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13 Feb 01 - 04:39 PM (#397317)
Subject: IRISH
From: *#1 PEASANT*




13 Feb 01 - 04:49 PM (#397332)
Subject: RE:BS: IRISH
From: Blackcatter

what the hell is this?

13 Feb 01 - 04:51 PM (#397336)
Subject: RE: BS: IRISH
From: Sorcha

(your're gonna be in trubble, you're gonna be in trubblem nyah, nyah)

14 Feb 01 - 05:43 AM (#397723)
Subject: RE: BS: IRISH
From: Grab

Is it just me, or are other ppl naturally suspicious of anyone who posts in all-caps?


14 Feb 01 - 07:29 AM (#397759)
Subject: RE: BS: IRISH
From: *#1 PEASANT*



Tee Genie!

Thank god I'm not Irish!

They are so fun though! And they keep me well fed!


14 Feb 01 - 07:55 AM (#397770)
Subject: RE: BS: IRISH
From: Mikey joe

Conrad Bladey is a sad no life specky little runt. he gets his kicks out of flaming various Irish music related (an who knows what else) newsgroups. And I don't care if it gets me in trouble with mudcat but I for one want him out. Everyone is entitled to thiee opinion. But there is no room in my book for people who just think it's funny to ridicule everyone else. If anyone would like a second opinion here are some typical posts from IRTRAD (usually posted under an alias, as above in the cases below the alias was John Sullivan.

Subject: All things from China end up breaking!
I was just reading the debate about Chinese made accordions. Were the people sticking up for the chinese smoking opium? Almost everything that I have bought from China falls apart. Since every thing made in that country is lousy(excluding fortune cookies), why would anyone risk spending hundreds of dollars on a piece of socialist junk? I offer the following challenge to to the pro-chinese faction: If you had something break on you go get it out of the garbage. It bet you it says Made in China. It's not true that some of the labor in China is slave labor. It all is. They are taxed at over 90%. If you worked and didn't get paid at all you would be called a slave. Doesn't it follow then that the Chinese should be considered 90% of a slave. Don't buy anything from China. The plastic on those accordions is probably toxic and will make you grow another arm. Anyone who purveys Chinese products ought to be ashamed of themselves. The human rights abuses occurring in that slave pit of hell are horrifying. What the hell are these people thinking selling that junk from China? Well I guess it's ok if they're making money. Did you know people in China sell their eyeballs and kidneys to make ends meet? The reason is because of their slave wages.

Not convinced????? try this....

Subject: Re: Sessions in Germany?

f you ever want to get a cheap thrill try listening to a german or a dutch attempting Irish music. I used to think that the Japanese made Irish music sound the most ridiculous but that has all changed after a recent visit to Europe. Something about the teutonics dictates that they play EVERY tune as if they were being accompanied by a couple of yodlers at an Oktober Sausage Packing fest. The sessions I encountered in those two countries were the most absurd thing I've ever heard. These people have absolutely no concept of ornanmentation. No wonder their folk music sucks so bad!!! When we did our last tour there it became a habit for us to go get really high in the cafes and then set out to find a session to mock. Whoopy!!! What Fun! I hate to sound closed minded or elitist but Irish people are really the only ones who can play Irish music properly. Even Irish Americans can't do it right. THe Scottish come the closest.

14 Feb 01 - 08:38 AM (#397800)
Subject: RE: BS: IRISH
From: Dave the Gnome

C'mon MickeyJoe - don't beat about the bush - speak your mind....;-)

After crossing swords with Conrad on a couple of threads I can only say live and let live - after all the English take the mick ('scuse pun) out of the Irish. The Americans out of the Poles. The Mudcat out of Conrad....


DtG (Who didn't realy understand the purpose of this thread in the first place|:-?)

14 Feb 01 - 12:20 PM (#397923)
Subject: RE: BS: IRISH
From: *#1 PEASANT*

Not at all my stuff micky try again! Never saw that stuff before in my life! :)


14 Feb 01 - 06:09 PM (#398150)
Subject: RE: BS: IRISH
From: little john cameron

Beats me whit aw the fuss is aboot.Ah thocht it wis a guid site.Then again ah'm no Irish. ljc

15 Feb 01 - 02:57 PM (#398773)
Subject: RE: BS: IRISH
From: Mrs.Duck

I thought it was a good site too although I haven't looked at everything. Why the fuss?

15 Feb 01 - 11:52 PM (#399142)
Subject: RE: BS: IRISH
From: Peter K (Fionn)

AMAZING site, Conrad. But I agree about the capitals. I think we're all entitled to object on that score.

The site has a lot of stuff about the loyalist tradition, as anyone would expect who's encountered Conrad before. But there's also vastly more info, and dozens more links, about Irish culture here than you'll find on the Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann site, which says a lot, CCE being a huge and affluent organisation dedicated to this cause.

OK there is much comment from the loyalist perspective, but take that with a pinch of salt if the orange flavour gets too strong for your taste. Personally I'm happpy to see the other point of view (and for me it is the other point of view) once in a while.

And sorry Mikey joe, but if Conrad says he didn't write that stuff, I believe him. From what I've seen, he's not the kind who hides his opinions under a bushel. On the other hand I've yet to be persuaded that he's the monster he's made out to be in this caff.

15 Feb 01 - 11:58 PM (#399145)
Subject: RE: BS: IRISH
From: Sorcha

(I said what I said about trubble because Conrad started this thread in a green font, which changed the entire thread to green........which is a big NO NO on MudCat. He started another one which was Split Pea/Piss Cutter Yellow, and that one got changed back to black too. That is what the "fuss" was about, at least from my end. The Max/Joe etc. Clones fixed the color, thank all MuddyGods!!

16 Feb 01 - 12:02 AM (#399149)
Subject: RE: BS: IRISH
From: GUEST,

about the capitals... I do not mind them one bit and I get annoyed when people try to attach some deep significance to them. I was on the internet years before that became an issue and now all of a sudden people say you're screaming it hurts my ears. With all the troubles in the world, surely we can worry about more important things. I see it as an attempt to control people in a most unnecessary way. mg

16 Feb 01 - 12:13 AM (#399154)
Subject: RE: BS: IRISH
From: Sorcha

I do mind all capitals, they are difficult to read, and hurt my eyes and head, but colors are worse, esp. yellow, green, and orange which are hard to read on a white ground, and it is lots worse when the whole thread is changed to color.

I changed a whole thread to red by accident once, and am still mortified. All caps do seem like shouting, and invasive.......just my opinion.

16 Feb 01 - 12:15 AM (#399155)
Subject: RE: BS: IRISH
From: Amergin


16 Feb 01 - 12:17 AM (#399156)
Subject: RE: BS: IRISH
From: Sorcha

No, 'Gin, it's hard to read, but it would be worse if it were pisscutter yellow.........sorry, just my HO.

16 Feb 01 - 12:23 AM (#399160)
Subject: RE: BS: IRISH
From: Amos

Yo! Sorcha!!! How long yo' been keepiong a HO??!! Yo' git DOWN, galfriend!!!



16 Feb 01 - 02:45 AM (#399205)
Subject: RE: BS: IRISH
From: *#1 PEASANT*

Actually of my Irish internet world the orange part is really not all that big. I try to cover the bases both green and orange. Never have done much with the white.... Perhaps the white in the Irish flag represents the socialists/athiests? who knows... look here for a bit on that click


16 Feb 01 - 03:07 AM (#399216)
Subject: RE: BS: IRISH
From: Jon Freeman

Fionn, I too think that Condrad stands by his own name but I wish to pick you up on one point. His reputation extends beyond this caff - it is not just some issue between certain 'catters and him. I, for example, formed my opinions through reading where he seems to have earned himself a similar reputatation, some time before I visited Mudcat.

It is up to you to form your own opinions of Condrad but please do not suggest that it is a Mudcat issue as Conrad seems to pick up the same reputation for the same things wherever he goes.


16 Feb 01 - 10:42 AM (#399375)
Subject: RE: BS: IRISH
From: Mikey joe

If Conrad wishes to come to Mudcat to participate in discussions, ask questions, learn him self and/or help others, that is fantastic and he is welcome. However as pointed out by Jon he has the same reputation all over the internet for provoking people by insulting them and their nationality. Conrad may deny the above but if anyone is not sure please go to the IRTRAD archives for the following dates
Here you will find unfounded abuse of Irish, Chinese, Germans and Middle Eastern people. Conrad may deny these actions and say they are not his, but read what others have to say. he has been removed from IRTRAD several times and by all accounts hassled other newsgroups so now he has moved onto mudcat.


16 Feb 01 - 11:46 AM (#399426)
Subject: RE: BS: IRISH
From: *#1 PEASANT*

Mickey! Have another drink and maybe you will feel better! Click

Irtrad list is dominated by republicanism and antagonism toward the orange/unionist tradition is the norm there. Many have left Irtrad due to lack of freedom there. But to each his or her own.

In this context in this forum your antagonizm is unfounded. Relax, enjoy and read. Cheers! CB

16 Feb 01 - 11:49 AM (#399431)
Subject: RE: BS: IRISH
From: *#1 PEASANT*

Just thought- Mickey! take the test and let us know how you do! We are all waiting in anticipation! Here it is all for you! Enjoy! Click for the test!


16 Feb 01 - 04:35 PM (#399682)
Subject: RE: BS: IRISH
From: Brendy

