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Anybody for psychology?

21 Feb 01 - 02:34 PM (#402999)
Subject: Anybody for psychology?
From: GUEST,Spaceman

I found that foreign students cry and have difficulties with my early childhood lessons. Can it be anything like that? A 6 years old student that I have is half French half Greek. He cries before coming to class. I already lost a 6 year old student from my classes who was half Finish half Greek. Why my 100 percent Greek students have no problems. The daughter of my boss is having a lot of fun and I suspect that this may be because she is at home in a familiar environment. Are my guesses right? Can they be right? Why were those two students different or they are just not different???????

21 Feb 01 - 02:52 PM (#403013)
Subject: RE: Anybody for psychology?
From: wysiwyg

Go here:

It's all right there. I think you'll benefit from a visit there.


21 Feb 01 - 04:23 PM (#403108)
Subject: RE: Anybody for psychology?
From: Mrrzy

I went to French school as a child and no American understands what that was like unless they went to Catholic school...

21 Feb 01 - 04:29 PM (#403117)
Subject: RE: Anybody for psychology?

Six year olds cry. It doesn't take much.

22 Feb 01 - 12:19 AM (#403469)
Subject: RE: Anybody for psychology?
From: Amos

They're being herded into a whole script of realities not related to their own experience, and they're too small to do much about it. They can give in and go along while keeping an eye out for an escape route, or they can fight back, or they can cry. If you can engage them on their own terms, you will turn it around, but six year olds can be trickier than greased salmon. Just my 2 cents' worth.A

22 Feb 01 - 12:36 AM (#403479)
Subject: RE: Anybody for psychology?
From: catspaw49

Psychology? No thanks, already had some. Spaceman, having dealt with you before, I'd suggest something on THIS PAGE might bring your 6 year olds into line.

Thanks for another sendup!


22 Feb 01 - 08:34 AM (#403607)
Subject: RE: Anybody for psychology?
From: GUEST,Spaceman

I do not get it what the is about and also can not understand why catspaw49 directed me to that page. Catspaw49 do you hurt your students?

I thought nowadays we do not use violence in the schools. But I have heard instances in the past where teachers used to hurt students. I never and will never do that.

22 Feb 01 - 09:10 AM (#403633)
Subject: RE: Anybody for psychology?
From: Ella who is Sooze

oh SPAW!!!!!!!

tut tut! ;p

22 Feb 01 - 02:06 PM (#403864)
Subject: RE: Anybody for psychology?
From: Morticia

I have to say I am getting seriously alarmed at how little you, purporting to be a teacher, know and why you believe, if you do, that you can learn instant teaching at this site.

22 Feb 01 - 02:10 PM (#403867)
Subject: RE: Anybody for psychology?
From: Sorcha

Spacey, IF you even have students, it's apparent that they HATE give it up before you hurt yourself laffing. Since you are a spaceman, you could go live on some other planet. Without kids.

22 Feb 01 - 02:33 PM (#403902)
Subject: RE: Anybody for psychology?
From: mousethief

I don't understand this thread at all. Is it just me?

22 Feb 01 - 05:34 PM (#404046)
Subject: RE: Anybody for psychology?
From: Helen


catspaw thinks you are posting these messages about teaching and students as a joke. He thinks you are doing it just to see us react.

I think that you are serious.

It would help to know where you are, what sort of children your students are, what sort of music you are teaching, what instruments, etc. Also, tell us what you do in a typical lesson, from start to finish. How do you introduce the lesson, how do you show the kids what you want them to do, how do you get them motivated or interested in what you want them to do. What sort of music are you asking them to learn, or are you at the beginning stages of teaching them the notes, rhythms, etc.

Unless you give us more information we can't provide you with much more insight than we have already, and because you haven't responded to any of our suggestions we don't know whether anything we have said made sense to you, or whether you have decided to try out anything we have suggested.

This is a two way conversation. Don't keep starting new threads about this topic. Please come back to this thread and keep this conversation going. Give us some more information and some feedback/comments on what we have said so far.


As a teacher and a trainer I can understand your concerns.

22 Feb 01 - 05:51 PM (#404060)
Subject: RE: Anybody for psychology?
From: annamill

Spaceman, you sound like you do not normally speak English and are not an American. Is this true? If so, you must try to understand that 'spaw is just joking. He is one of the most gentle, caring people I have had the honor to talk/listen to. Most certainly where children are concerned. He was playing.

Everything you stated sounded obvious to me. If they come from a different culture, of course they will be frightened. Just be a little more gentle and understanding and maybe you can help them to adjust. My favorite saying when it comes to children is "Do it with love". Be it playing, teaching, punishing, etc...

Love, annamill

03 Sep 01 - 11:35 AM (#540771)
Subject: RE: Anybody for psychology?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Sorry Murray et al, but I could not resist reviving this one.It conjured up images of a spaceman trying to teach 6 year olds!

03 Sep 01 - 06:45 PM (#541047)
Subject: RE: Anybody for psychology?
From: Eric the Viking

Listen you buggers- I cried my eyes out today cos I had to go back to school!

I had... headache, tummy ache, a cold, a verucca, sore ears, nose and throat, diorheah, nausea,malignant fedupness and sweaty forehead.Worse than that........

My Mrs wouldn't even write me a sick note!

03 Sep 01 - 07:24 PM (#541085)
Subject: RE: Anybody for psychology?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Spaceman-Just a thought but are you a proper teacher? You seem a bit weird to me, sorry but I don't think I would let you any where near my kids.john

03 Sep 01 - 07:56 PM (#541099)
Subject: RE: Anybody for psychology?
From: AliUK

This thread is one of the reasonds I only teach from 13 year olds and up.

03 Sep 01 - 08:01 PM (#541101)
Subject: RE: Anybody for psychology?
From: Paul from Hull

Certainly was a VERY bizarre post...

03 Sep 01 - 08:14 PM (#541113)
Subject: RE: Anybody for psychology?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

At firt I thought this thread was funny, having read itagain I feel sorry for Spacemans pupils.
Spaceman-If you are still a teacher please ask other teachers for help or take a refresher course, you don't seem to know what you are doing.

03 Sep 01 - 09:05 PM (#541142)
Subject: RE: Anybody for psychology?
From: Thomas the Rhymer

By my estimation, Spaceman was legit, and you folks that have been messing with him, sent him away. Wouldn't you rather be nice to the new people? I am a little ashamed... This club ought to include people, unless they are just plain mean... unless that includes you of course...

04 Sep 01 - 03:33 PM (#541775)
Subject: RE: Anybody for psychology?
From: Eric the Viking

OK a serious answer. Just some things that may or may not help, perhaps you have tought of them or carried them out already

Does the child cry because it is leaving family and entering a strange environment where it is insecure and unsafe? Would working with the parent to gradually wean them away help? eg bring the parent in, let the child settle to an activity and thn the parent gradually cuts down the time spent in the classroom.

Is the child frightened because of bad experiences in the recent or distant past eg bullying from peers? Or from staff who are threatening in posture or volume? When greeting the child get down to their level so that you are not some huge big voiced stranger, even if it means going on your knees to greet it. Sit down, look relaxed and friendly. Obtain discipline and control by not shouting, use kindness and positive responses instead of negative and punitve ones.

Is there a language barrier? Is it possible to learn some words of greeting in mother tongue? have some familiar words or symbols around that relate to cultural heritage. (depends on reading ability) Have a toy , activity or something to distract the child. Meet the child in the corridor with a big smile, get low and offer an outstretched hand at their level.

These are some sugestions-I have more if you give more detail about the environment and class you are teaching, as well as more info about the child.

Does the child have special needs? Is there a possibility of some autistic tendency? How good is it's language base?

AliUK I have some 13+ kids who react the same way as 6 year olds! Think yourself lucky.

Spaceman get back to me.

04 Sep 01 - 03:49 PM (#541790)
Subject: RE: Anybody for psychology?
From: Eric the Viking

Well, I guess I fell for that, I didn't read the date on the origonal thread. Someone revived it-I'm too busy working my butt off at the moment to scrutinise everything, so I have to work quick.

Who ever revived the thread out of maliciousness? You have wasted my precious time-thanks a lot.

04 Sep 01 - 04:20 PM (#541816)
Subject: RE: Anybody for psychology?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Eric-It was me that refreshed this thread but I was not being malicous, sorry for any offence caused.john in hull

04 Sep 01 - 08:00 PM (#541995)
Subject: RE: Anybody for psychology?
From: Thomas the Rhymer

You're sleeping on the couch tonite, John...

04 Sep 01 - 08:10 PM (#542001)
Subject: RE: Anybody for psychology?
From: AliUK

EriK... I teach in brazil and if any of my 13+s cry, they tend to get the piss ripped out of them by the others...except if they're girls. So it's a lot more difficult to identify the problems. Normally they are externalised by arrogance and menace, so I wish they would break down and cry, it would make my rĂ´le a lot easier.