind of an All MudStar Revue. Waddya think? I will be there and at any others that are practical. If we do a Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Windsor, or Toronto show I could probably be there as well with enough notice.

Sounds fun!

All the best,


02 Jan 01 - 12:21 PM (#367073)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: GUEST,Big Mick

Another idea just hit me. How about doing a series of these things in established folk clubs, regionally? I am thinking of The Ark in Ann Arbor and The Old Town School of Music in Chicago? What other venues are out there like this? Tranzac in Toronto? We might be able to schedule something that is a joint fundraiser in each venue.


02 Jan 01 - 12:27 PM (#367076)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Stewart

I'd be happy to work with John P. in the Seattle area. Our Northwest Folklife Festival on Memorial Day weekend is an occasion that brings a lot of folk musicians together and might be a good time for Mudcatters to get together. I am involved in an open mic and acousstic concert venue in the NW part of Seattle and also know of some possible venues. The Roadshow sounds like a great idea.

Cheers, S. in Seattle

02 Jan 01 - 12:38 PM (#367085)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: bill\sables

Please let my know when you want me to come over, I wouldn't want to miss this . I might be able to bring Sam Pirt this time
Cheers Bill

02 Jan 01 - 12:41 PM (#367090)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Kim C

I'm in Nashville..... let me think on this awhile...... great idea........ hmmmmmmmmm........

02 Jan 01 - 12:47 PM (#367099)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Amergin

How about sending an American representative across the pond?

02 Jan 01 - 12:51 PM (#367107)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Allan C.

Who said it had to start in the colonies?

02 Jan 01 - 12:52 PM (#367108)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Noreen

Good idea! If you're volunteering, Amergin, you'd be very welcome... :0)

02 Jan 01 - 01:08 PM (#367117)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: GUEST,Melani

Great idea! We're in the San Francisco Bay Area. I have sofa space for one and floor space for several.

02 Jan 01 - 01:09 PM (#367118)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Rick Fielding

Fine idea Naemanson. I just noticed this. Sounds like some good suggestions here.

I'm not sure how typical my situation is but here's how I've approached my work in the last few years.

After years of playing "Commercially viable" gigs in order to earn a living, I decided to play only "folk" clubs and festivals, and suppliment my income with teaching. That worked fine for about five years, but I quickly realized that most of the clubs and festivals were as much in competition for survival dollars as the "commercial" entities, and were focusing almost entirely on singer-songwriters, with little emphasis on the kind of "trad-oriented" pickin' and singing that I do.

I started sending my info (CDs, reviews etc.) to folks who were known to put on "house concerts", and within a short while realized that I was having infinitely more fun with music than I'd ever had before.

You get virtually NO mainstream (or even "folky") publicity, but that has always suited me just fine. What you DO get is appreciative audiences, enough money to survive on, the chance to sell your recordings without a "retail cut" and one hell of a lot of satisfaction.

Heather and I have hosted house concerts in Toronto, and have helped set up larger venues for musicians who can draw larger crowds. Please count us in, and keep brainstorming.

Right now we're trying to make it viable for Matt Watroba and a couple of his musical friends to come to Toronto from Ann Arbour. Gonna bill it as "Michigan Folkies evening". Maybe we can get Mick to take part.


02 Jan 01 - 01:11 PM (#367121)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Amergin

Well, what my thinking was that since Bill came over for a tour last year, why not we send one over this year?

Noreen, I would love to volunteer, but I start a new job today at 1300 Pacific time (that is 1600 Mudcat time)....

02 Jan 01 - 01:20 PM (#367126)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: kendall

Can I have the hotdog concession?

02 Jan 01 - 01:32 PM (#367134)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: GUEST,Pete peterson

Sounds like a good idea! I live about 15 miles south of the little town of Bethlehem, PA (as Tom Lehrer put it) home of Godfrey Daniels, notorious coffee house of ill repute. I would be happy to give a night's lodging to any musician playing that venue, or even host a house concert (I have a large living room) but would want pointers on how to do this. I am about 90' away from West Chester PA, home of the Mudcat itself. Naemanson, I think this is a good idea; above are some specifics on how I might be able to help.

02 Jan 01 - 08:16 PM (#367414)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Dani

Here, Here! Or is it Hear, Hear...

Whatever can happen in the middle of North Carolina, I'd be happy to help arrange. Clubs? House concerts? Coffee joints? I'll be thinking how it could work and what I could do to help... short of actually performing ;)

Let's keep this percolating! Even if, as Mick suggested, the Getaway serves as a launching pad.

I love this....


02 Jan 01 - 08:23 PM (#367418)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Big Mick

Rick, I would love to come over when you do the Michigan Folkies piece, especially if Matt brings his wee son with him.............that kid is a player.........LOL.


02 Jan 01 - 10:39 PM (#367495)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Biskit

WOW !!!!! count me in when in Southern Arizona, We live in Tucson Home of University of Arizona and lots of other kewl places. Now that I've got a town job I can't travel much but the Blues and folk club scene around here is terrific.-Biskit-

02 Jan 01 - 11:05 PM (#367501)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Bill in Alabama


I have had good luck with art centers. I buy a mailing list from the Southern Arts Federation, then send promos to arts centers and museums which look promising to me. My stuff, like Rick's, is pretty traditional; Arts centers might not go for singer-songwriter concerts, but they seem to like a thematic approach. For example, they would like a concert on seafaring songs, or railroad songs, or War Between the States songs, as they can mount a show of art pieces based on this theme, and then use the concert to draw folks to the show. They like also to feature their state-- i.e. 'Traditional Music of Maryland,' and this sort of thing would work well for using musicians from within a relatively small radius. They like also to use story-tellers and readings by local or regional writers in conjunction with musical performances.

03 Jan 01 - 12:12 AM (#367521)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow

I know that nobody wants to drive into NYC but if a group happens to be here, my apartment is available. Big living room/dining room with woodburning fireplace and congenial neighbors. There are sometimes a few free beds and always lots of floorspace.
Mary - back home.

03 Jan 01 - 10:14 AM (#367759)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: GUEST,Winters Wages

The same here in san Francisco. I live in a beautiful 1897 victorian apartment with a Captains Quaters, fairly sized living room with fireplace and queen sized sofa bed as well as a guest room in what I call a sun room. Its in Pacific Heights, and the neighbors (part of the Getty clan are just some of my next door neighbors)are used to musical jamming. And even better, I live alone so there is plenty of room. Regards WW

03 Jan 01 - 10:56 AM (#367784)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: folk1234

As a variation to the famous Allan C & Bill S road trip of 2000, we may consider a Pied Piper version. That is one where one or more additional people could tag along (in their own vehicle) to the next several stops, then return home. This could be repeated throughout the entire trip. We still may need a solid core of one or two, but even they could drop out enroute and be replaced by another.
The up-side of this is that more 'catters could actively participate. The down-side of course would be a greater burden on the hosts/hostesses. The 'core' members should have priority on free room & board, while the 'followers' should be prepared to pay their own way as necessary.
It goes without saying that there will always be comfortable beds, good food, good friends, and fine music awaiting the travelling minstrels in Ada, OK and at the Oklahoma City Traditional Music Assn. octma

03 Jan 01 - 11:52 AM (#367816)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Patrish(inactive)

I used to be a foreman for a North West Morris Team and can teach a few dances, or if anyone feels really adventurous I could teach a little (or Big)belly dancing.
I have family in West Chester and could camp out there - the only problem would be time and airflight. I would love to meet and hear all of you - I dont have a sound card and can't listen to paltalk, so I'd make a real willing audience.
I hope this becomes a reality, with or without me
Patrish x

03 Jan 01 - 01:42 PM (#367891)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Naemanson

Just so everyone knows, I am here, listening, taking notes, and formulating a plan. Once I have it put together I will put it on the table looking for pros and cons. I need some real constructive criticism here. Feel free to tear it apart. there is no pride of aauthorship here. We will be working as a team to make this a reality.

I will have that plan by tomorrow evening Mudcat time.

03 Jan 01 - 10:39 PM (#368176)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Susan A-R

My husband and I have talked about the house concert possibility. We've done clasical concerts in our living room, and can fit thirty or so folks. We also have sleep space for a couple of folks. I'll also mention the possibility to the LiveArt folks who present a mix of singer/songwriters and trad folks. There are also several coffee ouses within striking distance of Montpelier so we might be able to "block book" if folks could only do mini-tours. I'd also be glad to be fidle/vocal back-up.

03 Jan 01 - 11:12 PM (#368192)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: WyoWoman

I'm happy to offer lodging and to try and set up venues for anyone who wants to come to Colorado. I'm certain BlueJay and that other guy ... oh, yeah, LEJ ... might be able to do some legwork as well. I'll sing whenever and wherever y'all like, but I'll probably need someone to accompany me on guitar, fiddle and whatever else anyone wants to strum, pick or plunk.

the other WW

04 Jan 01 - 08:58 AM (#368340)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: kendall

I dont have a big place, but, if you are under 6 feet tall, my sofa is quite comfortable. At least thats what Sinsull said.

04 Jan 01 - 09:04 AM (#368344)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: MMario

04 Jan 01 - 09:12 AM (#368351)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: JedMarum

Whatever format is decided, and whatever the timing - I would love to participate, and help in any way I can. I'm not sure my home is appropriate for house concerts, but I may be able to find a Dallas home that is ... or locate another venue ... I am pretty well plugged in to the good music venues in this area and could very likely find us a good one, and earn us a few bucks at the same time.

04 Jan 01 - 12:29 PM (#368476)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow

The sofa is comfortable but only if you are partial to large dogs. Seamus is a self appointed alarm clock who places his humungous cold wet nose within a quarter inch of your face and gently blows. Ignore him and he climbs.

04 Jan 01 - 01:42 PM (#368518)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: annamill

My house is open, of course. You all know you don't even have to ask, just let me know your coming. Rowena, where are you? We'll be having some people over soon for a gathering and you'll hear some !fine! music as well as meeting some !fine! people.

This is a great idea! Good luck and I hope it happens. Like some of you, I'm a wonderful audience and I'll come wherever a Mudcatter is playing near me.

Bill, you know the drill. I'd love to meet Sam. Bring Lorna, please! She can stay at my house if she doesn't feel like traveling ;-)

I was going to have a gathering this month, but my money is short due to tuition for my son. Hopefully we can do it next month. BTW, you who have seen my home, should see it frozen. Magnificent. We have plenty of room and plenty of beds, and yes, we have a heated hammock for Max ;-)

I desperately need to hear some Mudcatters and hold them close.

Love, annamill

04 Jan 01 - 04:02 PM (#368560)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: blt

I would love to be involved in some way, I have a tiny, tiny studio apartment and live in Portland, Or. This sounds like the old Chataqua idea of not so many years past. House concerts sound good, too. I was interested in your post, Rick F., about deciding to do house concerts vs more mainstream performing--there is something very compelling about playing for people in their living room. I don't know how this would work out in Portland, mostly because I'm new to the area, but maybe Amergin knows a good location (or living room). Also, I would really like to meet and play with 3-dimensional Mudcatters.

04 Jan 01 - 04:09 PM (#368564)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Gray Rooster

Fine, fine. I've toured for over 35 years and I was doing house concerts before they were cool (late 50's on). The problem I see here is the typical one ... how does this thing pay for itself? Great, you have a free (?) place to sleep and a meal or two (perhaps), but gas, repairs, strings, etc. add up quickly.

I'd suggest regional shows first - ie. London or CT or TX or NY. That way, any "Catter's into the idea could plan the trip and the show to cover a wider audience of "relativly local" folks. I'm not saying this can't work, but it will take pains to pull it off.

The one thought I think has been left out is the "weight" of Mudcat itself. How many of us are there? Where are they exactly? Who knows where (in each possible location) a club might just want to accept a small herd of performers for cash, based on the Mudcat reputation? Who'll contact the club?

And, the only times I've seen a split bill fail miserable-like is when the performers fail to measure up in the "make friends" or "be good" and "be prepared" departments. People are a lot more open than most people think.

Another way is to dig a little deeper into the promo department and ask 'Catter's to send a kit to one person who'll organize the lot and send a compilation to (here it comes) Agents. I think the novelty of it would sell with the right kind of effort.

The other way is the way it has worked for many of us: a 'Catter comes to town and we put 'em up the best we can and show 'em the local sites and introduce them to the available circle and play all night long if possible. I'm fond of this approach, by the way. It doesn't pay a cent, but it does wonders for the soul.

04 Jan 01 - 08:12 PM (#368751)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: kendall

Sinsull, my dog got that from me..

04 Jan 01 - 08:54 PM (#368782)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: R!

Annamill, I am in Collingswood, NJ - across the river from Philadelphia.

Regarding venues, a few years ago I attended a concert at Gloucester County College in which two fellows from England sang sea shanties. I've also seen Battlefield Band and Reeltime in church halls in Philadelphia. Both were very well attended. Planners, you may wish to consider these outlets in addition to folk clubs and coffeehouses.

Within reason, I can be a traveling audience. I do expect to be in England and Isle of Man in September or October.

Enthusiasticly tapping my toes, Rowana

05 Jan 01 - 06:26 AM (#368977)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Naemanson

Well, I missed my own deadline. But I had to repair my dryer and shower faucet. Cleanliness is next to...

I will have the plan ready today and post it tonight.

05 Jan 01 - 06:58 AM (#368982)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Catrin

Ooooh - this is exciting! It's up to us to make it into what we want it to be isn't it. I bet there's lots of interest from uk mudcatters although very few would be able to do any kind of 'world tour'.

What might be possible though, is to have some kind of simultaneous gatherings/concerts or whatever with link ups through the web. This was tried before when the manchester UK gathering co-incided with the other Manchester gathering - US. It didn't work then but I'm sure that was only because we only thought of it at the last minute so there was no time to plan properly.

The possibilities are endless!



05 Jan 01 - 01:52 PM (#369172)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: M.Ted

Well, let me see how I can cut this whole little thing to pieces without going on to long?;-) OK, the problem is, there is not one good idea here--there are several ideas, of varying merit, but none of them is solid enough to make a workable plan out of--

The biggest difficulty is that all of the ideas lack a central direction--the original idea, would be a good idea for one concert in one town, but there is little or no advantage in co-ordinating it with anything else--And what, exactly, would tour?

As to the house concerts, great, but what would differentiate them from any other house concerts? What, exactly, are people going to hear that is different than what they'd ordinarily hear?

The most together concept is Michigan Folkies and Rick("The Mick and Rick Show", perhaps), a couple of people's apartments and houses (some not necessarily able to accomodate entertainment)--as far as I can see, you best venue is in Shepardstown, WVA, providing you have someone who knows how to promote it right--not an easy matchup here--

Anyway, you need to have a strong central offering, (I want to know more about the "Traditional Music of Maryland" show!!) and then figure out a way to re-create it in everyone's living room--or wherever--

It is important to re-read the posts of everyone who has actually toured and put together concerts, because they know the what the limits are, both in terms of actual costs, and in the effort required to organize it--the better thought out these things are, the more likely they are to happen--

05 Jan 01 - 02:02 PM (#369177)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: M.Ted

As to the Michigan Folkies thing, Rick, I'll have you know that I am offended that I wasn't invited--I could do my stand-up routine, all full of Michigan jokes, Michigan self-deprecating humor, and my zany Michigan accent. I could also write, especially for the ocassion, a set of ballads about depressing things that have happened in the last month in Michigan--I think it would be a pleasant change for Canadians to hear somewhere else being made fun of, for a change--I would probably do well with the act over in West Virginia, for the same reason--

05 Jan 01 - 03:42 PM (#369213)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Allan C.

Ted, wanna know what the West Virginia State Flower is?

hsiD etilletaS

This might work well in Michigan too.

05 Jan 01 - 04:31 PM (#369251)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: M.Ted

Maybe, but you have to be careful what you say, because the State Tree is the Gun Rack--

05 Jan 01 - 04:51 PM (#369259)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: annamill

Rowena, I know exactly where Collingswood is. I go to the auction often in the summer. When I have a gathering (soon I hope), I hope you'll be able to make it.

Love, annamill

05 Jan 01 - 05:08 PM (#369271)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Bert

What would tour? Maybe a banner, or even another guitar to collect signatures, seeing as Allan half-inched the last one. And at least one person has to travel from one concert to the next to carry these things.

How about starting and finishing on Mudcat Radio?

And who has a cam-corder that they would allow the travel?


06 Jan 01 - 05:14 PM (#369913)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: R!

Annamill, where are you? Perhaps we can meet up sometime.


08 Jan 01 - 09:39 AM (#370813)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Naemanson

Well, I have had to completely rethink the idea and that took some time. My original idea was pretty good but not achievable. If you look at the other great ideas that have been floated here and how difficult they are to realize you will see what I mean. Look at the calendar efforts and how hard Alison is working to get people to send her photos. Look at the simple idea of connecting the two Mudcat gatherings by computer. It was a nice Idea but we couldn't quite bring it off.

As a result I think this will succeed but only if we organize it properly and depend on a minimum number of people. They have to be dedicated to making this work. A lot of you signed on to the thread saying you liked the idea. How many of you are truly dedicated to making a world tour work? I have compiled the list but now is the time to volunteer for specific tasks.

Here is what I have come up with.

There are not enough of us to get a chain of concerts together. That might work over a short stretch, say from Maine to Delaware but the distance between 'catters tends to spread out beyond Delaware or Virginia. However Bert's idea was pretty good. What we need is a banner that can be part of each concert. That way we can set up a series of Mudcat World Tour concerts with the banner as the backdrop. The banner can then be shipped to each promoter for inclusion. If we use the right material in the banner then participants can sign it before they pass it on.

With that we can start. The first concert will be at the next FSGW. Concerts will need to be scheduled after that date. We need volunteers to schedule concerts after that date. Preferred featured performers will need to be Mudcatters but double bills will be permissible and even encouraged. If you can get a big name to participate all the better but the purpose is to show off the talents of our members and raise money to support the Mudcat and the DT.

Here are the volunteers I need to hear from.

For the FSGW I need someone who can contact the FSGW organization and set aside time at the gathering for the Mudcat concert.

For the other concerts I need people to volunteer to promote and organize concerts in their areas. Please note this is a world tour. Our brothers and sisters overseas can and should participate. I will coordinate all the concerts. My only rule of thumb is to leave time enough between the concerts to allow the banner to travel to the next concert.

And finally I need someone to construct a banner. It needs to be large enough to be seen on stage but small enough and light enough to be shipped without too much hassle. I think it should be small enough to fit on the wall behind Max in the radio studio when we finish this gig.

So, now it's time to put your money where your mouths are. Who is in with me?

08 Jan 01 - 01:11 PM (#370938)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Naemanson

It goes without saying that we need Max's blessing too.

08 Jan 01 - 01:37 PM (#370956)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Tinker

Okay, I'll take on Mudcat organization my way, but I wouldn't know how to agent for someone. I do know there is an acousitic venue down the block from me that
1) covers the same folk and blues that Mudcat does.
2)Is tied in to WFUV and regularly interviews the performers.
3) WFUV has posted to the cat
4. Perhaps performers could check the web site and see if it would work??? E-MAil the co-ordinator for more info?? sorry I haven't learn't clickies


Montclair is 20 miles out of NYC and on both bus and train routes. I can shuttle from stations, find mucho space(shared with kids and dog) offer more (and more comfortable) sing a round space that the "Cat Getaway cabin and by then my kitchen will no longer date from the 1920's...

08 Jan 01 - 02:26 PM (#371007)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Big Mick

I would suggest one modification for the first one. I wouldn't do it at the FSGW as that would infringe too much on their gathering. I would use that gathering as a meeting place and then stay over the extra night and do it at Mudcat Central in West Chester, PA at the same pub we did the last show at. Does that sound like it will work? I will assist in whatever way I can. And I would want as many 'Catters as possible to start socking away the cash and reserving the time for the event. This gives us 10 months to get it together.


08 Jan 01 - 03:16 PM (#371032)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: annamill

I haven't really grasped the idea of what we're trying to accomplish here. Please let me know if I've got it wrong.

As I see it, gigs will be set up around the world by/for Mudcatters ( one after the other) or ( all at the same time) and the Mudcat banner will be passed from one to the other, as each gig is done, by torch carriers handing it from person to person through the world.

So, what we need is people to set up the jobs, people to carry the torch (presumably someone from the last job) to the next job and they also get to play at the gig, hosts along the way, and Max's ok.

Do we need advertizing? Will we support our own efforts? Will the money go to Mudcat, or to the performers for expenses, or, perhaps a percentage to both?

So, what's the problem? I could probably set up a gig or two in my area. Maybe even a house gig. I know people who are familiar with my Mudcat friends from previous gatherings and would be anxious to come. And I host too!

Do I have it right?

Rowena, I'm in Little Silver, near Red Bank. PM me when you'd like to come up and maybe I could get some of the Mudcatters in the area to come and play.

Love, annamill

08 Jan 01 - 05:01 PM (#371088)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Naemanson

Annamill, you've basicly got it right. "Mudcat banner will be passed from one to the other, as each gig is done, by torch carriers..." the torch carriers will actually mail the banner to the next torch carrier.

"So, what we need is people to set up the jobs, people to carry the torch (presumably someone from the last job) to the next job and they also get to play at the gig, hosts along the way, and Max's ok.... Do we need advertizing? Will we support our own efforts? Will the money go to Mudcat, or to the performers for expenses, or, perhaps a percentage to both? "

Yes to all of the above. In an ideal world this would be a fundraiser only for the Mudcat but there would be expenses to defray. I am used to our local conditions where the local papers will freely run a story that tells the public what is going on but charge you for an advertisement. The majority of these events will be little things that few people will attend but we might be able to get something set up with some heft.

I like your idea, Mick, of using the pub night after FSGW. I guess this locks me into going to next year's FSGW. Oh darn. Woe is me...

Still need to hear from Max on this idea.

09 Jan 01 - 12:25 PM (#371494)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: GUEST,Dani

I hear you, and I'm still thinking how I can help in NC. Anyone else in the area with ideas they want to talk out?

09 Jan 01 - 12:51 PM (#371510)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Naemanson

This thread has been pretty quiet. Has the interest been lost?

09 Jan 01 - 01:04 PM (#371518)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: GUEST,jaze

Thanks to Amergin and Rowana for letting me know I'm not the only untalented soul here. Don't sing or play..wish I did. But I too am a great listener and enjoy other's talent in bringing great songs to us.

09 Jan 01 - 01:34 PM (#371541)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Naemanson

To: Jaze, Amergin, Rowana, and others who have made similare "no talent" statements.

Re: Said "no talent" statements

1. Hey, drop it! I refuse to believe it. Everyone has talent in some form or another. Even the village idiot is generally good at being an idiot. Maybe you can't play an instrument, maybe your voice wavers on more than one note, maybe you are rhythmically challenged. It ain't no big deal! There are more talents than those in music. I started out putting away chairs after open mike night. Doesn't sound like much but that is where I started to explore my talents as regards music.

2. And if I hear any more self deprecating talk like that I will recommend you to the nearest psychologist for anti depressants. *BG*

3. Now, with that in mind what can you offer the First Ever Mudcat World Tour? Sure you can't get up on stage and wow the audience but then neither will I. Events don't happen because a performer gets on a stage. Events happen because an unseen someone puts that performer on the stage.

09 Jan 01 - 01:43 PM (#371544)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Amergin

Uh, Naemanson, am already taking them....

09 Jan 01 - 01:50 PM (#371552)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Allan C.

"In an ideal world" I presume that the torch, or banner in this case, could be hand-carried by someone from the previous venue. That person would then participate in the performance at the next venue. Thus, some of the energies would be passed onto the next group.

That was my picture of what it might be like. However, as in so many things, real life can get in the way of doing stuff like that. So I guess mailing the banner is as close as we can get in most cases.

09 Jan 01 - 01:59 PM (#371561)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Bert

Because this is an ongoing thing, the last song should not be a goodbye song.
The next session could start with the last song from the previous session.

09 Jan 01 - 02:16 PM (#371578)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Naemanson

That's OK, Amergin, I did my time with them too. They help even when hit by the big body blow you got earlier.

Allan, that was indeed what I originally had in mind. If someone wants to volunteer to go on to the next concert then we are that much farther ahead. Unfortunately it will be almost impossible to schedule the concerts such that they can be consecutive and geographically close enough for this to work.

Bert, great idea! First the banner then the song thing. This might be difficult because there might not be a person in the next concert who knows the song used in the last one. That is just a matter of coordination and cooperation.

BTW, Bert, any word from Max?

09 Jan 01 - 02:21 PM (#371584)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: annamill

Hey, cool Bert! Another question. Will non-performing Mudcatters be paying as a guest, or will they be paying less, or nothing?

I've already got my mind rolling on this from my side. I could have it at my house or I know of at least one place that would make a wonderful venue, but you'd have to buy your own booze, um, drinks. I would supply the food, and maybe Bert and Tre could cook something up to be included in the price, or anybody who wants to help. This would be fun. We were discussing, a while back, a Mudcat festival here at Sandy Hook, same as Greenpeace. This might be a good first try.

Love, annamill

09 Jan 01 - 02:27 PM (#371589)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Amergin

I think that if the catter's volunteer to help, they should get in for free or for a discount, otherwise it might help defeat the purpose. BTW some high schools let folks use their auditoriums for special shows and lectures and such....if I can get an idea about a when and such maybe I can try to get us the local high school here....

09 Jan 01 - 02:40 PM (#371600)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Allan C.

Most of the high schools I know about attach fees for auditorium rental. In addition, many of them charge an extra fee for janitorial support, etc.. But some of them don't charge very much and many will help with advertising.

09 Jan 01 - 02:46 PM (#371603)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: RedCelt

Here's another idea, kinda spun off from the original.

(It's entirely possible that this sort of thing already exists somewhere on the 'cat, and I'm in blissful ignorance of it)

Rather than organizing a fixed string of concerts, we might at the least maintain regional/city lists of players, willing hosts, people plugged into the local venues, free publicity, etc...

Then whenever a 'Catter is traveling and needs a between-shows gig, or wants to individually organize a "Mudcat Touring Roadshow" the resources are already assembled.

I hereby volunteer for the host and free publicity lists from Dallas.

All the Best, Jeff

09 Jan 01 - 02:49 PM (#371604)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: MMario

I was about to say something about that. We used to have a great deal of problems at my home school with functions because we were required by the SCHOOL to pay the janitors (at overtime rates) and by the TOWN to pay a police officer (again at overtime) even though the auditorium itself was free.

09 Jan 01 - 04:35 PM (#371684)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Pseudolus

I got into this really late and didn't have time to read all of the posts so if I am repeating, I apologize. The idea is great. why don't we gather all of the names of the folks willing to perform (and where they live) AND the names of the audience folks that want the tour to come to them, put it on a map and then decide a route. Maybe a small committee to pull it all together. I would LOVE it if the tour would come through Wilmington Delaware!! I saw at least one post from Rowana in Philadelphia....sounds like a cluster of catters to me!!


09 Jan 01 - 04:51 PM (#371698)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Bert

Pseudolus, If you're in Wilmington Delaware, get your ass up here to Mudcat Radio;-)

09 Jan 01 - 06:14 PM (#371781)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Gray Rooster

Right on Jeff. Put me down as your opening act in the Dallas area. There are enough of us in this area to kick it off quickly. Hell, I'll put up the $$ to mail the banner to the next location - and I've got this BIG felt marker to sign my name on it . I'd be honored.

10 Jan 01 - 06:13 AM (#372084)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: John P

I can organize a concert in the Seattle area, split the bill with an out-of-town Mudcatter, and put one or two folks up overnight (depending on how cozy they are). Travelling to another city is more difficult, but not impossible. I play in a duet act called Telynor. Naemanson, are you putting together a list of people? If so, put me on it:
John Peekstok

10 Jan 01 - 06:21 AM (#372090)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: InOBU

I think Sorcha Dorcha would go for this for the New York City stop, and someone drop Liam's Brother an email to check out this post, he is one of the few other NYC mudcatters whoperforms here...

10 Jan 01 - 07:39 AM (#372102)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Naemanson

I am indeed trying to put together a list of names. I would like those who are serious about doing this to PM me with what they want to contribute.

Please note that I am taking the role of chairman and organizer. Once I have a list of volunteers I may be asking you to do more than you have volunteered for. As an example, John P and Grey Rooster have each volunteered to perform. This is great and very necessary. But for every performer on stage there are several people unseen and often unappreciated who put that person on that stage. Those are the people we need and if I cannot get those volunteers I will have to either draft the performers themselves or drop the project. This is a team effort to put together something that nobody has ever done before.

10 Jan 01 - 09:23 AM (#372128)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: annamill

I would love to organize a gig in Sea Bright, NJ, exit 117 from the North, and exit 105 from the South. Anyone care to play here? You are welcome to stay at my house and I know of a real nice place I might be able to get for free and Glenn is real good frinds with a reporter at The Asbury Park Press, and I have a good friend on a local entertainment rag called Fred's Entertainment. Folk is moving in our area. It probably would be a good draw.

I need some players though! And, Naemanson, I would need a date window to plan for.

What fun! Even better than a gathering! Well, maybe. I love new projects.

Love, annamill

10 Jan 01 - 10:50 AM (#372169)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Pseudolus

What an awesome can of worms this is!! I think that Naemanson will probably want to do some more organizing to make sure this great idea doesn't fly outta control but when the time comes, I can find either one of those exits! I'll travel there if you'll travel here!!

Naemanson, I am willing to help in whatever way I can. Post it here or PM me and let me know.


10 Jan 01 - 11:32 AM (#372187)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Naemanson

I just listened to the archive of last night's radio show and Max gave this project his blessing. Well, actually what he said was that it could go forward if he could be the roadie. That's fine as far as I'm concerned. If he wants to hump all that equipment then more power to him. *BG*

I am indeed taking names, pseudolus, and yours is now on the list. It will take some serious skull work to put this all together and before it's over our communications will have to be by email rather than PM but not yet. Once I have a list of people and places to set up concerts I will ask for specific email addresses for a First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow Central Committee.

10 Jan 01 - 11:43 AM (#372196)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Rex

Hey WyoWoman, count me in. I'll toss some instruments in the car join in. Lets get the other CO folks too.


10 Jan 01 - 11:44 AM (#372197)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: annamill

Frank, I'll be happy to come down to Wilmington, as an audience. I. alas, still haven't learned how to play guitar. Someday.... Are you my first guest?

Naemanson, may I be considered a serious venue. I could set it up at a nice local pub. The owner is a friend. Besides, he'd make money on the drinks.

How much are we charging for this, anyway? $10 a head good? Max can hold the money as it comes in ;-)

I need some Mudcatters to play though!

Love, annamill

10 Jan 01 - 12:06 PM (#372221)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Naemanson

BTW, with the different format, i.e., mailing the banner around the world, our overseas brothers and sisters can join in the fun. Where are they in this. Some have checked in above but I think they have backed off. Let's see if we can include some of our other members in this. It is after all a WORLD tour.

10 Jan 01 - 12:21 PM (#372229)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: annamill

I was just re-reading the posts and I realized that we're considering starting it after the FSGW??? Can't we do this soon and END at FSGW??

First we do Mudcat radio, then over to the coast (me), the onward to the North, East, West and South. How very exciting!

I don't wanna wait til next October!! Whine, whine..

Love, annamill

10 Jan 01 - 12:54 PM (#372249)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Naemanson

Sorry but we need time to set this up, annamill. You would be surprised how long it will take to set up gigs and line up talent. And some venues are already booked out that far. The side Door coffeehouse is booked through next winter but mine is only booked a few minths in advance so you can guess where the local concert will be held.

I still haven't heard from anyone who would like to design and make the banner.

10 Jan 01 - 05:09 PM (#372415)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: CarolC

M Ted,

The hick schtick might work in most of West Virginin, but don't try it in Shepherdstown.

Washington Post Magazine designated Shepherdstown as the "Smartest small town" within a 100 mile radius of the Washington Monument, with the highest percentage of people with college degrees (54%).

This is an events town. Events is what we do here. There are many able promoters here in town who do a fine job of promoting and succesfully holding events. Unfortunately, I'm not one of them. I have good connections, though.


10 Jan 01 - 05:46 PM (#372441)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Susan-Marie

Carol - I love Shepherdstown. Been to two training sessions at the FWS training center - nicest use of "pork" money I ever saw....

10 Jan 01 - 06:12 PM (#372473)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: CarolC


If you're ever coming back for another training session, send me a PM. Maybe we could get together over a cup of something at the Lost Dog.


10 Jan 01 - 07:23 PM (#372556)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: CarolC

Oops, correction-

Make that Washingtonian Magazine.


10 Jan 01 - 08:04 PM (#372594)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: M.Ted

Carol, I just want you to know that my zany Michigan comedy routine is not an act for hicks at all, and in fact it takes a college degree to get a lot of the jokes( not one of those fakey "Bachelor of Arts degrees, either, but one a firm foundation in science and math)--I just thought that your educated, sophisticated, and highly educated audiences would enjoy having another state as the subject of humor for a change, because, (and we both know that this is true), when Congress is not in session, those Washingtonian readers make West Viginia the subject of a lot of their jokes--

10 Jan 01 - 11:33 PM (#372681)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Susan A-R

Naemenson, as I said earlier, we have a living rooom which seats 30 people, and could host a concert. I may be able to do better than that and get LiveArt to sponsor it. We also have room to host 1 or two performers. WE also have access to a couple of mailing lists for something like this, and have done self-promoted concerts before, and so know what is involved. I am also glad to do back-up vocals and fiddle, and there is a LARGE Steinway if anyone has the need/urge to do keyboard work.

Susan A-R

11 Jan 01 - 11:38 AM (#372773)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Naemanson

OK Susan, you are on my list (The good list!) for hosting a concert. You live close enough that I might even be able to get out there.

I will start a new thread (Part 2) which will start by listing the people who want to sponsor concerts and those who want to perform. There will also be a list of those offering accomodations for any who want to travel to participate. I know a few who are dedicated (foolish? *G*) enough to go to any lengths to be at a gathering.

11 Jan 01 - 12:11 PM (#372801)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: annamill

Is there a bad list?

Love, annamill

11 Jan 01 - 02:41 PM (#372904)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Naemanson

No, but some people maintain a s**t list. I don't do it but I've heard of others who have.

11 Jan 01 - 03:14 PM (#372921)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Bert

Hey Annamill, If they won't start sooner, we could always have a practice 'dry run' at your place. Just to make sure nothing goes wrong on the day of course;-)

11 Jan 01 - 03:26 PM (#372930)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Pseudolus

A dry run would be nice, especially if it included us Wilmingtonians!! wink, wink, nudge, nudge........


11 Jan 01 - 04:14 PM (#372947)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Bert

Of course, it would be open to all Mudcatters, that's the only way to test the water properly.

12 Jan 01 - 09:26 AM (#373283)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: annamill

OK, when? How about February 10th? It's a Saturday. People could come Friday night if they'ed like to. I'll make sure we have plenty of fodd and drink and fire wood. I miss you guys! I'll start a new thread so this doesn't interfere with our Roadshow.

Love, annamill

12 Jan 01 - 11:28 AM (#373351)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow

What can I bring besides myself?

13 Jan 01 - 05:33 AM (#373848)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Bristol Ted

So, where are all the UK Catters??

I am involved with a small club on the outskirts of Bristol, UK. This realy sounds good and if we can involve the home country then don't forget we're here.

Reading the earlier messages, I'm also interested in the House Concert process. I haven't come across this before and it sounds a good way of organising a tour. Has anyone ever tried this in the UK?

Please let me know.



13 Jan 01 - 07:57 AM (#373882)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Mooh

Somehow this thread has eluded me until this morning. As far as I know I'm the only performing Mudcatter for miles around but there's a healthy folk audience around here and this idea would work if I brought some band members along for the ride...unless other mudcatters will come as far as Huron County to play...Good halls here too. I'd go anywhere in southern Ontario to play. Mooh.

13 Jan 01 - 09:26 AM (#373902)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: CarolC


If you are serious about wanting to perform the kind of stuff you have described here in Shepherdstown, you'll probably want to get in touch with Andrew McKnight. He does the "Shenandoah Coffee House Series", which is the main venue for folky-folk kinds of stuff (as opposed to traditional or derivations on traditional stuff).

His address is:

Andrew McKnight
c/o Shenandoah Coffee House Series
P.O. Box 481
Aldie, VA 20105.

His concerts/coffee houses are generally very well attended. Performers have come from as far away as Maine.


13 Jan 01 - 05:03 PM (#374061)
Subject: RE: First Ever Mudcat Touring Roadshow
From: Naemanson

The thread has been continued here.