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What's in a (Mudcat) name

15 Feb 01 - 09:12 AM (#398492)
Subject: What's in a name
From: Dave Wynn

After just posting to my very own thread (thanks again Little Hawk). I got to thinking about all those other curious names and the secrets or events behind them. Now as a newbie (in relative terms) I bet this is an old chestnut , but it's new snow to me.

So if you feel you would care to share with this thread the secret / reason / anger / love etc etc that decided your Mudcat name I would be most obliged and would enjoy the reading.

Spot the Dog.

15 Feb 01 - 09:23 AM (#398498)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Pseudolus

Someone quicker than me will certainly add a blue clicky to a previous thread and you will need some time to read it all. But, at the risk of rehashing, I picked my name because I am very involved in local Community theatre in Wilmington, Delaware. My favorite part ever (did it twice!) was Pseudolus from "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum". So, I decided to use it.....


15 Feb 01 - 09:25 AM (#398499)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Ella who is Sooze

Ella after my fave Jazz singer... Ella Fitzgerald, and because I always wanted it to be my middle name...

Ella *grin*

15 Feb 01 - 09:27 AM (#398501)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: MMario

blue clickie to a previous thread with links to other previous threads

As far as I go - Mario as SUPPOSSED to be my name, but my mom goofed on the birth certificate - and then I started using it as a character name at ren-faires - and it stuck. The Second M got added for the internet - but it's silent anyway - so doesn't bother me. I would say more people know me under nicknames then know me by my "real" name. In fact - when printing my name in a program for a HS production I helped with they used my nickname as nobody on the staff knew my real name!

15 Feb 01 - 09:28 AM (#398502)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Amergin

Well, Amergin was the bard for the Milesians when they left Galicia for Eire.....since I do alot of writing, I figured this to be appropriate...but now I am wondering if Sex God is not more so....

15 Feb 01 - 09:32 AM (#398505)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: GUEST,Fibula Mattock

Two archaeological terms: a type of Iron Age brooch (a bit like a safety pin) and a digging implement. The two names together I orginally envisaged as a pince-nez wearing blue-stocking academic type obsessed with touring ruins, but actually she turned out just like me (i.e. the opposite, though I don't mind touring ruins at all).

15 Feb 01 - 09:39 AM (#398511)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: nutty

I wanted a nickname that was familiar so chose the one I was given by my schoolfriends - and with the Christian name of Hazel it doesn't take a genius to figure the connection

15 Feb 01 - 09:49 AM (#398519)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: GUEST,Matt_R

My parents gave it to me as a birthday pressie. Although my middle name isn't "underscore", it's "Edward".

15 Feb 01 - 09:54 AM (#398523)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Kim C

Kim Caudell. Couldn't think of anything clever at the time. Except now I have a new nickname, sorta thanks to Spaw, and if you see Fiddlebum somewhere, that's me. :)

15 Feb 01 - 10:04 AM (#398531)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: GUEST,Matt_R

BTW, Doug R and I have the same last name...but we're not related, lol.

15 Feb 01 - 10:13 AM (#398537)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: catspaw49

Let me get this straight Mario.....I seem to recall something about it, but refresh my memory. What I am confused about is that you say your mother made a mistake on your Birth Certificate. Considering that Mario and your "real" name aren't even close, that's one pretty big mistake!!! Like I could understand a slight ,isspelling, say, John for Jon or something, but in your case its more like James for William.


15 Feb 01 - 10:18 AM (#398541)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: GUEST,Matt_R

Well Spaw, if you take the first letter and make it the letter that comes after it, then add 2 letters, and change the E to an I..well there you go. And I always wondered about YOUR names Spaw....First Name? Same as the Last! Iiiii'm Catspaw the Great I am...

15 Feb 01 - 10:23 AM (#398545)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: GMT

My real name is Gary Mark Trend as supplied by mum and
dad. When I signed up for Mudcat Gary T was taken (by
Gary T), I panicked and used my initials (in upper case).
I,ve been thinking of changing it for some time. Is this done ? Or am I stuck forever anonymous and in upper case.
Cheers Gary

15 Feb 01 - 10:25 AM (#398550)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: jaze

Not terribly creative but everyone in my family's first name begins with the letter "J", hence we're the "J's". James

15 Feb 01 - 10:32 AM (#398557)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: MMario

certificate had spaces for first name and middle name. she reversed the order she intended. (for which I was profoundly grateful while I was growing up)

15 Feb 01 - 10:44 AM (#398560)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler

Well, someone will link to the previous threads where I explained mine.
The other alternative:
"Roger the crap singer and occasional solo kazoo player, with a strange fixation with music of the 1950s, particularly the rough and ready type popularised in UK by a certain Mr Donegan, and who also likes some folk, but prefers jazz and blues"
wouldn't fit in the box.

15 Feb 01 - 10:44 AM (#398561)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Sorcha

I said this before, but mine is my registered SCA name, SCA being Middle Ages Re enactment. Full name is The Honorable Lady Sorcha niGhlais.

15 Feb 01 - 11:06 AM (#398575)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Justa Picker

"I am what I am and that's all that I am......"

15 Feb 01 - 11:15 AM (#398578)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Dave the Gnome

Coz I'm 6'4", slim, incredibly handsome, suave, sophisticaed and called Dave.


15 Feb 01 - 11:15 AM (#398579)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Naemanson

Another related question might be why we don't use our "real" names. I chose Naemanson for my SCA persona, as an imaginary person he didn't have a real father so he was No Man's Son, i.e., Naemanson.

And I used it instead of my real name because of the basic paranoia that goes with the use of the Internet. I am tempted to change it now that I am confidant in being here.

15 Feb 01 - 11:28 AM (#398586)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Lepus Rex

Like I've said before, this is one of my old IRC nicknames. But I'm thinking of changing my name to this, so then I'd be using my REAL name. Muaha. My REAL name is Will Anderson, btw. But REAL names are hard to remember, I think. :)

----Lepus Rex

15 Feb 01 - 11:39 AM (#398600)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Ella who is Sooze

Jaysus... Matt... I am dyslexic, and you expect me to be able to work out your new naem for Spaw...

oh my head...

Now I wonder how I used to get those A's in English... lol

15 Feb 01 - 11:43 AM (#398603)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Shall

I have used my first initial and last name since marriage. My initial's have been SH since birth, adding "all" was the first benefit I received from that ancient wedding ceremony. I was pleased that I didn't have to change the monagrams on all my linens.(Ha Ha) The definition of "Shall" in the Webster dictionary seem to suit me to a tee, I don't mind being a verb.

15 Feb 01 - 11:56 AM (#398614)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: katlaughing

katlaughing, as I've said before, is a logical, in some people's minds, extension of a contraction (katlaf) of my real name, kat'leen lafrance; if I wanted to get fancy it is de la france, but that would've mucked it up to katdelaughing, which I guess could have been changed around to delaughingkat, but, oh hell, now I am thinking of changing it all to Amergin's name for me, which I quite like, Katdarling! Then there are all those other possibilities, my 4, almost 5 year old grand-nephew calls me Aunt Kitty, my 2.5 yr grandsons call me Gramma KitKat...muddles the mind, never know what to sign!

15 Feb 01 - 12:03 PM (#398618)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Rick Fielding

'cause Catspaw held the option on James Taylor and Neil Young.

15 Feb 01 - 12:21 PM (#398630)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: CarolC

Carol = My first name...
C = The first initial of my last name...

I didn't want a fake handle here in the Mudcat because I'm not smart enough to keep track of those kinds of things. I don't use my full name because it's too long and because I don't feel the need to.


15 Feb 01 - 12:26 PM (#398640)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Amergin

So Carol, what is your full name? Carol Cockleburrjingleheimersmithwarskicatsjonedonaldson the Third?

15 Feb 01 - 12:31 PM (#398644)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: MMario

M'GAD amergin! you must be psychic! That's exactly it!

15 Feb 01 - 12:31 PM (#398645)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: mkebenn

MiKE BENNett, pretty clever, huh? Mike

15 Feb 01 - 12:34 PM (#398646)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Mr Red

Mr Red er.... it has something to do with the hats, shirts, trousers, shoes, car, latrines x2 (nothing Toulouse!), caravan, posey glasses and nothing political whatsoever - that colour is of pure water. The bodhran is chromatically consistent. Loud before I start! Eyes? Dependant on the cider! There was a Miss Red but she faded. Sure misread that one! my real domain name is .... er because.... nargh you would never believe it.

15 Feb 01 - 12:45 PM (#398654)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: CarolC

Wow, Amergin, how did you guess? (Actually, my real last name is synonymous with "sly pig". Let me know if you figure it out...)


15 Feb 01 - 12:47 PM (#398660)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Amergin

I think I got it...

15 Feb 01 - 12:51 PM (#398666)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Lepus Rex

Aaaaagh, now I've got the 'Happy Days' song in my head. Thanks, you guys:P

---Lepus Rex

15 Feb 01 - 12:57 PM (#398670)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: RichM

Because of a boring lack of imagination;
my name is Rich McCarthy, and worse than that, my email addy is
Easy for me to remember! :)

15 Feb 01 - 01:22 PM (#398686)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Bardford

I don't type accurately. A couple letters became transposed when early on I posted to a thread. I decided to stick with Bardford, as invariably that's the way the name shows up when I type it, and it has a lofty and pretentious quality that smacks of wisdom and ability. It is a name, I like to think, that evokes respect and admiration from males, and passionate wonder from females. A name whose bearer knows when to speak, and when to keep his council. A name that hearkens to the lyrical days of yore, yet acknowledges the challenges of the future, whilst keeping its feet firmly planted in the present. A name you can trust to take care of your children. A name that respects the elders of the community. A name that embraces, nay, cherishes each thing as sacred, even the highland pipes, but not the highland pipes played through the small speakers of an AM radio. A name, maybe, for a small town, a town that resonates with good will and opportunity; where the arts are integral, not incidental, to the school curricula, and the graffitti speaks of joy, not despair. Thank you.

Cheers, Bardford

15 Feb 01 - 01:33 PM (#398703)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Amergin

and obviously a name that let's others know he's full of it...

15 Feb 01 - 01:48 PM (#398710)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: CarolC

Well Lepus Rex, we aim to please (and so does Louise). I'm so glad I didn't watch that show. Would probably have scarred me for life.

Carol CleverPiglet

15 Feb 01 - 02:02 PM (#398721)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Homeless

Gee MMario, I always assumed that extra M meant that you stuttered ;)

15 Feb 01 - 02:21 PM (#398732)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: catspaw49 more time, just for chuckles.........

Before running into a few problems which put things on hold, I was building dulcimers under the name, Catspaw Dulcimers. I sail, and a "catspaw" is a light frothing off the top of a wave in a fresh breeze and the lightness of them struck me as very apt in describing a Hammered Dulcimer's sound. I was using the name on the net some before arriving and taking up residence here.

When I found Mudcat, I noticed a mix of names and when I signed on it seemed more were using handles on that day, so I chose catspaw. I had to add a number on another website and used my birth year so I inadvertently added the 49 here. Since then, my entire life's story has been told around here and older members will recall that I think even pictures of my "innards" have been posted!!! That's why it always gets me when someone accuses me of hiding behind a nickname.....get real!!!! I'm willing to bet there is not another 'Catter about which so much is known or can be easily found on the threads.

Kat shortened it to Spaw almost two years ago and its been Spaw ever since. Talking to other 'Catters on the phone.......I'm still Spaw. After 10,000 posts here, its kinda' hard to think of me as Pat. If you're new, that's also me: Pat Patterson, 411 Purvis Avenue, Bremen, Ohio, 43107......born June 8, 1949 in Tuscarawas County, Ohio. Married to Karen (Karenspaw) with two kids, Tristan age 9, and Michael age 8. Run a filter search for two years on catspaw if you need more. If you're not afrid of crashing your browser, click on my name above and then have a nap while it loads!!!

Seriously, its always nice to run one of these every now and again for new folks. Back when I joined, we were pretty "closed-mouth" about everything personal. I remember the first time we ran an age and location thread, we logged in without a name and just gave our sex, age, and general location. What a riot when you consider what's going on now. This is a wonderfully open community and even with the problems we sometimes have, still the finest place on the net.


15 Feb 01 - 02:41 PM (#398752)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Jock Morris

'cause I'm Scottish and dance Morris.

Real name, for those who don't already know, is Scott Davies. 33 years old, originally from Alloway, now living near Dunfermline, where I can be found at the folk club every Wednesday night.


15 Feb 01 - 06:24 PM (#398933)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Morticia

Well, can't hurt to go through it again....I joined as TerriM ( not very imaginative) but pined for something dark and mysterious to combat the fact that I am actually short and frivolous...put it up as a suggestions please thread and Mrrzy, I think, came up with Morticia.At the time I was working exclusively with the terminally ill so it tickled my, admittedly macabre, sense of humour......when my cookie got 'et in a frenzied clearing of hard disks by SO, changed it to Morticia....still awake? Good because I shall be asking questions later!

15 Feb 01 - 06:34 PM (#398942)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Linda Kelly

I was originally Little Dorritt after my favorite book, which sustained me during a long period abroad. Had cookie trouble and renamed myself Ickle. Les from Hull has now named my grandchild Ickle Ickle Dorritt which is rather sweet. My real surname is Kelly, which is rather dull although my maiden name was Fairfax Baker, which is rather posh- although unfortunately I am not!

15 Feb 01 - 06:44 PM (#398953)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Hawker

Hi, Well after yesterday's sprawls about openness and honesty in hiding behind pseudonyms (or however you speel ittttt) I was well impressed with this thread! I chose Hawker for 2 reasons: 1) The Rev Robert Stephen Hawker wrote some great songs & poetry & was a little outrageous for his time, and 2) It is the name of my dog so it's easy to remember.... and on a doggy theme, on paltalk, I couldn't use hawker 'cos it had gone so I stuck to the doggy theme and became Bendigo - the dog in dead dog cider! Lucy

15 Feb 01 - 06:54 PM (#398958)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Burke

When I decided to join I knew I wanted a handle & tried a couple of ideas as Guest, whatever. Then I read some of the earlier threads on names to get more ideas. My last name is very unusual so I knew if I used it I may as well use my whole name. As a single woman I did not even really want my gender to be evident from my nickname. Burke is the name of the building I work in, but without noticing I picked a name that has my 1st initial. (Something subconscious going on there) Sometimes I'll sign with a B. which in a sense is closer to my real name, Barbara.

I went for something nondescript, was successful & now am not sure I'm happy with my decision.

15 Feb 01 - 09:30 PM (#399059)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Dave Wynn

Thanks all...I enjoyed the reading as I thought...


15 Feb 01 - 10:34 PM (#399095)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Amos

Amos born, Amos lived all my life to date, ande it's short enough and uncommon enough to keep me entertained as handles go, and seeing as it was who I AM, why, I just went right ahead put it in when signing on, cuz, well, I figgered that way if someone was talking to me or about me I would be able to plainly understand that it had to with me. That's not difficult to see, I am sure... is it?



15 Feb 01 - 10:48 PM (#399105)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: wdyat12

I think I did this thread once before. I seem to remember disclosing the origin of my screen name yesterday or the day before on the Welcome wdyat12 thread. Sorry I can't get you there with blue clicky things yet.


15 Feb 01 - 10:50 PM (#399107)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name

Hmmmm Matt. I sense in your announcement that we share the same name but are not related, a sense of relief. Oh well. Sometimes I guess one just lucks out.


15 Feb 01 - 11:15 PM (#399125)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Matt_R

Well come on Doug, would you really want to be related to ME??

16 Feb 01 - 01:46 AM (#399193)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: GUEST,Pi Eyed

No this has nothing to do with drinking too much. This one is from my daughter's pony. She has a rather long name, and we call her Pi for short. She can really give you the eye sometimes, usually if she isn't sure about things or people, and she is a great judge of character. We call it the 'ol Pi eye. Works for me- even got the plates on the horse trailer to match. :)

Pi Eyed

16 Feb 01 - 01:53 AM (#399194)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: rangeroger

My name is Roger and I was a Park Ranger for 10 years.


16 Feb 01 - 05:52 AM (#399260)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Les from Hull

If I used my full name it would not identify me so well to people who know me. We don't go much on surnames so Les Ward would be less informative than

Les from Hull

16 Feb 01 - 08:49 AM (#399318)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Stewie

'Wot's in a name?' she sez, an' then she sighs
An' clasps 'er little 'ands an' rolls 'er eyes
'A rose', she sez, 'be any other name would smell the same
'Oh, w'erefore art you Romeo, young sir?
Chuck yer ole pot, an' change yer moniker!

C.J. Dennis.

16 Feb 01 - 08:54 AM (#399320)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: The Walrus at work

O.K, I'll shove my head above the parapet, I'm 6'3", fat and I have a moustache which I put into points on occasion, when I don't, it turns into what used to be called a "gravy dipper".
One morning, at a re-enactment muster, as I surfaced from my "flea-bag", one of the lads exclaimed "You look like a bloody walrus" so, when I needed a neme for mudcat.....
As I've said before, it's not a name, it's a description.

Good Luck.

Tom May

16 Feb 01 - 10:26 AM (#399365)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Firecat

Well, I did put this in the last thread but here goes again. My real name is Kathryn, which can be shortened to Kat, and I was in a folk group at school called Fireboots. I took the Fire from Fireboots, changed the spelling of my first name to Cat, partly for convenience and partly because cats are my favourite animals (I am currently owned by 12) put it together, and ended up with Firecat.

Mind you, I was thinking of calling myself Athena after the Greek goddess but I decided against that.

The story's also in my profile. I can't do blue clickies but just go to Mudcat Profiles in the Resources bit and find the name Firecat!

Love and butterflies Kat

16 Feb 01 - 01:33 PM (#399534)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: DougR

Matt, I'd be proud to be your third cousin. :>) DougR

16 Feb 01 - 01:40 PM (#399540)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: granny

Granny -- as my name -- is mostly due to the Ancient Chinese puzzle, the tangram. (Got that?) I put it into crochet, using elements of granny squares...thus, Granny Tangrams. Also, I like the older identity sometimes, and I am in fact a granny, sort of.

I'm 40, and I don't always want to act 18 again, like some people try to recycle you through....of course, when they're not lookin', I act about 12.

Sorry if the HTML comes out weird.

16 Feb 01 - 08:36 PM (#399807)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: kendall

Naemanson, you may as well come out. I know who you are. I know where you live. I know what you look like.hehehe

I use my real name because I like it.It makes sense to me, but, lately I have been wanting to be called Loretta.Oh, no, thats not me. That was Eric Idle in The Life of Brian. No, I think I'd like to be CRETINOUS YAHOO.

16 Feb 01 - 11:13 PM (#399923)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Helen

Good call, Stewie!

17 Feb 01 - 12:17 AM (#399958)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Amergin

Yeah, Kendall, CRETINOUS YAHOO would be more appropriate for you.....

17 Feb 01 - 03:22 AM (#400002)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Spud Murphy

Spud is short for 'potato head' and the Murphy part comes from my family not wantin' anyone to know that I belonged to them. That's OK, I never could have lernt to spell Macclanahan, anyway.

Now if you really give a hoot, and want to know, you can go look in the thread titled "Anonimity" (I don't do the clickity thing, thank you.)


17 Feb 01 - 03:35 AM (#400004)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Spud Murphy

*%^!%~[#/! Macclanahan ain't the only thing I can't spell.


17 Feb 01 - 03:57 AM (#400006)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: GUEST,fortunato

spelling, like clothing, is optional here. fortunato is my mudcat name. it approximates my nickname. i borrowed it from an edgar allan poe story. although i am less obnoxious, i hope, than the character, who gets himself walled up in a wine cellar. some folks would say i'll die drunk. could be, but i'll be among friends i hope.


17 Feb 01 - 03:59 PM (#400318)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Monashee

Gaelic for Mountain of Peace~

17 Feb 01 - 04:21 PM (#400333)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: MarkS

Mark for my first name and S for the first letter of my last name. Pretty dull, no? Maybe I will change screen name to Polonius, after my favorite Shakespere character. Middle aged fellow, slightly potty, worried about his kid in college and his daughter. "So, Ophelia, just what's with you and this Hamlet guy anyway???"

17 Feb 01 - 05:15 PM (#400384)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: kendall

I was told that my given name is Gaelic, meaning, Chief of the river glen. Well, anyway, if you see Cretinous Yahoo posting, it is I.

19 Aug 01 - 02:29 AM (#531037)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

It's my real name, though I am not related to Les fom Hull or Paul in Hull.

19 Aug 01 - 03:10 AM (#531045)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Lee Shore

Lee Shore comes from my 30 years as a mariner, which refers to the downwind shoals that will undo an inattentive sailor. I took the name from my father's constant warnings in my youth that I was fast bearing down on one. I've noticed several other nautical handles here, like Charlie Noble and Catspaw and a couple others that I disremember at the moment. I'm curious as to their connection to the sea.

19 Aug 01 - 06:53 AM (#531081)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: fat B****rd


19 Aug 01 - 07:58 PM (#531428)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: RangerSteve

My first name is Steve and I'm a park ranger. Not too clever, but I like the way it sounds.

19 Aug 01 - 09:35 PM (#531490)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: khandu

In remembrance of my Dad,to whom I owe everything! When I was learning to play the guitar, I would show him my progress. He would say to Mom "Come hear what Ken can do." So,I started calling myself "Kenkandu". On the 'Cat,I have shortened it to khandu. Lower case "k" and an added "h" because I like it that way!

Ken (khandu)

20 Aug 01 - 04:03 AM (#531631)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Lin in Kansas

Lin because I never liked Linda.

Kansas 'cause that's where I am (sigh).

Not very imaginative, but easy to remember!


20 Aug 01 - 03:34 PM (#531971)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: vindelis

I think I've mentioned this before, it's the Latin name for Portland (UK).

20 Aug 01 - 04:12 PM (#531994)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Rowana (at work)

I wanted a name that began with an R and I was listening to the song Rowan Tree. It was a serendipitous moment. Sheer genius.

20 Aug 01 - 04:18 PM (#531997)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Gareth

Its my real name, and the fun and confusion wot I get from switching between the Saxon, Cymric, Gaelic, and Sarf Lundon spelling.

Garrett / Garydd / Gruff

Or try this for the real flavour

20 Aug 01 - 04:20 PM (#531998)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Gareth

Well what do you know ! - a click wot worked.


20 Aug 01 - 04:32 PM (#532002)
Subject: RE: BS: What's in a name
From: Jack the Sailor

When the Hoser tavern was started by CarolC I wanted a nickname for it which would be larger than life, Newfoundland centric and kind of nautical. Who better to name myself after than the character in the song below?

I was using RobDale at the time and tried to make a whole new identity, bout some how my existing name was changed throughout Mudcat.

Rob Dale

Jack was Every Inch a Sailor

Now 'twas twenty-five or thirty years
Since Jack first saw the light
He came into this world of woe one dark and stormy night
He was born on board his father's ship
As she was lying 'bout
Twenty-five or thirty miles south of Bacalieu

Jack was every inch a sailor
Five and twenty years a whaler
Jack was every inch a sailor

He was born upon the bright blue sea
When Jack grew up to be a man
He went to Labrador
He fished in Indian Harbour where his father fished before
On his returning in the fog, he met a heavy gale
And Jack was swept into the sea, and swallowed by a whale

The whale went straight for Baffin Bay, about ninty knots an hour
And every time he'd blow a spray
He'd send it in a shower
"Oh now" says Jack unto himself
I must see what he's about
He caught the whale by the tail, and turned him inside out