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Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?

03 Mar 01 - 03:23 PM (#410361)
Subject: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: wysiwyg

You know, it could be my CRS, but I don't think I've been hearing enough lately from our favorite MudPapa.

Let's see... Wes, we need to know how YOU are doing (what does a new dad feel anyway? I want all the details.)...

We need to know all the wonderful sweet things you see blossoming in your beloved Bretta as she has grown into motherhood.... you know, the stuff she'd be way too embarrassed to hear....

(Wouldn't it be great if Bretta had her own cookie so she could take a playbreak around here and gush about WES????)

But mostly-- and I believe I speak for us all (which no one can seem to do on any other topic!)-- how's our MudBoy? Where are the latest pictures? What's he doing this week he's never done before?

Come on Wes! Don't be shy now! I just gotta know!

~MudAuntie Susan

03 Mar 01 - 05:12 PM (#410438)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: MMario

wouldn't mind hearing an update myself

04 Mar 01 - 12:53 AM (#410579)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: Amergin


04 Mar 01 - 04:01 AM (#410605)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: Katcina

Hi Wes,
I doubt you know of me, but I know a lot about you and Bretta through other Mudcat friends. I would certainly love to know how your family is doing now.
My prayers have been with your family for quite a while now.

Take good care of yourselves,
(aka Katcina)

04 Mar 01 - 04:13 AM (#410608)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: Quincy

Me too, me too!! I'd love to know how you all are....not that I'm nosy you understand...just interested!!

As Katcina've still been in my prayers too..

lots of love, Yvonne

04 Mar 01 - 08:43 AM (#410654)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: Áine

Dear Wesley,

Were your ears burning yesterday afternoon? Dear Hubby and I were talking about you, Mum and the new Mudbaby -- as soon as we're settled in the new house (moving date is March 30th), you have an open invitation to come visit us. Babysitting services can also be arranged *BG* -- I can't wait to get my arms around your little bundle of love! Until then, keep us updated on how he's changing everyday -- and how you are changing, too.

Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers, Áine

04 Mar 01 - 11:07 AM (#410678)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: hesperis

Info is always good. So, what's up?

04 Mar 01 - 12:08 PM (#410698)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: catspaw49

Personally Wes, I think you sre rude and crude not to at least mention things in some threads occasionally so we have to beg for info! What's your problem? You want to see us grovel?.....................Well, okay then............I'm not above grovelling.....................grovelgrovelgrovelgrovelgrovelgrovelgrovelgrovelgrovelgrovel.............Alright.... enough with the grovelling...............WHAT'S HAPPENIN' JERK?!?!?!?!?!?................geeziz, how does Bretta put up with you?

Cyber Uncle Spaw

04 Mar 01 - 02:10 PM (#410742)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: MMario

and where are the pictures! I'm seriously thinking of writing the "Proud Papa Club of America" and having a certain person drummed out of the corp.

04 Mar 01 - 02:14 PM (#410746)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?

Wesley has made some "Proud Dad" references in the threads, the most recent about a gained pound, baby fragrances and diaper changing.I think he's shy about inflicting new parent stuff on us in a "Smith Baby Thread'.
Lose the false modesty Wesley or we'll create a permathread! That will fix you.
Mudcat Aunt Mary

04 Mar 01 - 02:18 PM (#410751)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: Mrs.Duck

Teeth? Hair? Sleep habits? Number and consistency of nappies? And pictures- WE WANT PICTURES!!!!!!!!!

04 Mar 01 - 02:22 PM (#410755)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: catspaw49

.............But not of the "nappies." Been there, done that, got the T-Shirt (but I had to throw it away).


04 Mar 01 - 02:49 PM (#410775)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: katlaughing

Maybe he feels too precious and fragile that they aren't quite ready to expose him to the world via cyberspace, phoaks. Just a thought.

04 Mar 01 - 03:48 PM (#410800)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: Giac

Thinking about you and your family, Wes, hoping all is well with you.


04 Mar 01 - 04:12 PM (#410811)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: Greyeyes

Sinsull, permathread, what a cracking wheeze! Can we talk to Joe?

04 Mar 01 - 04:20 PM (#410813)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: wysiwyg



04 Mar 01 - 04:44 PM (#410820)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: GUEST,chance/fortunato

Wesley, oh Wesssssssssssssly,

Now where did that boy go? Probably snuck off to shoot rats down at the graveyard again. Wessssssssssly, are you under the house again with the dogs?

When hr comes back I want to see the pictures, too!

regards, Fortunato

04 Mar 01 - 05:50 PM (#410841)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: Lonesome EJ

Hey Wes! How's life with the little bundle of bliss? Had a full night's sleep lately? :>}


04 Mar 01 - 10:02 PM (#410948)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?

Uh Greyeyes, in the interest of preserving international relations...what the hell is a cracking wheeze????

04 Mar 01 - 10:27 PM (#410959)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: Greyeyes

Roughly translated Sinsull, it means a very good idea. I won't go into the origins of the expression.

05 Mar 01 - 12:12 AM (#410993)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: wysiwyg

Wesley, good morning! I hope you had a great weekend! Now that you're back at work, I bet you miss home already. Awwww... go ahead... gush a bit about it... puhleeeeze...


05 Mar 01 - 02:11 AM (#411035)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: Susan from California

Me too Wesley!! I wanna know! I KNOW you have pics!

05 Mar 01 - 03:32 AM (#411044)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: Michael in Swansea

C'mon Wes, tell all


05 Mar 01 - 12:20 PM (#411203)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: Wesley S

Jeez - I kinda feel like I'm center of attention now -

Brendan is doing great even tho he can be a little gasous. He's not the easiest baby to burp but he has no trouble adding to the methane content of the atmosphere from his other end { and I plan to tell his promdate about that too }. I'm sure he's up over ten pounds now - the doctor said he was 9 pounds 13 ounces and that was two weeks ago. We're letting him establish his own schedule - he's getting 5 or 6 ounces max ever 4 or 5 hours. I usually do the midnightish feeding while telling Brendan all the reasons why he should be a liberal. Since he was born premature he's considered only about 4 weeks old developmentally even though he's closer to twelve weeks old by the calendar. "Nappies" aren't nearly the chore I thought they would be but I hear that will change when he goes from formula to "solid" food. True or false?

Pictures are forthcoming. We have a borrowed digetal camera that we're trying to figure out and we had a good friend come over yesterday with her 35mm for some black and white photos. All and all Brendan is a pretty normal kid - he has trouble with a barr F chord but I keep telling him to be patient - it will come.

Also I actually was able to slip away last Saturday to the North Texas Irish Festival { I missed you Aine by about half an hour at your booth due to babysitting arrangements - I hope we get to meet soon }. Danu was wonderful - I hope everyone has a chance to hear them someday. And a band from Kansas called Gabrials Gate was very worthwhile too.

Sadly my Mother passed away two weeks ago. I've been back in Florida taking care of some "stuff" because of that. I guess I didn't make a big deal of it here because I almost feel like the posterboy of doom and tragedy around here and even though I love being the center of attention sometimes I'm a little tired of it. At first we thought it was a stroke { because that's what the doctor told us } but my sister the ER RN made them redo the CT's and they discovered the brain tumor. She went pretty quickly according to her wishes - I can only hope I go that way when it's my time. And lets hope that's thirty or forty years away. I'll always be sad that she didn't have a chance to meet or hold Brendan but I guess the plan was that she get to be with and hold our other son Patrick. Grandmas and their love are very important.

Speaking of grandmas I should rave a little bit about Brettas mom who watchs Brendan during the day. When we get home from work she has him fed, bathed, and has more than likely done some laundry, dishes, cleaning or made us a pot of turkey chili or some cookies. It's been great. She seems to love it too.

Sometime in the next week or so I hope to start a thread about Moms and the lessons they leave us with. They are amazing creatures. My respect and admiration for my wife has grown by leaps and bounds over the last few weeks. And I've always thought of her as an amazing woman to begin with. After all she had to put up with my mandolin playing while pregnant. Go figure.

Thanks everybody - If no one has told you that they love you today - I do. Wesley

05 Mar 01 - 12:26 PM (#411207)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: wysiwyg

Wes, you were pregnant while you played the mandolin?

You are so loved here, my friend.

(Now tell us all the REALLY goopy stuff you held back.

Or not.)

That bit about Patrick and his granny-- do you know the lovely feeling it gives us to hear you say that? When you take the center spot, you know, it's actually good for us all.


05 Mar 01 - 12:32 PM (#411215)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: Wesley S

Dang me - I left out the car wreck. On my first day back to work last week I was sitting at a red light when my new car { 1350 miles } and I were rear ended { in a not so good way } by a 20 something girl who was looking down for her chocolate milk and all of a sudden "There you were". Then she told me that her insurance had expired - "But her boyfriend was going to have it started up again today - that's OK isn't it ??" I assured her that insurance companies are far more concerned with your intent and what is in your heart as opposed to mundane details like if you've paid your bill or not.

At least I'm laughing about this one - I can see where this fits into on the scale of importance. It's just a car. Life goes on.

05 Mar 01 - 12:35 PM (#411218)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: MMario

Thanks Wes. what she said.

05 Mar 01 - 01:00 PM (#411238)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: Áine

Dear Wes,

It's so good to hear that you're able to laugh as you travel up and down life's road. Like my mama always said, "There's no trick to getting on in life -- you just keep putting one foot in front of the other." It's also great to hear that our little Mudbaby is being looked after by such a wonderful Grandma. No more mother-in-law jokes in your house from now on, huh? *BG* And of course Bretta is a fantastic, fabulous Mom -- she married you, didn't she? With such impecable taste, how could she be anything but fantastic and fabulous?

Once our move to the new house is complete, the babysitting offer still goes - just in case Grandma wants a break now and then - and the service will come pretty cheap, too -- I'll trade for you bringing your mandolin over and showing me a few things on it. How's that sound?

And to echo the wise Weezie, you are very loved here. That's what families are for, don't ya know.

Hugs and snogs to all there, Áine

05 Mar 01 - 01:24 PM (#411264)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?

Thanks Wes. And yes the diapers will change with the diet. Don't yours?

05 Mar 01 - 02:06 PM (#411301)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: katlaughing

Wes, good to hear from you. What you have said about your mom, Bretta, and Brendan is just beautiful...they are all very fortunate to have you as part of their lives, as we are, too.

Thanks, dear friend,


05 Mar 01 - 02:30 PM (#411324)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: wysiwyg

I may have neglected to mention to Wes that he has been one of my strongest role models. He makes a Sugar Dog look like a stinky unhousebroken pup. But then he turns around and loves them stinky unhousebroken pups till they remember they is a sugar dog an' might could act like it.

Of course he'll be the first one to tell you it ain't him, it's HIM, but then it's Wes who keeps deciding to follow That role model.


05 Mar 01 - 08:42 PM (#411617)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: Irish sergeant

Wesley: Having followed bits and pieces of what's going on in this thread, let me first offer condolences for your mother. Don't have any kids of my own but got dragooned into babysitting nieces and nephews frequently once they hit solid food, the nappies become eligible for toxic waste status. I have to admire your humor in the face of all the adversity you've seen recently. My prayers are with you, Bretta and Brendan. God bless and keep us informed. Kindest reguards, Neil

05 Mar 01 - 09:59 PM (#411678)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: catspaw49

Wes, thank you. We are always here and we are here to share the highs and the lows. But you know that don't you?

Now let's talk diapers!

I've got a whole raft of diaper stories but its best to just let you find out for yourself. Here's a few tips though................

---When you're getting bored and ready for a laugh, use a marker and write stuff on the seat of the diaper. You know, things like, "Beware Jet Blast" or draw a toxic waste symbol on it......then take pictures. I figure I can blackmail Michael into taking care of Karen and I in our old age.

---NEVER make up black icing for a Mickey Mouse cake. Mickey looks real authentic, but when it emerges from the other end, you will need to bathe the kid every time you change his diaper. We thought we were going to have to soak Michael's ass in BLEACH to get the stuff off!!!

---I cannot describe the color of the stuff created by "Fruit Loops"..........completely disgusting.

---Michael used to love eating the chamomile flowers off the plant. We didn't notice until it was too late that he was eating the dirt too. When you find small pebbles in your son's diaper, the words "solid food" will have new meaning.

---Should Brendan get into "Poop Art" I recommend duct tape, double wrapped.


05 Mar 01 - 10:14 PM (#411689)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: Sarah2

Ah, Wes, the solid food're just gonna love it.

WARNING WARNING WARNING! Once he's sitting up on his own and seems to be sleeping all night, and you think you can just catch a few more ZZZZZs because one morning you can hear him cooing happily in his crib, DON'T DO IT. Get up immediately and go take care of the problem: My darling baby boy had discovered the contents of his diaper and painted the entire crib with it...Hours of cleanup.


05 Mar 01 - 10:20 PM (#411694)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: wysiwyg

Hey, come on! They don't ALL do that! Mine didn't, nor did Hardiman's two, nor did any of my daycare babies.

Nor did I! (Is anyone here going to admit they did???)

Since it is probably genetic, if YOU didn't, YOURS won't.



06 Mar 01 - 12:29 AM (#411778)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: Ebbie

Love this thread. Wes, you bring out the gentleness in us all. Give Bretta and Brendan an extra hug for me.

And the nappies are not bad, they just are. You'll deal with them.


06 Mar 01 - 01:24 AM (#411803)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: GUEST,Dancing Mom

Congrats on your newest addition to the family. What a loving thread. As long as we're all discussing diapers, beware of what all baby boys are famous for ( or infamous!)Watch out when you take off that diaper!

06 Mar 01 - 01:41 PM (#412098)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: Hollowfox

First off, I'm glad you're alive after the car accident; not just for us at the 'Cat, of course, but for your, Bretta, and Brendan's sakes. I'm sorry to hear that your mother passed away; she didn't get a chance to hold Brendan, but she knew that all is well with him. And get this straight - you're not the posterboy of doom and tragedy. Now have another of those cookies from your mother-in-law, and practice a scurrulous song or two for your midnight conference with Brendan. (suggested sings; Why Don't They Make Diapers in a Pale Yellow Color, and You Ain't Done Nothin' if You Ain't Been Called a Red. Slow the tempo on this last one and it will do just fine.)

06 Mar 01 - 02:03 PM (#412114)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: Wesley S

Hollowfox - I think I'll need the words and tunes for those two songs. Lay 'em on me.

06 Mar 01 - 02:04 PM (#412116)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: Mrs.Duck

Ah 'spaw you just reminded me of my one and only visit to America. Little Duckling was about 15 months and as we don't have fruit loops in the UK I was totally unprepared for the result and very nearly headed for the nearest hospital!!
Sand is another good one-we told Rowan we were having a picnic so he ate all the sand which is there!A few mouthfuls of concrete and we could have built that extra bedroom we need!

06 Mar 01 - 02:17 PM (#412129)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: Wesley S

OK - I'll bite { HMMM - bad choice of words } what is the Fruit Loop Result ?? The title of a bad spy novel?

06 Mar 01 - 02:19 PM (#412133)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: catspaw49

Go back up and read my post agin Wes.


06 Mar 01 - 02:29 PM (#412144)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: JedMarum

Great stuff, Wesley; thanks for the update/s. Sorry I missed you at NTIF, but it sounds like you caught some excellent shows. I caught a bit of Danu myself, and enjoyed meeting them. I also spent as much time as I could at the Ed Miller/Brian MacNeill/John Taylor shows. In spite of the Sat weather, it was a grand festival.

I am sorry to hear about your mother's passing, but glad to see your humor and enjoyment in the other life stories! I was 'tagged' in the rear end while stopped at a red light a few ago, too. It's hard to believe, but I guess it happens. The guy who hit us was likewise, without insurance - must be a different set of rules for the uninsured! We hope to get our vehicle back this week.

Glad to hear that your family is well. Hope to see you at a YOBB session one-o-these-days.

06 Mar 01 - 02:41 PM (#412154)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: Kim C

smoochie woochie!

06 Mar 01 - 03:03 PM (#412175)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: Hollowfox

I'll see if I can scare up the words, or where to get them, when I get home tonight. Oh, and be ready to have certain adjustments to both viewpoint and sense of humor at this point in the proto-housebreaking saga, things that the non-diapering crowd won't understand. Like the time somebody put a pot of brown mustard on the table, and it was just the exact right/wrong color...I started laughing so hard I couldn't stop to explain why I wasn't using the mustard, or what was so funny in an otherwise un-hilarious'll see.

06 Mar 01 - 03:09 PM (#412185)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: wysiwyg

See Wes, being "threaded " isn't so bad.


Now we need to get Bretta posting too.


06 Mar 01 - 03:13 PM (#412186)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: wysiwyg

.. hmmmmmmmmm........ don'tcha think.... to really do this RIGHT.... that Wes and Bretta ought to have.... a PC at home...... so Brendan could do PalTalk? Imagine if his MudAunties and MudUncles could sing him to sleep, or if we could hear Wes sing to him.... and I am SURE we would all LOVE to hear Brendan....

Yup. I think I will pray that it happen JUST LIKE THAT.

Wes, look out. It may fall from the sky, ya know. Be sure to accept it graciously if it does.


06 Mar 01 - 03:22 PM (#412201)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?

Years ago I sold tabletting sugars for making childen's chewable vitamins. They came in a rainbow of colors and I had some some really pretty sample kits. One of my customers took one home and gave it to his children to sprinkle on their cereal. Kids being kids, they ate it ALL and then complained that the red wasn't cherry flavored. All was well for a day or two until the non-water soluble dry lakes started appearing in diapers and toilets. The panicked mother took the kids to a hospital; I had to supply ingredient statements...and never again gave a sample without a warning. That's pretty much the Fruit Loops Story too, Wes. Same thing happens when they eat crayons. Technicolor poop.

06 Mar 01 - 03:46 PM (#412215)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: Amergin

Yeah, Wes, it appears to me that Susan is willing to foot the bill herself....

06 Mar 01 - 03:52 PM (#412220)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: wysiwyg

Oh sure. God's gonna win me that lottery any day now. Unless He has Nathan win it first.

No, I really believe in prayer. I think it will happen.


06 Mar 01 - 05:48 PM (#412296)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: Mrs.Duck

Yep Wes! that's it technicolor diapers-and lots of it!

06 Mar 01 - 06:02 PM (#412305)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: Wesley S

Truth be known we have a computer at home. We just never get on line there. Our time at home should be just that - time at home with the family. I don't mind posting here at work but I'd hate to take time away from my family by sitting in front of the computer. There are too many other things I want to and have to do. I'm going home now to tickle my baby. See you in the morning.

06 Mar 01 - 06:17 PM (#412319)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: wysiwyg



07 Mar 01 - 12:35 PM (#412837)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: Wesley S

I just got a call that at todays doctor visit our little stinker Brendan has a weight of 10 pounds 15 ounces and is 22.5 inches long. The doctor says he's in the 95 percentile for height and weight. Thats a good report.

07 Mar 01 - 12:37 PM (#412840)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: GUEST,Matt_R

Good news, Wes! Brendan is 7lbs lighter than my cat!

07 Mar 01 - 12:50 PM (#412852)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: MMario

That is a good report! Thanks for the update, Wes.

07 Mar 01 - 01:44 PM (#412897)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: wysiwyg


There was one month when my son grew three inches in length. You really CAN stand there and watch them grow while they sleep! Sounds like he's really taking off. Better start baby-proofing now!


05 Sep 01 - 11:36 AM (#542513)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: wysiwyg

What's new, Wes?


05 Sep 01 - 12:08 PM (#542542)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: MMario

Are we ever gonna get pictures? Pene is back and doing a great job on the resource pages.

05 Sep 01 - 12:35 PM (#542567)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?

???????? Aunt SINS is not happy! Careful or I'll send you a kitten.

05 Sep 01 - 01:32 PM (#542647)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: Mrrzy

I'm going to assume that 95% is adjusted for prematurity or you'd have one BIG boy on your hands... and somehow, my sons never did the jetstream thing when having their diapers changed, I feel as if I've missed something...

But really, Wes, it's nice to hear all the good stuff, which includes your take on the bad stuff too. My condolences on new car and old Mom, not necessarily in that order.

05 Sep 01 - 02:12 PM (#542694)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: Wesley S

OK,OK,OK - Update time -

Brendan is doing quite well. He's up to 18 pounds and except for one little bout with a cold and ear infection last week he's been very healthy. I did discover while he was sick that it only takes .0004 seconds for a smiling baby to Linda Blair an 8 ounce bottle of formula all over Dad. And an afternoon at work covered in used formula odors has it's own pecular reward - welcome to parenthood.

His disposition is wonderful. He never seems to cry at all. He's patient and loves to cuddle. And his awareness seems to grow in leaps and bounds. Lately I've taken to whistling tunes to him and he's trying to copy me. We can't help but laugh when he puts his lips together and blows { sounds like a line from a Bogart movie }.

He still has what people are calling "blueberry" eyes and his hair seems to be auburn. He laughs and smiles alot { most likely AT his parents not WITH them }. He wakes up in a great mood - unlike his dad - and he's been sleeping through the night since he was about three nights old. He'll be nine months old in about a week. He's not nearly as much work as I thought he was going to be. I would guess Bretta would agree with me. At least that's what she says. How can a snugglebug be considered work?

We have our own digital camera so I hope to post some pictures soon. Stay on my case and I'll get around to it.

As far as band news - we recently added a string bass player and that has made a world of difference. It's so easy to stay in a groove when you have this huge wooden box whomping along next to you. He's a great musician with a great personality and work ethic. What a find.

Lunch hour is over - more later. Thanks friends.

05 Sep 01 - 02:19 PM (#542698)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: Wesley S

Excuse me - he's been sleeping through the night since he was three MONTHS old. Not three NIGHTS old. He's good - but not that good.

05 Sep 01 - 02:21 PM (#542700)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: wysiwyg

Song Challenge:

Add on everyone? Wes edit?




Blueberry eyes look up in full love

Light of heaven abounding

05 Sep 01 - 02:29 PM (#542704)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: MMario

three nights, three months - my niece didn't sleep through the night until after she was three YEARS!!!!!!!

any words yet? crawling?

05 Sep 01 - 03:57 PM (#542797)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?

Lucky you, Wes. Still have one kitten ready to go. When do we see a picture of those blueberry eyes?

06 Sep 01 - 11:48 AM (#543446)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: Fortunato

(Late as usual) hope you see this, Wesley. I'm sorry about your Mom. Very tough thing to go through. I hope you're as ok as you sound.
By the way of commiseration, I bought a new car 2 years ago and was hit twice in the first 3 weeks. I'd only just gotten it out of the shop from the first one. And the other driver was a woman I knew!
I'm thrilled Bretta and Brendan are well and thriving. My job has not taken me to Dallas since that last time, but I hope to see you sometime again. Please say hello to all there for me. All the best. Chance

06 Sep 01 - 01:43 PM (#543568)
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
From: Mrs.Duck

Sleeping through - what's that!!!!