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BS: Wish Me Luck

23 Jan 01 - 01:23 AM (#380240)
Subject: Wish Me Luck
From: Amergin

Well, folks....tomorrow night I'll be going to the first open mike poetry session I've been to in two or three bloody nervous....wish me luck!


23 Jan 01 - 01:25 AM (#380241)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: CarolC

Good luck, Amergin!


23 Jan 01 - 01:50 AM (#380245)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: wysiwyg

The hell I will!! You don't need luck!!

Send me a (*&)(*&^ ticket so I can come!!!

(trans. "Good luck sweetie"... folk process.)


23 Jan 01 - 02:36 AM (#380256)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: Jon Freeman



23 Jan 01 - 02:45 AM (#380261)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: wysiwyg

May the Sugar Dog be curled 'neath your feet as you hold forth in full calm. She KNOW you kin do it.

Night, Nathan. Let me know how wonderful it was!


23 Jan 01 - 06:57 AM (#380309)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: KingBrilliant

Best of Luck, and let us know how it goes.


23 Jan 01 - 07:15 AM (#380321)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: Clinton Hammond

ya... kick ass!

23 Jan 01 - 07:21 AM (#380325)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: alison

good luck amergin.. and if today on Paltalk was anything to go by.. you have nothing to worry about......



23 Jan 01 - 07:25 AM (#380327)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: Dave the Gnome

Break a leg

or is that only for actors?

Good luck from Gnomeland anyway


23 Jan 01 - 07:30 AM (#380329)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: DonMeixner

Watch the meter,

Mind the rhyme,

Take deep breaths,

Enjoy the time,


23 Jan 01 - 07:57 AM (#380351)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: Margaret V

Well, those of us lucky enough to hear you on Paltalk know how lucky those folks at open mike will be. All the best! Margaret

23 Jan 01 - 08:42 AM (#380388)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: GUEST,kendall

There are no enemies there, go for it..

23 Jan 01 - 08:46 AM (#380392)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: MMario

Break a leg; I seriously doubt you need extra luck, you have the skill; but good luck anyway!

23 Jan 01 - 12:31 PM (#380535)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: Bert

Well Seamus says that "Break a Leg" is just for Actors, and "Break a Finger" is for Guitar players. So whatwould we say for a poet? Maybe "Strain your Tongue".
Well whatever it is I wish it for you. Anyway I'm sure that you're good enough that luck won't enter into it.

23 Jan 01 - 12:46 PM (#380543)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: Tinker

Ride the winds tonite...


23 Jan 01 - 12:59 PM (#380549)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: wysiwyg

Bert, LOL! I'm picturing.... ooooo!


23 Jan 01 - 01:14 PM (#380559)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: Bert


23 Jan 01 - 01:25 PM (#380571)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: Jim the Bart

Break a leg; bust a rhyme or two, too.


23 Jan 01 - 01:39 PM (#380581)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: Noreen

Best wishes go with you Nathan, and you'll not have a phone ringing in the background to put you off this time... :0)

You'll be wonderful.


23 Jan 01 - 02:25 PM (#380611)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: Morticia

Best of luck, Nathan....I'll be thinking of you!

23 Jan 01 - 02:33 PM (#380618)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: Hollowfox


23 Jan 01 - 02:36 PM (#380620)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: Amergin

Thank you all! Well, I'm off to work now and then right after I'll be heading on over...Bye!


23 Jan 01 - 02:50 PM (#380626)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: Rowana (at work)

Best of luck and have a grand time


23 Jan 01 - 04:38 PM (#380715)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

Amergin, you are good at it, relax mate they will love it. Yours, Aye. Dave

23 Jan 01 - 04:50 PM (#380734)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: katlaughing

Amergin, aren't you a little young?! **BG**

Go get 'em!


23 Jan 01 - 04:53 PM (#380736)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: Mrrzy

Tell us all about it, sprained tongue or not! And at least I've finally figured out who WYSIWYG is, lol!

23 Jan 01 - 04:58 PM (#380742)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: mousethief

Break a leg! You'll be fine.


23 Jan 01 - 05:54 PM (#380789)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: Little Neophyte

All the best Amergin
You have lots of support here
May it be a fun & rewarding experience for you


23 Jan 01 - 06:44 PM (#380846)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: wysiwyg

It warn't no secret, Mrrzy. IYAMWHATIYAM was just too long.

Bert M'Dear, at least I don't leave you hanging by a thread! YOU baaaaddd! { : ~ *> anyway, you poohead!! LOL!


23 Jan 01 - 06:58 PM (#380856)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: cowboypoet


Been there, done that, know how you feel. Do the stuff you know best and feel strongest about and you'll be fine. I'm pulling for you -- we're all in this together.

24 Jan 01 - 04:08 AM (#381063)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: Amergin

Thanks guys!! I had a blast tonight! Though to be honest with you all, I almost chickened out....the thought that I told virtually everyone in the world that I was going to do this kept me there....and I am glad I did... I read two poems...was originally going to do one or two more, but my hands were shaking so bad, I could barely read my journal....I forgot what it was like being up there in front of people and having every eye in the place concentrating on me....not to be bragging or anything (well maybe a little), but it seemed as if more people were paying attention to me than to some of the other performers there...then came the applause....that alone made my whole day....though the question as to whether it was for my performance or the fact that I was finished.....remains unanswered....though some one told me later that I did pretty good.... I have forgotten also the rush of the adrenaline that coursed through my body as I stood up there in front of the microphone....I tell you, audience response is the best drug ever to be put on this earth....but then I never had a bad response yet...I'm sure that time will come... Thanks again for all of the support....

Oh and Kat? Just how do you plan on getting me back, dear?


24 Jan 01 - 04:13 AM (#381067)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: Ella who is Sooze

Good luck.... you'll be fine!

Enjoy it, and have a good time

All the best


24 Jan 01 - 10:01 AM (#381214)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: katlaughing

Get you back? How? Maybe I'll just forget to change yer diapers! **BG**

Glad to hear it went well, was never in any doubt. Goodonyadarlin'!


24 Jan 01 - 10:27 AM (#381236)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: wysiwyg

That's great, Nathan!

What next?


24 Jan 01 - 10:50 AM (#381265)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: Tinker

Congrat's !!!


24 Jan 01 - 10:55 AM (#381268)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: GUEST,Matt_R

Good job dude! Now do it more often! lol! I did some reading to last night..."BlacK Horse" by Archie Fisher. Someone said I sounded like Tom Green. Oh well. Glad to hear yours was a bigger hit!!


24 Jan 01 - 12:58 PM (#381372)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: Noreen

Good on you, Nathan. Just as well you told us all then! What did you read?

I'm told the shakes get less as you do more of this, which is something I'm hoping for too...


24 Jan 01 - 02:04 PM (#381424)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: Amergin

Yeah, I was told the same thing about the shakes.... I read "I Wish I Was Back Home" and "The Last Time"....

Oh, and, Kat, if you forget to change my diapers, I'll forget to get your Super Polident.....

24 Jan 01 - 02:10 PM (#381433)
Subject: RE: BS: Wish Me Luck
From: Amergin

or your poligrip....