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Blessed Event -- A New Baby! (Taylor)

05 Apr 01 - 11:18 AM (#433756)
Subject: Blessed Event -- A New Baby! (Taylor)
From: Fortunato

It's bouncing baby guitar. I played all the baby's, including the Big Baby. I began with the all sapele baby, and then the spruce-topped sapele baby. Then I played the rosewood-veneer Baby, followed by the maple-veneer Baby, then koa-veneer Baby, and finally, bubinga-veneer Baby (all with solid spruce tops).

And the winner was: The rosewood Baby!.

There was a remarkable difference in tone and volume between the babys. The widest difference was between the maple-veneer and the rosewood; next the mahogany, next the koa, and least (to our ears) the bubinga. The bubinga was close in tone, though it's volume was significantly less, but it was the most fun to pronounce. The rosewood baby I chose (among the six rosewoods I played!) ALMOST sounds like a full size rosewood veneer guitar. The bass range is less, but the midrange and treble are truly close (to our ears). It's a remarkable piece of work. I haven't thought of a name for it yet. Any ideas?

I you're interested in buying one, a dealer like The Washington Music Center, in Wheaton, MD, where they have literally a hundred babys to choose from, is ideal. There were small, but recognizable (IMHOP) differences in tone and volume and playability within the rosewood model type.

regards, Fortunato

05 Apr 01 - 12:55 PM (#433843)
Subject: RE: Blessed Event -- A New Baby! (Taylor)
From: katlaughing

Is this legal? Did you have to pay for adoption papers, etc.? What is their citizenship status? Can anyone just go in and choose one, or do you have to have certain "papers?" **BG**



05 Apr 01 - 12:59 PM (#433848)
Subject: RE: Blessed Event -- A New Baby! (Taylor)
From: Fortunato

It was tough going into the Chuck Levin's Home for Orphaned Guitars and selecting one baby. I could only choose one amongst all those chubby little faces.

Thanks, Kat!

05 Apr 01 - 01:07 PM (#433857)
Subject: RE: Blessed Event -- A New Baby! (Taylor)
From: katlaughing

Do you have to have *gasp* home visits from the Social Workers' Society for the Prevention of Abuse of Orphan Guitars from Chuck Levin's, or the SWSPAOGCL? LOL...sorry, couldn't resist.

05 Apr 01 - 01:22 PM (#433874)
Subject: RE: Blessed Event -- A New Baby! (Taylor)
From: Fortunato

Ohmigosh I forgot about the home visits. I've got to get the goats out the house, shut down the still, and have the necessary pumped out.

My wife is so good to me... she didn't even complain when I told her I always sleep with my new guitars. She just said don't fall off the couch and mash your 'baby'.


05 Apr 01 - 01:24 PM (#433879)
Subject: RE: Blessed Event -- A New Baby! (Taylor)
From: Bedubya

I do not intentionally name my guitars, but I often wind up calling the ones made in smaller shops by the maker's first name. The Wechter is "Abe", the Santa Cruz is "Richard", the Loprinzi is "Auggie" etc. I guess if I had a Baby Taylor it would have to be "Bobette".

Sure wish someone would leave a "Bill" on my doorstep.



05 Apr 01 - 01:27 PM (#433882)
Subject: RE: Blessed Event -- A New Baby! (Taylor)
From: Morticia

Congratulations on your new family member Chance...somehow I just don't see you as a guitar abuser :)

05 Apr 01 - 01:32 PM (#433885)
Subject: RE: Blessed Event -- A New Baby! (Taylor)
From: Fortunato

Thank you Mort, for that vote of confidence. I'd kiss you if I could reach you. Here's a virtual one...

I promise to be gentle. "I ain't never birthed no babies, Miss Scarlett," but I know how to hold them!
