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We won with Henry Martin! From Adam

11 Mar 01 - 01:21 PM (#415257)
Subject: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam
From: GUEST,Adam, a 5th grade Destination Imagination me

I want to let everyone know that helped me and gave me information about the song Henry Martin that my team won first place at our tournement yesterday. We also won the DaVinci award which is the highest award in Destination Imagination because the judges thought it was gutsy that 5 boys would sing a whole ballad. They liked the way I played my violin because every time I sung I plucked the tune like a guitar. They thought the beheading scene was really funny. They liked our kilts which we made by dying old sheets red and stencil painting the Cameron pattern in green. Our coach didnt think we had a chance of winning because our team is fourth and fifth graders who had to compete with 6th-8th graders. I think we were the only team who used music as the work of art. I really wwnt to thank Deckman because he is in a way in the skit. The last thing I said is "I would like to give a quote from deckman from the mudcat cafe. One of the most wonderful things about folk music are the things left unsaid. By leaving alot of the details out The author requires you the listener to fill in the spaces. This gives the listener free reign of imagination."Thanks to deckman and everyone that gave me help. We will be going to the state tournement April 21. We are excited!

11 Mar 01 - 01:23 PM (#415259)
Subject: RE: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam

Adam, Congratulations!!!! Where is the state tournament held? Maybe we can get you some moral support. Deckman - you did good!

11 Mar 01 - 01:25 PM (#415261)
Subject: RE: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam
From: katlaughing

WOW-O-WOW!!! Congratulations, Adam and THANKS for telling us about it. Be sure to let us know how State goes, too, eh?!


11 Mar 01 - 01:27 PM (#415263)
Subject: RE: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam
From: Sorcha

Adam and Team, that is Wonderful!! Congratulations to all of you. Your note made my day! We really would like to know what state you are in, somebody from Mudcat just might show up at your State tourney.

11 Mar 01 - 01:35 PM (#415271)
Subject: RE: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam
From: Malcolm Douglas

Well done!


11 Mar 01 - 01:37 PM (#415272)
Subject: RE: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam
From: Allan C.

Great news! Wonderful imagination!

(Could someone please post a link to the original thread to which this refers? Thanks!)

11 Mar 01 - 02:03 PM (#415291)
Subject: RE: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam
From: katlaughing

Good idea, Allan, here ya go:

Henry Martin;

To Deckman from Adam

11 Mar 01 - 02:06 PM (#415295)
Subject: RE: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam
From: Amos

HOOOORah, Deckman, Adam and Company!!! Way to go!!


11 Mar 01 - 02:45 PM (#415318)
Subject: RE: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam
From: GUEST,Adam, a 5th grade D.I. member

I live in Ohio. The state tournament is held in Hilliard on April 21. I think Hilliard is close to Columbus. I dont know what time our team is performing yet. I can let you know when I find out.

11 Mar 01 - 03:01 PM (#415331)
Subject: RE: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam
From: wdyat12

Congratulations Adam and Company!!!

I look forward to hearing more from you in future threads. I wager you will WOW them again in future competitions. You are very smart for a 5th grader. I wish I had more students as clever as you.


11 Mar 01 - 03:09 PM (#415335)
Subject: RE: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam
From: catspaw49

Congratulations Adam!!!! Quite an achievement and Deckman is quite a folkie, a man who knows how to pass it along.

Hilliard is a suburb of Columbus, on the west side, just outside of the 270 outerbelt. I have some health things happening which makes it tough for me to schedule April and May, but if its at all possible, I would love to be there and will do my best to make it. I live southeast of Columbus and I can't think of a better way to spend the day.

Will you post the details here if you can? If I can make it, we'll take some pictures and post them here too.

Again, congratulations!!!

Spaw (Pat Patterson, Bremen, Ohio)

11 Mar 01 - 03:19 PM (#415344)
Subject: RE: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam
From: Giac@Brian's

Oh, way to go, Adam and friends! Best of luck in your state competition.


11 Mar 01 - 04:56 PM (#415415)
Subject: RE: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam
From: Deckman

To Adam from Deckman .... GOOD ON YOU! Why am I not surprised! Obviously your enthusiam caught on with everyone and your hours of planning and practice were rewarded. I'd like to suggest a few more ballads to explore. These may or may not catch your interest, but they have captured my interest over the years. Another ballad in the same adventursome spirit is "Brennon the Moor." This ballad is from England. Then there is "The Pirate Song" ("My boats by the tower, My barks on the bay), much more romantic, but again, the absence of details are delicous)((also from England)). I would also suggest a poem, "The Hiwaymen", by Alred Noyes (as I recall). And ... the great American tale of "John Henry" ... and a wonderful ballad from Canada, "Peter Amberly." Your school teachers and librarians will help you find these, I'm sure. By the way, I do worry a little that so many mudcatters may suggest so many interesting ballads to you that you will feel overwhelmed ... we are an enthusiatic bunch. Again, congradulations ... keep it up. CHEERS, the deckman

11 Mar 01 - 04:56 PM (#415416)
Subject: RE: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam
From: Morticia

Congratulations Adam and your four friends. You sound like a very clever and enterprising young man to me and deserve your success ,you clearly worked hard for it.I look forward to hearing from you in the future and you just better remember to tell us how you did in the State competition! ( I'd be there but it's a long way from England :)

11 Mar 01 - 08:58 PM (#415588)
Subject: RE: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam
From: MMario

I can't believe I missed these threads the first time around. Congratulations to Adam and your team!

Deckman's made some great suggestions. Good Luck with the State competition

11 Mar 01 - 09:26 PM (#415609)
Subject: RE: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam
From: Noreen

Lovely, Adam. Thanks so much for telling us about it, and all the best for April 21st.


12 Mar 01 - 10:15 AM (#415720)
Subject: RE: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Adam, that's just great. Good for you and for your team! I hope this inspires you to look into the other songs Deckman suggested, not for competing, but just for fun- isn't it great that songs can be as fun and exciting as movies, books or tv? More so, since they leave so much scope for the imagination!
Good luck at the competition- I live hundreds of miles away and will be busy that weekend, but I wish you all the best!

More (((((for Deckman)))))

12 Mar 01 - 10:23 AM (#415725)
Subject: RE: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler

I echo all above plus how nice it is when guests, particularly young guests, take trouble to thank 'Catters for their help. We (well, not me obviously,I know NOTHING)send so much information out into the ether, often without knowing if anyone has returned to harvest it and rarely with any acknowledgement.
RtS (pompous old fart)

12 Mar 01 - 11:47 AM (#415759)
Subject: RE: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam
From: Maryrrf

Adam, let me add my congratulations to the list! I'm so thrilled that someone your age realizes that traditional songs are works of art and they are a very neglected but important part of our heritage and culture. When I was in high school in the sixties and early seventies many of the old ballads were presented to us as literature (which they are!)and were accorded the attention they deserve. Not too long ago after one of my performances a person in the audience came up and spoke to me. He was a high school teacher and said that he wished his students could hear me, because the songs really brought many historical events and periods to life. I volunteered to perform for his class but he said the ballads didn't fit into any of his lessons and he had to concentrate on the prescribed SOL's (standards of learning). Ballads and such, he said, are considered to be subversive leftover junk from the sixties. What a shame. Adam, I am proud of you and your group! I hope you win the State competition!!!!!

12 Mar 01 - 12:00 PM (#415770)
Subject: RE: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam
From: Sorcha

Don't we have some other Ohio Catters that could maybe go to Adam's competiton?

12 Mar 01 - 01:37 PM (#415826)
Subject: RE: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam
From: Hollowfox

Congratulations, Adam and the Rest of the Team! Not just because you got the prize, but because you did the research yourselves, and because you pulled it off even when your coach wasn't so sure. Thanks so much for letting us know how things turned out - I was wondering. I can't get off work that day, or I'd drive down from Youngstown just to see your performance. Have fun, and good luck at the state level (in that order)*g*

12 Mar 01 - 09:08 PM (#416221)
Subject: RE: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam
From: GUEST,Adam, a 5th grade D.I. member

Me and my mom found something funny today when we were reading the judge sheet from the competition. we found out that 2 of the 4 judges had Scottish last names. I think that's why they liked my team so much. And guess what else. At 8:10 this morning I turned 11.

12 Mar 01 - 09:18 PM (#416226)
Subject: RE: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam
From: Malcolm Douglas

Happy birthday, Adam; from the proud owner of a Scottish name.


12 Mar 01 - 09:44 PM (#416246)
Subject: RE: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam
From: catspaw49

Sorcha, did you read my post here or not Dear?

I would like Adam to post some info on this thread regarding time and such.......I'm only about 50 miles from Hilliard and if I'm not in the hospital or whatever on April 21, we will be there.


12 Mar 01 - 09:58 PM (#416264)
Subject: RE: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam
From: Tinker

Happy Birthday and Congratulations.

Sorry I missed this til today. I've got sons in both 4th and 6th grade and they've recently discovered that ballads can be full of murder and mayham and mom doesn't even disapprove. I wish New Jersey was closer, but I'll be waiting to here how the State Competition goes. Good Luck


12 Mar 01 - 09:59 PM (#416269)
Subject: RE: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam
From: Sorcha

Yes, Pat, I did, but you said you might not be able to go because of health reasons, so I just stuck that in.....I hope you can go, I wish I could!

12 Mar 01 - 10:12 PM (#416281)
Subject: RE: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam
From: kytrad (Jean Ritchie)

Adam- Happy Birthday from another Scottish name and a life-long ballad singer, and BIG congratulations! Jean Ritchie

13 Mar 01 - 03:52 AM (#416421)
Subject: RE: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam
From: Banjer

Congratulations, Adam and company...It is really grand knowing that there are those youngsters like you and your group that will carry on the traditions of the music we love!! Deckman has provided some good leads for you. I might add as a suggestion that you listen to as many of the different trad groups as you can to get a feel for the different styles of ballads. Really wish I could make it to your state competition, but Florida is a long haul! Congrats on you previous and good luck on your future endeavors. Like the rest I will look forward to updates!

13 Mar 01 - 04:16 AM (#416427)
Subject: RE: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam
From: sian, west wales

Adam, you have positively made my day! Just the sort of Good News story we need to hear!

If we're adding songs for the future, my vote is The Maid on the Shore - yeh, I know you're 5 boys but that could make it all the more fun!

Now, I think these guys had better have Mudcat emblems before they get much more famous. Doesn't the 'Cat have sew-on badges or something? If someone let's me know how much they are, I'd be happy to send Mastercard details (or whatever - I have some Canadian cash) to whoever...


13 Mar 01 - 07:59 AM (#416475)
Subject: RE: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam
From: GUEST,Adam, a 5th grade D.I. member

There was a preliminary schedule in our winners packet. It has different regions in time slots. Right now they have us a 9:40 for our skit. I don't know which building. It will be held at the Hilliard Scioto-Darby school system. This schedule might change. I think my family is going to go friday and stay till sunday.

13 Mar 01 - 10:53 AM (#416563)
Subject: RE: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam
From: catspaw49

Adam, here is my e-mail address:

You or your Mom can write me and give me the info as you get it. I'm looking forward to seeing and hearing you in April.

Spaw (Pat Patterson, Bremen, Ohio)

13 Mar 01 - 12:13 PM (#416626)
Subject: RE: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam
From: GUEST,Adam's mom

If anyone out their would like to see the tournement results, you can go to Destination Imagination, Then Ohio Destination Imagination, then region 15. Their problem was called "Anonymously Yours" middle division. Their team is Longcoy elementary. Adam was also on a team with his gifted education class. Their problem was called "Incredible Tech-Effects" elementary division. The team is listed under Longcoy at Davey. They placed second. Thanks to all who have written to him. It's nice to know that this team has such a following. I bet no other team has so much outside support. I did not want Adam to participate on this team this year because he was already on another team. Adam tends to over extend himself. But he begged and I gave in. I'm so glad I did!

By the way, his team name is the "Plaid Pirates"

13 Mar 01 - 03:32 PM (#416806)
Subject: RE: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam
From: catspaw49

Okay Adam fans.......It takes some manuevering about, but this is a neat site and a fine program. Click Here for Ohio Destination Imagination and then follow the instructions from Adam's Mom.

Thanks "Mom"......


13 Mar 01 - 10:05 PM (#417045)
Subject: RE: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam
From: CarolC

Whoa... Just now saw this for the first time.

Congratulations, Adam! What a wonderful accomplishment! Good luck at the state level.


01 May 01 - 10:18 AM (#452843)
Subject: RE: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam
From: sian, west wales

Just remembered that April 21 has been and gone and so, with it, Adam's competition.

Any news?????


02 May 01 - 11:12 AM (#453835)
Subject: RE: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam
From: Noreen

There was another thread, Sian, which dealt with this, but I can't seem to find it. Anyone?