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21 Jan 01 - 01:03 AM (#378854)
From: GutBucketeer

I just stumbled on a very interesting website where they showcase traditional music and folk in general. They have a continuous RealAudio stream that shows the CD cover and links to the artist at the same time.

Right now I'm listening to the Highwoods String Band.

It is located at

Here is a quote from the website:

Traditional music, not generally aired on commercial radio, can be heard, shared and passed on,

Lovers of traditional music can listen to the tunes and find out where they can obtain this music,

Musicians will have a place to have their musicheard and post links to their own sites, or to the vendors and distributors where their music can be purchased. (i.e., make a little "Dough,Re, Mi"!),

Organizations related to folk music and folk life may post their logos and links to their sites.

It seems like MP3 has filled the same function in the last year, but the site has some neat features and is great to listen to in the back ground while you are working on other stuff.

Has anyone else heard/seen this site ?


21 Jan 01 - 01:17 AM (#378857)
Subject: RE:
From: catspaw49

I hadn't but I'm listening right now JAB......Nice quality.....Jim Stoltz....

Blue Clicky To the SITE

Damn, but this is nice!!!


21 Jan 01 - 01:22 AM (#378859)
Subject: RE:
From: Lonesome EJ

Thanks JAB...good site!

21 Jan 01 - 02:16 AM (#378868)
Subject: RE:
From: catspaw49

This is one helluva' nice site!!! I've had it cranked up a bit so I can hear it in the kitchen.....Everybody else is in bed and I put together a pot of Chili for tomorrow (is there a song in that? "Makin' Chili in the Middle of the Night") and this site has really kept me entertained. People I would never have heard and songs you have forgotten...........GREAT SITE!!


21 Jan 01 - 07:31 AM (#378922)
Subject: RE:
From: Dharmabum

Cool site! Thanks for turning us on to this Jab.

21 Jan 01 - 07:45 AM (#378925)
Subject: RE:
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

This is great! Thanks for pointing it out!

21 Jan 01 - 09:29 AM (#378951)
Subject: RE:
From: Mary in Kentucky

Oh WOW! This is great! Thanks JAB.

Now, since I'm snowed in...sure with I had some chili...

21 Jan 01 - 09:32 AM (#378953)
Subject: RE:
From: Mary in Kentucky

...that should be WISH...

21 Jan 01 - 10:55 AM (#378985)
Subject: RE:
From: Lynn W

It's snowing here in Yorkshire too - great site! My favourite at the moment though is Hober radio - I listen to it all the time and have discovered loads of new music (new to me that is!) What does everyone else think? Sorry, I can't find the blue clicky instructions at the moment.

21 Jan 01 - 11:20 AM (#378995)
Subject: RE:
From: Mary in Kentucky

Clickie for

I'll check it out later fluter, I'm still listening to It says that Shake Sugaree is coming up. I wonder if that's Art Thieme?

21 Jan 01 - 11:23 AM (#378997)
Subject: RE:
From: Mary in Kentucky


Clickie for

21 Jan 01 - 12:50 PM (#379035)
Subject: RE:
From: John of the Hill

JAB, I must disagree with you about listening to in the background! Everytime a new selection comes on, I find myself going " ooh..ooh.. who's that" and switching windows to see. Thanks for posting about this site, I've already bookmarked it and will probably be spending a lot of time flipping between browser windows, fortunately my computer use is strictly recreational so I don't have to blame you for lost productivity. John ps It's nice to come across a site that has a view of what is folk that jibes with mine. (I hope this doesn't start another 'What is folk thread'. John

21 Jan 01 - 02:30 PM (#379074)
Subject: RE:
From: Les B

What a great site ! Just when I think I'm getting jaded with the computer this comes along. As noted above, however, I keep skipping back to the site see who's playing. Thanks much.

21 Jan 01 - 04:36 PM (#379135)
Subject: RE:
From: GutBucketeer

Me too!

Also, I haven't tried it at work yet. Just here at home while I'm messing around. I have a feeling that it may really slow me down.


21 Jan 01 - 04:52 PM (#379150)
Subject: RE:
From: Tinker

Wonderful, it's perfect backround.. perhaps I'll even get the den clean.. Thanks JAB...


21 Jan 01 - 05:29 PM (#379186)
Subject: RE:

Beautiful site, you're a friend for life.

22 Jan 01 - 05:54 PM (#379925)
Subject: RE:
From: Burke

Oh no! Another site I have to listen to. I'm not crazy about the play being embedded in the browser, less control on the volume & some other programs seemed to really slow down. Not sure what that was about.

Thanks anyway. fluter I love Hober as well.

22 Jan 01 - 06:16 PM (#379959)
Subject: RE:
From: mousethief

Lovely! Thanks for posting this, JAB!


23 Jan 01 - 01:47 PM (#380588)
Subject: RE:
From: Wesley S

Thanks from me too. This is pretty dang cool.

23 Jan 01 - 09:20 PM (#380946)
Subject: RE:
From: Mark Cohen

Maybe Max or one of the Maxettes can trade links with this site. They seem to be on the level, and I agree with everybody -- I like it! Folk music of any kind is hard to come by here in Hawaii (except for Hawaiian music, of course!), and this is a welcome addition.

I'd encourage everybody who likes this site to send them the five bucks they're asking for a subscription. The address is:

Folk Circle
5771 Chestnut Ave.
Long Beach, CA 90805-4005

And while you're in the mode, click on the catfish and support the 'Cat as well!


24 Mar 03 - 01:06 PM (#917212)
Subject: RE:
From: annamill

I have been listening to this site since JAB told us about it. Today I went to listen while I unpack and BAM! it's gone. Boooo!!

Does anyone know what happened?

Annamill (without her folkcircle)

24 Mar 03 - 01:12 PM (#917217)
Subject: RE:
From: MMario

it's there for me...