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BS: How will you celebrate Valentines Day ??

13 Feb 01 - 03:44 PM (#397269)
Subject: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Wesley S

You don't have to be in a "relationship" currently - everyone loves SOMEBODY. How do you plan to share that with them ? Are any of you sending valentines anonymously this year? Or is everything out in the open ??

For me it will be a quiet night at home { assuming that Brendan - our 2 month old son - allows it to be a quiet night }. I'll be fixing dinner and will give my wife some Godiva chocolates, a book , and a Victoria's Secret gift certificate. That way she'll wear what she gets. Not to mention a mooshy card and a few songs by candlelight. Then maybe a bubblebath later and then - who knows ??

How about you ?? Hmmmmm???? Share your secrets.

13 Feb 01 - 03:53 PM (#397286)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: grumpy al

Celibacy! sad isn't it?

13 Feb 01 - 03:56 PM (#397288)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Wesley S

OOPS - that's "celebrate" - not celibrate.

And remember - you don't have to have a "special someone" to celebrate Valentines. Friends - family members - teachers ?

And NOT celebrating is valid too.

13 Feb 01 - 03:58 PM (#397289)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: wdyat12

grump al,

"Ceibacy is the Salt of Life!"


13 Feb 01 - 04:08 PM (#397297)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Sorcha

Hopefully, by ignoring the whole thing.

13 Feb 01 - 04:12 PM (#397300)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Bert

Aw Sorcha, - WE love you!

13 Feb 01 - 04:14 PM (#397303)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Pseudolus

I think a nice candlelight dinner, some romantic music, some wine.....geez this sounds like fun, I'll hafta make sure my wife's there!!


13 Feb 01 - 04:21 PM (#397305)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Sorcha

Well, you know I do appreciate that, bert, and so does my family love me, but these shmaltzy holidays just don't do it for me. I would rather they cooked me dinner once in a while, or picked up their socks, or vacumed.....instead of spending money on flowers that will die.

13 Feb 01 - 04:32 PM (#397311)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

Directing four boats one helicopter and one C130 hercules aircraft in a SAR exercise five miles offshore in cold weather. All day!!! Oooohhhh lots of fun... Ha Ha Ha.. real romantic aint I? Yours, Aye. Dave

13 Feb 01 - 04:32 PM (#397312)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: wdyat12


That would make some relationships a lot better. Now if we could only take the commercializm out of the rest of the holidays too and just give each other kindness and love and things that won't die or be discarded.


13 Feb 01 - 04:37 PM (#397314)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Blackcatter

As far as I'm concerned Valentine's Day sucks.

& Dave - while what you'll be doing may not be fun, it's a heck of a lot more interesting than my entire week.

Take care and stay safe all

13 Feb 01 - 04:40 PM (#397318)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: catspaw49

We have Valentine's Day everyday. Nothing special this year, but we are two lucky people and especially me. The "greatest thing to happen in my life" makes me the most fortunate man alive and I try to tell her somehow each day in thoughts, words, and actions, how much I love her and how much she means to me. A few good hugs from her, a warm embrace..........nothin' like it!

I wish everyone the same.


13 Feb 01 - 04:54 PM (#397342)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Naemanson

I will celibate Valentine's Day by going off to a friend's house to rehearse for a coffeehouse performance. Then I'll go home to a cold and lonely bed and hope that next year I can celebRate the holiday.

13 Feb 01 - 04:55 PM (#397343)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Naemanson

There are no typo's in my last post.

13 Feb 01 - 05:14 PM (#397372)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: katlaughing

Getting my hair trimmed; it's a treat to myself, having someone else wash it, comb it out, trim and style it.

13 Feb 01 - 05:25 PM (#397385)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Zebedee

I really hate Valentines Day, for the same reason that I hate New Year's Eve.

I prefer to celebrate, give gifts, have a party etc at a time of my choosing, rather than on the a particular day that tradition / commerce has chosen.

However, I'm meeting my girlfriend for lunch tomorrow, and I'll bring a bunch of flowers. She'll be pleased, but I'd prefer to give here flowers on any other day.


13 Feb 01 - 05:26 PM (#397387)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: wdyat12

You're doing better than me Naemanson! wdyat12

13 Feb 01 - 05:29 PM (#397388)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: JenEllen

Thanks Spaw. You summed it up perfectly. Ain't it grand?

If the mister brought home flowers and chocolates, he'd be strung up in short order. Luckly for him he knows exactly how I feel about that sort of comercialized pressure to 'perform' on Valentine's Day. I'd rather have him brushing the snow off of my car and making me a cup of tea all for a little nuzzle under the chin, than to live ignorant of each other and try to make it up all on one day of the year.

I wish you all a little bit of love every day. You've more than likely got it already, you just need to know where to look.


13 Feb 01 - 05:32 PM (#397391)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Sorcha

See bert? I'm not alone, although spaw, Zeb and Elle put it slightly better than I did. Although a haircut seems like a good idea, but I ALWAYS hate my hair right after a cut.......

13 Feb 01 - 05:33 PM (#397393)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: GUEST,bflat

I will have a lesson in classical guitar. Write a few greeting cards to loved ones and see what developes. It used to be my busiest,exhausting work day of the year but I'm unemployed right now and it feels pretty good. **BG**


13 Feb 01 - 05:52 PM (#397401)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: annamill

Waitaminit!!! We have a day to celebrate the one we love and you hate it!! Sour mushy old farts! ;-)

Now Honey and I love every day and we show it to each other all the time, (It makes our friends sick) but here's an opportunity to make a point of it.

Like Christmas, commercialized, yes, but still wonderful. I love going and looking for just the right card and thinking hard what I could give to him to thank him for being him. I love the smile I get back and the warm hug and kisses.

Created by Hallmark, or not, it's a wonderful idea! Now, what can I get for him?? besides the card I mean.

Love, annamill

13 Feb 01 - 05:53 PM (#397402)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: hesperis

Cleaning my apartment by friday, so that the landlord can rent it to someone else, so that we can move to a better, bigger, more beautiful, apartment! YAY!

And then we'll "sleep in"... *g*

13 Feb 01 - 05:58 PM (#397407)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Kim C

Aw Spaw, how nice!

I think we might to out to eat since my Mom sent us some money for that. I have also bought a "special garment" (who watched West Wing a couple weeks ago?) ;)

I sent a few cards to some family members and friends. Mister's card is handmade - only really special people get those! I tried buying him a nice meerschaum pipe but my order got lost. He is going to have to settle for the special garment...

13 Feb 01 - 06:17 PM (#397421)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Little Hawk

When dat Spaw am serious, de boy he make good sense!

- LH

13 Feb 01 - 06:18 PM (#397422)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Spud Murphy

I've been celebrating Valentine's day with the same woman for 53 years. That's a celebration unto its self. I'm pretty lucky.


13 Feb 01 - 08:58 PM (#397506)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Amergin

Well, let's see....I'll go to town and hopefully come back with a better car than the piece of shit I got....I need a better car as I drive an hour just to get work everyday....then, I think I'll do something really special by sitting in front of my computer all day, and then when I get tired I'll go to a bed where my three dogs await....fuck valentine's day...

13 Feb 01 - 09:53 PM (#397542)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Matt_R thoughts EXACTLY.

13 Feb 01 - 10:04 PM (#397547)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: wdyat12

I will spend Valentine's day observing 600 Chinese shipbuilders in an American shipyard begin the task of installing cranes on a drydock that should have been built by American Workers. wdyat12

13 Feb 01 - 10:04 PM (#397548)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Sorcha

Actually, the dogs don't sound like a bad idea, assuming none of them have ShitBum..........which mine have had for a week. Seem better tonite tho.

13 Feb 01 - 10:06 PM (#397550)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: catspaw49

Gee Matt, I don't think you mentioned you were buying a new car...................


13 Feb 01 - 10:22 PM (#397559)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: catspaw49

Talk about spelling problems on celebrate like we had above, I told this true one awhile back...........

Reminds me of a Roadhouse just outside of Soddy-Daisy, Tennessee, just north of Chattanooga on 27. Someone new came along in the early eighties and reopened this dive with a fresh coat of paint and a huge new professional looking sign out front. They called the place "Celebrate".......Sadly, the sign painter must have been paid ahead in trade, because one side was missing the "R".......still spelled wrong (Celebate)....... but somehow you just KNEW you weren't going to get any action in that dive!


13 Feb 01 - 10:34 PM (#397567)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??

Envying those of you in loving relationships, empathizing with those of you who aren't, remembering and being thankful for past relationships where love and romance were real, and hoping to have that magic in my life again.

13 Feb 01 - 10:45 PM (#397580)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Deckman

I'll start tommorrow by giving beautiful bride Judy a very warm and long hug. Then I'll kiss her right on the tip of her nose. Then I'll tell her, again, just how much I love her and how lucky I feel. Then I'll go scrape the ice off her car. Then I'll go build another damned deck. It'll be a day tommorrow just like every day in our house ... CHEERS, Bob

13 Feb 01 - 11:00 PM (#397592)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Lyrical Lady

OOOOOOh...guest ...too bad you didn't tell who you are! I will spend Valentine's Day remembering a special moment shared with a special "someone" not too long ago, sing a few love songs to myself and wish you all a happy day! Lyrical Lady

13 Feb 01 - 11:15 PM (#397605)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Little Hawk

I have always made a point of ignoring Valentine's Day, except once when I had a very traditional girlfriend, and then there was no way I could ignore it...without repercussions more hideous than anything Dante ever dreamed of. 5 years of sheer blithering hell.

Well, it had some good moments too...but they got to be fewer as time went by. Sigh.

I'd rather not label the one day in that fashion, but just show some love every day if at all possible.

- LH

13 Feb 01 - 11:20 PM (#397610)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Little Neophyte

I will buy myself a pound of Godiva chocolates.
Buy my sister some flowers.
Send valentines out to people I love.
Oh, and wear red thongs.

Little Neo

13 Feb 01 - 11:35 PM (#397624)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Noreen

With a friendly get-together in PalTalk?? Would be very nice for those of us without the real thing...


13 Feb 01 - 11:39 PM (#397631)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Amergin

Coming down to Portland, Bonnie?*BG*

Yeah that sounds fine, Noreen....

13 Feb 01 - 11:48 PM (#397640)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Matt_R

oh yes! Maybe Ella will be my valentine?

14 Feb 01 - 12:11 AM (#397650)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Noreen

Maybe, Mattie- and maybe you'll sing 'Little Willow' and we'll all have a little sniffle...


14 Feb 01 - 12:19 AM (#397659)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: katlaughing

I've already celebrated! Rog totally knocked my socks off tonight when he came home. He'd stopped at the grocery store and while there decided he should bring me something special. Instead of flowers which would "just dry up and be dead", as he put it, he found a bouquet of Hypericum (St. John's Wort) berries, extra large size from Ecuador! They are just beautiful and will dry nicely. Hasn't done anything like that in years, so something must be gettin' better!


14 Feb 01 - 12:22 AM (#397660)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Amergin

or maybe he figured he better take care of Valentine's now, just in case he forgot tomorrow and winds up spending the special day in the ER.....

14 Feb 01 - 12:27 AM (#397663)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Matt_R

Sure can Norrie! You wanna be my Valentine too?

14 Feb 01 - 12:28 AM (#397665)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: katlaughing

you may be right, Amergin! Though I don't get my claws out too often anymore:-)

14 Feb 01 - 04:52 AM (#397710)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler

Or try this:
Wednesday, 14 February, 2001, 09:18 GMT

Romantic swans perform Valentine displays

Romance is in the air for more than 200 swans who are enchanting visitors with their heart-shaped courtship displays at a UK wildlife centre.

And thanks to the sweetheart swans, the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust reserve at Slimbridge, Gloucestershire is now claiming to be one of the most romantic places to be on Valentine's Day.

The mute swan, one of the few animals which finds a mate for life, is known for its impressive courting ritual which involves curling its long neck against its mate to form a heart shape.

Among the winter visitors spending Valentine's Day on the River Severn are Limonia and Laburnum, who have been together for 14 years.
(c)BBC Online

14 Feb 01 - 04:54 AM (#397712)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Ella who is Sooze

Well, I won't be doing anything much!!

Working, designing new stuff for work, sending stuff to printers, going to the gym and practising some more music

No cards, no flowers, no nothing.... no valentine, no one special... lol... get out yur fiddles please...

Can't even go on to Paltalk tonight... damn computer is broken....! woe is me... I say, WOE IS MEEEEEEEEE.

wallowing in her pit of human dispare...haha hahaa

So, Noreen, Matt and all... have fun in Paltalk room - and let me know how it goes, because.. I won't be able to come along... can things get any worse today?

Ho hum


14 Feb 01 - 05:07 AM (#397715)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Ella who is Sooze

Did go and see Liz Doherty and band last night...

EXCELLENT GIG>>> thoroughly enjoyed it!!!

14 Feb 01 - 05:19 AM (#397717)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler

Or this from the BBC wireless news this morning:
An Australian man who has given up on women got a priest to marry him to his new true love (no, NOT a 'roo or ewe)HIS TV SET!
RtS (makes even me sound normal!)

14 Feb 01 - 06:50 AM (#397740)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Dave the Gnome

I reckon I can beat the lot of yer.

I am getting my ears syringed! Romantic fool I know.....

Figured out that if I start buying pressies and stuff Mrs Gnome would start to suspect something;-)

Dave the Gnome

14 Feb 01 - 07:45 AM (#397766)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: CarolC

.... ;-) Happy valentines day to all of you who are spending it by yourselves.


14 Feb 01 - 07:55 AM (#397771)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: GUEST,Big Time Woman from way out west

What would really make me feel happy today is to find the couple I gave my last $2 to at the circle K last night and give them a bag of groceries. They said they lived behind the laundromat and pointed, and that they were homeless and needed food. Yup, I'm gonna do that!

14 Feb 01 - 08:00 AM (#397774)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Ella who is Sooze

awww... Carol, that's lovely...

14 Feb 01 - 08:07 AM (#397777)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: GUEST,Matt_R

Awwww thanks Carol.

Poor Ella!!! I'll--I mean WE'LL be thinking about you!


14 Feb 01 - 08:16 AM (#397787)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Ella who is Sooze

lol.... behave!!

14 Feb 01 - 09:31 AM (#397828)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: annamill

To Roger the skiffler: That sounds like my house !! We only had 26 swans this week to enjoy. I hope they stay around for the gathering. Plus all the beautiful ducks, and cormorants. It's just like living on a bird sanctuary.

Valentine Day started out this morning, before I got out of bed, with roses and a card. I gave him a card and a promise.

I'm a very lucky woman.

Love, annamill

14 Feb 01 - 10:24 AM (#397851)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Amergin

Well, that bloody well sucks, Ella....was looking forward to hearing you sing, again.....

14 Feb 01 - 10:25 AM (#397853)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler

I was going to post a story from the London Evening Standard about a certain Matt R (OK it was Roberts but let's not spoil a good story with accuracy!) who is the personal trainer to a host of female stars (Kim Baisnger, Madonna etc.) but they've dropped it from the later editions!
However, they DO have a story about today's largest nude wedding in Jamaica...( if you feel the need to read it -for purely scientifc reasons....)

14 Feb 01 - 10:33 AM (#397858)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: GUEST,Matt_R

LOL..yeah it couldn't be me. I can't see 5'8", 130lb me being a personal trainer. Besides ...Madonna and Kim Basinger aren't exactly my cup of tea (puke).

14 Feb 01 - 10:33 AM (#397859)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??

Found it, they'd hidden it in the FASHION section:
I think our Matt has been hiding his light under a bushel:
Getting personal with Matt The names Madonna, Sting and Trudie Styler, Caprice, Sandra Bullock, Mel C and Faye Dunaway cling to Matt Roberts in the Press. But Britain's best-known personal trainer is far too intelligent to let anyone know the truth...

Try Matt R's work outs

From today's Evening Standard, details in previous post, apologies for multiple typos and bungled line break.
Rt(how does he find time to learn allthose songs as well...)
RtS (jealous old fart)

14 Feb 01 - 10:41 AM (#397863)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler

Oh, bugger , missed my name off the last one and STILL made typos! That's the trouble with posting from work: reality keeps interupting me before I can perfect my utterings!
RtS (Never knowingly anonymous, only pseudonymous.)

14 Feb 01 - 11:12 AM (#397880)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Peter T.

I am of two minds about this. I think occasions like Valentine's Day are fine, but like other holidays, they have become intensified to the manic point by commercial interests, desperately trying to differentiate days to make money. So Valentine's Day is hyped and saturates the papers, media, etc.
The problem is that what was once a graceful event between people, light hearted and amusing for the most part, has become relentless. And, like so many holidays, it now highlights the loneliness of those who are outside the magic circle. I think that this manic machinery creates some of that loneliness. When I think of all the people who are suffering from lack of love, or being able to give love in romance, and who will be hurt by today, I wonder about it all. I wish the happy ones well. But --

yours, Peter T.

14 Feb 01 - 11:43 AM (#397893)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Ella who is Sooze

I know, Nathan...

I am distraught, I won;t get to hear everyone's lovely contributions... I really enjoy Paltalk... though at least I won't be so tired, and look awful from staying up til 2/3 am listening in!

Oh well, hopefully the lads at the repair shop will be quick.

And Roger... couldn't find the Jamaican thing... (he heee)

Thanks Nathan...

14 Feb 01 - 11:48 AM (#397896)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Amergin

Well, I hope you get it fixed soon, lovely Ella....

14 Feb 01 - 12:08 PM (#397915)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Bill D

what 'spaw said...*smile* could be worse here...In Japan, the day has been commercially corrupted beyond belief by confectionary companies...only women give gifts today, and a month later, the men reciprocate..if they feel like it..

14 Feb 01 - 12:10 PM (#397918)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: GUEST,Matt_R

...conceding the field to Nathan. Sorry.

14 Feb 01 - 12:21 PM (#397925)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Dave Wynn

Valentines day is a drag...I always have the day off work....bloody hundreds of cards to open then having to find a space for them all and the questions from the Mrs.....


14 Feb 01 - 12:40 PM (#397941)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: Micca

A Zen Valentine

You want
at one
with the
of you

For me
It is
the sound
of one

14 Feb 01 - 01:52 PM (#397999)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: GUEST,Big Time Woman

I found the laundromat on my lunch hour! I drove up behind it and checked one homeless camp, after I honked my horn. It looked as though its' residents were out.

As I was driving out of the back lot, the gentleman from last night came out of the woods. He was clean and neatly dressed. I put some valentine's chocolate in the bag for good measure. As he thanked me we exchanged smiles and I wished him good luck! This is a good VD for me. (BTW from way out west)

14 Feb 01 - 02:07 PM (#398010)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: John Routledge

I am challenged and don't know how to be anonymous SO

Happy Valentines Day to you all. Geordie Broon John.

14 Feb 01 - 02:09 PM (#398011)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??

I am going to the half price sale at the local drug store, buy up all the chocolate, and spend the weekend treating my acne. I hate Valentine's Day but love the day after.

14 Feb 01 - 02:15 PM (#398017)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: annamill

Gee, I'm really sorry. I wasn't trying to gloat, but to spread some of the joy I feel. I'm sorry.

I have had bad times and I'v known pain. Maybe that's why Valentine's Day is special to me.

Again, I'm sorry.

Love, annamill

14 Feb 01 - 02:25 PM (#398019)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: GUEST,tar_heel

happy valentines day to....sandytoes!i love you always and forever!

14 Feb 01 - 02:52 PM (#398036)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celibrate Valentines Day ??
From: katlaughing

MICCA! Stunningly beautiful!

Annamill, don't feel guilty because you are happy and have a loving SO, it is your right and blessing and you can be joyful about it if you choose

Some Mudcatters just made my day with serendipitous timing. I haven't gone to the POB for several days, so went today. Had two tapes with chocolate hearts from one and a CD from another, plus a silly stuffed animal, from my sisters, which plays Aura Lee, and a Valentine from my cousin I haven't heard from in ages.

Sure, we should show our love everyday and we don't have to buy into the commercialism, but making a day extra special is not a crime and it doesn't have to be for an SO, could just as well be a friend, fmaily member, yourself, or a complete stranger whom you smile at or help out as Big Time Woman did.

14 Feb 01 - 03:01 PM (#398042)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celebrate Valentines Day ??
From: Katcina

Yesterday when I told the one I love that he had better watch for me, he siad it was fitst come first served. I haven't seen hide nor hair today so I guess today should be renamed "If You Can't Be With The One You Love, Love The One You're With Day"

With that in mind I love ya'll!!!

14 Feb 01 - 03:03 PM (#398044)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celebrate Valentines Day ??
From: Katcina


Why is it you only see the typos just after you hit the submit bar??

14 Feb 01 - 03:04 PM (#398045)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celebrate Valentines Day ??
From: Joe Offer

The theme tonight for the Davis (Calif) Pickers & Singers is "true love, false love, mother love, puppy love, sweethearts, broken hearts." I'm singing "She's More To Me Pitied Than Censured," "My Name Is Morgan, But It Ain't J.P.," "Red Wing," and "As Time Goes By."

Singing is the best way to celebrate every day.
Happy Valentine's Day!

-Joe Offer-

14 Feb 01 - 04:02 PM (#398081)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celebrate Valentines Day ??
From: RichM

I'll be leaving in half an hour to pick up the other two for the gig we do tonight at a retirement home after supper. (we are invited for supper too, yum!)

This is part of the bluegrass band I am in.There are 5 members in the full band, but supper gigs are often only the 3 of us who have variable work hours
(translation: 2 of us are retired, the other works part time)

Several weeks ago, I agreed to do this gig, not thinking that the 14th was anything special.
My wife reminded me that it IS: we go out to supper, just the two of us, every valentine's evening.

She's forgiven me, but I suspect she won't forget my transgression.
In any case we are booked for dinner at the usual romantic restaurant this friday.

...Though it did embarrass me when Sue phoned for reservations and asked if they would still be decorated in valentine mode!

Happy ValDay to you and your loved ones


14 Feb 01 - 04:23 PM (#398091)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celebrate Valentines Day ??
From: Joe Offer

Rich, I think you get the prize for "best laugh of the day."
-Joe Offer-

14 Feb 01 - 05:22 PM (#398119)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celebrate Valentines Day ??
From: annamill

Oh yeah! Listen to this one. Someone I know(I won't say who; not a mudcatter, but she comes in here and lurks) set an appointment for her husbands vasectomy for Feb. 14th. When they realized it last week, they called and cancelled. He refused to be cut on Valentine's Day!

Tee Hee!

Love, annamill

14 Feb 01 - 05:35 PM (#398131)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celebrate Valentines Day ??
From: dwditty

By getting packed to go to Florida tomorrow for 4 days. Golf, beach, etc. Times is hard!!!

14 Feb 01 - 06:44 PM (#398173)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celebrate Valentines Day ??
From: GUEST,Willa

Hi, Joe. Spent my evening in asimilar way, at Cottingham live. Whole evening of songs/tunes of all vintages about love(false, true, old, new, hopeless ; the whole shebang).Real fire, no smoking venue, good company.

14 Feb 01 - 07:30 PM (#398192)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celebrate Valentines Day ??
From: harpmolly

Going down to the Mad Hatter Lounge to see the Kung Pao Chickens just like every Wednesday, I guess. Since my *sniffle* Willamette Week date from last week never called me back *sniffle*...

actually, I can see how it would be a little awkward to go out on a second date with someone and have it just happen to be on Valentine's Day. So I'm not taking it personally. Really. Er. (Are you buying it? ;))


14 Feb 01 - 07:40 PM (#398195)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celebrate Valentines Day ??
From: Amergin

Moll, I knew you were's great to know there are more of us...and no I'm not buying it....

14 Feb 01 - 07:52 PM (#398201)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celebrate Valentines Day ??

Shame on me! Annamill, enjoy every minute of the day and night. Sorry I rained on your parade.
And to my surprise I came home to a dozen roses from my nephew and a huge tin of goodies from the little boy and girl upstairs. Happy Valentine's Day all!

14 Feb 01 - 08:17 PM (#398212)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celebrate Valentines Day ??
From: harpmolly

Amergin--good luck with your car. You should mosey on down to the Mad Hatter and roister with the redheads! :)

If you should happen to make it down, you'll know me because I'm the one everyone is trying to card (I'm 4'8"). My best friend and I both have red hair--hers is long and curly, mine is shoulder-length. I know you probably won't make it down tonight, but we're usually there on Weds. you oughter come out sometime. :)

P.S. I do have one pretty funny story that relates to Valentine's day, peripherally. Bonnie Gray, the wife of John Gray (of Mars/Venus fame)stayed at my parents' B&B a few years ago, and she and I got to chatting quite a bit. She told me a story that totally cracked me up--it must be really odd, sometimes, to be married to a relationship guru.

Apparently, John tells a story in his seminars about how he came home once and found a sizable collection of empty flower vases sitting in the front hallway. He realized immediately that this was Bonnie's way of telling him she felt neglected, and he immediately rushed out and bought enough flowers to fill all the vases, as a grand gesture to show her that he really did appreciate her. At this point in her story Bonnie rolls her eyes and says exasperatedly, "I had put the damn vases out to be recycled!"

According to John, apparently, you should never give plants to your wife--that sends her the message that "yes, here is another creature for you to nurture and be responsible for." Cut flowers, on the other hand, are a carefree gesture of love. ( that live and convert CO2 to oxygen, vs. flowers that dry up and die after a few days? I think John takes himself a little too seriously. ;))


14 Feb 01 - 11:38 PM (#398304)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celebrate Valentines Day ??
From: Katcina

Celebrated with Mudcatters and had a GREAT evening!!

14 Feb 01 - 11:48 PM (#398308)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celebrate Valentines Day ??
From: wdyat12

Went to the hospital with a broken foot? I'm gonna have some time to read and relax. Yeah! The woodstove is on, it's raining outside, and here I am in the company of some pretty nice people. wdyat12

15 Feb 01 - 12:31 AM (#398326)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celebrate Valentines Day ??
From: Amergin

Hmmm, Molli, maybe I'll have to make a special trip there sometime....Where is the Mad Hatter? not familiar with that one...

15 Feb 01 - 01:08 AM (#398345)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celebrate Valentines Day ??
From: Amergin

Oh and I forgot....I got me an '87 Pontiac Grand Am that runs great and is easy on gas....for 550 bucks...thank god for tax refunds...

15 Feb 01 - 03:24 PM (#398796)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celebrate Valentines Day ??
From: Mrs.Duck

Well after afull days teaching I was then treated to a 2 hour twilight training session on performance management. Geoff hsd promised a candlelit dinner for two but the kids were messing about and he didn't get it prepared so we had bangers and mash with them instead. Little Duckling then announced she needed party invitations for the next day so I set to with those on the computer. Geoff told me he had tried to buy me my favourite flowers (freesias) but as there were none he bought me a packet of bulbs instead and called them a sort of IOU! We then went to the pub for our regular Wednesday night session and were treated to Eric the Vikings renditions of Eskimo Nell and The Chastity Belt! Pretty knackered by the time we got home so straight to sleep.
We are now having Valentines Day 2. Stuffed peppers pork steaks in porcini sauce with pasta, bubbly and who knows what for desert!!!!!!!!! I've even put my red velvet frock on! Oh and I did get a card with little ducks on and a box of maltesers (they should be fun!!)Not sure if we'll make paltalk tonight..........

15 Feb 01 - 11:46 PM (#399136)
Subject: RE: BS: How will you celebrate Valentines Day ??
From: Sorcha

I got to sleep on the couch all day, and then our (young) friend Danny, who is actually my son's friend, brought me a lavender sweetheart rose, for all the times I have fed him when he had no food and no money. (I have lots of these "kids", but damn few of them appreciate it. Danny does!) And he says "Thank you, mom," every time!!

Mr. even brought me a bag of chocolates.......and I went back to bed at 9:30PM.......and I got a phone call from a special Cat friend!! That really made my day!!