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Out of the mouthes of babes.....

17 Feb 01 - 12:35 PM (#400209)
Subject: Out of the mouthes of babes.....
From: Hawker

Hi, I was talking to a friend today and he was talking about his grand daughter, the other day they were travelling in the car, it was a bright sunny day and the sky was blue and clear... a plane left a vapour trail in the sky..... my friend's grand daughter asked "Grandad, Who puts the scratches in the sky?"

I reminded me of the time when we went to the beach when my little sister was small she took one look at the beach - something she had NEVER seen in the flesh before and she gasped.... "Look Mummy, Sand AND Cabbages!" (referring of course to the seaweed)

I wrote a song about my Grandfather going to Passchendale in WW1 after my daughter asked "What are those red flowers for, Mum?" which formed the chorus of the song.

Have any more of you been inspired to write a song following the innocent questions of a child?


17 Feb 01 - 01:03 PM (#400219)
Subject: Lyr Add: WHO DIES? (James Keelaghan)^^
From: Clinton Hammond

James Keelaghan told me this story...
He had gone home to calgary after hearing that his dad had a major heart-attack.. When he arrived, they still weren't letting people in to see him, so the family assembled at his sisters place. They were sat around the kitchen table, having drinks and thinking about what might happen, when James nephew climbed into his lap and asked, "Uncle Jim, Who dies?"

Which, of course, was the inspiration for the last track on Road

Who Dies

My nephew once asked me when he was quite young
Who dies? I said, Everyone dies
No use denying it one day you're done
Oh, everyone dies
Princes and paupers there's no one immune
And no one who'll escape their demise
So you'd better make use of each day that you're given
Oh everyone dies

Now people have pondered this time and again
Who dies? Everyone dies
We suspect that we're more than mere mortal remains
Oh everyone dies
Wise men and prophets they've all had their say
On the nature of our afterlives
But incase there's no beer there we'll have one more round
Oh everyone dies

Your time may be short or your time may be long
Who dies? Everyone dies
But it's going to happen as sure as you're born
Oh everyone dies
Friends and relations and all we hold dear
Will one day pass to the other side
So we'd better embrace them as long as they're here
Oh everyone dies

This song alone is worth the price fo the CD!

17 Feb 01 - 03:14 PM (#400282)
Subject: RE: Out of the mouthes of babes.....
From: Spud Murphy

My Colorado daughter goes through life picking up "unadoptable" waifs and strays and by dint of much love and perserverance, converts them into KTBPO (kids to be proud of. The other day I sent them a CD of Burl Ives Children's Songs (mandatory listening for every growing child and mother) which has on it "Watch The Doughnut, Not The Hole."

After listening to it A.J. (nine year old boy) said "What does it mean 'watch the doughnut, not the hole'?" Adoptive brother Dusty (eleven years) said "Wel.l.l., A.J., it's kinda like that glass uh water thet mom's been talkin about. The one thet's either half full, or half empty."


17 Feb 01 - 03:22 PM (#400286)
Subject: RE: Out of the mouthes of babes.....
From: Susan from California

Not nearly as sweet as any of the above, but when my now 16 year old was about four we were discussing politics (imagine :-) that) and Britt declared that she was a Republican. I asked her why and she answered, "Well, I LIKE golf and stuff like that." It had us rolling on the floor. This is the same child who didn't speak to her Dad from election day until Christmas because he voted for Nader. She is no longer a Repub, but like any good 16 year old is still rather contrary.

18 Feb 01 - 05:33 AM (#400691)
Subject: RE: Out of the mouthes of babes.....
From: Snuffy

When my twins were about 3 or 4 we stayed at their cousins for a week. One afternoon we went out for a drive and as we passed a pub a little voice at the back of the car said "What's that pub called, Dad?".

"That's 'The Sun'," I replied.

"But what's it called at night, then?"

(and a long time ago my sister (8 at the time) asked "If you have a heart attack, does that mean you're dead for the rest of your life?")

18 Feb 01 - 07:15 AM (#400717)
Subject: RE: Out of the mouthes of babes.....
From: Liz the Squeak

Whilst pregnant and working, a 4 year old asked why I was so fat. Her mother replied that I was pregnant, that I had a baby in my tummy. 4 yr old then piped up with 'but how do you change its nappies?'

And logic escapes me, but landed with the Bratling. She wanted to know what the flowers growing on the door roof were. She meant porch, and it made perfect sense.....


18 Feb 01 - 07:59 AM (#400731)
Subject: RE: Out of the mouthes of babes.....
From: Morticia

One that has passed into family history was taking four-year old Fiona around Koln Cathedral.The place is full of catafalques of departed clergy,it is also full of incense ( and No, I didn't say, " 'ere mate, your handbags on fire!"). So we're touring round and I'm translating the inscriptions and trying to be educational and Fiona eventually pipes up with " Mum, you know that strange smell? Is it all the dead bishops?"

18 Feb 01 - 08:51 AM (#400759)
Subject: RE: Out of the mouthes of babes.....
From: bill\sables

Thery is a story concerning me when I was first taken to church, I had walked in and sat in the pew when the choir started singing a hymn. The story is that I shouted very loudly "Do you know Blaydon Races"
My wife worked in an Old Peoples Home and they were having a visit from an infants school one day. One six year old asked an old lady how old she was, "I'm 95 "she said, to which the wide eyed child replied "And did you start from one".
And my own grandson when he was about three was playing with his other grandfather who was saying "I'll kiss you on the nose, I'll kiss you on the eyes, I'll kiss you on the chin etc" Matthew then said "You can kis me on the arse" It realy shocked his other grandfather but I saw the funny side and still find it amusing.

19 Feb 01 - 07:33 AM (#401347)
Subject: RE: Out of the mouthes of babes.....
From: JulieF

I must admit I have a couple of favourites from when Cat was younger :-

The unanswerable questions -

Why don't spiders have eyelashes ?

why don't the words fall off when they roll up the television screen ?

and my personal favourite -

Cat- "What did St George fight ?"

Me - "A Dragon"

Cat - "I thought so - I told Amy it wasn't a shark !"

All the best


19 Feb 01 - 10:06 AM (#401412)
Subject: RE: Out of the mouthes of babes.....

I love the musical "Showboat" and played an old 78 to death one weekend. My son (9) went around proudly singing:
"Old Man River
He don't wear cotton" to which was added:
"He wears polyester
And it smells rotten..."

Does that count as a song written in response to a child's observations?

I was an unbearably cute child. At about three, at a family outing, Aunt Ruthie offered me a hot dog. To which I replied "I want a double-ender". (They always gave me half a hot dog because I was little.) She got $5 from the Daily News for that one.

19 Feb 01 - 10:53 AM (#401443)
Subject: RE: Out of the mouthes of babes.....
From: catspaw49

I've told it before, but it still gets me. Michael was 3 and half. We were eating supper and one of our foster kids (age 6) was acting up over the food (spaghetti) and just wouldn't let go of it. Michael, sitting next to her and eating away, kept looking at her with disgust. After about 5 minutes of this, he turned, and with a very familiar inflection to some very familiar words, said, "Fockin' asshole."

That's my boy alright...............


19 Feb 01 - 11:14 AM (#401455)
Subject: RE: Out of the mouthes of babes.....
From: KingBrilliant

Haven't written a song about it - but maybe one day...
When Hammerite was very tiny, she had thrown cards all over the floor, and I told her to pick them up & stomped off upstairs. Little voice floated up, muttering 'What does she think I are, a octopus?'

And then there's the time when she had just started using the toilet properly. Grandad told her quite firmly that she was a little girl, and so shouldn't pee standing up. She fixed him with a belligerent eye and told him that when she grew up she would grow a great big long willie, and then she'd stand up and pee.


02 May 09 - 09:14 PM (#2623349)
Subject: RE: Out of the mouthes of babes.....
From: frogprince

Someone we know just turned two. Her parents have a policy of teaching proper names for things rather than euphemisms. So one day she asked a typical "what's that". The next day she proudly told a family friend, "I've got a Joanna"


03 May 09 - 10:22 AM (#2623480)
Subject: RE: Out of the mouthes of babes.....
From: Flash Company

Story always told in my family.. My Dad, who always tried to communicate with children said to a smartly dressed little lad at a wedding 'And what's your name, young man?'. Reply (with a lisp), 'They call me wasberry arse'


03 May 09 - 10:59 AM (#2623494)
Subject: RE: Out of the mouthes of babes.....
From: Ebbie

I may have related this story on the Cat before but ...

When my daughter was little we got a puppy. One day a little neighbor girl came over and they were petting the pup.

I came to attention when I heard my little girl say, "And this is his peter."

I said, "Actually, Kelly, it is his penis. 'Penis' is the real word for it."

She looked confused. She said, "But we say Peter Rabbit."

I chuckled, "Yes, you can say 'Peter Rabbit'.

She turned back to Sally, "And this is his Peter Rabbit."

Haven't found a song for it, though.

04 May 09 - 02:43 AM (#2623792)
Subject: RE: Out of the mouthes of babes.....
From: Dave Hanson

Spike Milligan recalled showing his young daughter the moon through a telescope, she said to him, ' when we find our wings, we'll fly there forever '

Dave H

04 May 09 - 03:04 AM (#2623797)
Subject: RE: Out of the mouthes of babes.....
From: Anne Lister

One that gave rise to a song was when I was telling a story to a class of five year olds .... I was in the middle of setting the story up, creating atmosphere and all that stuff when a voice came from the back of the room: "How does the story end?" Obviously a child who would grow up to read the last pages of whodunnits, but it gave me a great refrain for my song "How to find true love".

Another story-telling anecdote was when I was telling the story of Sir Gawain's Wedding, and the key question which was posed in the story was "What do women want?".   In this particular school, 7 year old Johnny (considered to be "special needs" and assigned his own minder) put his hand up. "Great sex" he said. The story went around the staff before lunch time. How did he know, they all wondered?

Within the family we have loads of stories, many coming from my nephew James who has a wonderfully quirky way of seeing the world. He's in his early teens now and was going into town with friends last week, so my sister told him to be sure not to talk to strangers (partly as a joke). In all seriousness he said "But what if they're not strange?"

My own favourite came from my sister-in-law's niece (who is now a sophisticated mum herself) when she was about three. Sitting in the back of her (proudly unmarried and independent) mum's car she announced that she was going to get married. "Why?" asked her rather shell-shocked mother. "Well," said Rosie, "I just HAS to have a dress."   That phrase, "I just has to ..." has been a favourite of mine when something desirable but illogical is looming in my life...


04 May 09 - 05:11 AM (#2623811)
Subject: RE: Out of the mouthes of babes.....
From: GUEST,Golightly

Not a song, but this little story might sneak in as being music related.

My 5 year old niece was at my house with her friend, and they were bashing away on my piano. Jack asked her if she could play Chopsticks. No, she replied eagerly, but my mummy can play the spoons.

Oh bless!

04 May 09 - 06:51 AM (#2623830)
Subject: RE: Out of the mouthes of babes.....
From: BobKnight

We were in the car one evening and the sunset sky was pretty spectacular. My son aged 3-4 years old asked, "How did the sky get so many colours?" My wife replied that God painted it. After a moment the sceptical wee voice from the back seat said, "He must have an awfully big ladder."