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BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!

06 Jan 01 - 09:24 AM (#369643)
Subject: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Catrin

well - my firstr efforts - I have copied and pasted this from notepad - let's just see


This is a simple paragraph - learning to do webpage design. the beginning should be automatically indented. The browser ignores white space. Creating paragraphs in HTML should be easy and should be a good way to make webpages.


followed by a dividing line

This should be italic

This should be bold

This should be underlined

This should be all three

This should be all three and centered.

centered and header number six

centered and header number four

centered and header number two

centered and header number one


    one element two elements three elements

    one element two elements three elements

A link to my favourite website

Email me


Prohibited tags removed - "body," "html," and some other stuff. Please don't use tags if you don't understand what they do.
-Joe Offer-

06 Jan 01 - 09:39 AM (#369651)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Jeri

Catrin, to do the "e-mail me" thing, the link looks like:
<a>Email me</a>

For the lists, I'm not sure, but I suspect you still need line breaks. (<br>)

06 Jan 01 - 09:47 AM (#369656)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Jeri

Oh, by the way, if you want to practice without being connected to the internet or Mudcat, you can save the Notepad file as HTML.
In the bottom block, change the "Save as type" from "Text" to "all files (*.*).
Give the document a title with a .html extension and save. You can then double click on it, and it should open as a web page.
If it still display as text, type <html> at the very beginning of the page, and </html> at the bottom.

06 Jan 01 - 09:51 AM (#369657)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Catrin

Thanks Jeri!!!

I was wondering how people 'previewed' notepad before going on the net with it all! Saves me going public with my learning curve (not a pretty sight!)*BG*

Oh the joys of learning HTML!

06 Jan 01 - 10:14 AM (#369664)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Jeri

The private practice takes less time effort than posting here, but doing it here helps other people learn too.

Even though you save the Notepad file as HTML, you can still edit it in Notepad. If you have it open in Notepad AND in your browser, you can edit, save the changes, then refresh your browser to see how the changes worked.

06 Jan 01 - 12:45 PM (#369753)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Bernard

If you want your email clicky to be dead clever, try this:

" ?subject=This puts a default into the subject box!" title="This gives you a little pop-up box, too!">Click here, etc...

If in doubt, go to my website and save the page, then look at how I've done it there. We all learn best by pinching other people's ideas and playing with them!

I use Notepad, too. It doesn't change things when it thinks you aren't looking! To save a little messing, I set up a shortcut to the file I'm editing which has:

C:\WINDOWS\NOTEPAD.EXE (filename).html

as its 'Target', and

C:\(folder name)

as its 'Start in'...

Leave out the brackets, and insert the correct filename and folder name, of course...!!

If the file doesn't already exist, it will create it for you... as long as the folder exists.

Remember that all filenames and extensions should be in lowercase - your FTP utility should shout at you if you forget, if it's any good!

06 Jan 01 - 01:45 PM (#369780)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: MudGuard

the subject, title (and body) part are not standard, but browser dependent.
Catrin, for the lists, replace <l1> (el one) and <l3> (el three) by <li> (el iii) and it should work.

06 Jan 01 - 03:24 PM (#369840)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Joe Offer

....and feel free to practice here as much as you like - but HTML practice should be done only in threads identified somehow as a "practice thread." We clear out practice threads occasionally by deleting messages.
-Joe Offer-

08 Jan 01 - 12:23 PM (#370909)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Morticia

I © Mudcat

08 Jan 01 - 12:23 PM (#370910)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Morticia

oh cute!!!!

08 Jan 01 - 12:30 PM (#370911)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Morticia

anyone have a list of other possible symbols?

08 Jan 01 - 01:03 PM (#370934)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Catrin

Morticia! You're just showing off now!

Thanks for the tips everyone! I'm feeling much more confident now, cheers!

Catrin (off to practice in private).......

19 Jan 01 - 09:21 PM (#378209)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Catrin

oh wow - and I'm still a beginner - but what a lovely picture Spaaaaaaw!

19 Jan 01 - 10:46 PM (#378256)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: hesperis

Beautiful dog!

What was the html that made little descriptions pop upfor links, sortof like ALT for IMG SRC, but for A HREF?

It was in an old html thread, but I forgot to save the thing, and it's been deleted.


19 Jan 01 - 11:02 PM (#378263)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Jon Freeman

Hesperis, view source in IE (can't think of the Netscape version) will show:

<a href=""><img src=></a>


19 Jan 01 - 11:32 PM (#378271)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: hesperis

Thanks for trying, but that's not it. I actually meant the little yellow-background text box that comes up when your mouse hovers over an image that has an ALT tag attached to it. There is a command that makes that happen for a plain text link, as well, but I've forgotten it. I'm actually pretty good at basic html. Maybe it's a javascript command?

It is something like <A HREF="" [some kind of code here]="a bunch of text that will show up when the mouse hovers over the link">THE CLICKY</A>

Thanks. (Hope I got the "less than" and "greater than" in the right order.)

19 Jan 01 - 11:35 PM (#378274)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: hesperis

I don't think it's ALT for a plain link as well... I'll try that...

My Hamster Page

20 Jan 01 - 07:30 AM (#378361)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: MudGuard

Just a test: MudCat

20 Jan 01 - 07:34 AM (#378362)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: MudGuard

Ok, I found it. Try <a href="" title="nice site">MudCat</a>
Whether this really pops up a tooltip depends on browser and system, but it works in IE - it does not on NS4.7 or Opera 4.

21 Jan 01 - 02:53 PM (#379083)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: hesperis

Thank you!!!

Check out my hamsters.

25 Jan 01 - 01:40 PM (#382307)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Jim Dixon

Regular text.
Here's how to create a link:
<a href=>Click here</a>

25 Jan 01 - 03:45 PM (#382428)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: wysiwyg

Morticia, I practiced some symbols using Webdings and Wingdings fonts from Word, but not everyone's browsers could see them. I donpt recall now which, but I think the discussion was in an HTML practice thread.


25 Jan 01 - 04:01 PM (#382446)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: NightWing

I came in here intending to ask how to do something or try something ... I have no idea what I was going to try or ask. Does anybody else know?

Ah well, they do say that the short-term memory is the first to go.


P.S. What did I just start to say?

25 Jan 01 - 04:49 PM (#382501)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: SeanM

NightWing... have you been through the HTML Stuff thread? Lotsa good info there...


25 Jan 01 - 05:15 PM (#382517)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: wysiwyg


25 Jan 01 - 05:20 PM (#382522)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: wysiwyg

I thought that was how to make a link to e-mail?


25 Jan 01 - 05:40 PM (#382546)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: SeanM

Nah... mail is a mailto command... I think it's mailto:youraddress@youremailserver.whatever, dressed up like a normal hyperlink using that instead of the http address.

I might be wrong though... Dreamweaver's spoiled me, and I haven't handcoded anywhere but here for the last few years.


25 Jan 01 - 06:07 PM (#382585)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Snuffy

See if this works:

<a href=mailto:myaddress@myserver></a>

25 Jan 01 - 08:07 PM (#382680)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: wysiwyg

SeanM, thanks!!

I think I have it. Can you send a test message?

How does that WORK???


Hee hee hee.... it's on my clipboard! Wha-hoo! Post and Ctrl-V! Bango!!! Wheeee!

26 Jan 01 - 03:15 AM (#382856)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: SeanM

Yup... that's the schtuff. Sent you a message for confirmation as well.


26 Jan 01 - 11:06 AM (#383060)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: wysiwyg

Think anyone'll have a problem with me doing that?


26 Jan 01 - 11:09 AM (#383065)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: MMario

several others do it.

26 Jan 01 - 11:45 AM (#383101)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: wysiwyg

To websites, yeah, but e-mail?

The reality is, for a variety of reasons, I get treated differently here, and not just by stinky poopers. I've decided to just deal with that, in practical ways.

Here's the concern I am concerned about, and I will say it here knowing some of the site volunteers check these HTML threads from time to time and thus may see it while stinky poopers may not. A couple of the flamers and some others as well have made remarks to me offForum that I am trying to build some kind of power base. I'm not. I just prefer that some things go offCat to discuss confidentially.

A lot of people write me privately about tough stuff they are dealing with. It's been cumbersome each time this realtionship begins-- PMs till I get through to them that it has to be e-mail for it to work for me. I want to make it easier for that contact to occur as well as make it get to e-mail from the beginning.

I also want to do what I can to limit the potential for the off-topic stuff to get out of hand and the flames begin again. If people can just click to me when they get hot, or when they want to plunge into a talk about God, instead of posting something that will cause trubble... If the click is as easy as posting... And I don't like PMs, at all, anymore. First, when I get fed up with Mudcat and take a break, I don't like to leave a PM hanging that may have been time-sensitive, and I don't like having to come check PM's when Mudcat has made my blood boil. Also, no file saving easily, no original message attached-- I write to too many people now to remember exactly what I said or they said last.

So it's a practical thing, after a lot of thought and talking with people I respect who also have been flamebait. But I think it may seem to some like I am trying to draw people off Mudcat, and except for the one or two confessed addictees-- who asked to have some help cutting back-- that ain't so. But those feelings are part of what is out there that I have decided to deal with as a reality.

Opinions welcome, since I asked, here for all to wrangle or in e-mail.


26 Jan 01 - 03:03 PM (#383255)
Subject: PM's versus Email...
From: Bernard

Wys - I know what you mean.

Email will get to me without my having to look for it, and PM's depend entirely on being able to access Mudcat, which is not always convenient.

If I'm at work, I can leave my laptop picking up mail whilst I get on with something else. I can then quickly scan through the headers to find out which mail needs urgent attention, and which can wait until I have more time.

When I arrive home (or when I get up in the morning) I leave my 'modem' computer picking up mail whilst preparing a meal.

I wonder if Max has considered the possibility of automatically generating an email to notify members that they have PM's waiting, and from whom?

26 Jan 01 - 03:14 PM (#383267)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Mary in Kentucky

Bernard, I feel differently.

My email is so filled with spam, I don't check it everyday. Then when I do, I usually delete anything from someone I don't recognize. You can see where I would easily delete something from a Mudcatter.

With the PM's, on the other hand, I see the notification as soon as I log onto Mudcat (which is more often than checking my email.) The only drawback to a PM is that I cannot send an attached file (text, picture, or midi.)

Besides, I like to keep all my Mudcat correspondence in one place. I try to file Mudcat emails together, but they're obviously not with my PM's.

26 Jan 01 - 11:05 PM (#383387)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: wysiwyg

Feedback noted, thanks.


27 Jan 01 - 06:04 AM (#383514)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Jon Freeman

Debates in an HTML thread....! I am with Bernard on this one and find email far more convenient. Another great advantage of email for me is that it makes responding to a larger message so much easier - all the original text gets carried over with the reply - I don't have to keep checking back to remind myself what I am replying to and I can quote and answer questions/ pass comment that way - much quicker. OK, one can (and I sometimes do) copy and paste a PM into my reply for these reasons but I find it a lot harder work than using email.

(still glad the PM system exists though)

27 Jan 01 - 06:27 AM (#383516)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: wysiwyg

So Jon, do you see any problem with my doing it as a link from posts, like that? Technically or among the Powers That Be? And what if lots of people did it, would it present any problem for Mudcat?

(Not a debate-- just people giving me the feedback I asked for before I proceed. Yes, from time to time, I do actually ASK before jumping!)


27 Jan 01 - 07:02 AM (#383520)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Jon Freeman

Praise, speaking personally, I see nothing wrong with the idea. In fact some people give links to home pages or websites in posts. This is more common in newsgroups than in here but it is considered to be acceptable practice.

Technically, you are only talking a few extra charcters and I can see no probem there. Wearing my JoeClone hat, I hope you (and anyone else) is careful - I wouldn't want to have lots of threads to fix because of mistakes in email addresses and you have to consider what happens if you change email addresses - I can't see any of us going back to perform an update!

Ultimatey, everything here is down to Max but I would be inclined to suggest that you just try it.


27 Jan 01 - 07:10 AM (#383523)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: wysiwyg

Thanks Jon. The e-mail is a Hotmail one so I see keeping it for good. As far as tech fixes if I post it wrong, I paste! It's on the clipboard still, now, from the last use, so....


27 Jan 01 - 10:24 AM (#383622)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Bernard

Mary - didn't you realise you can set up 'rules' for email? PM me if you didn't know and would like some help.

How it works:
As email arrives, it is automatically filtered according to rules into folders you've set up specifically for the purpose. Okay, the first time someone sends you an email it won't necessarily get filtered...

It can be used to redirect some spam straight into your 'deleted' folder. The 'ugly' spam normally has XXX somewhere in it, to indicate that it is so-called 'adult' content. All you do is ask the rules to find 'XXX' and move it from your 'inbox' to the 'deleted' folder, and you never have to see it! Have your 'deleted' folder automatically empty itself when you shut down, and the job's a good 'un!

I have a folder called 'Mudcat Mail', with subfolders for people who mail me regularly. I also have folders for all my other friends - and it is regularly backed up to CD Rom. This way I can keep all my friends' mail withou cluttering my hard drive.

As I use email a lot at work, I'm logging in over a dozen times a day; I log in fairly frequently at home, too. Mudcat is something needing time devoted to it, which I can't usually find at work, so it tends to be in the evening that I look through for any new postings.

'Each to their own', as somebody once said!!

27 Jan 01 - 10:45 AM (#383625)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Mary in Kentucky

Bernard, I've just never bothered to filter the email. I guess I'm still afraid I'll miss something. I probably should block out all the $$$, haven't had much problem with XXX. I get too many jokes from well-meaning friends and acquaintances. If I don't check my mail for two days, I'll have over one hundred messages. I just don't have the heart to tell people to stop sending crap. I really appreciate it when friends put an identifying name in the subject line so I know whether to open or ignore promptly.

One question: I recently changed to Outlook Express and I noticed that it opens a message automatically. Can I get a virus this way, or do I have to open an attachment that's not a text file to get a virus?

27 Jan 01 - 11:01 AM (#383629)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Bernard

BTW on the subject of emails, and changes of address - I'm covered!

I registered my own name as my Domain Name, and all my email is sent to my 'fictitious' email address. It is then redirected to my 'real' email address, whatever that may be at the time - at the moment, Freeserve. If I change service provider, I just change the redirection filter.

27 Jan 01 - 11:11 AM (#383630)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Bernard

Mary - the virus is normally contained in an attachment, and you can delete suspect mail before it does damage.

You can also change the way Outlook views mail so that it isn't opened automatically. Go into 'View' and uncheck 'Preview Pane'. Now you only see the headers.

Outlook Express is similar, but more fiddly... 'View' - 'Layout' - then uncheck 'Preview Pane'.

Hope that's of some help!


27 Jan 01 - 11:15 AM (#383632)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Mary in Kentucky

Got it! I just noticed that last night I was missing attachments. (I thought my uncle was forgetting to put them in. ) In Outlook Express, I have to click on the line above, not in the message.

27 Jan 01 - 11:27 AM (#383639)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Bernard

I've never been able to work out why Outlook Express and Outlook are so completely different!

Not only do they work differently, but the file formats are completely at odds, and the address books are separate.

It's all part of a cunning plot...

I use Outlook at home, and Express at work. Keeping the two synchronised was such a waste of time that I gave up. Instead, I pick up the same emails on both systems - 'leave messages on server for 7 days'...

Good old MicroShaft!!

21 Jun 01 - 11:40 AM (#488869)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Marion

Hello folks. I've very much appreciated the links to other tip threads that others have posted in part two, so I thought I'd gather in here some of the educational threads that have been particularly useful to me, or that I have traced in the expectation that they will be useful later.

They are roughly categorized; I couldn't decide if "Smartass titles" needed to be a category of its own.

Bon appetit, Marion


Music question: Improvisors?
Predictable chord patterns
Music theory/arrangement question
Modes for Mudcatters: a synthesis primer
Working out chords - through theory?
Is Cm7sus a real chord?
Tech talk: modes and scales again
Weird chords
Blues scale


Questions about G, D, E7, and A7
Rick's Picking Tips: Questions and Answers
Another bad folkie needs advice
Help: how to train one's ear
What the F is going on at Mudcat?
Could I play like Doc Watson? seriously
Beginner guitar: G chord fingering
Wanting to try some new positions
Turn Mudcat around now
Music sabbatical: what shall I do?
Fingernails vs. fingerpicks
Guitar fingerpicking fun
Our friend the moveable B7 chord
Nurds: other voicings, other chords
Nurd talk: tricks in open tunings
Where's your thumb?
Capo; what are the rules?
Progressions that make you go mmm
Investing in traditional music- why?
Help: leading group singing with guitar
Playing by ear - advantage or disadvantage
Electronic tuners - pro and con
I love major seventh chords
Mudcat seems to be diminished
Fielding thinks he's so G.D. clever
Eee! flat breads are delicious
I need a break from 1, 4,5
Music teaching tips, again
Help: right hand/fingerstyle
Beyond basic chords and picking technique
Hold your pick correctly
Does Mudcat seem to be flat right now?
Dealing with difficult chord progression
Best way to string a guitar
Help: learning to fingerpick
Towards better guitar tuning


Booking folk gigs: some suggestions
How do I do a sound check?
To play what you like or what they want
Starting a band: what a pain
Weird open mike etiquette
Picking playing partners
Memorizing songs and performance quality
Keep your day job kid!
When should you be paid for performing?
Jam etiquette

22 Jun 01 - 11:40 AM (#489744)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Noreen

Cooooool, Patrish!

25 Jun 01 - 04:34 AM (#491191)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: MudGuard

Uuups, what happened here? Aaah, typing error (oll instead of ol). One more try:
  1. Kangaroo
  2. Possum
  3. Koala
  4. Alison
  5. Rolf Harris
  6. Dame Edna

And a hint: future versions of HTML (like the already existing XHTML will require lowercase in HTML and closing of elements, so your list should then look like (hope the example shows up correctly):


25 Jun 01 - 07:27 AM (#491235)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Noreen

Helpful Mudcat members

  1. MudGuard
  2. Jon Freeman
  3. MMario
  4. katlaughing
  5. PeneAzul
  6. Jeri
  7. Joe Offer
  8. Other Joe Clones
  9. Malcolm Douglas
  10. countless others

(Not really in order... just for practice!)



25 Jun 01 - 11:06 AM (#491390)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: MudGuard

Thanks for giving me the top position!


25 Jun 01 - 11:08 AM (#491393)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Mrrzy

Ok, let's try this:

shoudl take you back to the Forum

25 Jun 01 - 11:10 AM (#491398)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Mrrzy

OK, it didn't, I got 404d. Plus I typoed Should. Let's try again:

Should go to the newspaper

25 Jun 01 - 11:14 AM (#491402)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Mrrzy

Ok, it worked! Now trying the Forum one again:

Will this not work because of the slash before "threads.fcm?" I guess we'll see...

25 Jun 01 - 11:16 AM (#491405)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Mrrzy

No, it worked fine! Great, thanks!

09 Jul 01 - 05:46 AM (#501681)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: pavane

Siân Siôn. Testing accents

20 Dec 01 - 01:14 PM (#613733)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Steve in Idaho


02 Jan 02 - 03:35 PM (#620013)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Dicho (Frank Staplin)

05 Jan 02 - 08:50 PM (#621801)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Dicho (Frank Staplin)

Ā € =>256

05 Jan 02 - 09:05 PM (#621807)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Mary in Kentucky

05 Jan 02 - 09:10 PM (#621812)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Mary in Kentucky

20 Feb 02 - 03:57 PM (#654158)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Dicho (Frank Staplin)

Ā =A macron

06 Apr 02 - 08:24 AM (#684433)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: RichM

[ click here!]

06 Apr 02 - 01:54 PM (#684568)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: MudGuard

copy this:

<a href="">click here</a>

Then adjust the red parts, but do not change the blue parts!

06 Apr 02 - 02:11 PM (#684577)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Dicho (Frank Staplin)

Enter the term after the dot carefully- html or htm. Also some Urls do not use the www. I make errors on these occasionally because I don't check. Sometimes a page cannot be clicked to. Back off and use the index or home page and give directions to get the exact page. The "click here" part can be descriptive. I generally put in a key word.

16 Apr 02 - 11:20 AM (#691286)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!


16 Apr 02 - 11:24 AM (#691289)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!


21 Jul 02 - 09:05 AM (#751939)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: C-flat

try this

21 Jul 02 - 09:57 AM (#751942)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: C-flat

I want to underline that word.

I want to strike that word.

These words should be too small to read.

I'm not sure what this is meant to do.

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

21 Jul 02 - 10:00 AM (#751943)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: C-flat

One,Two, Three,

23 Jul 02 - 04:43 AM (#752892)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Bullfrog Jones


23 Jul 02 - 04:59 AM (#752896)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!



<b><i>Bold and Italics</i></b>

<h1>Heading Size 1</h1>

<h6>Heading Size 6</h6>

<font color="#FF3333">Red Text</font>

23 Jul 02 - 08:57 AM (#752974)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!



Bold and Italics

Heading Size 1

Heading Size 6 color Text

23 Jul 02 - 09:00 AM (#752976)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!

¢¾ ¢¾ ¢¾ ¢¾

24 Jul 02 - 09:57 AM (#753678)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: C-flat

COne two threeDfour five sixG

If anyone reads this could they please tell me where to find more HTML commands?

24 Jul 02 - 06:40 PM (#754019)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: C-flat



25 Jul 02 - 07:04 AM (#754301)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: My guru always said

Looks like I need to try my line breaks!

Now this wee lass has got a lot of brass
She has a lot of gas and her father thinks I'm class
And I'd be a silly ass to let the matter pass
And her father thinks she'd suit me fairly

31 Jul 02 - 10:23 AM (#757522)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Bullfrog Jones

The Galway Girl (Steve Earle)



Verse 1:

D Well, I took a stroll on the old long walk

G Of a day -I-ay-I-ay

D I met a little girl and we stopped to talk

Of a fine soft day -I-ay-I-ay

G D G D And I ask you, friend, what's a fella to do

A G G D 'Cause her hair was black and her eyes were blue

G D G D And I knew right then I'd be takin' a whirl

A G G D 'Round the Salthill Prom with a Galway girl



Verse 2:

D We were halfway there when the rain came down

G Of a day -I-ay-I-ay

D And she asked me up to her flat downtown

G D Of a fine soft day -I-ay-I-ay

G D G D And I ask you, friend, what's a fella to do

A G G D 'Cause her hair was black and her eyes were blue

G D G D So I took her hand and I gave her a twirl

A G G D And I lost my heart to a Galway girl


Verse 3:

D G When I woke up I was all alone

D G D With a broken heart and a ticket home

G D G D And I ask you now, tell me what would you do

A G G D If her hair was black and her eyes were blue

G D G D I've traveled around I've been all over this world

A G G D Boys I ain't never seen nothin' like a Galway girl


22 Aug 02 - 09:05 AM (#769569)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: My guru always said

OK, so it's time for me to have a go at blue clicky's


cross fingers, here we go....

22 Aug 02 - 09:48 AM (#769596)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: MudGuard

well done!

22 Aug 02 - 10:02 AM (#769602)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: My guru always said

Thankyou *s*

15 Sep 02 - 02:02 PM (#784491)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Bee-dubya-ell

0 ~

27 Sep 02 - 06:02 PM (#792649)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: GUEST,Brían



27 Sep 02 - 06:06 PM (#792654)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: GUEST,Brían

à makes à
è makes è
é makes é
ê makes ê
ë makes ë
ç makes ç
Ç makes Ç


29 Sep 02 - 12:24 PM (#793478)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Wilfried Schaum

Test Ñ ñ

29 Sep 02 - 12:38 PM (#793486)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: MudGuard

Wilfried, to be on the safe side, you should use

&Ntilde; to get Ñ
&ntilde; to get ñ

If you don't it depends on the browser configuration which character gets displayed...

30 Sep 02 - 12:17 AM (#793806)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Gloredhel


bold italics strike green

30 Sep 02 - 12:20 AM (#793807)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Gloredhel

Now that I've got that down, how do you make those hearts?

30 Sep 02 - 12:25 AM (#793812)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Gloredhel

Ok, now I'm going to be completely addicted to this.

Getting a little braver....

hope this works

30 Sep 02 - 12:28 AM (#793816)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Gloredhel

Trying one more time....

maybe this time

30 Sep 02 - 04:46 AM (#793884)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Mr Happy


30 Sep 02 - 06:34 AM (#793912)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Noreen

Gloredhel, type in what is on the next line:

<font color=red>♥</font>

but replace the heart with


followed by a semicolon.

When you've typed it, save it for future use! (You can also find out by going to view sourceon your browser and cut&pasting what I wrote…


30 Sep 02 - 11:04 AM (#793999)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: C-flat

30 Sep 02 - 01:30 PM (#794091)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Doug Chadwick

test1 test2

30 Sep 02 - 01:46 PM (#794105)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!

green; normal

30 Sep 02 - 01:48 PM (#794110)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!


30 Sep 02 - 01:57 PM (#794117)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!

Back to normal?

30 Sep 02 - 02:01 PM (#794119)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!


01 Oct 02 - 12:05 AM (#794592)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Mark Clark

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party.

01 Oct 02 - 12:08 AM (#794593)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Mark Clark

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party. You can lead a horticulture but you can't make her think.

01 Oct 02 - 02:29 AM (#794638)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Doug Chadwick



01 Oct 02 - 03:21 AM (#794650)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Mark Clark

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

A man a plan a canal, Panama!

01 Oct 02 - 06:46 AM (#794704)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!

A Big Link

02 Oct 02 - 02:04 AM (#795279)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Wilfried Schaum

Ñ ñ

"Ñ" "ñ"

Thanks, Mudguard

02 Oct 02 - 02:20 AM (#795286)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Wilfried Schaum

Will you give me a heart?
  • ©

  • (FONT FACE="symbol" COLOR="red")etNr169;


02 Oct 02 - 02:23 AM (#795287)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Wilfried Schaum

Forgot to undo the font tag

  • ©

  • "©"


02 Oct 02 - 02:26 AM (#795288)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Wilfried Schaum

What the hell, forgot in the 2nd line again

  • ©

  • ©


02 Oct 02 - 02:28 AM (#795290)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Wilfried Schaum


  • ©

  • ©


02 Oct 02 - 03:19 AM (#795297)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: MudGuard

Wilfried, use the new "Preview" option!

02 Oct 02 - 05:37 PM (#795794)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Gloredhel

Thanks Noreen!

02 Oct 02 - 06:30 PM (#795833)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Noreen


03 Oct 02 - 11:37 AM (#796195)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Wilfried Schaum


  • ©

  • ©

  1. ©

  2. ©

Thanks, Mudguard

06 Oct 02 - 10:40 AM (#797624)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Jeri


Do you realise that if you remove your G string (not here, please) and pronounce what's left upside down, you sound like you're saying something rude with a cold? "EAD BE"

07 Oct 02 - 07:21 AM (#798197)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Mr Red

blue red (guess who can't spell colour? Microsoft for one!!!!

07 Oct 02 - 07:23 AM (#798198)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Mr Red

When I am right dilly dilly
this will be seen

07 Oct 02 - 07:30 AM (#798201)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: songs2play


07 Oct 02 - 07:32 AM (#798202)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: songs2play


05 Nov 02 - 04:56 AM (#818843)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Wolfgang

this is just a test (no need to click)


05 Nov 02 - 05:27 AM (#818860)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: MudGuard

Works, Wolfgang! Sounds nice!
Btw, nothing makes people more courious than "no need to look/click..." ;-)


06 Nov 02 - 12:30 AM (#819632)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Jim Krause

I Larryville


06 Nov 02 - 12:33 AM (#819634)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Jim Krause

Well, well, well, are there other things you could substitute for the
♥ bit?


07 Dec 02 - 01:52 PM (#843117)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: OldPossum

Testing the PRE tag:
  *   *   *    *   *  *   *   *  

07 Dec 02 - 01:54 PM (#843118)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: OldPossum

One more try:

*   *   *
*   *
*   *   *

03 Jan 03 - 01:14 PM (#857826)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!

1    2


6 7


10 Jan 03 - 10:25 AM (#863478)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Mr Happy


10 Jan 03 - 10:30 AM (#863481)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Mr Happy

Mr Happy

10 Jan 03 - 10:33 AM (#863482)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Mr Happy

Mr Happy

10 Jan 03 - 08:06 PM (#863990)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Rustic Rebel


10 Jan 03 - 08:13 PM (#863998)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Rustic Rebel


10 Jan 03 - 08:20 PM (#864006)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Rustic Rebel

I got the bold, can't get the color. Last try

11 Jan 03 - 05:23 AM (#864234)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: GUEST,The Teacher

Now, pupils, try this:

yellow text on green background with a red ridge around it

11 Jan 03 - 06:00 AM (#864244)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: Noreen

font and color are separate words; you merely lacked a space between:


(You can try all this out using the preview function- no need to post every trial and error any more!)

11 Jan 03 - 06:50 AM (#864263)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: MudGuard

Or you can try all this without being "online".

Just use a text editor (notepad), save your stuff as test.htm or test.html and view it in your browser (just refreshing in browser after saving edited stuff).


11 Jan 03 - 10:14 PM (#864897)
Subject: RE: BS: HTML Practice - please ignore!
From: *daylia*


LOVE be the WAY



And learning HTML was so much fun today!