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BS: My son made me so proud!!!

11 Mar 01 - 12:43 AM (#414995)
Subject: My son made me so proud!!!
From: Deni

At the tender age of 18, my son, who is usually shy, wrote some songs and decided to do something with them. Within a few weeks, he had been accepted on to the BBC online website, (which publicises local demos) a colour picture of him, (in our front room - how publicity-unaware is that?) appeared in the local paper, got taken on a course which will coach him in promoting himself in the music industry, and cinched a modest but useful job at a recording studio. and all this when he cruised through school and we thought he'd messed up.

it isn't folk, but what the hell. I'm chuffed, chuffed, chuffed!!!!!

11 Mar 01 - 12:47 AM (#414997)
Subject: RE: BS: My son made me so proud!!!
From: Sorcha

Well Good O then! See, you didn't do such a bad job with him, now, did you? Be proud of yourself too! Here's a glass raised to Deni's boy!!

11 Mar 01 - 12:55 AM (#415005)
Subject: RE: BS: My son made me so proud!!!
From: Deni

Thanks Sorcha. That raise-a-glass thing brought tears to my eyes. I mean it.

Congratulations Matthew.

11 Mar 01 - 12:58 AM (#415010)
Subject: RE: BS: My son made me so proud!!!
From: Sorcha

Deni, you go and tell your Matthew I'm proud of him too! It's hard to come out and send your private stuff. Then, go to bed, and get some sleep, OK?!!

11 Mar 01 - 01:14 AM (#415020)
Subject: RE: BS: My son made me so proud!!!
From: Amos

Why is Sorcha sending everyone to bed tonight? Congrats Deni -- here's to you for raising a lad who Can.


11 Mar 01 - 01:18 AM (#415025)
Subject: RE: BS: My son made me so proud!!!
From: Sorcha

Cause I'm the MOM, and cause I WANT TO!! No, really, it was a ref. Deni made on another thread. Go to bed, Amos! (yea, I know it's only 10:30 where you are. It's only 11:30 where I am, but I think it's 4:30 AM where Deni is.....)

11 Mar 01 - 01:45 AM (#415037)
Subject: RE: BS: My son made me so proud!!!
From: katlaughing

That is Wonderful, Deni! Congratulations to you and to Matthew! Wow...just wonderful! The good parenting always shows up in the end...:-)


11 Mar 01 - 02:05 AM (#415046)
Subject: RE: BS: My son made me so proud!!!
From: Spud Murphy

My goodness, Deni. Life does indeed have hope? Good show!


11 Mar 01 - 03:52 AM (#415061)
Subject: RE: BS: My son made me so proud!!!
From: BlueJay

Very good, Deni. Congrats to you and Matthew. I am also very proud of my 22 year old daughter, who returned to flute playing about a year ago, after quitting it in grade school. The first song she learned was "Dream of a Miner's Child", as performed by Doc Watson. Since then, she has developed the ability to play by ear to any style of music, from Irish to Blues. Her playing has really enhanced, and in fact was probably the catalyst for the music we play.

It's so cool to see your children develop any talent. When it is a talent or interest you share, it is especially meaningful.

Deni- Do you play or sing? If so, I would highly encourage you to try it with Matthew.

Matthew- While I don't know your musical style, you are obviously quite musically aware. Hook up with your mom on a few tunes. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Thanks, BlueJay

11 Mar 01 - 06:14 AM (#415077)
Subject: RE: BS: My son made me so proud!!!
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Deni and Matthew, join my voice to the happy cheers! My son Dylan is 15 and is beginning to compose amazing things. I don't know what he plans to do with his music, but you've given me hope that there's a future for him, too. Here's to the next generation!

11 Mar 01 - 06:23 AM (#415081)
Subject: RE: BS: My son made me so proud!!!
From: Mr Red

If he's been exposed to folk it will wait for him. Doing what his contempories can relate to is going to keep him busy and funded I would hope. But when he needs to review his options, there's always "what you know".

11 Mar 01 - 11:57 AM (#415205)
Subject: RE: BS: My son made me so proud!!!
From: CarolC

Congratulations Matthew and Deni!


11 Mar 01 - 12:12 PM (#415215)
Subject: RE: BS: My son made me so proud!!!
From: wdyat12


I know how you feel. It's one of the best feelings in the world to see your child have some success. I recently have experienced these feelings with my son Ben who has worked very hard to deal with his disease and start a freelance computer software business.

Three cheers for Matthew and Ben!!!


11 Mar 01 - 12:26 PM (#415222)
Subject: RE: BS: My son made me so proud!!!
From: catspaw49

All I can do is echo everyone else. Kids can be great can't they??? Nothin' quite like that feeling you have now. My best to both of you.


11 Mar 01 - 01:27 PM (#415262)
Subject: RE: BS: My son made me so proud!!!

Great kids. Great parents. Damn! I'm all warm and fuzzy again. Congratulations, Matthew and Ben.

11 Mar 01 - 01:34 PM (#415267)
Subject: RE: BS: My son made me so proud!!!
From: Hawker

I'm proud for you & Matthew
Good on the lad!
It makes you feel all warm inside when you realise you did good just being there!
I'll raise a glass or two myself tonite to you & yours.

11 Mar 01 - 02:28 PM (#415312)
Subject: RE: BS: My son made me so proud!!!
From: Lonesome EJ

Deni, do you have the web address where his songs can be heard? I'd really like to hear his stuff.

Congratulations Matthew!


11 Mar 01 - 04:24 PM (#415387)
Subject: RE: BS: My son made me so proud!!!
From: tiggerdooley

Deni, I'm really pleased for your son. It's nice to see somebody do well, especially when they deserve it - and it sounds like he does. But also, I must congratulate you on being so supportive and proud, proud enough to start a thread telling your friends all about his success, proud enough to stay up late discussing it. Maybe having a mum like you is what gave him the courage to share his music with the world.
Well done both of you!!


11 Mar 01 - 08:21 PM (#415567)
Subject: RE: BS: My son made me so proud!!!
From: DancingMom

Having your love and support has made all the difference for Matt, I'm sure. CONGRATULATIONS!! I'd like to hear it, too. *:)

11 Mar 01 - 08:38 PM (#415580)
Subject: RE: BS: My son made me so proud!!!
From: MMario

*THIS* is part of what makes the MudCat great! To hear about milestones in people's lives...

Congrats to all!

11 Mar 01 - 11:13 PM (#415627)
Subject: RE: BS: My son made me so proud!!!
From: Ferrara

Oh, Deni, this is fine. Matthew must have a fountain of talent.

Enjoy the good feelings. Raising them is a scary business and it's great when you see them start to come into their own!

Rita Ferrara

12 Mar 01 - 03:49 AM (#415675)
Subject: RE: BS: My son made me so proud!!!
From: Ebbie



12 Mar 01 - 12:50 PM (#415796)
Subject: RE: BS: My son made me so proud!!!
From: Hollowfox

Congratulations, Matthew, you did well!
Congratulations, Deni, fo rturning him on to the good stuff, and for letting us all know.

12 Mar 01 - 01:12 PM (#415810)
Subject: RE: BS: My son made me so proud!!!
From: Gervase

Deni, you've got every right to feel darned proud, as has Matthew.
I'm always amazed when kids turn out well, given that they get people like us as parents, and there are no instruction books or even any hints as to how the change the batteries.
And the more so, given the guff that's written about "parenting" these days. As an antidote, there's a good review of a new book on the subject in this week's New Statesman that will have many a parent muttering in agreement.
Meanwhile, them as has done it right, like Deni, deserve to pour themselves a drink and think "Phew!"
Well done. Now, just start working on his taste in music...

12 Mar 01 - 10:33 PM (#416297)
Subject: RE: BS: My son made me so proud!!!
From: Tinker

Raise a cheer all around and celebrate in fine form for us all...


13 Mar 01 - 01:36 AM (#416376)
Subject: RE: BS: My son made me so proud!!!
From: Deni

Great bunch of people all congratulating Matt. All your kids achievements have my positive good wishes and love too.

Bit of a laugh, the thought of singing with him though, Blue Jay. Maybe we'll try something he won't find too out of the way. He and my other boy call some of my music, Hard Core Folk. I normally sing with his step dad, but our two little girls 10 & 6 sometimes sing with us, and I know Hawker's sing with her and their Dad, because I've been at a singaround with them. The sight of these four little girls singing with their parents warms us better than alcohol. And they say we haven't got enough youngsters coming into folk music. Maybe there's another thread tehre. Hawker and I sometimes maon that the singarounds aren't child friendly. Our 4 sit under tables and colour and keep really quiet until a song comes up they can join in with! All say AAHHH

Lonesome EJ.(You're not really lonesome are you?) He has only got the demo of one song up at the moment. It's called Dreams, and the chorus goes, 'did you fulfil your dreams... The lyrics made me wonder what he's been hiding behind that calm exterior. It's scary to realise what your children think about and how deep the thoughts go. The address is

The section is called Devon Demos and is reached through entertainments/music

Cheers pals.

13 Mar 01 - 04:55 AM (#416430)
Subject: RE: BS: My son made me so proud!!!
From: JulieF

Well done Matthew. Its great when you see it coming together. We are at the stage with our almost 16 year old where we are standing back and just going with what ever she decides. It's difficult not to push when you've been guiding for over 15 years. Still so far so good.

All the best


13 Mar 01 - 06:28 AM (#416448)
Subject: RE: BS: My son made me so proud!!!
From: menzze

I would like to congratulate too
and besides I feel a bit sad because I really tried a lot to get my two sons,19 and 17, into folk music or at least muisc at all. Both of them wanted to learn trumpet. Ok, not my favourite instrument, but I looked for a teacher, for lessons, for instruments.....within three years time the thing was eaten. My eldest sold his trumpet last week and they are both into techno and house and this kind of music but only as listeners. A little glimpse of hope with David, the youngster,who came up to our rehearsal room a couple of times during the past three months. He seems to regain a little interest in making music since seeing his dad not only playing trad. folk music but folk-rock and starts to become interested how to handle the mixing board.
Maybe not all the hope is completely gone.

All my best wishes to you and your musical family and raise a glass from me for your son.


13 Mar 01 - 11:45 PM (#417094)
Subject: RE: BS: My son made me so proud!!!
From: GUEST,Norton1

I have a bumper sticker that, I think, says it all.

"I am the proud parent of my children."

14 Mar 01 - 08:55 PM (#417819)
Subject: RE: BS: My son made me so proud!!!
From: menzze

that's a good one, Norton, really like thatone.