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BS: Happy Birthday Dave the Gnome!

04 Feb 01 - 11:31 AM (#389667)
Subject: Happy Birthday Dave the Gnome!
From: Noreen

A little bird told me that a certain gnomish mudcatter has a special day on Monday 5th February, so- altogether now, melodeons, concertinas, guitars, bodhrans...,and four part harmony,

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear Da-ave,
Happy birthday to you!

And for your further entertainment, I'm running a sweep: "Guess the age of Dave the Gnome!"


04 Feb 01 - 11:44 AM (#389680)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Dave the Gnome!
From: Dave Wynn

What....a Birthday bash for a Garden Ornament.!! Oh go on then Many happy returns DtG. I will make a completely random guess at 48 annums.

Whats the prize for winning?


04 Feb 01 - 11:47 AM (#389682)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Dave the Gnome!
From: John Routledge

First attempt for £1 (to White Lion Folk club) 43 and 3/4. Just in case it's not actually his birthday. Where do I collect my winnings? G Broon

04 Feb 01 - 12:05 PM (#389702)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Dave the Gnome!
From: Catrin

I'd guess at 21 (anywhere near dave?)

Happy Boithday Dave the Gnome!

04 Feb 01 - 12:16 PM (#389710)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Dave the Gnome!
From: Little Hawk

Most gnomes are several hundred years old, so I'm guessing 312. Happy birthday!

- LH

04 Feb 01 - 12:47 PM (#389741)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Dave the Gnome!
From: Micca

Happy Gnomic anniversary...Dave the gnome...and prove Miles Wooton wrong That "it is much Fun being a Gnome"

04 Feb 01 - 01:35 PM (#389770)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Dave the Gnome!
From: bill\sables

All the best from White Rose Country "Ye Little Bugger"

04 Feb 01 - 02:37 PM (#389811)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Dave the Gnome!
From: Dave Swan

Many Happy Returns of the Day to D the G. May the snails in your garden leave you unslimed. Best,

Dave & Pam

04 Feb 01 - 03:47 PM (#389863)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Dave the Gnome!
From: Eric the Viking

Ahd shout from oer 'tother side o 'ill to thee for't birthday, but as ahm a bloody sootherner wot lives up 'ere.




04 Feb 01 - 03:47 PM (#389864)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Dave the Gnome!
From: Mrs.Duck

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dave and I will not be entering the sweep lest I offend!!!

04 Feb 01 - 05:51 PM (#389941)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Dave the Gnome!
From: Cobble


Cobble & Mrs Cobble

04 Feb 01 - 05:57 PM (#389945)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Dave the Gnome!
From: Keith A of Hertford

Truly, a giant among gnomes.
Have a good one Dave.
Happy Birthday from Keith.

04 Feb 01 - 06:05 PM (#389953)
Subject: Happy Birthday Dave the Gnome!
From: Bernard

I'd be cheating if I joined in the 'sweep', particularly as DtG was in this very room only a couple of hours ago (the Swinton May songs are now in MIDI format!)...

Notwithstanding, but withsitting, may I join in with the rest of the 'Cat in wishing you a very happy birthday (not that you can expect many more at your age...)!!



04 Feb 01 - 06:20 PM (#389962)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Dave the Gnome!
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

Many Happy Returns. Yours,Aye. Dave (tam)

04 Feb 01 - 06:51 PM (#389990)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Dave the Gnome!
From: hesperis

Hey! Happy birthday, Evad!

04 Feb 01 - 07:12 PM (#390010)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Dave the Gnome!
From: Dave the Gnome

Many thanks for all the good wishes - I will only say that one of you is exactly right!!! When I tell you that the prize is a weeks holiday sitting by a cold fish pond holding my rod will anyone want me to let them know who???

By holding my rod I mean my fishing rod of course - giving me a well earned break so I can go and count all the gold in my secret hoard.

Clue - I am as old as my tounge and slightly older than my teeth. When I was born a giant was conquered. True!

All the best anyway

I'll be a bit late at Swinton tomorrow as Mrs Gnome is buying me some nosh. Anyone there will be entitled to a free sniff of my beer later though....


04 Feb 01 - 09:32 PM (#390103)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Dave the Gnome!
From: MMario

Have a Happy Dave - and mind you don't get kidnapped by french students.

04 Feb 01 - 10:30 PM (#390120)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Dave the Gnome!
From: CarolC

Happy Birthday, Dave the Gnome!


04 Feb 01 - 11:24 PM (#390143)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Dave the Gnome!
From: katlaughing

HaPpY bIrThDaY, dAvE the GnOmE!!

And many more....


05 Feb 01 - 12:15 AM (#390158)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Dave the Gnome!
From: Peter Kasin

Have a great day, Dave The Gnome - and I wish for you every day be a good one. Catch a monkfish, if you can hold onto it. :-)

All the best,


05 Feb 01 - 02:18 AM (#390224)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Dave the Gnome!
From: roopoo

Happy birthday! (It will be the "laughing gnome" I guess). Have a good'un!


05 Feb 01 - 02:25 AM (#390228)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Dave the Gnome!
From: Brendy



05 Feb 01 - 03:34 AM (#390235)
From: Bernard

As the Chinese have a new year dedicated to something, what about today starting the Mudcat New Year of The Gnome?

05 Feb 01 - 07:37 AM (#390280)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Dave the Gnome!
From: GUEST,skarpi at work.

05 Feb 01 - 07:39 AM (#390282)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Dave the Gnome!
From: GUEST,skarpi at work

úps happy birthday Dave, And happy birthday to all Mudcaters who had their birthdays. Skarpi Iceland.

05 Feb 01 - 09:00 AM (#390302)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Dave the Gnome!
From: Noreen

And a very Happy Birthday too to Margaret V, who let it slip last night on PalTalk...

Have a WONDERFUL day, both of you.


05 Feb 01 - 09:19 AM (#390317)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Dave the Gnome!
From: Trevor


05 Feb 01 - 09:26 AM (#390323)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Dave the Gnome!
From: KingBrilliant

Happy Birthday Gnome


05 Feb 01 - 09:28 AM (#390326)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Dave the Gnome!
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Happiest of years, dear gnome! I know the truth- yer ageless!

05 Feb 01 - 09:38 AM (#390335)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Dave the Gnome!
From: Peter K (Fionn)

Not thirty-three and a third then, Dave? Be happpy, even in Salford (*G*), today and every day.

05 Feb 01 - 10:27 AM (#390362)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Dave the Gnome!
From: Sorcha

I didn't even know gnomes HAD birthdays!! See, ya learn something every day on Mudcat!! Have a great day, Dave!

05 Feb 01 - 11:08 AM (#390395)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Dave the Gnome!
From: Rick Fielding

HB, but i wanna know "How tall are you"?


05 Feb 01 - 12:44 PM (#390484)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Dave the Gnome!
From: Katcina


Any way it can be said, have a great one Dave!

05 Feb 01 - 12:53 PM (#390493)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Dave the Gnome!
From: Morticia


08 Feb 01 - 06:07 AM (#392989)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Dave the Gnome!
From: GUEST,Fibula Mattock

Sheesh, it's belated, but Many Happy Returns, Gnomeo!

08 Feb 01 - 06:34 AM (#392994)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Dave the Gnome!
From: GUEST,sooze(at work)

Happy Birthday Dave - have you heard the Gnome song as sung by Derek Brimstone?

08 Feb 01 - 12:36 PM (#393240)
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Birthday Dave the Gnome!
From: GUEST,JohnB

Have a chip butty for me, lots more of those birthdays too. JohnB