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Snowy Mountains songs? (Oz)

29 Mar 01 - 12:15 AM (#428112)
Subject: Snowy Mountains songs? (Oz)
From: Callie at work

Hi folks

I'm working on a documentary about a town called Adaminby in the Snowy Mountains. the town was flooded and relocated in the 1940s when the Snowy Mountains scheme commenced.

My question is, does anyone (esp Aussie Catters) know songs from around that time about the Snowy Mountain scheme or about the disappearance of the town?

All leads and suggestions gratefully accepted.


29 Mar 01 - 11:56 PM (#428963)
Subject: RE: Snowy Mountains songs? (Oz)
From: Sourdough

I suspect that this link won't blink but cutting and pasting will take you to a thread with a song, "Snowy River, Roll".


If you do a Forum Search for "Snowy", you will find more items, I believe.


30 Mar 01 - 12:52 AM (#428992)
Subject: RE: Snowy Mountains songs? (Oz)
From: Amos

I think the link intended went over here which describes the song called Snowy River roll from the period when the hydroelectric project was starting up in 1949.



30 Mar 01 - 12:59 AM (#428993)
Subject: RE: Snowy Mountains songs? (Oz)
From: alison

Callie, Bill Bekric has written one "we went up the Snowy Mountain" great song about all the different races of people who worked on the Snowy Mountain Scheme...... I can give you a phone number if you like.. or you can catch him at St Albans



30 Mar 01 - 01:09 AM (#429000)
Subject: RE: Snowy Mountains songs? (Oz)
From: Callie

Alison - I'd love to get in touch with him before Snalbans as I have to get this done before Easter! It would be great if you could PM me with his details. (Do I know him already? What does he sound like/look like?)

bestest thanks


ps: Are you going to Snalbans? Could be a good Mudcat reunion opportunity!

30 Mar 01 - 01:32 AM (#429006)
Subject: RE: Snowy Mountains songs? (Oz)
From: alison

yes I'm going.. doing a few workshops

I'm sure you'll have met bill... his pic is here

but I'll see if I can dig out a phone number...



30 Mar 01 - 01:36 AM (#429008)
Subject: RE: Snowy Mountains songs? (Oz)
From: Stewie

I recall there was a group called The Settlers who recorded a swag of the stuff. The best known was 'The Cooma Cavaliers' that celebrated the diversity of nationalities who worked on the project. It ended:

We may not be diggers but we'll have you know
We dig digger beer up here in the snow

Bob Bolton may know where these may be accessed. I do not have them.


30 Mar 01 - 02:58 AM (#429030)
Subject: RE: Snowy Mountains songs? (Oz)
From: Callie

Thanks for your help, all! I really appreciate it.

Alison - yes, I just never knew his surname!

see you at Snalbans


30 Mar 01 - 10:08 AM (#429215)
Subject: RE: Snowy Mountains songs? (Oz)
From: Bob Bolton

G'day Callie,

One point I didn't mention in my reply to your PM (I didn't see the this thread earlier ... ISP playing up - and gettin Mulga Wire to bed for this issue) is that I actually set Bill Bekric's music and words for Came Down Australian down to publish them. I can email you an image of the music and a Word file of the text ... as well as our Selectors Bush Band song Snowy Mountains Scheme (if you PM me an email address.

Both of these are relatively recent songs by currently active singer/songwriters, so I won't post them to the DigiTrad without permission ... but I will send both to you for consideration in your project.

If you want further info on Sibhan McHugh, I can also PM that to you.


Bob Bolton

30 Mar 01 - 01:21 PM (#429372)
Subject: RE: Snowy Mountains songs? (Oz)