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btw Rick Fielding isn't God

02 Jan 01 - 01:54 PM (#367152)
Subject: btw Rick Fielding isn't God

Rick is a great picker, but isn't the greatest singer in the world.

Will certain sections of mudcatville just appreciate him and stop pretending that he's some sort of deity?

02 Jan 01 - 01:58 PM (#367153)
Subject: Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Clinton Hammond2

Say's you!


02 Jan 01 - 01:59 PM (#367154)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Bert


02 Jan 01 - 02:05 PM (#367155)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Dale Rose

This is not normally my kind of thread, and I usually do get shot down when I attempt to put in my two cents worth of opinion. But for what it is worth ~~ I see absolutely no value in anyone stepping in to defend Rick or to agree with the original poster either one. Letting it drop makes the most sense to me. (there were no other posts when I started mine, but I see there are at least two more before I am ready to hit submit)

02 Jan 01 - 02:05 PM (#367156)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God

can he heal my sores?

02 Jan 01 - 02:07 PM (#367157)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: paddymac

Rick is a well appreciated and valued member here. I only know him through his posts here, but I suspect that he would be the first to agree he isn't a diety. Especially since deities are essentially figments of one's imagination. (God protect me from the righteous indignation of others)*BG*

02 Jan 01 - 02:10 PM (#367163)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: GUEST,Willie-O at my new job!

hey, Rick is one of the most underrated artists at Boring Alice Records!

me, Willie-O

02 Jan 01 - 02:11 PM (#367164)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: McGrath of Harlow

Isn't Max?

02 Jan 01 - 02:14 PM (#367167)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God

isn't Max what...? God?

I think not

02 Jan 01 - 02:28 PM (#367179)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: MichaelAnthony

There's a bit of God in everyone here, most likely.

02 Jan 01 - 02:32 PM (#367181)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Midchuck

...and of the other chap.


02 Jan 01 - 02:57 PM (#367198)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Wesley S

I notice that the original poster is such a person of conviction that they are too much of a wimp to sign their name. Rick isn't a god but he is well liked. Maybe the original poster is just jealous.

02 Jan 01 - 03:00 PM (#367200)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God

shameful isn't it?

02 Jan 01 - 03:08 PM (#367204)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Bert


02 Jan 01 - 03:15 PM (#367205)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Matt_R

Not THE God, but certainly a deity in his own right! Thought there are a few things I can teach him. LOL!

02 Jan 01 - 03:16 PM (#367207)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God


How's your girlfriend?

02 Jan 01 - 03:28 PM (#367215)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Mickey191

Let's forgive him, he evidently has sores,or is a sore,or causes sores.

02 Jan 01 - 03:34 PM (#367219)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Naemanson

Ok Ok Ok

Let's clear this up once and for all. Max is God. Dick is the Keeper Of The Records. Joe and the Clones (Is that a band name?) are archangels.

Then you have the rest of us divided as we are into oldtimers and newbies. Spaw is an old timer. I am a newbie.

Rick is, as the guest said, a great guitar player, a fine performer and, as s/he didn't say but certainly must have implied, a fine human being... And an oldtimer. *BG*

Ok, have enough of us responded to the flamer? Or was that a troll?

02 Jan 01 - 03:39 PM (#367223)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: sophocleese

It was an iconoclastic lout. Is there a problem with that?

02 Jan 01 - 05:15 PM (#367273)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: katlaughing

Besides that everyone knows Rick is agnostic!

02 Jan 01 - 05:33 PM (#367290)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Joe Offer

Yeah, I think it's Rick that starts these threads when his agnosticism shows through and he stops believing in himself...

I know I'm the one that always says people shouldn't feed flamers by contributing to flame threads - but for a Fielding flame, I'll make an exception. I wonder why a nice guy like Rick gets flamed so often. Must be some broken-hearted woman who's upset that he's married. Either that, or an unmitigated idiot.

02 Jan 01 - 05:38 PM (#367293)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Wesley S

To paraphrase an old joke maybe the guest is dyslexic and thinks that Rick isn't a DOG.

02 Jan 01 - 05:41 PM (#367294)
Subject: Sorry Rick, can't help myself...
From: CarolC

According to the movie "Dogma", Alanis Morrisette is God.

Carol ;-)

02 Jan 01 - 05:52 PM (#367302)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Willie-O

Not in Ottawa she isn't. (Alanis).

Has claimed to have never taken singing lessons. She actually did take some from my friend Lynn Miles, but it doesn't show.

Nah, I don't want to get into dumping on A. Morrisette. But it's been a popular pastime here for years.

Next year's non-God from Ottawa: Tom Green.

Thus spake...

02 Jan 01 - 06:03 PM (#367313)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: CarolC


I'm not familiar with either her music, or that of our esteemed Rick. It's just that she played the character of God in a movie. I was refering to that in a humorous vein.

Rick, having a sophisticated and elegant sense of irony, will probably be able to get some enjoyment out of that.

Best wishes,


02 Jan 01 - 06:14 PM (#367325)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: NightWing

Hmm, katlaughing's comment brings up an interesting philosphical problem: What happens if God is agnostic? Does this merely mean that he lacks confidence? He doesn't believe in himself Or do we have a more serious issue here by the tail? (Of the dog?)



02 Jan 01 - 06:25 PM (#367331)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Little Hawk

Ob, boy, oh, boy...(rubbing my hands in glee...)

GUEST - Of course Rick Fielding is God. Everyone is God. Let me elaborate on that (as if you could stop me!).

God, by definition is infinite. Agreed? All powerful. Agreed? The infinite is by definition unlimited and inclusive of all that is, otherwise it wouldn't BE infinite. Therefore, everyone and everyTHING is God, manifesting in one sense or another. That doesn't mean that everyone KNOWS consciously that they are God, however, in fact most individual beings are utterly unaware of it. Their individuality depends on them at first being unaware of it. Unfortunately, it also has given rise to fear-based religions (which make God very small and then worship "Him" in their own peculiar fashion and persecute those who don't do it their way...)...and has caused fear-based behaviour of all kinds. Only when you realize that you are in absolute unity with all others (which is natural since all are part of God), do you give up this fearful behaviour.

Even you, dear GUEST, are God. You just don't realize it, that's all. If you did, you would not feel this resentment toward Rick Fielding, and would no doubt appreciate his unique qualities as much as you appreciate your own.

Midchuck - There is no "other guy". The "other guy" was invented in order to terrorize the common people into following some bunch of power-hungry priests around. It was a "damned" silly idea, if I can use that term. Sort of like a cosmic boogeyman to scare the kids and keep them in line...while the "big guy", religion's little "god", judges, condemns, and hands out presents like a cosmic Santa Claus. To believe in one is as silly as to believe in the other. I mean, how big can the "big guy" be, if he can't even prevent Satan, a mere "fallen angel" from leading his children astray and damning them for all eternity? How can God not be able to even manage his own creation? Not much of a "god"...this traditional god of the churches.

Now, GUEST, take a deep breath, and wonder why you started this thread. Just one more step on the road to self-realization???

I'm smilin', but I'm not kiddin'.

- LH

02 Jan 01 - 06:32 PM (#367334)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: GUEST,Valentine Michael Smith

Thou art God
He art God
we ALL am as godlike as we care to be-except for trolls.

02 Jan 01 - 06:44 PM (#367345)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Little Hawk

Even trolls are there to serve as an example of what a troll that those who wish NOT to be trolls can draw comparisons, and act accordinly. Thoughtful of them, isn't it?

- LH

02 Jan 01 - 06:47 PM (#367349)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Bugsy

I wish I had this much time on MY hands.



02 Jan 01 - 06:49 PM (#367353)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Little Hawk

Me too, Bugsy! Say, didn't they gun you down in Las Vegas or something?

- LH

02 Jan 01 - 06:59 PM (#367357)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God

All I know is,everytime I read one of Fielding's posts I say to myself "God Rick!"

02 Jan 01 - 07:18 PM (#367374)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Jon Freeman

Namaeson, I would say it was a troll. Guest starts it, keeps interest for a while, returning to try to stir thing up a little and then when the posts start flooding in, sits back and I guess congratualtes his/herself on starting up another time wasting excercise...

I know I have added to the posts here (and I don't always practice what I preach) but really the only way to deal with trollers is to starve them of the attention they crave and the delight they get at seeing the thread perpetuated.

While I'm here, I will pass comment on the subject though: I am quite convinced that Rick would be the first person to say that he is not God or ask to be treated as one. From what I have read of his posts, I believe he is a truely decent person and from what little I have heard of him, I believe him to be an incredibly tallented musician.


02 Jan 01 - 07:27 PM (#367382)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Little Hawk

Definitely. I haven't seen Rick play yet, but a lot of my friends have, and they say he's absolutely marvellous.

- LH

02 Jan 01 - 07:33 PM (#367386)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: little john cameron

Weel ah used tae live in the same hoose as Him an he performed a few miracles wi mah guitar playin. ljc

02 Jan 01 - 07:33 PM (#367387)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: MAG (inactive)

Did everybody forget about poor Bud Cort in *Dogma*??? He was God first ...

02 Jan 01 - 07:34 PM (#367388)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: paddymac

I had a chat with Michael Valentine earlier- say's he's ROTFLHAO!

02 Jan 01 - 07:35 PM (#367389)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Den

My Uncle Frank was a Deity...or was that Davey. Yeah Frank Davey, nice bloke though, just like Rick. Den

02 Jan 01 - 08:04 PM (#367400)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: GUEST,God

Guest..Dont make me come down there.

02 Jan 01 - 08:11 PM (#367407)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Matt_R

Guest, my girlfriend is sick with pneumonia.

02 Jan 01 - 08:40 PM (#367425)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: GUEST,God

She will recover and you will lose your virginity this year!

02 Jan 01 - 08:44 PM (#367426)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Jeri

Well, he IS a great picker, and there is no "best singer in the world," although I think Rick's pretty great at that too. Also, he isn't God. I guess I pretty much agree.

Oh, and if anyone's amazed Rick gets so much respect from people, and wonder what he has that they don't have...uh, my guess is it might be respect. Not godhood - just simple respect.

02 Jan 01 - 08:48 PM (#367428)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God

Thanks, Jeri. You're the first person who actually read my message, and didn't make assumptions.

Thank you

02 Jan 01 - 09:01 PM (#367432)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Amergin

No he is not God.....I am....

02 Jan 01 - 09:09 PM (#367435)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Rick Fielding

Damn! The things I miss, by going out shopping with Duckboots! The problem with being god though, is you gotta remember ALL the holidays, and to my chagrin I found out that THREE outta the FOUR music stores I wanted to hit today are still CLOSED for festive season. Bugger! This "god" thing ain't all it's cracked up to be, so I'll pass the mantle back to Joe, who was at least "Big Kahuna" when I got here three years ago! Cheers, and happy new year to all of us.


02 Jan 01 - 09:15 PM (#367437)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: GUEST,Candy


How about teaching me how to pick?


03 Jan 01 - 08:18 AM (#367694)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: InOBU

Dear Guest:
You sonofmabeech! I show up to conduct services last night, and the whole congrigation is waiting for me with pitchforks and copies of your post. The whole church has gone bust! They burned the church and threw a bunch of CD's I sold em, onto the fire. I had PLANS boyo! I was on my way to challenging the Catholic Church as the new gosple of the poor! Now I have to go back to my old gig, Sorcha Dorcha is God, and you can find out for yourself...
FEB 10!
FEB 10

03 Jan 01 - 08:24 AM (#367695)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: InOBU

here is the rest of the post...
Workmen's Circle 45 E 33rd Street, New York effing City
Yours in SD
His emminence
Rev. Larry Otway
Uilleann Piper and pope.

03 Jan 01 - 11:41 AM (#367807)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Steve Latimer

Well, having met and heard Rick, I think it's safe to say that he would be the first to admit he's not God. He sure is a fine picker, a person who knows more about music than anyone I've ever met and a wonderful, caring human being who is a great value to Mudcat.

03 Jan 01 - 11:47 AM (#367810)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Bert

I just love your logic Little Hawk.

And of course Rick is God! Who else but someone who thought he was all powerful would try to build a shed using just a Dremel Tool.


03 Jan 01 - 11:47 AM (#367811)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: WyoWoman

We are stardust. We are golden and we've got to get ourselves back to the Garden.

That's all there is to it ...

ee ... which is ww, only a little to the right

03 Jan 01 - 12:10 PM (#367829)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Bert

The religious folks say that God made man in his own image. The scientific folks are getting closer to believing the mitachondrial Eve theory, which says that the first human was a woman in Africa.

Of course they are both right, and God is a black woman. When I get to heaven I hope to find that it's Whoopie Goldberg, but knowing my luck it'll probably be Marsha Warfield.


03 Jan 01 - 12:19 PM (#367836)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Big Mick

Now what do I do with all these fecking candles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03 Jan 01 - 12:22 PM (#367839)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God

God is dead and living in California. At least that's what the bumper stickers declared in the 60s. So Rick who lives in Canada can't be God. (Before Peter T. objects: This is not to say that God could not have been from Canada originally). Rick may well be an archangel. Can't you see it on the Judgement Day? An army of angels blowing trumpets and one banjo strummer! Hope I am around to see it.

03 Jan 01 - 12:26 PM (#367842)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Rick Fielding

Well I coulda used a few "god like skills" the other night on my New Years gig. Played like a dog! Missed notes, half completed runs, forgotten chords...just brutal.

On the other hand, had Tony Quarrington on the radio show two nights ago, and his playing (after 35 years) continues to blow me away. Still the best I've ever heard. He may not be god, but I think he bought HIS/HER'S instruction book!


03 Jan 01 - 02:51 PM (#367930)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God


03 Jan 01 - 02:58 PM (#367937)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: InOBU

Dear Rick:
My puppy has worms. Can you fix him please?
And why did you let the black plague happen? Was it just a screw up?
most revently and respectful(don't send me to hell)

03 Jan 01 - 03:09 PM (#367941)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: mousethief

God, what a stupid thread.

03 Jan 01 - 03:19 PM (#367947)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: catspaw49

This is news? Geeziz, where the hell you been? First, he's a charter board member in Lane, Fielding, Patterson, and Swan....Layabouts-At-Large, and there is no way someone purporting to be God could hold such an undistinguished position of non-authority. I mean, hell........He was in charge of the "Secret Decoder Capo" project and we still ain't got any of the damn things.......and its been a couple of years now.

No "GOD" would buy some lame-ass Mexican 12 string then tune it to standard pitch and hide it in a closet til it imploded.

No "GOD" would have to review and memorize his family details to sell himself on his future in-laws.

Gimmee a break............


03 Jan 01 - 03:49 PM (#367960)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: DougR

You're absoulutel right, GUEST, Rick is not God. He's Mohammed.


03 Jan 01 - 04:14 PM (#367971)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: InOBU

Gee Rick, if you're Mohammed, I hope I didn't insult you by my request about my unclean animal friend with worms - Salam alechem, Larry

03 Jan 01 - 04:33 PM (#367975)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Peter T.

But...but...I gave him my VISA card and bank code number and everything, and he said he would heal my overdraft and get me one of those Secret Decoder Capos and then there were the two virgins I gave him that he said he would take real good care of, AND YOU MEAN HE ISN'T GOD?? (Opens cardboard shrine, holding shards of the True Fingerpicks, thinks....). Better get to my bank real fast. The virgins are done for, I am afraid.....Boy just when I was going to get my hands on one of those decoder capos that would give me the secret of playing like Scrapper Blackwell without practicing and everything. Holy Rick!!! (pause) Just a minute, Eccles, I have even lost my patentented curseword ....(feels around crushed heart, looks up into face of Mother Superior who begins to break into "Climb Every Mountain" which unfortunately always brings George Mallory to mind.....)

yours, Peter T.

03 Jan 01 - 05:02 PM (#367992)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Little Hawk

Spaw - You think God can't screw up? He made you didn't He/She/and It? I rest my case. Hee! Hee!

- LH

Mousethief - Come on, we've had stupider threads than this one. I've even launched a couple (to be modest) that were stupider. At least this one provided some room for theological speculation, and that is always great fun.

- LH

03 Jan 01 - 05:46 PM (#368035)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Rick Fielding

Hey Mousethief, I couldn't agree with you more. But what are you gonna do when a veteran Mudcatter goes the anonymous route simply to embarrass another member? They've done it at least three times before, under different fake guest names. (it all started at the beginning of the great flame wars several months ago) Beats me how to deal with it other than humour. For three years I've plugged other people's music here far more than my own, tried to be helpful when I can, and throw out topics that may be of interest. As I say, Whaddya gonna do?


03 Jan 01 - 05:57 PM (#368041)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Jon Freeman

Whaddya gonna do Rick? Just stick with the vast majority of people here who have a lot of respect for you and no respect whatsoever for anonymous cowards.


03 Jan 01 - 06:06 PM (#368046)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: mousethief

I'm not faulting you for responding with humo(u)r, Rick. Well done, I say. I'm faulting the filthy little coward that shot John Howard -- I mean tried to shoot Rick Fielding. What a stupid thing to say, "Rick Fielding is not God." (Like anybody with a modicum of sense ever thought you were.) And hence a stupid reason to start a thread. And hence, a stupid thread. Best thing we could do with this thread, since it will not die, is turn it into a ....


And since it was my idea, I'll get the ball rolling.

There was a young mouse, scarcely "mod",
Who found it exceedingly odd
That some dick-head
Would start a new thread
Just to say Rick Fielding ain't God.

So there.


03 Jan 01 - 06:11 PM (#368048)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Bert

Well we only keep the thread going with silly remarks to further embarrass you;-) Seriously, you're right, humour is the best answer. He's just jealous of anyone better than himself, the poor sod.

The funny thing is that he still thinks that he's anonymous. So I always get a chuckle when I see one of his posts.


03 Jan 01 - 06:15 PM (#368053)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Sorcha

Well, we obviously have a GUEST with a burr under the saddle. There have been several other messages in threads, and one thread was deleted. Seems we have an unhappy guest......not much I can do, now is there? Except ignore the whole stupid thing.

And GUEST, are you SURE Rick is not God? Where do you get your information? LOL

There once was a guest
Who thought Rick was blessed,
It lived under a bridge
And thought not a squidge
Of trying to knot the Cat's tail.

03 Jan 01 - 06:24 PM (#368056)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: catspaw49

I just wanna' point out here Sorch that you're stuff don't all rhyme and is somehow befitting of our guest who can't get it together. On that basis, I vote it best poem ever written and extremely godlike.



03 Jan 01 - 06:25 PM (#368057)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: InOBU

Should we start a thread, is Rick Budha? Moses? Krishna? Hmmmm, Is Rick Tiki? - Larry

03 Jan 01 - 06:29 PM (#368058)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Jon Freeman

My turn:

There once was a coward so thick
That he tried to pick on "our" Rick
He tried different disguises
And several devices
But he still came out looking a prick.


03 Jan 01 - 06:33 PM (#368060)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Sorcha

OOOOHHHH! Kudos from Spaw, a Rikki Tikki, and a cool poem from Jon, all at once! Spaw, I nivver claimed to be a poet.....but thanks all the same...and tell Cletus and the boys Hi from me! They kin rite pomes too......

03 Jan 01 - 07:09 PM (#368079)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God

There once was a 'Catter named Guest
Who carried his name in his vest
But his flames were so marked
By his style so stark
That hiding his name was a jest.

03 Jan 01 - 07:22 PM (#368090)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: catspaw49

Cletus was once briefly inspired by the poem "Trees" by Joyce Kilmore-Oaks and tried to pen one of his own.

I think that I would like to start
A poem about a lovely fart.
A fart which blew out of Paw's ass
And scorched a pattern in the grass.
With love and strain he gave his all
And scorched Jerry Falwell on Catspaw's wall.
The believers came to see the sight
In the middle of the night.
Falwell's likeness made them pray
And the fumes were still present in the light of day.
Catspaw's fences lay trampled around his home
And they smashed his neighbor's garden gnome.
We had to paint the wall and fix the fences too
While Catspaw sealed Paw's ass with superglue.
But the glue didn't hold and in a while
Paw farted that plug a country mile.
Catspaw was pissed the plug came outta' Paw's ass
But was glad he wasn't around plate glass.
T'was still not Paw's greatest fart of them all
That one is a legend known to all.
His greatest fart, I swear on Buford's old socks,
Was the one that blew up three city blocks.
But that poem I'll save for another fine day
Since Paw just lit a match......and he's headin' this way!

Well, it didn't win any prizes, but the boy ain't got but a 4th grade education.


03 Jan 01 - 08:02 PM (#368107)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God

I dunno, Pat...he managed to maintain the iambic tetrameter form for eight or ten lines--then he lost all sense of scansion and ended up in some kind of a sore-footed pentameter. Least it hurts my foot. But I can't say that the original has much on it...


03 Jan 01 - 08:15 PM (#368115)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God

Spaw, I wish you would stop encouraging that young man along path that leads nowhere. When is he going to get a job? Send him to me. I will clean him up a bit, get his teeth fixed, and find a proper place for him. Plus he will get a much needed hug.

03 Jan 01 - 10:26 PM (#368168)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: katlaughing

There once was a GUEST, thought anonymous
Whose M.O. made it painfully obvious
His ego was little and painfully sore
And, his attempts at flaming quite a bore!

Came after our Rick, in a terrible snit
Began cursing about in the thread, bit by bit
Flames damped down 'cause Mudcatters aren't asses
Who fall for his scaborous thrashes.

03 Jan 01 - 11:13 PM (#368195)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: mousethief

Much as I love ya, Kat, um, how do I say this kindly? PM me your snail-mail address and I'll mail you a rhyming dictionary, gratis.


03 Jan 01 - 11:21 PM (#368203)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: WyoWoman

There once was a Guest in a rut,
Who got quite a bug up his butt,
Competing with players,
Whom all the soothsayers,
Made Guest always sound like a mutt ...


04 Jan 01 - 01:47 AM (#368259)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: KT

On Rick......

Never heard him pick
Never heard him sing
Never even met him face to face
But I've read the things he writes
And from them I can attest
He's a wonderful addition to this place!!
(And a shining star in this here human race!!)

04 Jan 01 - 02:59 AM (#368266)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Amergin

Alex and Kat, no ned for anyone to mail here

04 Jan 01 - 05:34 AM (#368286)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: katlaughing

I've got one, anyway and I rhymed, ya just gotta say 'em right, an' it was late at night, an' I was tired, an' go read the M'Catterbury Tales thread, Alex!!

04 Jan 01 - 09:21 AM (#368355)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: kendall

Jeez, anyone might think there are some who actually like this guy..Rick. Ok, so, he's not God, is being liked by huge numbers of people good enough?

04 Jan 01 - 11:39 AM (#368442)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: GUEST,kendall

Rick, what I was trying to say in that other thread to which I will not post again, is, I have tried a number of capos for the 12, and, they all fail. I did the grooving thing years good..the capo is too weak. Those elastic ones last about a month, so, I'm still looking.

04 Jan 01 - 11:42 AM (#368444)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: mousethief

Is capo choice the universal thread-creep?

Kat, what thread are you referring to? Je suis confusé.


04 Jan 01 - 11:45 AM (#368448)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Amergin

We were just trying to be helpful....

04 Jan 01 - 11:50 AM (#368453)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: katlaughing

It's an old one, you will have to hunt up, Alex, called, if memory serves, "M'Catterbury Tales soemthing or other"

We had a lot of fun and my poetic abilities have never been brought into question before, I've even been published, SO there ya go, ya bugger!**BG**

04 Jan 01 - 04:58 PM (#368589)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: tar_heel

rick is fair.....and that's all that matters to me.thanks rick,for all your help in spinning our cd from time to time,on your radio show!chuck hemrick...aka,TAR_HEEL(and SANDYTOES)

04 Jan 01 - 05:22 PM (#368614)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Little Hawk

To return to the original subject...EVERYONE is God.

Well, except for Spaw, anyway...

- LH

p.s. I like the Shubb capo best.

04 Jan 01 - 06:04 PM (#368653)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God

I have to say that those of you who say you know the perpetrator of this thread is, don't come up looking too good.

You say you know who he or she is, but respond by sneering. If you know this person, maybe you should try to understand a bit more and not be so judgemental.

You say that this person is gutless, but none of you name him/her. How gutless is that?

Do you know this person well enough that you understand their circumstance? Why they might have done this? The shit that might be going on in their life that causes things to occasionally spill over?

Thought not

Enough said I hope

04 Jan 01 - 06:20 PM (#368671)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Bert

'I' don't name you out of courtesy. If you wished your name to be known, you would make it known yourself.

I do understand that sometimes the circumstances of a persons life can make them act in a manner that is very annoying to others. Understanding though, doesn't make those actions any less annoying.

And I do hope that the shit that is going on in your life will soon resolve itself in a positive manner and you can revert to being the charming, intelligent person that I know you can be.

Happy noo!


04 Jan 01 - 06:43 PM (#368683)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God

Thanks Bert,

A personal message along those lines would have been appreciated (and still would)

I'm not a bad person, I just lose it occasionally.

If I ever lose it in the future, a well worded personal message would be better for all of us than the continuation of an aggressive thread.

All the best

04 Jan 01 - 07:01 PM (#368692)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Jon Freeman

To be honest Guest, I do not know who you are - I was just having a bit of fun (or getting my own back) as a result of yet another needless nasty thread started by a nameless person and made use of what was said before. I could of course speculate as to your identity but there is no way that I would wish to unfairly cast doubt over anyone.

If you genuinely do have problems that spill over in this way I am sorry but I also wish that you could find other ways of coping with them although I certainly could not condemn you as I sometimes reach explosion point and behave in ways that I dislike myself for (more an over-reaction to something trivial when I blow).

I am not saying that this is the right approach for you but Mudcat does have a number of supportive people and it may be better to air the way you feel as you than go about releasing things the way you do.


04 Jan 01 - 07:12 PM (#368707)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God


Thank you, I'm starting to learn...

However bad I was, sneering didn't help

04 Jan 01 - 07:56 PM (#368738)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: kendall

I dont know who you are, so, a PM is out of the question.

04 Jan 01 - 07:57 PM (#368739)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: DonMeixner

Besides Ray Charles is God if you will all remember back a few months. We had a similar discussion, probably about Mick.... :-)

God is love,

Love is blind,

Ray Charles is blind,

Ray Charles is God.


05 Jan 01 - 02:48 AM (#368936)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Rick Fielding

All right "Guest", I'll treat this seriously for the first time.

So you don't like my voice, and "there might be shit going on in your life that causes things to "spill over".

That's a reason for starting an anonymous thread that causes me obvious embarrassment?

Was it for the same reason that three others were started in the past that were equally hurtful, and even more embarrassing because some here thought that the false names used, were real people, and entered into debates?

It is so gratifying to see the number of folks here who think I've been a good Mudcat citizen. Frankly, I'm quite non-plussed, and that in itself is a bit embarrassing...but why in God's name does it have to come out in a something called "RF isn't God"? It's time wasting, makes good folk nervous, and is so counter-productive to what Mudcat is at it's best, that I simply don't understand the motivation at all.

Since you're implying that I (or others) see myself as better than than anyone else, then you sure haven't read the stuff I've written here for three years. I post instrument tips, travel stories, the occasional political opinion and jokes. I've spent many hours on the phone with Mudcatters discussing music, and have listened to quite a few personal problems. I've never once been egotistical about how I've played or sung a song (quite the opposite in many cases) and frankly I don't think much of those who DO trumpet their every effort.

My initial reason for joining was to be able to interact with others who share my fanaticism for folk music. People, that in the past I would have had to travel many miles to get together with, and talk music. I've attempted to stay impartial during some sickening internal feuds when I've known the parties on both sides, and both Heather and I have payed dearly for that.

For me, the net result of anonymous flaming has been to cease listing My radio show ahead of time (even when Catters have been featured), and to be infinitely more cautious in what I say here. Why? Because thinking that someone who I may have thought of as either a friend or fellow Mudcatter was harbouring some grudge unknown to me and would start a thread like this or disrupt an existing one. Sad, 'cause anyone who knows me, knows I'm willing to discuss any problem they've got with me.

So you'll be pleased to know that despite the jokes, your actions have indeed hurt me. Perhaps not as much as those who got savaged a few months ago when apparently a "practical joke" got way out of hand (one of the flamers offered me (and a lot of other Mudcatters) a long written apology...and I accepted it), but ANYTHING that causes mistrust in this community, hurts.


P.S. To all the folks who've seen (or heard) me say "ignore it", or "make a joke out of it" regarding insulting threads or posts....sorry. Indulge me this once.

05 Jan 01 - 08:06 AM (#368997)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: katlaughing

Well-said, Rick...many of the same reasons the rest of us came here AND also why many of us are much more careful about what we post. I received one of those long apologies, too.

GUEST, starting a flame and then castigating us for not sending personal messages (so you could then castigate us for outing you?)and whining in the threads about why you did it and how we didn't *kill you with kindness*, is not going to get you any sympathy from me. If you need help, YOU send the PM's asking for it; YOU reveal who you are; YOU start a thread that says HELP. Haven't you learned by now, that flaming someone like Rick, or actually any Mudcatter, just doesn't work? All it does is destroy.

The universe is infinite; there are no limitations except those we place on ourselves with the power of our mind. It would do you well, imo, to seek out treatment for the obvious jealousy and inadequecy you must be feeling.


05 Jan 01 - 09:15 AM (#369022)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: catspaw49

Right then.............uh, yeah................

I must be the dumbest sumbitch on the planet. What am I missing here? Lemmee see if I have this.............

If I feel bad and life is not going well, I can feel better by saying something to hurt somebody else. Right? Okay, I'll buy that. Its the strikeback thing in a way. I can feel better because I now am the equal or superior of everyone else because I've cut them down to size. "My dog's better than you dog."...........Is that about it? Its pretty immature, but what the hell..................If you're on the receiving end, it hurts, but we can generally take it. Good to see Rick admit it hurts.......because no matter what we say to the contrary, it always does, if even for only a moment.

But then I come to Part 2 of this "therapy" which seems to be that I'm supposed to understand that this poor soul needs my empathy, for their life is troubled and I should know that since they insulted someone who is well respected............Okay, I get it now. Its a call for help huh? And we're all supposed to be shrinks who can figure this out and pour out our best wishes for this troubled spirit?

Wait a minute. This only works if it can be done anonymously? ...............Look, I'm getting lost here. Anonymous flamers are troubled folks calling out for our understanding and we need to be sympathetic to their situation, whatever it is because we don't know, and help them through their troubles by giving them that understanding they are looking for.

And here all this time I just thought they were assholes. Now is this gonna' be true all the time or should I know something else? Like maybe sometimes its a cry for help and sometimes its an asshole? How do I know which is which? I mean like I hate to waste a lot of good thoughts on an asshole. Do you think you could help me out and let me know? Like if you want help or understanding or just some idle BS, you could somehow let me know? Maybe you could sign your posts with "Help."

HEY!!! Here's a novel idea!!! Start a thread and tell us what's happening and what the problem is and you'll probably get a lot of response. I'm sure I've seen that happen around here.



05 Jan 01 - 11:24 AM (#369094)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Big Mick

GUEST, the lesson you have never learned in life is that there are many reasons why some people get a lot of respect. One of those is that they are decent human beings. Rick and Heather are giving to a fault. Rick is a very well known musician and records wonderful music of his own creation, yet is never afraid to share his talents and expertise. His home is open to his friends at almost anytime. Heather and Rick's hospitality is beyond compare. But most of all, they are just damn fine people. One of the hallmarks of this type of person is that THEY DON'T FLAME OTHERS JUST BECAUSE THEY CAN. They don't hide under the cloak of anonymity and start threads ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE THAT CAUSE HARM. That is the hallmark of a completely cowardly asshole. Why does it bother me so? Because I have been an activist against this type of behaviour all my life. The Klan uses the same tactic. Slip on a hood and try and terrorize others under the cloak of anonymity.

Are you feeling inadequate? You should be because you are inadequate. You are what, in another time of my life, I would have referred to as a "wasted unit". You are bent, and don't work properly. The way I see it, you should be put on the scrap pile. Unless, that is, you decide you want to invest some money and get yourself fixed. We would support that too. But for the time being, shut your mouth,go sit in the corner and touch yourself in that special way.

There Rick, now we have both fallen from our perch and responded. I didn't want you to be alone. Feels pretty good once in a while.


05 Jan 01 - 11:32 AM (#369105)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: catspaw49

But Mick.....Don't you understand? Its a cry for help! (I didn't get it either at first, but now I got it figured out)

Open up your heart and let the sunshine in! Give to this pathetic and putrid little puke the same charity of understanding and care you reserve only for those in need of an enema. I know you can do it! You have blown it on this thread, but you still have chance to help a lost wanderer by posting to a new thread titled, "Rick Fielding STILL isn't a god" and show us the human kindness you CAN have for complete cretins.


05 Jan 01 - 12:21 PM (#369128)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God

OK, I fucked up badly.

Rick, I've never met you and probably never will, but I'm very sorry if I caused you upset or embarrassment. The fact that my post wasn't criticizing you in anyway, is I guess, immaterial.

The original post was made after a dreadful few days, too many whiskys and it was an easy way to lash out. That doesn't excuse it of course.

I'm not sure what else to say...

...apart from the fact that Big Mick and Catspaw should probably not consider mental health counselling as a future career move:

"you are are bent, and don't work properly" [you are a] "pathetic and putrid little puke"

Cheers up someone with problems, no end...

I won't say anymore, I'll probably be misunderstood. Sorry if I upset you Rick, I hope you can forgive me.


(who didn't write all the guest posts on this thread, or start the new thread)

05 Jan 01 - 01:14 PM (#369158)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: catspaw49

Well, that'll about do it..............

Look "Guest".....I've tried to maintain an resonably even strain here and throw in a little humor but its obviously a waste of time in your case. Christ almighty, you start this turkey ANONYMOUSLY and with what appears to me and most others, a bit of malice toward a nice guy, and now you want us to believe that only certain GUEST postings here are you huh?

No, its true you didn't start the other thread, but anyone with half a lick of sense would realize that ONLY I could have started the other one, which I did to show just how ridiculous your premise is!!!!

You're right on one count though......I'm not in the counselling business. We can offer support or thoughts or something to other people around here, but we're not clairvoyant and I can guarandamtee you that flaming a good person is no way to get anyone's compassion for your plight, whatever it is. Where the hell are you from that you'd believe the way to be respected is by giving NO respect? Honest to gawd, I don't understand that at all. Do you stick a match down your filler neck to see if you have gas in your car?

Now you're offended by Mick and I huh? Well, you offend me too pardner. Obviously you take all of us for idiots to believe you are a nice guy with a few problems who doesn't know where to turn. Bullshit. Post under your name and stand up like a human being instead of a "miserable little puke." If you don't have the stones for that, fuck off and go see a shrink. Also get a ball transplant.


05 Jan 01 - 02:38 PM (#369189)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God

I said I fucked up. I said I was wrong.

What more can I do?

I pointed out that you and and Big Mick weren't hugely understanding, many would say rightly so.

I'm trying to say sorry here. If you don't want to forgive me, that's up to you.

Can you suggest a better way forward for me?

05 Jan 01 - 03:23 PM (#369203)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: katlaughing

Yeah, quit posting anonymously.

05 Jan 01 - 06:20 PM (#369317)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Morticia

And stop taking a swipe at people who have never done you any harm.

05 Jan 01 - 06:43 PM (#369335)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God

Agreed on both.

But to set the record straight I wasn't trying to get at Rick in any way at all. A careful reading of the thread would have told you that.

What the hell, you all have your own agendas anyway

05 Jan 01 - 07:39 PM (#369376)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Big Mick

Well, the rest of you can suck into this shite if you want, but I don't. This horses ass is just doing all the classic manipulative tactics I have seen time and again. First they cast vague aspersions that can be interpreted numbers of way, to get a reaction. Predictably, well meaning Mudcatters react and defend. The offender throws a few flames to keep the fire burning. When the offender senses that some have figured them out, they play the pity card. Some people reject it, and they say "Oh Gosh, I am just trying to apologize. Why won't you accept it?" trying to take the moral high ground. Others start to buy into this. It is the well polished tactic of a veteran sicko. They get their jollies making the puppets dance.

I think you are a worthless piece of shite. I think this primarily because you haven't really apologized at all. A real apology by a person of character and honor would be done in public. You would drop the cloak of anonymity, and stand before this community and admit your fault with no conditions. You would accept the anger and ire of those you manipulated. You would then demonstrate through actions that you wanted to be a respected member of this community, and in time (probably a short time, given the nature of the good people who live here)you would be. Don't want to because of the treatment you fear you would receive? That is the price you pay for your actions. If you really are a person of character, you would accept that and do what you must. If you choose not to, that is your business. But you will remain a worthless pissant in my eyes until you do. Not that I think that matters to you. Your type never likes it when someone figures you out.


05 Jan 01 - 07:47 PM (#369380)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God

You've never met me, you know nothing about me, and yet as a result of a few badly misjudged words on a message board when I've been having a very difficult time, you conclude that I'm a "worthless piece of shit"

And I thought George Dubya was scary

05 Jan 01 - 08:15 PM (#369392)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Big Mick

You have but to do a name search on me here and you will find that I am a person of compassion. But I believe that one earns the reception that one gets. Prove me wrong in my assessment, as stated above, and you will find me to be very compassionate. But as of yet, you have not shown that you really want it. Come down off the cross. You haven't earned it.

As far as knowing you, sure I do. As far as meeting you, sure I have. I have met and come to know you as well as one can...............on the internet. And I have based my feelings on your own words and deeds. You want to criticize Fielding on the basis of something he have that right. You want to critique Fielding on some basis related to his style, techique or ability, that is your right. You start this worthless thread, and level specious and vague comments against one of the most decent folks that I know because you are having a bad day, and then not even have the decency to come clean in a sincere way? Bite me.


05 Jan 01 - 08:33 PM (#369402)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God

I never criticized Rick How many times do I have to say that?

Try reading the entire thread, and then tell me where I ever made a critical comment about Rick Fielding.

05 Jan 01 - 08:34 PM (#369403)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Big Mick

Oh, ...........and by the way, Jay, ...............I do think we have met.............which is why I don't understand your actions...........what's the point?................


05 Jan 01 - 08:44 PM (#369410)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: GUEST,Aesop

-and the moral of the story is: Don't f**k with Mudcatters. There is an even greater amount of venom waiting to be discharged as there is compassion, if you cross the wrong clique.

05 Jan 01 - 08:45 PM (#369411)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God


I give up

I'm sorry if I made Rick Fielding or anyone else feel bad.

I'm a long way from being perfect, but I'm not nearly as bad as some of you seem to think I am / want me to be

Can we just forget this? I've learned, I'll try harder

05 Jan 01 - 08:49 PM (#369416)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Big Mick

Then let this thread die. That will be a start. And that includes the rest of youse layabouts as well.

05 Jan 01 - 09:57 PM (#369460)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: little john cameron

That's whit should hae been done in the first place Mick.How mony times has it been said tae ignore this kind o rubbish,then ye aw jump in again an get worked up ower it.Ah 'll say ane thing though,it has the makins o a braw punch-up.Wi ony luck this is the death o this threed.Then again mibbe no. ljc

05 Jan 01 - 11:47 PM (#369514)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Big Mick

Yeah, little john, I am the guy that started that whole thing about ignoring. I broke my own rule because this one caused a good man embarassment, so much so that he felt he had to respond. And Rick usually won't respond to this shite. And besides, I just felt like a good punch up...................happens to the best of them. I agree, let's let it die. And let's let GUEST get a little air and reconsider this. Perhaps we can come out the other side in better shape, eh boyo?

All the best,


06 Jan 01 - 12:59 PM (#369763)
Subject: RE: btw Rick Fielding isn't God
From: Midchuck

DIE? A thread as entertaining (and as revealing of peoples' true natures) as this one?


I will personally refresh it every day forever!
