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Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired

03 Jan 01 - 11:09 PM (#368190)
Subject: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: mousethief

First, the good news: I'm an uncle! My little sister gave birth to a 19", 7#1oz baby girl, named Camryn Jade, yesterday (Jan 2).

Now the not-so-good news: Camryn has a viral infection which could result in brain damage. There is little the doctors can do; she with her brand-new immune system basically has to fight it off by herself.

But not without the prayers, good wishes, positive thoughts, lighted candles, and so forth of my Mudcat "family."

Please join me in wishing/praying/etc. a speedy recovery and no lasting effects for Camryn Jade.

Thanks everybody in advance!


03 Jan 01 - 11:12 PM (#368193)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired

There will be a candle lit in my home tonight. You havw my thoughts and prayers.

03 Jan 01 - 11:13 PM (#368194)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: catspaw49

A beautiful name Alex and I send my best thoughts for her recovery and and a wonderful new life. Keep us posted.


03 Jan 01 - 11:15 PM (#368197)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Ribbit

There's a candle burning here Maine. Thoughts with you. Thom

03 Jan 01 - 11:30 PM (#368208)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: CarolC

The best of what I've got is on it's way to you, your sister, and little Camryn Jade. Good luck and best wishes to all of you.


03 Jan 01 - 11:50 PM (#368220)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: GUEST,Bardford

Hey Alex,
Congratuations on your unclehood.(Uncleness? Uncledom?) Being an uncle is a neat thing. You get to be grown-up/child and lovingly subvert all the important stuff the parents are determined to instill. I'll hold good thoughts for the health and strength of the little one and her family.

03 Jan 01 - 11:52 PM (#368221)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Rick Fielding

We'll keep the little one in our thoughts Mouse.

Rick and heather

04 Jan 01 - 12:27 AM (#368237)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: alison

thoughts, prayers and hugs from here too.....



04 Jan 01 - 12:31 AM (#368240)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Amergin

Oh, Alex, you and Camryn are deeply in my thoughts.

04 Jan 01 - 12:42 AM (#368242)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Mark Clark

Alex, There'll be one here as well and, come Saturday, one at the Iconostasis as well. God grant her many years.

      - Mark

04 Jan 01 - 12:44 AM (#368243)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Jimmy C


Little Camryn Jade, will be in our prayers tonight, tomorrow night and for many night after. God bless.

04 Jan 01 - 01:35 AM (#368256)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: jaze

Mouse, a prayer and a candle for a speedy recovery for Camryn. My thoughts and prayers are with you tonight.

04 Jan 01 - 04:25 AM (#368272)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Peter Kasin

I will pray tonight for Camryn Jade's recovery.


04 Jan 01 - 05:14 AM (#368282)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Quincy

More prayers, good thoughts and lots of love,


04 Jan 01 - 05:39 AM (#368287)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: katlaughing

What a beautiful name, Unk'Al. I will do some strong visualising, light a candle, burn the special Tibetan healing incense (clouds of it, I know you'll like that!)and give thanks that she is whole and healthy, home with her mom and on her way to growing up to pull your whiskers and hair.

Thanks for letting us help.


04 Jan 01 - 06:07 AM (#368293)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: GUEST,Noreen

Strong and healing thoughts for Camryn Jade and her family, from


04 Jan 01 - 06:10 AM (#368296)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

12 hours until I can light one, but prayers available anytime anywhere.... so already done for you mate. Yours, Aye. Dave

04 Jan 01 - 06:13 AM (#368297)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Mooh

Hope and prayers from here to you and yours. Good luck. Mooh.

04 Jan 01 - 07:52 AM (#368312)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: mkebenn

Our thoughts also, Mousethief, Mike Bennett

04 Jan 01 - 08:06 AM (#368316)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Bill in Alabama

Thoughts and prayers from down here in Alabama--


04 Jan 01 - 08:16 AM (#368320)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: jeffp

Prayers and good wishes from Maryland, too.


04 Jan 01 - 08:59 AM (#368341)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Hollowfox

Prayers and thoughts now for all of you, and a candle tonight after work.

04 Jan 01 - 09:06 AM (#368345)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: kendall

Make that two candles in Maine

04 Jan 01 - 09:08 AM (#368347)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: JedMarum

my best thoughts and prayers for her safe recovery

04 Jan 01 - 09:16 AM (#368354)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Cap't Bob

My prayers, thoughts, and best wishes for Camryn Jade..

Cap't Bob

04 Jan 01 - 09:32 AM (#368359)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Michael in Swansea

There'll be a candle burning in South Wales later today.
God bless


04 Jan 01 - 10:43 AM (#368407)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Megan L

Hope the news is better today! will keep praying

04 Jan 01 - 10:47 AM (#368409)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Kim C

Ditto. :)

04 Jan 01 - 10:50 AM (#368410)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Morticia

good thoughts and much love to you, your sister and Camryn, candle burning in Hampshire UK today and till we hear better news

04 Jan 01 - 11:01 AM (#368420)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: MMario

as a more or less "professional uncle" my best thoughts heading out.

04 Jan 01 - 11:05 AM (#368424)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: mousethief

You all are great. No news yet; I'll let you know when I hear anything. Bless you all a hundredfold.


04 Jan 01 - 11:14 AM (#368428)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Wesley S

As you might know I've been there. The waiting is hell. I've just lit my candle here at work and you have lots of prayers and good wishs for a full recovery for Camryn Jade coming your way from the Smith household.

04 Jan 01 - 11:27 AM (#368435)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Tinker

Candles, blessings, and prayers wrapped and sent for the wee Miss with the beautiful name and a globe full of friends.


04 Jan 01 - 11:49 AM (#368451)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Steve Parkes

... and all that goes for me too.

Steve (uncle*4)

04 Jan 01 - 11:54 AM (#368455)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Patrish(inactive)

My thoughts are with you and the very very strongest positive vibes are beaming there way over to you, your sister and little one.

04 Jan 01 - 04:05 PM (#368562)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: GUEST,Pete Peterson

please add my thoughts and prayers and tears. Hope all goes well. I'll light a candle once home.

04 Jan 01 - 05:21 PM (#368612)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Mark Cohen

Alex, lots of good wishes coming from this healing island. Also, if you or your sister have any questions about what's going on from a medical standpoint, need interpretation, etc., feel free to send me a personal message here on the 'Cat or email me.


04 Jan 01 - 05:22 PM (#368613)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired

Double work at my house today. I plugged in a hair dryer and it burst into flames. Keep us posted, Mouse. Brendan is home safe. Now it is Camryn's turn.

04 Jan 01 - 05:27 PM (#368620)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Jacob B

My prayers are with you.


04 Jan 01 - 05:33 PM (#368626)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Little Neophyte

Alex, sending my prayers and good thought for Camryn.


04 Jan 01 - 06:14 PM (#368665)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: John Hardly

Add my prayers to the mix.


04 Jan 01 - 06:21 PM (#368674)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Metchosin

One candle in this small corner too.


04 Jan 01 - 06:52 PM (#368689)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: katlaughing

Tinker, I like that: "globe full"; that's really what we all have here at the Mudcat, a globefull of love, friendship, caring, etc. never lacking....thanks, kat

04 Jan 01 - 07:04 PM (#368696)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Helen

Hi Alex,

A candle with some lavender oil here in Oz, too.


04 Jan 01 - 07:09 PM (#368701)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Elise

Unka' Mouse, keep us posted! My thoughts and prayers are with you.


04 Jan 01 - 07:09 PM (#368702)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: blt

A candle, a prayer, and a song for Camryn Jade.

04 Jan 01 - 07:26 PM (#368715)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

A healing candle burns here, and lots of love for you, for Camryn Jade, and for her whole family.

04 Jan 01 - 07:52 PM (#368736)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Sorcha

You have them......a really large piece of Wyoming Jade, wrapped in pink silk, and a candle.........

04 Jan 01 - 08:07 PM (#368749)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Sorcha

PS/ forgot to mention that this one is kind of special to me; our son Lucas' middle name is "Cameron"....candle here beside me at the computer.

04 Jan 01 - 09:49 PM (#368818)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: R!

Healing thoughts coming to you from New Jersey.

04 Jan 01 - 11:28 PM (#368880)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Melani

The candles are lit. Hang in there.

05 Jan 01 - 02:19 AM (#368931)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: roopoo

Prayers here too. God be with you all.


05 Jan 01 - 04:41 AM (#368951)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: wysiwyg

Sign me up. Forward to the chain?


05 Jan 01 - 05:00 AM (#368955)
Subject: UPDATE
From: mousethief

Susan, yes please do.

Thanks so very much to all of you who have been holding us up in your thoughts, prayers, and/or candlesticks. What a wonderful demonstration of your love and kindness! I can't describe how much it means to us.

Heard from my mum today. They have isolated the virus infecting baby CJ: it's cytomegalovirus (CMV). Until the virus is defeated there is danger of permanent damage to her brain and liver and other internal organs.

At the present time all signs are good (pupil dilation, etc.) except her platelets are low. They will do a platelet transfusion tomorrow (Friday) if the numbers don't come up. Also they will do liver and some other test tomorrow (CSF? I forget). I will keep you posted.

On behalf of Camryn Jade, her mom and dad, and all her aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins, thank you all and may your blessings return to you multiplied by a thousand.

PS -- Those willing and able, a blood donation at your local blood bank would be a wonderful way of honoring Camryn Jade's fight against CMV. I'll schedule my next donation as soon as they open tomorrow.


05 Jan 01 - 10:26 AM (#369068)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: LR Mole

Small prayers from grey New England. Hearts meet.

05 Jan 01 - 10:39 AM (#369073)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: GUEST,Retra

May God's Will be done for Camryn Jade, and your beloved sister and family. I will keep you all in my heart and prayers. Reta

05 Jan 01 - 12:24 PM (#369129)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Wesley S

Patrick - What we learned with my son Patricks blood donations is that some blood banks can be very particular about how they record donations. Make sure to check so that you get all the i's dotted and t's crossed. Make sure you get all the credit due to you. I'm not knocking blood banks when I say this - but they do have their rules. On the plus side one blood bank worker asked everyone who donated on that day to credit Patrick's account if they had no one else in mind. Keep us posted please. Our thoughts and prayers are with Camryn Jade and her whole family.

05 Jan 01 - 01:16 PM (#369160)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: DougR

Camryn Jade will certainly be in my prayers and thoughts, Alex.


05 Jan 01 - 03:34 PM (#369205)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: wysiwyg

Oh dear. On blood donation.... it is FAR more important that you give, than that it gets credited to anyone in particular. How blood is administered in your area may or may not make it possible to direct it where you want it to go.

See posts in Wes's thread of thanks for various angles on blood donation-- maybe someone can make a blicky to it.


05 Jan 01 - 03:41 PM (#369210)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Wesley S

I agree - Tis better to give { blood } than recieve { credit }. The main thing is to GIVE.

05 Jan 01 - 03:44 PM (#369216)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: mousethief

In our region you can't have credit or transfer credit. All donations go into the general pool (if you'll excuse the visual). Which is why I worded it the way I did -- to HONOR Camryn Jade.

Thanks again everybody for your prayers, well-wishes, etc.


05 Jan 01 - 05:22 PM (#369284)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Greyeyes

Candle lit, and positive thoughts winging there way from Plymouth (UK).

Uncle of 4 myself all of whom I can proudly say I have taught some extremely bad habits, much to their Mother's irritation (what are brothers for?).

05 Jan 01 - 06:58 PM (#369346)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: mike putt

Mousethief Our thoughts and prayers are with Camryn Jade

06 Jan 01 - 02:45 PM (#369812)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Tinker

Rang the large brass dragon bell for Cameryn Jade . I usually ring it to help diffuse the negative energy of squabbling siblings, but the sound is so strong and clear I felt perhaps it would aid the prayers.


06 Jan 01 - 09:19 PM (#370093)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: okthen


06 Jan 01 - 11:36 PM (#370172)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Mickey191

Good thoughts and prayers are sent fom my little corner of the world to Camryn Jade. God Bless.

06 Jan 01 - 11:41 PM (#370179)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: catspaw49

Still here and still sending the best with candle burning.


07 Jan 01 - 12:03 AM (#370184)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Fin

There's a candle burning brightly in Hawaii for Camryn Jade. I heard you Tinker. Fin

07 Jan 01 - 08:28 PM (#370585)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Susan from California

Just saw this, candle lit, prayers headed on their way.

07 Jan 01 - 08:44 PM (#370601)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: kytrad (Jean Ritchie)

It's hard to believe that one can sit at a computer and cry! Tears are falling and prayers are rising here on Long Island, NY. Don't think anyone'd take my old blood but I'd give it if I could...

08 Jan 01 - 12:35 AM (#370705)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: wysiwyg


You can recruit many more donors than you could ever equal as a donor, or volunteer at a blood drive; and if you call your local Red Cross they can tell you how or connect you with people who can.


08 Jan 01 - 11:40 AM (#370868)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: mousethief

Good news! Camryn Jade has been taken off the IV and all monitoring wires, etc., all her numbers are moving in the right direction, and they failed to find any CMV in her blood now for two days, indicating apparently the virus has gone into total remission (it's one of those nasties that goes into hiding and then zonks you later, like Cpox/shingles). All the tests they've done have found no damage whatever to brain or any organs. Last I heard they were planning to release her today.

Thank you all so very, very much for your prayers, candles, gong (what a cool idea!), thoughts, etc.! May all your kindness and love be returned to you many times over.


08 Jan 01 - 11:42 AM (#370870)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: jeffp

Wonderful news, Alex!! You have my wishes for continued good fortune for you and yours.


08 Jan 01 - 11:46 AM (#370873)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Lepus Rex

Cool, Alex:)

---Lepus Rex

08 Jan 01 - 11:47 AM (#370874)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Wesley S

Glad to hear the news Alex. Best of luck and best wishes to the family.

08 Jan 01 - 12:07 PM (#370887)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Morticia


08 Jan 01 - 12:08 PM (#370888)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: katlaughing

That's wonderful!!

08 Jan 01 - 12:09 PM (#370890)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: sophocleese

Excellent News! Thanks for letting us know.

08 Jan 01 - 12:14 PM (#370897)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Tinker

As soon as I sign off I'm goning to let the dragon "roar" in celebration. Great News!!!


08 Jan 01 - 02:49 PM (#371018)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Quincy

Great news Alex!!

lots of love, Yvonne

08 Jan 01 - 03:09 PM (#371030)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: MMario

Excellent news. Now you can buckle down to a true uncle's duties...spoiling her

08 Jan 01 - 03:15 PM (#371031)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: GUEST,Pete Peterson at work

thanks for the good news, to you, and for whatever Powers there be. Thanks.

08 Jan 01 - 04:04 PM (#371060)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: roopoo

Brilliant news! Hope she continues well and to be a delight to you!


08 Jan 01 - 05:10 PM (#371101)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: kytrad (Jean Ritchie)

Are you going to save the letters in this thread and make her a gift of them at her 21st birthday or something? What a way to have to start one's life! I hope the fight will have done nothing but strengthen and toughen her for the years ahead. Love and joyful life to Herself.

08 Jan 01 - 05:34 PM (#371118)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Sorcha


I think Jean's idea is wonderful. It would be a great birthday present someday.

08 Jan 01 - 05:39 PM (#371121)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Bernard

My daughter's three months away from turning me into a Granddad for the first time in my life, so I identify with you, Alex.

I'm really glad it's turned out for the best - our prayers have been answered in the way we wanted!!

When do we get to see her photo? (My unborn grandchild has already appeared on my website! Not that I'm excited about the idea, you understand!)...

08 Jan 01 - 05:42 PM (#371125)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Mrs.Duck

A little late but all best wishes for Camryn from the ducks.

08 Jan 01 - 05:48 PM (#371129)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: mousethief

That was exactly my idea, kytrad. You're a mind-reader.

And thanks yet once again to all of you on behalf of my new niece and all our family.

the object of your outpouring of love


08 Jan 01 - 05:54 PM (#371132)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Wesley S

Dang Alex - she's ALMOST as cute as my son.

08 Jan 01 - 05:54 PM (#371133)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Tonight the candle burns for joy!! Thank you for sharing that wonderful picture- we'll need to see more as her years and skills develop!
Auntie Animaterra

08 Jan 01 - 06:27 PM (#371165)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Morticia

She's as cute as a button Alex, and doesn't look at all like Winston Churchill.

08 Jan 01 - 06:48 PM (#371180)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: catspaw49


Wonderful news Alex!!! Just great!


08 Jan 01 - 06:56 PM (#371188)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Matt_R

SOUND THE HOTTIE ALERT!!!! WOOP WOOP WOOP!!! Don't worry Camryn, I'll wait for you!

08 Jan 01 - 07:12 PM (#371201)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Jeri

Matt, YEESH!!! Talk about robbing the cradle!

Mousethief, warn Camryn Jade (I also love that name - just flows like honey) about Matt. Glad things turned out so well. She's won a major victory days after her birth - I hope the trend continues.

08 Jan 01 - 07:21 PM (#371205)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Bill in Alabama

Great news, Alex!


09 Jan 01 - 08:12 AM (#371360)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Noreen

Sweeeeeeet! That's lovely, Alex- thanks for letting us see the little angel. Good thoughts continuing for her future.


09 Jan 01 - 11:18 AM (#371454)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: sophocleese

What an adorable infant. You're a lucky uncle.

(btw Wesley, are there any pictures yet of Brendan?)

09 Jan 01 - 03:55 PM (#371649)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Fin

Very happy to hear Camryn Jade is doing so well. May God keep her in the palm of His hand. Will keep the candle burning one more night in Thanksgiving. Really impressed by the way every one rallys round with such awesome caring and support for each other. Mudcatters, you make a heart feel good to know you are out there. Fin

09 Jan 01 - 04:00 PM (#371656)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Wesley S

Sophocleese - I'm working on it. I'd hate to deprive y'all the pleasure.

09 Jan 01 - 04:04 PM (#371659)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: MMario

CJ is now my wallpaper. Thanks Alex!

09 Jan 01 - 04:32 PM (#371679)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired

Mazel Tov, mousethief!


09 Jan 01 - 05:07 PM (#371712)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: CarolC

She's a beautiful child, Alex. Best wishes to all of you.


09 Jan 01 - 05:19 PM (#371721)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Morticia

Told you you'd like this site, Fin :)

09 Jan 01 - 08:05 PM (#371878)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: GUEST,jaze

Happy for you and your family, Alex

09 Jan 01 - 08:15 PM (#371889)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: Tinker

Wonderful photo, thanks Alex.


11 Jan 01 - 08:10 PM (#373060)
Subject: RE: Help: Your prayers/thoughts/etc desired
From: catspaw49

Tonight I put out the candle.....I guess I'm just a cautious type, but that picture likes to kill me.

All of you are blessed with this sweet little thing with the beautiful name and face. I'm sure it will always be so. Keep all of her cyber aunts and uncles up to date and again, our best to the proud parents.
