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Help: Assassins

27 Mar 01 - 12:38 PM (#426640)
Subject: Assassins
From: GUEST,Les B

There are several songs and tunes about the assassins who shot various American presidents in the 1800's --

"Charlie Guiteau done shot down a good man, good man..", "McKinnely he hollered, McKinnely he squalled, the doc said McKinnely I can't find the ball.." and "Booth Shot Lincoln" --

Are there any songs about more recent assassins, or their attempts ?? ie - Kennedy - Hinkely/Regan - the woman (?) who tried to take out Ford, etc.

27 Mar 01 - 01:05 PM (#426665)
Subject: RE: Help: Assassins
From: LR Mole

Name was Sarah Jane Moore, I think."Who dodged Sarah Moore..." Sorry.

27 Mar 01 - 01:19 PM (#426684)
Subject: RE: Help: Assassins
From: Mountain Dog

Lynette "Squeaky" Frome of Manson Family infamy also made an attempt on Ford's life. Don't know of any songs based on her exploits...nor can I think of a good reason for one.

27 Mar 01 - 01:22 PM (#426688)
Subject: RE: Help: Assassins
From: GUEST,fretless

"the woman (?) who tried to take out Ford"

Actually, it was womEn: Sarah Jane Moore was one; the other, on a separate occasion, was Squeeky Fromm. Don't know of any songs, although I do recall that the NY Daily News, at the conclusion of her trial, ran the banner headline "Squeeky Gets Life: Presidential Assailant Hurls Apple at Prosecutor." There's gotta be a song in there someplace!

27 Mar 01 - 04:54 PM (#426866)
Subject: RE: Help: Assassins
From: GUEST,Fretless

Go with Mountain Dog's spelling.

27 Mar 01 - 06:41 PM (#426965)
Subject: RE: Help: Assassins
From: harpmolly

Check out Stephen Sondheim's musical "Assassins". It goes all the way up to Hinckley, and it's quite hilarious.

Each assassin's song is tailored to the era in which he or she lived. For instance, John Hinckley and Squeaky Fromme sing a seventies/eighties power ballad duet called "Unworthy Of Your Love," that is sung to Jodie Foster and Charles Manson, respectively. (I've always wanted to sing that song with someone. :))

The premise is that J.W. Booth, as the first assassin, appears to each of the rest of them and encourages them in their plan. The culmination of the plot is that when Lee Harvey Oswald is sitting in the Texas Book Depository preparing to kill HIMSELF, Booth and the rest of them appear to HIM and convince him to kill the President instead. It's powerful and entertaining. (I should add that I was once in this show so I'm biased ;)).

I would highly recommend the original Broadway cast recording, which features Victor Garber (an amazing actor with a beautiful voice) as John Wilkes Booth. If you can't stand Broadway musicals, just think of it as a compendium of American musical styles. ;)

Hope this helps! Have fun!


27 Mar 01 - 06:43 PM (#426967)
Subject: RE: Help: Assassins
From: harpmolly

P.S. "The Ballad of Booth," in the above named musical, is very much an old-timey style song. If you need more incentive. ;)


27 Mar 01 - 07:14 PM (#427003)
Subject: RE: Help: Assassins
From: GUEST,kendall

Mr. Garfield's been shot down, shot down, shot down..etc

27 Mar 01 - 07:28 PM (#427015)
Subject: RE: Help: Assassins
From: GUEST,Les B

Mollificent - thanks much. I didn't realize a whole show had been made from that idea.

I just found it strange that songs about assassins would be conceived and thrive in one century, and nothing be written in the next.

27 Mar 01 - 07:34 PM (#427019)
Subject: RE: Help: Assassins
From: harpmolly

I know, I know, I'm a hopeless theatre geek. So sue me. ;)

But after you sue me (and much good may it do you, too :D), go out and get the cast recording. It's fun.


27 Mar 01 - 07:47 PM (#427031)
Subject: RE: Help: Assassins
From: Ebbie

Contrary to my belief, Garfield didn't die as a direct result of the assassination attempt. He was shot in July 1881 and didn't die until the middle of September. Does anyone know more about that? Was he shot in the belly, for instance?

Chester A. Arthur finished out Garfield's term but his (Republican) party didn't support him for his own term, but instead nominated James G. Blaine. That's when Grover Cleveland won the presidency.

As much as I like history you'd think I'd get these things straight in my mind!


28 Mar 01 - 10:39 AM (#427514)
Subject: RE: Help: Assassins
From: GUEST,Pete Peterson at work

Garfield DID die as a "direct result" of teh assassination, it just took a while. IIRC he was shot in the back; Guiteau's first bullet missed and Garfield turned away; the bullet landed somewhere in his abdomen and they could not find it. (no X-rays for another 20 years!) At some point the doctors thought a change in climate might help so they moved him by special train to Sea Bright NJ (not too far from Annap!) and he died there of infection, about three months after the assassination. Somewhere in English common law it states that the victim must die within "a year and a day" of the blow for the charge to be 1st degree murder -- I believe deep in the recesses of American law it says the same. Guiteau was tried, convicted (despite the insanity defense) and hanged.

28 Mar 01 - 11:08 AM (#427554)
Subject: RE: Help: Assassins
From: Whistle Stop

Curious historical fact: Air conditioning was first invented in an effort to make the dying Garfield more comfortable, and perhaps improve his chances for recovery. Didn't work, obviously.

28 Mar 01 - 11:36 AM (#427589)
Subject: RE: Help: Assassins
From: GUEST,Les B

My goodness, the stuff you learn when you get into folk music - history, law, and air conditioning !!!