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BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website

19 Feb 01 - 03:52 PM (#401647)
Subject: Harry Potter, official website
From: Greyeyes

Warner Bros launched the official Harry Potter Movie website last Thursday in the UK. I think they've made a pretty good job of it, tho' it takes quite a long time to load (you can skip the intro, but it's worth a look) and there's virtually no information about the movie at all, apart from the official poster, but it's great fun for kids (that's my story), loads of interactive stuff, and presumably it will be added to regularly as the release date approaches.

The chat forum is difficult IMO, but then I'm used to this one. Pity they didn't take some tips from Max.

The sorting hat has put me in Gryffindor.


19 Feb 01 - 04:32 PM (#401678)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Hollowfox

You might want to check out (someday I'll have time to learn how to make a blue clicky thing, and, no there's no "www." in the address.) Filmforce is a site that I check regularly for news about upcoming movies. Their information is good, their graphics are good, they name their sources and they distinguish between confirmed fact and rumor. Take a look at the picture of Hagrid's house. I wouldn't mind moving in, myself.

19 Feb 01 - 04:46 PM (#401683)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Sorcha

I just want info on the next book # 5--when will it be out? I don't want to ruin my mind pics with a movie (just like Tolkein). I want the next book!! When will it be out?

19 Feb 01 - 04:48 PM (#401687)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Hollowfox

J.K Rowling is taking a year off, so we have to wait until 2002. Me, I'd rather have it done right than done quickly.

19 Feb 01 - 04:55 PM (#401696)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Sorcha

Well, I guess she could and should. (I wouldn't want her trubbles just now), but I anxiously await Book 5.

19 Feb 01 - 04:57 PM (#401699)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Jeri

I haven't read any Harry Potter - must do. I did (on a friend's tip) manage to purchase some of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. I really like the horseradish ones, and black pepper wasn't bad. The booger ones don't taste much like boogers unless you snort sugar (not that I know what boogers should taste like), and I don't like the sardine ones at all. Future flavors include dirt, mustard and vomit...what - no worms?

19 Feb 01 - 05:08 PM (#401704)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: mousethief

Yes I'm far more interested in the next book than the merchandising.

Isn't it Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans?


19 Feb 01 - 05:11 PM (#401708)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Sorcha

Alex, it is indeed, and I am sure there is Worm Flavour. Jeri just missed it in that batch!!!

19 Feb 01 - 05:15 PM (#401712)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Hollowfox

We can tide ourselves over with the two books coming out March 2001 that she wrote for the charity Comedy Relief. (They'll be published in the USA by Scholastic, in the UK by whoever publishes her there, and the rest of the world will have to look it up.) Depending on what company your bookstore uses, the titles might be under her name, or under the pseudonyms. The books are Quidditch Through the Ages by Kennilworthy Whisp and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scarmander.

19 Feb 01 - 05:17 PM (#401715)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Sorcha

Sounds like an Anne McCaffery type out to me...........when all else fails, sell the name.

19 Feb 01 - 05:19 PM (#401717)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: mousethief

I'm still waiting for Toenail Clippers of Pern. It's just a matter of time.

19 Feb 01 - 05:21 PM (#401721)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Jeri

The ones I bought were U-less. (For the US market, probably.) They have little pictures of beans with the flavors listed. It would be fun to put some in a dish on your desk and watch the boss as he pops a sardine one in his mouth.

19 Feb 01 - 05:22 PM (#401726)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Morticia

I'm Gryffindor too.....phew! Would hate to be Slitherin!

19 Feb 01 - 05:44 PM (#401746)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: mousethief

Hmm. If they were u-less, they would be for the S market, I should think. I've seen them; my daughter had a bag. Outrageously expensive, if I recall?

19 Feb 01 - 05:47 PM (#401752)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Penny S.

I just am not signing myself in there! But my young friend with Asperger's has, and got himself into Slytherin first,and then Gryffindor (I think, maybe Hufflepuff). From the way he grinned, he quite deliberately made choices to get the reults he wanted, but as I haven't been there, I don't know how.


19 Feb 01 - 06:21 PM (#401775)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: John Hardly



...not "hairy"


19 Feb 01 - 06:22 PM (#401776)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Giac

I'm in Ravenclaw -- probably because I responded that if I found a sack of coins I'd spend 'em. ~:o)

Entertaining site, I like the Howler messages.

Waiting for book 3 to come out in paperback, but can't find any info on that.

19 Feb 01 - 06:33 PM (#401788)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Jeri

Yes, hideously expensive ($4.99), but you get a cute little cloth bag too. It would be almost .05 per bean if you didn't figure in the bag. Marked down from $7.00 - what a deal!

19 Feb 01 - 06:44 PM (#401797)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: mousethief

Ah yes, the bag makes it all worthwhile. :)

19 Feb 01 - 07:18 PM (#401824)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Morticia

book 3 is out, we're waiting on four..........

19 Feb 01 - 07:20 PM (#401829)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Penny S.

Which will need to be in two volumes.judging by the existing pattern of increase in thickness.

20 Feb 01 - 01:45 PM (#402319)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Hollowfox

Actually, Sorcha, Rowling sounds pretty classy, from what I've heard. There was a little piece in my loocal newspaper that said she was scheduled to receive an award from Queen Elizabeth (OBE, I think), and Rowling cancelled because her daughter was sick that day. The ceremony was re-scheduled, I believe. So I think she's really doing these books for charity. And who better to make sure that they fit into the Harry Potter corpus properly?

20 Feb 01 - 06:44 PM (#402495)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Linda Kelly

Please, someone read Alan Garner (Weirdstone of Brisingamen, Elidor, The Owl Service) - they knock Harry Potter into the proverbial cocked hat.

20 Feb 01 - 10:33 PM (#402657)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Nancy King

Just want to commend to everyone the Harry Potter books on tape, read by Jim Dale. I'm halfway through "Chamber of Secrets" and having a ball. Check 'em out at your public library!

Cheers, Nancy

21 Feb 01 - 08:31 AM (#402772)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: GUEST,Greyeyes

There are many children's writers around at present who knock Rowling into a cocked hat. In terms of quality of writing I would rate Rowling alongside Enid Blyton. Nevertheless children who have hardly picked up a book in their lives are becoming compulsive readers because of her.

Also try Philip Pullman's "His Dark Materials" trilogy, outstanding. Interestingly both Pullman and Rowling have editions published in the UK to look like adult books, so grown-ups don't get embarassed reading them on public transport.

21 Feb 01 - 01:46 PM (#402950)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Lady McMoo

I personally think they are well written and Jean Rowling is to be congratulated for getting children away from the awful square box and back into their imaginations.

I passed the site details on to the mcmooette who though it was quite good. She is, however, as a Harry Potter fan who has read each of the four books at least 8 times not so happy with some of the liberties Warner Brothers are reportedly taking with the forthcoming film, e.g. the Hogwarts Express now apparently arrives and leaves from platform 4 rather than its usual platform 9 and a half!

mcmoo (Griffindor and honourary keeper)

21 Feb 01 - 01:54 PM (#402958)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: mousethief

If there are all these books around that knock HP into a cocked hat, why don't they? Why aren't THEY at the top of the bestseller list? Kids books are often a matter of word-of-mouth, so if something is really good, it will get bought whether or not it's marketed well.

HP is at the top of the bestseller list because it's a good read. It's not Dostoyevsky or anything, but it's a fun read.

People can be sooooo jealous of success.

21 Feb 01 - 02:59 PM (#403023)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Greyeyes

I certainly don't bedrudge her success, as a librarian anything that gets kids reading is to be applauded. Professionally, however, I have to make judgements on the grounds of literary merit as well as popularity, and in literary terms Rowling is not a particularly good writer, compared, for instance, with C.S.Lewis, Tolkien, or Philip Pullman. Popularity is not the same as quality, although both can be admired. Dickens was a better novelist than Tom Clancy, or Terry Pratchett, although I admire and read all of them.

To say other writers knock Rowling into a cocked hat doesn't deride Rowling, it merely indicates how inexplicable popular opinion can be. I've read all the HP books, I loved them, I can't wait for the next one, I can't wait for the film, nevertheless Rowling is not as good a writer as Philip Pullman, although he will never be as popular, or encourage as many children to pick up a book and read.

21 Feb 01 - 04:39 PM (#403124)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: harpmolly

I am absolutely addicted to both His Dark Materials (I have never spent so much time alternately crying, laughing and screaming in rage at the author of one book) and the Harry Potter series, and I can understand why both of them are popular--and why both appeal in different ways.

Let's face it--HDM is an incredibly richly conceived, deep philosophical work (based on Milton, for gods' sake!), while HP is an entertaining and compelling read about a group of characters that many of us can identify with.

It must be faced that, despite all the great literature out there, a lot of people don't read to illumine their intellects or challenge themselves--they read to lose themselves in a different world. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that! That's no moral judgment on anyone; it's just a fact. I get really frustrated when my "intellectual" acquaintances turn their noses up at my favorite authors (Rowling/Pratchett for example) because they are more popular than Pullman or . Just because Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels aren't going to be nominated for a Pulitzer any day soon doesn't mean they don't make me laugh and cry and question and think deeply (he actually faces a lot of serious issues in his own deliciously sarcastic way). He doesn't write classic literature, but he's incredibly clever in getting his message across. Joanne Rowling probably won't win a Pulitzer either, but she is very skilled at writing such fun, likeable (and hateable ;)) characters that half the civilized world seems to have become addicted to them. There's something to be said for that.

P.S. This post isn't meant to disagree with or challenge anyone else on this thread--I think everyone here has expressed themselves quite well, and I know no one has really attacked J.K.R. or anyone else. This is just one of my pet subjects. Snobbery is snobbery, and I'm as guilty of it as anyone else, but just because great literature exists doesn't mean that works of "lesser intellectual merit" shouldn't. Of course, truly bad writing also exists (and I'm the first to make fun of it *grin*), but I generally don't rate truly bad writing by comparison with anything except other truly bad writing. :)


21 Feb 01 - 05:18 PM (#403160)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Greyeyes

Great post Molly, I'm 1/2 way through the latest Pratchett ("The Truth") at the moment. It is accepted in the UK that he will never win any major literary awards, but he is the writer whose new publications I most look forward to. Wise, intelligent, screamingly funny, and he makes people think. More power to his elbow, and J.K.Rowling's.

21 Feb 01 - 05:23 PM (#403165)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Richard Bridge

Please. let's not laud Dickens, the man more responsibel than any other apart from Shakespeare for turning a generation or two of UK kids into compulsive non- readers.

Dull? He makes Peake look like Lara Croft.

21 Feb 01 - 05:25 PM (#403169)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Firecat

I'm in Hufflepuff. I was originally in there, then I resorted and went into Slytherin, but I didn't want to mix with Draco Malfoy, so I resorted again and went back into Hufflepuff! I get to mix with the GORGEOUS Cedric Diggory!!!!

21 Feb 01 - 05:30 PM (#403171)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: MMario

Shakespeare is pretty interesting - as long as you find out what the meanings of some of his phrases meant then. He really did write for the masses...I suspect if he were alive he would be doing soap operas and "reality" TV

21 Feb 01 - 05:49 PM (#403190)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Greyeyes

Bit harsh to refuse plaudits to Dickens and Shakespeare because children don't like them. As MMario says WS wrote for the populist market of his day. Dickens novels were frequently written in episodic form for popular magazines of the day. He made a fortune travelling the world reading his work in public. The criticism should lie with educational systems that force feed children unsuitable literature. Pratchett is stuffed full of literary and classical allusions. Why don't we see his works on school curriculums? Might make some of the kids want to explore his source material.

21 Feb 01 - 05:50 PM (#403192)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: harpmolly

I'll bet if fewer teachers tried to handle Shakespeare with kid gloves, they'd get along a lot better with their students. The Man was brilliant--and he was a hack, writing as much for the groundlings and the ha'penny seats as for the boxes. Having been born the day after his birthday (give or take 400 years or so ;)), I've always had a soft spot for him. Whoever he was. *grin*

er...I suppose I should mention Harry Potter somewhere in this post. Go Gryffindor! (I can't wait to see Alan Rickman as Professor Snape. I didn't think anyone could make me lust after the head of Slytherin House...never say never, I suppose...)

21 Feb 01 - 05:54 PM (#403198)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Sorcha

Of course, but Shakespeare didn't write novels....he wrote plays. It is difficult to get the impact of a play without seeing and hearing it, whereas a novel is designed to be read.

Rowling IS fun, easy, and identifiable.....which of us has not known a bully or two? or a School Hero, either? Part of Rowling's attraction is the very simplicity of the does not need a 7 syllable vocabulary or weird words to understand the story. Robert Parker is the same way with the Spenser novels......I love 'em, and Hawk is super, but literature, it ain't.

Sometimes I just want to read what I call "Garbage for the Mind". Sometimes I want literature. Sometimes I want Classics. Every day, each of us is a different person that is the sum total of all our yesterdays.......and some days I need Harry Potter type stuff.

Lately, I haven't wanted or been able to Think about what I am reading......I just want to have a little fun! Tolkein is the Master, but he does require thinking. Rowling doesn't. I just picked up Alan Garner's "Owl Service" from the Library. I'll let you know what I think.

21 Feb 01 - 05:58 PM (#403200)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: McGrath of Harlow

"If there are all these books around that knock HP into a cocked hat, why don't they? Why aren't THEY at the top of the bestseller list? "

And why doesn't Norma Waterson sell as many records as the Spice Girls?

God knows how these things work. Like Enid Blyton, J.K.Rowling gets kids (and their adults) reading who wouldn't read otherwise, and she's a lot better than Enid Blyton anyway. That is something to be very grateful for indeed. Most of the time they are great fun to read, and that's more than you can say about most books.

And after children (and adults) have raced through the Harry Potter series,it's great that there are in fact so many far more exciting and engrossing books waiting for them to move on to. Some of these have been mentioned already.

Here is a page about another series that will repay attention, the first part of which has been recently republished - Uncle Stories. I don't think I'd much want to know any child who didn't enjoy these, if they had a chance to hear and read them. Or adult for that matter. (They'd definitely be naturals for Slytherin.)

21 Feb 01 - 06:02 PM (#403202)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Sorcha

After-thought: I'll bet if Speilberg made a movie of "Beowulf" starring Mel Gibson it would be a smash's got everything. Can't you just see Sean Connery as Charlemange in the Song of Roland? A lot of it is just a matter of presentation.

21 Feb 01 - 06:08 PM (#403208)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: harpmolly

Greyeyes...not to go on and on about Pratchett, but I like your idea. I think it would be quite funny to have students read Pratchett's novels back to back with the works they satirize, i.e. Wyrd Sisters/Macbeth, Lords & Ladies/Midsummer Night's Dream (amazing!), or read a collection of fairy tales alongside Witches Abroad (can you tell the Witches books are my favorite? ;)). Have an extra-credit assignment to see how many of P's allusions and in-jokes the students can track down. Rather makes me wish I was an English teacher. *grin*


P.S. Potter For President!

21 Feb 01 - 06:19 PM (#403220)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Lady McMoo

"Rowling doesn't." (require thinking)

Agreed perhaps not on the same intellectual level as some authors but there are certainly numerous riddles, word games and other entertaining diversions either obvious or hidden in the text. These and the way one can obviously identify with many of the characters are just a couple of reason why the HP series so entertaining. I cannot see the comparison with Enid Blyton at all!

mcmoo (suitable chastened and creeping back in disgrace to his Isiah Berlin)

21 Feb 01 - 06:31 PM (#403235)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Greyeyes

Okay, Enid Blyton was a bit harsh, and I happily withdraw the comparison; at least it sparked a debate.

Molly, I love the witches too, but my favourite of all is "Small Gods". Many of TP's points in that are being echoed as we speak in the "Religion/Homophobia" thread. To paraphrase TP "Why can't we do things because we believe they're right, not because some priest tells us we ought to". There is, so far, no God in Harry Potter, and he does exactly that. Acts because of what he believes is right. If a generation of kids grow up taking note of Pratchett & Rowling, maybe there's some hope for the world.

21 Feb 01 - 06:36 PM (#403239)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Sorcha

Very true, mcmoo, but that stuff is FUN!! I really meant thinking as in trying to read Doestevsky, or Camus, or Bertie know, THINK thinking.......

21 Feb 01 - 07:02 PM (#403260)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Lady McMoo

You mean you don't find Bertrand, Albert, Fyodor or Lev FUN Sorcha? What is the world coming too...?

mcmoo (;>))

21 Feb 01 - 07:06 PM (#403265)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: harpmolly

"If a generation of kids grow up taking note of Pratchett & Rowling, maybe there's some hope for the world." --Greyeyes

Bravo! I too love Small Gods. Great political/religious satire, especially for myself, having been raised Catholic. *grin* And you're right--Harry Potter does not promote any religion or belief system, despite what the Moral Majority would have us think. It's all about good old-fashioned conscience and personal responsibility. What a concept!


21 Feb 01 - 07:44 PM (#403292)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: McGrath of Harlow

Two wizard/witch schools which carry a lot more conviction I feel are the ones in Jill Murphy's Worst Witch series, and Ursula Leguin's Wizard of Earthsea. Both of whom to my mind avoid falling into J.K.Rowling's trick of over-egging the this-is-ever-so-funny pudding.

A lot of it feels like cranking it out to a formula - and she can't be blamed for that. When you've struck gold on your first effort, it must be hard to not to try to repeat again and again.

That sounds crabby, and I'm not crabby. I'm reading the Goblet of Gold at the moment, and look forward to teh next chapter. But I still think it could have been so much better, and I don't mean more literary.

22 Feb 01 - 03:41 PM (#403965)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Hollowfox

Sorcha, for the movie, you'll have to settle for Antonio Banderas and Omar Sharif. *g* (13th Warrior. It wasn't half bad.) BTW, you reminded me of one of my favorite essays: "In Defense of Rubbish" by Peter Dickenson. He points out the value of the stuff kids read/watch that has little or no obvious value to an adult (he used football comics as an example, today he'd probably include trading cards and Japanimation). What you call garbage for the mind, he called roughage of the mind. I find that it's better for my mental health to nibble my way along the smorgasbord than to limit myself to the stuff that's "good for me", and I suspect most of us are that way.
I remember listening to a discussion that was aired during an intermission of the Metropolitan opera radio broadcast. The question came before the panel of opera lovers/experts as to whether they listened to anything else. Every one of them did. One man said that opera was wonderful, but for pure relaxation, you couldn't beat Herb Alpert. (shows how long ago it was)

Nancy King, Jim Dale's reading of Goblet of Fire won a Grammy last night. Greyeyes, I can't imagine anything much more horrible than an attempt to make a movie out of Pullman's trilogy, except perhaps to do it to anything by Garner. (shudder)

22 Feb 01 - 05:55 PM (#404069)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: McGrath of Harlow

While we're here, is there any consensus of how to pronounce Hogwarts?

I rather assume it's "Hoggarts" rather than "Hog-warts", since that's the way that words like that normally get pronounced in England. (cf "Co'burn" for Cockburn, "Bewley" for Beaulieu, "Durrum" for Durham and so forth.)

23 Feb 01 - 12:09 PM (#404575)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Firecat

More resorting!! I ended up in Gryffindor this time! It tried keeping me in Hufflepuff, then put me in Ravenclaw twice but I'm not that clever so it gave up and put me in Gryffindor!! I'll have to go get changed now cos I'm weearing hufflepuff colours (yellow & black - mmm tastelful!!!)

23 Feb 01 - 01:52 PM (#404658)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Sorcha

OK, I just finished Alan Garner's "Owl Service". It is a great book, but I am not sure the younger Harry Potter set would understand it. It is deliberatly obscure, and very spooky. I only understood it because I have read the Mabinigon, and I doubt very much if most 10-14 yr olds even know the Mab exists.

There was no need for Garner to be so obscure, the entire story could have been told in a much more straight forward manner and still been just as spooky.

Also, there is lots of Welsh and British slang and Welsh mythology references that American kids are just not going to understand. It's even possible that a lot of British kids would not understand the Welsh references.

23 Feb 01 - 03:35 PM (#404751)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: McGrath of Harlow

The Owl Service isn't the Alan Garner book to start with, esopecially for children (and it's not really a children's book maybe). The Weirdstone of Brisingamen and its sequel The Moon of Gomrath are much more accessible. They don't require any prior knowledge about folklore or legend, but are liable to arouse an appetite for it.

24 Feb 01 - 08:51 AM (#405217)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: GUEST,Greyeyes

Well Hollowfox, I certainly can't imagine Pullman as a feature film, but it's not beyond the realms of possibility that it could be made into a children's TV series. Dickens adapts very well for the small screen, and the BBC made a pretty good job of several of the Narnia stories a few years ago. It could, of course, be absolutely execrable, if done badly. It remains to be seen how Tolkien will turn out. I'm generally optimistic.

Incidentally thanks for that URL at the beginning of this thread, excellent site.

24 Feb 01 - 06:49 PM (#405529)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: GUEST,Yorkie

Greyeyes, I love the Terry Pratchett books,partly because of all the allusions; so often they sneak up and dig you in the ribs! Younger memebers of the family love them, despite the fact that the allusions pass them by. I saw my first Shakespeare play at 10 and was simply bowled over by it (but then, no one had told me he was boring!)

24 Feb 01 - 07:24 PM (#405543)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Greyeyes

Terry Pratchett himself has commented that if you understand ALL the jokes in his books, you must be an extremely strange person. It says a lot about him as a writer of adult books, that so many children read and enjoy his work. It says a lot about J.K.Rowling, as a writer of children's books, that so many adults read and enjoy her work.

Shakespeare, as Sorcha pointed out above, wrote for his plays to be seen performed, not read. They can be dull as dust on the page, especially if you don't understand the text, but performed on stage the whole thing comes alive, even to a 10 year old, even after 500 years, amazing!

25 Feb 01 - 07:11 PM (#406173)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: McGrath of Harlow

Once again, how do people think Hogwarts should be pronounced?

The best medium for Pullman's Dark Material books - other than print - would be wireless (by which I mean radio not mobile phones) where the pictures are better than on TV.

26 Feb 01 - 08:26 AM (#406397)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website

I suspect that it will be pronounced Hog-warts in the film, and I think I've heard Rowling pronounce it like that as well. Maybe it's a muggle thing, and only wizards and witches pronounce it Hoggarts. :-)

26 Feb 01 - 08:27 AM (#406398)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: GUEST,Greyeyes

Sorry, that was me, I forgot I'm cookieless at work.

26 Feb 01 - 09:38 AM (#406443)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Hollowfox

As I recall from a radio interview with Jim Dale, he said that he checked on pronounciation when he read the text for the audiobooks. He says "Hogworts", I think.

08 Mar 01 - 01:39 PM (#413463)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Greyeyes

Richard Curtis, one of the organisers of "Comic Relief", was interviewed on UK radio today and estimates that the two Potter spin-off books Rowling has written (and she has written them herself) will raise around £25,000,000 for charity.

What are everybody's first impressions of the 'teaser trailer'? Looks good to me.

08 Mar 01 - 01:49 PM (#413471)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Hollowfox

I liked it, a lot. My head (library) clerk didn't because the actors didn't exactly match her mental pictures of the characters. They don't exactly match mine. either, but it looks to be about as good as you can get.

08 Mar 01 - 01:54 PM (#413474)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: mousethief

Actually JK Rowling doesn't write children's books. It was her book companies that decided to market them as children's books.

08 Mar 01 - 01:56 PM (#413477)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Clinton Hammond

I always kinda thought that Terry Pratchett was just a cheap Douglas Adams wanna-be... I do own GOOD OMENS, but hat to me is a Neil Gaiman book...

Anyway... I'm off topic here... ya wanna good Harry Potter web site/communtiy...
copy and paste this addy to your browser...

There'll you'll find a great community, and lots of info regarding the books, the movie, ect ect ect...


08 Mar 01 - 02:04 PM (#413483)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Greyeyes

Clinton, that was my first impression of Pratchett after reading the first 2 or 3 Discworld novels, but the series really took off after that, and has moved a long way from the Adams mould.

08 Mar 01 - 03:37 PM (#413538)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: GUEST,Rana


Interesting how different people picture things. When I saw the photos of the actors I couln't believe how close they were to the image I'd created (and I assumed everybody elses!).

I enjoyed the clip - the Hall looked a bit like the hall in Gormenghast (PBS are supposed to be showing that this spring - hope its soon, I want to watch it again without the Space channel's commercials).

Cheers Rana

08 Mar 01 - 04:05 PM (#413550)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Greyeyes

Some of the actors are virtually spot on my imagined pictures of them, and as they are drawn largely from the ranks of the great and good of the British acting profession, I can imagine them 'becoming' the characters. I had not imagined Harry's Uncle being so old, but I have the highest regard for Richard Griffiths, and can imagine him becoming Uncle Vernon very easily, likewise Alan Rickman as Snape, and Maggie Smith - practically anybody she wants to be.

Nobody should make the mistake of expecting the film to be as they imagined the book. It is merely an interpretation. Many actors have portrayed Fagin in "Oliver", and "Oliver Twist": Alec Guinness, Ron Moody, more recently Robert Lindsey. None of them really came close to my image of Fagin from the book, (who was a really dark evil character) but the interpretations were all excellent nontheless. David Lean's "Great Expectations" is generally considered to be one of the great British movies, but how close was it to the novel? Just the bare bones, interpreted.

I can't wait to see Harry Potter at the movies, and I don't care if it isn't how I imagined it.

08 Mar 01 - 04:13 PM (#413554)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Sorcha

I went there. Sets a bloody lot of cookies!!! Movie looks neat, I may actually go see it! Characterization seems awfully close to my imagination. Harry could look a bit more "nerdy" and not so cute,'s better than animation by a long shot.

(Gryffindor here)

08 Mar 01 - 04:25 PM (#413558)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Greyeyes

Yup I agree Sorcha, they haven't gone for Harry's nerdiness, I suppose it's not cinematic. The point in the first book that really hooked me was when he got on a broomstick for the first time, and discovered something he was really good at, after a lifetime of being useless. Wonder why I relate to that?....still looking.

08 Mar 01 - 05:10 PM (#413571)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Penny S.

Anyone read Witch Week by Diana Wynne Jones? A sort of anti-witch school novel, but with a similar finding what you are good at moment. And a wonderful description of failing to climb up the rope in the gym! (Guess who couldn't!)


08 Mar 01 - 05:12 PM (#413572)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Hollowfox

Sorcha, try using the Filmforce website I mentioned earlier in this thread. No cookies that I know of, not a crumb.

08 Mar 01 - 05:19 PM (#413576)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Peg

I am surprised no one in the thread mentioned the fact that Warner Bros. sent some rather threatening letters to some kiddies (Harry Potter fans) who owned website domain names that WB wanted to buy. They warned the kids to surrender them to WB within 30 days. Some of the parents are considering suing...and a lot of kids/fans are planning to boycott the movie for this reason (though not the books).

08 Mar 01 - 05:27 PM (#413582)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Hollowfox

Yea, PArents! Go, Kids!

08 Mar 01 - 05:38 PM (#413585)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: mousethief

Ah, Big Business. You gotta love it.

08 Mar 01 - 06:07 PM (#413601)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Sorcha

Appalling!! Pox on Warner Bros. Goooo, Kids! Harry Potter would approve!! There is also a Harry Potter website that I found not associated with was fun, too. Had a quiz you could take. (When is the next book due out?)

08 Mar 01 - 06:31 PM (#413613)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Greyeyes

I had heard that WB were trying to corner the market in HP websites, I didn't realise they were going that far. I wonder if Rowling Knows.

08 Mar 01 - 08:43 PM (#413647)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Sorcha

Here is the other Harry Potter site I was talking about, and it is now owned by WB too......I don't think it used to be. Not sure.

08 Mar 01 - 11:24 PM (#413713)
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter, Official WB Website
From: Peg

here is one article of interest; first one I could find.