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German Mudcatters get-together Part 2

27 Feb 01 - 03:02 PM (#407354)
Subject: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Noreen

At the request of Eric, a second edition of German Mudcatters get-together

27 Feb 01 - 04:23 PM (#407416)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Llanfair

It will have.....enough lifeboats? Won't it?
Jim's just reminded me that the Titanic was on it's maiden voyage when it tried to occupy the same space as an iceberg.
Cheers, Bron.

27 Feb 01 - 07:41 PM (#407622)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Cobble

I'm wondering if I should increase Cobble's insurance. Can an iceberg be sued for negligence!!!!

Mrs C

28 Feb 01 - 04:30 AM (#407828)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Wolfgang

The main thing for your dangerous crossing from our point of view is:
Eat all provisions like meat and sausage before leaving the ship (grin).


28 Feb 01 - 05:53 AM (#407852)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: The Crazy Bird

Hey y'all, what's up? I just learned about this site last friday and have been having a lot of fun

I'm based in Denmark 40 kloms south of Ye Wonderful Copenhagen.

rgrds CrzyBrd

28 Feb 01 - 10:35 AM (#407963)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2

Don't forget to keep watch for Polar bears on the Iceberg if we see one!!! Just in case anyone asks!!


28 Feb 01 - 06:16 PM (#408333)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Susanne (skw)

Guest - no you can't, not if you've drowned. Still, I wouldn't worry about icebergs! I've been told the biggest hazard in the English Channel (and north of it) are other ships ... Personally, the worst thing I've encountered in 30 years of crossing to and fro were an engine failure and a broken leg (not mine, I'm glad to say, and it was extremely interesting to turn back to Newcastle two hours from the land and watch the poor stricken lady and her friends being transferred to a port authority speedboat just outside the harbour ...). So watch your steps, boys 'n' girls! We want you here hale (not to mention hearty)!

28 Feb 01 - 08:59 PM (#408449)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Rollo

Whoah, Wolfgang, I hope your garden is big enough for all the tents that will be neccesary to shelter this lot... Isn't it great? Even Denmark thinks about sending a delegation to our little privat Grand Prix de La Chanson!

Sure you will come to muenster first may weekend, won't you, crazybird?

01 Mar 01 - 01:34 PM (#408884)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Eric the Viking

I like crossing the sea, but the Iceberg is another thing-see a thread which came up by coincidence. It's a Les barker song.

23 Mar 01 - 05:33 AM (#423878)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Wolfgang

OK, ready for a summary so far? Please update or correct me.

Pondering to come (more or less sure):
Bill\Sables and crew (5 I've counted including Llanfair)

John C

(did I forget somebody?)

There might be reasons to say 'sorry I can't come' or 'may I come as well' (sure yes) at a later time, but I think it is reasonable to expect up to a dozen of you.

May, 4-6
I did understand that the British 'delegation' comes on Saturday and leaves on Sunday or Monday. Therefore the main action should be Saturday night (5th of May) and (perhaps) Sunday night. If some of the nearer-than-Britain Mudcatters like to come Friday as well, you are invited.

I have a bed, Susanne has a caravan, Mudguard sleeps some other place. My wife has given me free hand to invite you to sleep in our flat. Nine people with sleeping bag can sleep in our flat, not very comfortable, but it is possible. So that's the offer.
In addition to that, there's a big garden behind the house which could easily take two or three tents.
And then there's Muenster youth hostel a twenty minutes walk from my home, ten minutes from downtown.
Just in case, there are four hotels near my place (about 75 Euro a double room a night) but I won't mention them again, if I'm not prompted.

Münster (Muenster):
Don't mix it up with Munster, another town in Germany. This often leads to funny situations with foreign guests. Muenster is about 80 km north of Dortmund, that should make the decision easy. Here is the homepage of Muenster.
There's a lot of history (buildings etc.) in that (very catholic) town, so a guided walk through will be offered by me

Where am I:
Wolfgang Hell
Wiener Str. 24
48145 Muenster
Tel.: 0251/374477
Mail: (never on weekends)

Where do we congregate:
I'd say we start at my place, later in the garden (weather permitting) or in a pub.

Should I make a reservation for a room in a pub which does not mind musicians making the expected noise?

What do we do?
Some of us, Susanne, Mudguard, Wolfgang are 'passive' musician, most of us are active. Well, I for instance like singing (and even Bodhran playing) but with more fun than ability.
But everyone of us likes to listen to life folk music so that's what we should do. (Just in case we get tired I have enough records to play a month without repetition).

Susanne has suggested we record the music for Mudcat Radio. Sorry, but I have no equipment for that and if I do have bits of it I don't know (I've never tried recording music at all). I think everything that is necessary for that has to be brought by someone else.

Directions to find my place:
Follow with a later post


23 Mar 01 - 06:31 AM (#423899)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Letty

Thanks for arranging all this, Wolfgang. I'll be there! And probably bring a sleeping bag, if that's ok. Hattingen/Bochum is about an hour away, but I guess we'll stay up late, so maybe driving home isn't a good idea... Nevertheless, if need be, people can stay in my home (up to 4, it's tiny!). Looking forward to it - I'll be practising some fiddle tunes. But I can sing a little too, and maybe there's a piano around.



23 Mar 01 - 07:31 AM (#423918)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: MudGuard

Thanks Wolfgang, for summarizing so far.

Yes, I will (probably) be staying with one of my two Münster-Cousins. I have warned them that this might happen, and now I think I will confirm my "booking". I will arrive by train, and I will have my bicycle with me, so distance within Münster should be no problem for me.

*) After the meeting (either Sunday or Monday - I don't mind) I will start a cycling trip into the Netherlands and Belgium (if Foot-And-Mouth still allows traveling there).

23 Mar 01 - 09:22 AM (#424017)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Lady McMoo

I'll definitely be coming and will definitely bring Lady McMoo (a fine singer) and probably also my daughter also. Maybe we will stay in the Muenster youth hostel or, if you can recommend any Wolfgang, a bed and breakfast. I could bring a small four-track if needed. I will definitely bring a digital camera for a photo record for Mudcat.

Looking forward to the event.

All the best


23 Mar 01 - 05:19 PM (#424490)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Eric the Viking

This sounds excellent. Sleeping bag for me please inside if I can. How long from Rotterdam? Any good route recomended. has boked us for return on Sunday, so we have saturday afternoon, evening, night and some of Sunday. I must do some shopping to get my kids and the wife something, so are we near to some shops? And of course, get some tobacco for my pipe-clan is what I smoke. (Not inside if you don't want) Playing anywhere will do us I think, so a pub would be fine-but check with Bill. I am really looking forwards to this.

Bye for now


23 Mar 01 - 05:27 PM (#424498)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Eric the Viking

Also the guided walk sounds really good- I like to explore, when would that be? On sunday morning? Or Saturday afternoon? It is a pity out time is so short.

By the way is that a picture of Bill I see on the web site for the town? (Search to find it!!!)



23 Mar 01 - 08:16 PM (#424643)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Susanne (skw)

This sounds good. I'll be there, probably sleeping in the car. And I do sing a bit.
I didn't know when I suggested Muenster, but Wolfgang is obviously among the most organised people in the world. Thanks, Wolfgang!

26 Mar 01 - 03:22 AM (#425636)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together P.2 - Refresh
From: MudGuard

Just a refresh!

27 Mar 01 - 03:40 AM (#426347)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2

just another refresh

27 Mar 01 - 05:14 AM (#426374)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Wolfgang

some individual comments:

Letty: bring the sleeping bag or would you like to drive back to Bochum at two in the morning??

Mudguard: I'll be looking for the nearer of the two streets you have mentioned. I don't know them.

Eric: I'll recommend a route (routes) later. As for the guided walk, Saturday afternoon would be my personal choice, but Sunday morning also sounds fine (there might be an additional reason on sunday morning for a walk)

mcmmo: I remember you said you have a bit of a knowledge of Germman? Go to the webpage of Muenster (see above), click 'Touristik' then click 'Übernachten' and you'll have a list of hotels. Close to my place are 'Frönd', 'Hotel Europa', Windsor'. Not listed but nearest is 'Scho' (200 yards). The cheapest near here is 'Haus vom guten Hirten'(a former monastery). The service is now a bit better than at monastery times, but not much. Don't mind posting again if you want some more help.

By the way, there is a town map of Muenster on the website (not particularly easy to find), that'll make my task of describing the way much easier.

More later.


27 Mar 01 - 05:33 AM (#426379)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Wolfgang

We'll have more time than I thought for I see that the guided tour isn't necessary. There is a virtual guided tour in the web and I think it is great. Explore the links (sorry, German only) and the panorama views (don't forget to click on the buildings, in some cases you'll get inside views):

Virtual sightseeing of Muenster


27 Mar 01 - 05:43 AM (#426380)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: MudGuard

Wolfgang - no longer necessary. I found Münster Townmap and have looked up the three streets (yours and the two of my cousins - one has just moved so the street given is no longer valid).
And I will have my bike with me, so a few km are no problem. Especially as Münster is said to be a good cycling city.


27 Mar 01 - 05:47 AM (#426382)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Wolfgang

for all, here's an interactive town map of Muenster

for Andreas: I had a look at the map (it has a street search function): Overbergstr. is so close that I am ashamed I didn't know. Ten minutes walk from me. Go to the search function of the twon map, enter Overbergstr. and as soon as you have the map click on the arrow pointing exactly to the East. You'll then see a map that has both Overbergstr. and Wiener Str. in it and you can zoom in or out to see where that is in general.


27 Mar 01 - 05:48 AM (#426383)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Wolfgang

I see, grin.

27 Mar 01 - 08:33 AM (#426441)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: MudGuard

Overbergstraße is exactly the one which is of no use anymore... My cousin now lives in Schillerstraße.
I have asked Martin (Schillerstraße - central Münster) and Birgit (Telemannstraße in the north of Münster) for a place to sleep in but did not yet get an answer...


27 Mar 01 - 08:40 AM (#426449)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Wolfgang

Schillerstr. is somewhat nearer if you have the choice. Wolfgang

27 Mar 01 - 09:24 AM (#426478)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: MudGuard

But the cousin in Schillerstraße is smoker, the one in Telemannstr is non-smoker - which makes the decision hard if both are available...

27 Mar 01 - 12:22 PM (#426622)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Eric the Viking

Is there a chance that one of you excellent people could give me an indication of the prices for things like coffee, coke(for Bill) Pipe tobacco, chips (frites) etc, Just to have some idea. In DM will be fine-I can work it out.


28 Mar 01 - 06:35 AM (#427362)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: MudGuard

Ok, I have confirmation from one of my cousins - I can sleep in her flat (Telemannstr), the other cousin did not yet answer. I will arrive in Münster on Friday night (22:28) and will head straight to whichever cousin I will stay.

Saturday morning I will do some sightseeing on my own, so no need to entertain me before the afternoon. What time are we allowed to arrive, Wolfgang?
If you need help for anything on Saturday, tell me. As I will be in town, it's no problem!


28 Mar 01 - 08:54 AM (#427423)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Letty

For maps of German cities, see:

Stadtplan site

Travelling from Hoek van Holland (Rotterdam) to Muenster:
(according to the ANWB)

Total distance: 315 km
Total time: 3 hours, 23 minutes
Take the E25 (A20) to Rotterdam (N220/A20), direction 's Gravenhage (also called Den Haag) and Utrecht.
At Gouda (Gouwe), take the A12 in the direction Arnhem, Apeldoorn, Oberhausen.
Pass the Dutch/German border. The road you're on is now called A3.
At Kreuz Oberhausen, take the A2 in the direction Hannover/Muenster.
At Kreuz Recklinghausen, take the A43 to Muenster.

Hope that helps,


28 Mar 01 - 10:22 AM (#427491)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Wolfgang

If someone of you is in Muenster at Friday that is no problem. Come when you feel like. You could even stay overnight.

Andreas, thanks for the offer to help. I think I won't need help playing it easy like going to a restaurant together (I still think of the Scottish cuisine in 'Scott's View').

for to buy and carry away or for to consume at the spot?


28 Mar 01 - 12:07 PM (#427623)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Eric the Viking

Both- though I won't take a cup of coffee back with me!! Thanks.

28 Mar 01 - 12:14 PM (#427629)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Eric the Viking

Thanks Letty-though I know Holland very well, it's all by bike as we cycle about 600Km every summer holiday. Mostly in Holland, though we have cycled into Germany-not far though. We use trekkershutten and then stay with our friends in Leiderdorp for a few days before cycling off again to go home.



29 Mar 01 - 01:47 AM (#428141)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Sabine

Folk, sad but true but I'm unable to join you :o( Just on this weekend my parents will definetly move to their new flat and I have to help them. I'm really sad about that but I hope that this won't be the last gathering of German Mudcatters.

I wish you all a pleasant weekend in Münster (mind the "Altbierbowle" *g*).

Wolfgang, did you already ask for a place to play at the "Limerick's" ? It's not too big but I know that they like life music there. You can also try at the "Blechtrommel" but I'm not quite sure.



29 Mar 01 - 03:24 AM (#428166)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Wolfgang

it's a pity you cannot come. No, I don't think 'Limerick's' or 'Blechtrommel' would be good places. They both have a noisy crowd in there at Saturday evenings and we couldn't or wouldn't make a show for them. I think we'd feel more comfortable in a pub with an extra room for us.


29 Mar 01 - 04:12 AM (#428182)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Sabine

Yes Wolfgang, I forgot that it will be on a Saturday...

Did you find a place? Otherwise I will ask a friend of mine who studied severeal years at Münster. She is also a musician and knows several places. Limerick's and Blechtrommel were the only ones I remembered...


29 Mar 01 - 04:41 AM (#428196)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Wolfgang

Thanks, but it is not necessary I think. I know a number of places with extra rooms and I'll just have to ask around and have a look myself.


29 Mar 01 - 06:01 AM (#428223)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Sabine

You will manage it, I'm sure :o)


29 Mar 01 - 05:31 PM (#428750)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Rollo

Hi Folks!

Seems like we will have a great time! Wolfgang, many thanks for organizing. I am sure we will feel great due to your labour.

As I love camping (and I am snoring like hell!) I would like to build up a small tent in your garden. There would be room for a second person.

Well... about technics - is anyone going by car via hamburg? In this case I am sure I could organize a small 4-channel-mixing unit and a dat recorder plus a couple of microfones. But if I have to go by train I will prefer to carry my banjo - sure you all will understand that! *GGG*

bye Rollo

31 Mar 01 - 04:51 PM (#430180)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Susanne (skw)

Rollo - whereabouts in Hamburg are you? I'll probably be going down the A1, due to an engagement on the Friday night, so I wouldn't normally go through Hamburg. Also, I'll probably go late on Friday night. But maybe we can arrange something.

01 Apr 01 - 04:41 PM (#430752)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Rollo

Susanne, I am in Harburg (Mitte), if you leave A1 at Neuland you are there in a couple of minutes; going late at friday night is no problem for me.

If we can manage this it would be great!

04 Apr 01 - 02:21 AM (#432782)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Ranks

Good to here, that erverything is going to happen unless the mouth and foot disease is going to stop us. Looking forward to the session. I might be going back to Dorsten on Saturday night or might not.

Looking forward to seeing you all

04 Apr 01 - 07:55 AM (#432881)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Letty

Perhaps we could pick a couple of tunes/songs that we could study and then play together in Muenster... Any comments? BTW, don't think Foot and Mouth is going to stop anyone, I predict German cattle will be infected any time now. Shame.


04 Apr 01 - 06:05 PM (#433317)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Susanne (skw)

There is said to be a first outbreak in the Muensterland, where the biggest 'pork factories' in the country are situated. Any definite news, Wolfgang? Any reason to suppose it'll prevent the Mudcat gathering?

05 Apr 01 - 04:05 AM (#433562)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Wolfgang

No confirmed outbreak yet, but the disease will be here until May. However, there will be no restrictions to movements in a big town. I see no problem yet.


06 Apr 01 - 01:13 PM (#434715)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Eric the Viking

Errm, just one question- Do you have any pretty horses?(mares preferably)

09 Apr 01 - 06:51 AM (#436222)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: MudGuard

Just bought the train ticket (have to book in advance because I bring a bike) so I hope the gathering won't be cancelled...

09 Apr 01 - 12:02 PM (#436423)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: menzze

Why d'ya ask for horses, Eric??? In fear of mouth & foot disease I suppose. Correct me if I'm wrong, please.*LOL*
I'm more and more in doubt if I can make it to come to the meeting, grace to the Landratsamt and the TÜV in Ravensburg. Yeah ,I know, there's still the train left to take........hmmmmm...... And of course I will be accompanied by my six-stringed-lady.
Well, we'll see.........................................


11 Apr 01 - 04:02 AM (#437912)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: MudGuard

24 days and counting...

12 Apr 01 - 09:15 AM (#438924)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: MudGuard

23 days and counting ...

12 Apr 01 - 01:40 PM (#439123)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Eric the Viking

Only joking about the horses- looking forward to getting there. Mudguard, any ideas on costs of things? Is there a music instrument shop near? A CD shop near?


By the way, can you get oarnge and soda in the pubs?-thats what I drink, most times, I know Bill will be able to get his coke.


ps- Any other Catters who want to go? Greg aka Skipjack still has seats left in his car I believe.

17 Apr 01 - 02:43 PM (#442739)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: MudGuard

18 days and counting...

Orange juice, lemonade, mineral water, apple juice should all be available (but I do not know any pub in Münster, it will be my first visit there).

Same goes for prices - I guess they will be lower than here in Munich which is a quite expensive town.

Looking forward to meet you all!

18 Apr 01 - 05:38 AM (#443252)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: MudGuard

17 days and counting...

18 Apr 01 - 06:14 AM (#443261)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: menzze

Hey MudGuard!

You're coming from Munich, did I got you right?
If it's so you're not tooooooooo far from me,Allgäu, beside the Lake of Constance.
Is there any chance you might pass here and pick me up?


18 Apr 01 - 06:32 AM (#443274)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: MudGuard

I will ask the engine driver of the train whether he will make a detour to my place of birth (Lindau), but I do not think he will!

18 Apr 01 - 07:17 PM (#443860)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Rollo

Oh deary deary me!!!

It has happened!

I will not be able to come!!! *sniff* I am definitely forced to work that weekend... Why, o why must fate be so cruel to me??? *sob* Dear folks, I hope you will have a good time, anyway... *blow nose into hankerchief* and have some good music together, too... *groan*

well, to express it in my language:

"So 'n schiet aber auch, dammi nochmool!"

18 Apr 01 - 07:37 PM (#443878)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: GUEST,Uilleand

There'll just have to be another German get together after this one. 'Cause I'll have to miss this one, but I'll be in Ireland from September through May of next year, and hope to see my native land during that time. Maybe, it could coincide with a mudcat get-together.... Sure sorry to miss this one.

19 Apr 01 - 05:03 PM (#444745)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Eric the Viking

Just to refresh and also ask. Do we know where we will be playing on the Saturday night? I have some friends in Holland who might drive across to have a listen.

Any more takers for Skipjacks car?


Not too long now!!!-YES


20 Apr 01 - 07:11 AM (#445207)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: MudGuard

15 days to go...

21 Apr 01 - 10:04 AM (#446052)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: MudGuard

Only two weeks to go...

22 Apr 01 - 04:47 AM (#446510)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: MudGuard

13 days...

22 Apr 01 - 06:21 PM (#446868)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Susanne (skw)


The cast so far, updated from Wolfgang's summary above:
- MudGuard (Andreas - Munich)
- mcmoo, mrs mcmoo and possibly miss mcmoo (Belgium)
- bill/sables (England)
- Eric the Viking (England)
- Cobble (England)
- Patrish (England)
- Skipjack (Greg - England)
- Ranks (Dorsten)
- Letty (Bochum)
- Llanfair (Bron - Wales)
- Wolfgang (Muenster)
- Susanne (Kiel)

Doubtful cases (those who can't say yet or haven't been heard of again since indicating they might like to come):
- Schmiddi (Uwe - Karlsruhe) - ???
- Ernest (Berlin) - ???
- Noreen (England) - ???
- The Crazy Bird (Denmark) - ???
- menzze (Lake Constance) - ???
- George & Chris Hawes (Cambridge) - ???
- John C (Austria) - ???
- Ina (Passau) - ???
br> Please confirm / deny and add any other comments coming into your head ... :-)

I'll be arriving some time Friday night / Saturday morning. Wolfgang, if you go for the rolls in the morning and find a middle-aged white Kadett Kombi with Kiel numberplates and a stout and rather dishevelled-looking middle-aged female hippie in a purple sleeping-bag inside parked outside your house - that's me. In that case, please give me a knock!

BTW - I quite like the idea of a guided walk of Muenster on the Sunday morning (or Saturday afternoon)!

I think I'll bring a few songbooks, just in case! CDs as well? If it's to be broadcast on Mudcat Radio we could sing some of the songs that have been lacking tunes so far in the DT. - Sorry, no, Rollo was going to bring the equipment.

Greetings to Rollo, the Duck family, Les, Uilleand, Joe Offer and anybody else who has thought about joining us and is prevented by circumstances. We might start planning another Mudcat gathering for 2002 so that everybody gets ample warning! We could even suggest a special 'Folk on the Internet' event to the Rudolstadt Folk Festival organisers and get ourselves free access there. Would offset the cost of travelling to Thuringia somewhat ...

22 Apr 01 - 06:34 PM (#446887)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Susanne (skw)

Oops - that should have read


23 Apr 01 - 06:46 AM (#447173)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: MudGuard

12 days...

if I look at the list of participants, I think we should rename this thread to "European Mudcatters get-together. 5 of 12 people come from England, 1 from Wales, 1 from Belgium and only 5 (less than half!) from Germany...

About the same pictures in the "unsure" section, 4 of 9 Germans only...

But then, the British speak of Europe as the continent, not including Britain and Ireland...

23 Apr 01 - 07:04 AM (#447176)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Wolfgang


if you come by train: Take either bus #2 or bus #10 just outside of the main entrance of the station (same side as the station, not opposite). Say 'Dechanei Strasse' to the driver and you'll get a ticket for a short ride. Leave at 'Dechanei Strasse' and Wiener Str. starts just at the opposite side of the street where you left the bus. You'll have a walk of 200 m.

if you come by plane: At Muenster/Osnabrueck airport you'll take the bus to Muenster Main Station and once there you'll proceed as above.

if you come by car and come from the (South)West or South: in both cases at the Autobahn 'crossing' 'Münster Süd' you follow the sign to Muenster and drive straight on even if the Autobahn has finished. The street you'll drive in will be called 'Weseler Str.' and follow it all the time (signposts: 'Centrum') until you see at the left hand side a MacDonald's 'restaurant'.
At the second red light after this unusual sighting you'll turn right (follow sign 'Bielefeld'). If you are now in 'Moltkestr.' you are still doing fine. You'll come then to the only roundabout in Muenster and take the second exit (still sign 'Bielefeld' I guess) (the British friends doing the roundabout clockwise take the 4th exit).
If you are now in 'Hafenstr.' you're doing fine and follow this street (it often turns slightly left for you are on the ring around Muenster center) with all its name changes (after Hafenstr. all names end with 'Ring' whatever comes first.
After about 2 km on this ring there'll be a big hospital at the right hand side and you'll take the next turn right (it'll be signposted 'Bielefeld' again, but be careful, for 'Bielefeld' has been signposted to the right before, so actually you follow this time 'Bielefeld' only at the second chance to do it). If you are now in 'Warendorfer Str.' you are doing fine, if you are in 'Wolbecker Str.' turn round and try again.
Assuming you are in Warendorfer Str. you now take the third turn left ('Gerhardstr.'; attention, a very small street in a slight left turn), immediately turn left again ('Egbertstr.') and then right ('Wiener Str.') and look for a parking place.

if you come by car and come from the North: you'll leave the Autobahn at 'Greven' (the sign directly at the exit says also 'M$uuml;nster Ost') and head for Muenster. The street is all way long 'Schiffahrter Damm' for about 12 km. You follow this street with all it's turns and when you reach Muenster you still drive on for another 2 km. Immediately after a level railway crossing (disregard all other railway crossings before like e.g. when you are on a bridge across the railway, wait for the level crossing). You'll be in 'Ostmark Str.' now and Wiener Str. will be the third street left.

MAPS: As for the general approach to Muenster look here

As for an interactive street map click here.

General timetable (open to suggestions):

Saturday, 5th of May, early afternoon: Meeting at Wiener Str. 24
late afternoon (4pm): Guided walk through Muenster
early evening (6 - 7 pm): eating out at a restaurant downtown (German?, Scottish?)
later evening (from 8 pm): Music session (at the spare room of a pub or at my place or in my garden, weather permitting)

Everthing else like shopping (Saturday morning, monday morning?), another walk (Sunday morning) will be organised on spot.

I'd love to get more or less final feedback who is coming and when. As I said in another post, if you are already here on Friday night, don't hesitate to give me a call.


23 Apr 01 - 07:09 AM (#447179)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Wolfgang

for those coming from the North:

Immeadiately after a level railway crossing turn right

23 Apr 01 - 07:31 AM (#447183)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Wolfgang

Individual feedbacks or questions:

- the best record shop in town has closed 2 weeks ago. I have no idea yet which place has now anything close to folk music. I'll try to find out until then. (Susanne: Nottuln folkshop has only open the second Saturday in May, hasn't it, or do you think they'd make an exception for a bunch of folkies???)

- There is a shop with music books downtown, not bad, but not specialised in folk

- all shops for food or similar things (Eric: tobacco) are at walking distance from me (shops will close at about Saturday 2pm and be not open on Sunday)

- Menzze: I can imagine how awful it is to take the wrong means of transport, for I'd hate to take the car for such a long distance. Give taking the train another thought.

- directions where we are (if not at my place) will be pinned at my door, so any listeners from whereever should be able to find their way.

- prices might be a bit cheaper than in Great Britain, but not much.

- Eric: 500 g of coffee cost from 5 to 10 DM, with 8 DM being a good guess. BTW, do you really mean 'coke pipe tocacco' or am I misreading? Pipe tobacco varies a lot in prices, 10 to 15 DM for 100 g is my guess, but I'm a nonsmoker since 15 years. I've no idea about prices for chips (do you mean a deep frieds or in which state).

- there is everything to drink at German pubs not just alcoholic drinks.

- the British might consider buying the cheap Scottish malt whisies over here.


23 Apr 01 - 07:31 AM (#447184)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Lady McMoo

Dear Wolfgang,

Clan McMoo(3)are definitely coming and we have booked accomodation already. We should be there by early afternoon on the 5th.

Best regards,


23 Apr 01 - 08:00 AM (#447194)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Wolfgang


I'll give you a knock (I go for the rolls from 7.30 on, depending on my daughters waking time, that's fine?). If you are not too late in Muenster at Friday night, ring the doorbell.


23 Apr 01 - 08:36 AM (#447213)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: MudGuard

Wolfgang, my train is supposed to reach Münster at 22:28 on Friday night. I will head straight to my cousin's place.

Saturday morning I will spend with her or on my own, I will come to your place sometime between 14:00 and 15:30.


23 Apr 01 - 12:28 PM (#447371)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Letty


And some of the people from Germany aren't even German... Definitely a European meeting! I'm really looking forward to it. I still think it might be a good idea to pick a tune/song to learn in advance, esp. since we might be recording it for Mudcat radio.


23 Apr 01 - 04:16 PM (#447551)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Llanfair

I'm so excited!!!
I haven't booked anywhere to sleep, yet, and I'd rather not carry a sleeping bag and stuff on the train to Yorkshire. Could someone in Muenster book me a low price b&b please?
Or find me an otherwise unoccupied bed!!!!
Cheers, Bron.

23 Apr 01 - 04:23 PM (#447556)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: MudGuard

Bron, I am looking forward to meeting you again!


23 Apr 01 - 04:24 PM (#447558)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Eric the Viking

Oh great,-this is holding my life together at the moment. I can't wait, even though it's really only an overnight stop for most of us Brits. please don't believe everything you see or hear or read about Brits being non European.

Shame the shops shut on saturday afternoons, do the supermarkets stay open until later? No shops open at all on sunday?

Are prices similar to those in the Netherlands? If so I am very familiar with them.

STILL NEED PASSENGERS FOR SKIPJACKS CAR-not shouting really,just trying to help.

See you very soon I make it 11 days tomorrow that we sail!!!!!!!!

One question to anyone out there who is going. DO know where I can get "Gorilla snot"?(Sort of glue to hold picks still in between thumb and finger) My carpel tunnel problem in my right hand is causing me to loose grip on my picks.



23 Apr 01 - 04:29 PM (#447559)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Eric the Viking

Hey Bron. You and me must have been messages that passed in the night. I'm looking forward to seeing you again. Noreen are you definately coming?-I'll try not to have a cold this time!!!!

Sleeping arrangments? Am I ok for a bit of floor space for my sleeping bag?-I don't snore much.

And one other question-How will your neighbours react with all of us around?



23 Apr 01 - 04:43 PM (#447571)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: bill\sables

Noreen is coming!!!

23 Apr 01 - 06:02 PM (#447621)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Llanfair

Hi, Eric, I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again, too.
Are you coming, Noreen? I do hope so. Mudguard, it will be good to see you again.
When does our luxury liner get back to Hull? I need to sort out the train timetable, and I suspect there will be few trains on bank holiday monday!!!
Cheers, Bron.

23 Apr 01 - 07:13 PM (#447680)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Noreen

Yes, I will be joining you!

Bill had to work hard to persuade me that I would enjoy myself, I wasn't too sure about that... *grin* Can't wait!!

Now, when's that meeting with the bank mananger...

24 Apr 01 - 03:00 AM (#447892)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: MudGuard

Of course I look forward to meeting everyone for the first time (except, as stated before, Llanfair, the only one of the lot I have already met). It's really exciting!

In Germany, shops are allowed to open Monday to Friday 8:00 to 20:00 and Saturday 8:00 to 16:00.

There are a few exceptions: bakers may open for three hours on Sundays, bakers and newsagents may open earlier in the morning (I think from 6:00 but I am not really sure about it), shops at filling stations, airports and train stations may sell "travel goods" around the clock. "travel goods" is interpreted very freely - it is no problem to get alcoholic drinks (bottled) at filling stations...

11 days till we meet!

24 Apr 01 - 04:27 AM (#447910)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Wolfgang

for opening hours: see Mudguard's post (downtown, you'll find shops open until 4pm on Saturdays, but not near my place (downtown is a 20 min walk)

prices are similar to the Netherlands

Bron, we'll find some place for you (in the worst case: in my sleeping bag on the floor). However, I could book a hotel for you (no B&B as you know them in Germany): roughly 100 DM for a night including breakfast would be my guess. Let me know if I should book.

What will the neighbours say? Not much I guess, for we are usually rather quiet. As for Rainer and Gaby, immediately below us, I know which room they sleep in and we'll be in the most distant room in the flat. As for the others, Angelika is in principle a Mudcatter as well (though she posted only once with a special request) and James will be delighted to hear his native language spoken instead of that awful German. All others are too remote to care.

Should the food when we go out rather be cheap or good???


24 Apr 01 - 06:15 AM (#447942)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: MudGuard

How should be the food:
Cheap, much and good!

MudGuard (who loves to eat as you can see when you see him)

24 Apr 01 - 10:55 AM (#448108)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Llanfair

Thanks, Wolfgang, I'll go for the floorspace if that's OK. I'd rather spend my Marks on good food, and I'd like to stay with the "in" crowd!!
My passport arrived today. I was getting a bit anxious about it!!
See you all soon. Cheers, Bron.

24 Apr 01 - 07:25 PM (#448554)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: bill\sables

Definates from England are Bill Sables, Eric The Viking, Patrish, Cobble, Skipjack, Noreen and Llanfair. We should be arriving around noon on Saturday and will be leaving around 1-00pm Sunday.

25 Apr 01 - 04:23 AM (#448772)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Wolfgang

Thanks for all the feedback so far. I'll be checking on the weekend places to eat and/or play and let you know on Monday.


25 Apr 01 - 08:12 AM (#448863)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: MudGuard

I hope Llanfair won't kill bill\sables for mis-placing her as she lives in Wales, not England!


25 Apr 01 - 09:54 AM (#448953)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Noreen

Ah, but she will be travelling from England, so she may let him get away with it. :0)

And I agree with MudGuard about the food! (Could be wurst...)

25 Apr 01 - 12:58 PM (#449136)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: MudGuard

She'll be traveling through England...

MudGuard (called Genaunehmer [which translates roughly to "Take-it-Exactly"] by his niece for some reason he can't understand)

Btw, 10 days to go

26 Apr 01 - 09:06 AM (#449748)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: MudGuard

9 days only!

26 Apr 01 - 09:42 AM (#449760)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Noreen

And also from the Port of Hull, which is in England, MudGuard (whatever the Yorkies might say)!

Two can play at that game... :0)

26 Apr 01 - 10:51 AM (#449821)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Wolfgang

I know now, where our best instrument shop is.
I also know where the two records shops are that might be able to replace our only good shop. But perhaps they only have the fourth reunion CD of the Fureys and the seventh Dubliners celebration album. The old shop was at least so good to have the newest Waterson:Carthy CD.


26 Apr 01 - 01:51 PM (#449975)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Eric the Viking


This is for everyone travelling from the UK next weekend.

Bill told me this last night and I have just rung P&O to confirm.

You CANNOT take any, food or drink off the boat at Rotterdam. They mean ANYTHING. No chocolate, any drink, no sandwiches, tins of beans! chewing gum,NO FOODSTUFF at all.

P&O say you can take what you like onto the boat, but thats as far as it gets.

Dutch customs are thouroughly checking every vehicle and confiscating any food or drink they find.

There is however a McDonalds**** about 6Km from the port and places on the way across to get stuff, if we can't wait until Germany. Sorry Noreen, no Eccles cakes! Greg-No grub!Bron-no cheese or veg sarnies etc. As for me-no chocolate-what a disaster!!!!

I think there is no problem bringing back stuff and I didn't ask them about buying Cigs or stuff like that on the boat, so I don't know. I'll wait until we get there to buy any cigars or pipe tobacco and bring it back, but it does mean we'll have to be careful that we don't have anything with us that could cause a problem for the drivers.

NOT LONG TO GO NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



26 Apr 01 - 02:24 PM (#450032)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: MudGuard

Noreen, Bron will travel from Llanfair Caereinion [I guess that's why her nickname is Llanfair], which is-- whatever the English say - in Wales!

She will be going through Hull wherever that may be ;-)

MudGuard (who does not give up easily)

26 Apr 01 - 03:08 PM (#450081)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Noreen

Oh all right then, MudGuard... anything for an easy life... :0)

Eric- thanks for the warning- but I fail to see how a bar of chocolate or a pre-packed carton of fruit juice is going to import F&M into Holland!

26 Apr 01 - 03:16 PM (#450090)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Noreen

No portmanteau of comestibles, Greg... :0(

26 Apr 01 - 04:05 PM (#450129)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Eric the Viking

NO FOOD OR DRINK! Thats exactly what I asked P&O who feel that the Dutch are being just a little bit too enthusiastic, we also have to drive through a disinfectant thing-what's on your feet(ie traces of mud or other substances) is irrelavent, unless we have to walk through something?

I'm glad that we are not (my lot and I) on our bicycles for another 3 months, because we need to carry liquid with us for the kids. I am just repeating what I was told by P&O. NOTHING edable or drinkable, I personally feel it's a load of rubbish, as the virus can be carried on clothes and all sorts of other things from what I hear. How a bar of chocolate, a carton of drink, even a bottle of beer can carry it I don't know.Surely anything prepackaged at the point of origin must be safe. After all, there are container loads of stuff going through all the European ports every day.

One good thing, they might disinfect melodians with a flamethrower-Ouch Pat, that hurt!!

It applies to everyone who goes through the ports, so it's not anti UK, but heavy protection I guess.

Just think this time tomorrow, and one week hence we'll be sailing out of the Humber and well on our way!!!!

:-) :-) :-}

26 Apr 01 - 04:15 PM (#450134)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Skipjack K8

I guess that means if it takes a little longer, and we have to eat the cabin boy, there's no doggy bags


26 Apr 01 - 04:16 PM (#450135)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Skipjack K8

I guess that means if it takes a little longer, and we have to eat the cabin boy, there's no doggy bags


26 Apr 01 - 05:49 PM (#450193)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Llanfair

OK, Mudguard and Noreen, ENOUGH!!!!!!!!
I'm travelling, by train from Powys, Wales, to Doncaster, Yorkshire. I am mostly English with Welsh ancestors, and that is about as clear as it gets!!!!
Ach y fi!!!!!!!
Eric, I suppose the restriction applies to Marmite and lettuce butties (a personal favourite) and Welshcakes? oh well, Im sure we won't starve, there's probably VERY expensive food on the ferry!!!!
Cheers, Bron.

27 Apr 01 - 03:54 AM (#450368)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: MudGuard

Hey, Llanfair, don't get involved in my "fight" with Noreen! ;-) Do you take the narrow-gauge train from Llanfair C. or do you go by car to Welshpool?

To all the car drivers coming from England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland ...: don't forget to drive on the right side of the road when you leave boat in Rotterdam ;-) And on your return trip when leaving the boat in Hull, don't forget to switch back to driving on the wrong side of the road again ;-)

8 days and still counting (although I get almost too excited to get the numbers right!)


27 Apr 01 - 01:16 PM (#450489)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Skipjack K8

I'll just head down the middle, Muds. It's an Italian car, therefore all rules are waived!


27 Apr 01 - 02:08 PM (#450555)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Eric the Viking

Just to let you know. I have had it confirmed by the Netherland office of tourism that the restrictions are true. No foodstuff or drink to be taken into Holland, not even, polo's or gum, oH dear!!!!!

Mudguard, you are really confusing me and this will cause a problem!! When I am in Holland, I always ride on the cycle paths, How will Bill get his car on there, and Skipjack in his Italian stallion has an even bigger car-but it is not red.

Did you see the local news in Yorkshire-The new ferry looks excellent, my wife is spitting teeth!!!!!!!!! She wanted to go on it and we are booked on the old one for our cycle trip in the summer. She nearly changed her mind and said I could'nt come.

So I kissed her and she said I could go for a month to get out of her way.(only joking)

This time next week,we shall be passing out of the lock gates and into the Humber on our way-YES YES!!



27 Apr 01 - 09:06 PM (#450807)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Rollo

Llanfair: the pure existance of this MARMITE stuff is reason enough for every sanction the Netherlands declare upon imports from the UK... how can you DARE even to think about the possibility of bringing this unholy potion to the mainland???

Beside, I will forever wonder what marmite includes. Only one thing is definite: goo of a very, very sick skunk is an essential part of it. hence the delicious taste.

28 Apr 01 - 04:28 AM (#450945)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Llanfair

Ha!!!!! a marmite hater!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think there was a thread on this subject a while ago.
Are you telling me that Marmite is UNAVAILABLE in Holland? What about Germany?
And no, vegemite WON'T do!!!!!
Cheers, Bron.

28 Apr 01 - 09:38 AM (#451022)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: MudGuard

7 days from now!

28 Apr 01 - 01:15 PM (#451125)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Susanne (skw)

Llanfair, we have an English shop in Kiel. Maybe they've got some Marmite in stock from before FMD struck. Should I ask them? I could also bring some Fray Bentos tinned pies, Heinz sandwich spread, Cadbury Easter eggs - anything else? (What they've run out of is Cheddar, to my chagrin.) See you all soon!

28 Apr 01 - 01:42 PM (#451146)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Eric the Viking

So next saturday it will be 19.41 local time-will be shovelling food somewhere? It's getting closer.



28 Apr 01 - 03:17 PM (#451196)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Noreen

That all you going for, Eric??? And a glimpse of my (illegally imported) sheepy socks?

28 Apr 01 - 05:42 PM (#451258)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Eric the Viking

'ere, skip-bugger the cabin boy and jolly old Roger, or should that be roger old Jolly?

Noreen-them socks had better be clean, we don't want the Dutch to think we are smuggling cheese!!

And look out for seamen staines- Don't kiss the captains daughter!! There must be lots of seafaring stuff to keep us going until LLOD (last log on day) Thursday!!



29 Apr 01 - 05:48 AM (#451487)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: MudGuard

This thread has become quite long.

Please continue in new thread


03 May 01 - 06:18 AM (#454573)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: Wolfgang

All the information is somewhere in the old threads, but not easy to find. So here you go, for the most vital details:

Wolfgang Hell
Wiener Str. 24
Münster, Germany
Tel.: 0251/374477
Handy: 0174/8988691

Saturday, 5th of May, noon, til Sunday, noon, roughly

Why: Ah, you should know that by now.

Timetable: open to changes

- I'll be at home on Saturday, so come whenever you are there or feel like
- noon: the largest group of German Mudcat gatherers, i.e. the British delegation, arrives and marks the official start.
- noon to 4 pm: buy everything you want to bring home, the shops close at 4 pm
- 4 pm: guided walk through the town
- 6 to 7 pm: latecomers will find me/us at my place again
- 7 pm: walk to a bistro (with instruments), eat, drink, make music, be merry until closing time
- midnight til don't know when: be my guests at home for beer, wine, whisky, water, sleeping places, have a look through my records, CDs, songbooks and missing song lyrics.
- (very tentatively): 9am, Sunday: walk to have breakfast in a bistro (same, if we liked it there, other if we didn't)
- noon: who's still there can join me for German food in a restaurant


04 May 01 - 06:27 PM (#456065)
Subject: RE: German Mudcatters get-together Part 2
From: John Routledge

Wolfgang - Are we getting a progress report 4 times a day.*BG* Have a wonderful time everyone and take care.GB