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A sincere thankyou

03 May 01 - 02:35 PM (#454949)
Subject: A sincere thankyou
From: Dave the Gnome

Musing upon all that has passed recently I decided to follow someones advice and start possitive threads to get all the negativity behind us. But what, thought I? Driving back from picking up my son I saw the beautiful May weather and wondered if that could do it. Not on it's own. The May blossom is out, the cherry trees in their pink glory, the whole special thrill of the English contryside in Spring? No. That I had my son with me? That we would celebrate his 20th year on Saturday along with my 28 years of marriage to a wonderful woman? All of this was not enough. Am I getting greedy? Then I realised. All the beauty, all the happiness, all the joy was made even more special because I could share it!

The missing ingredient was friends. My family, my '3D' friends and now all my virtal friends as well:-) I am rich indeed.

So to all the Maxs, Micks and Miccas, the Shulas, Spots and Spaws, The Fionns, Fiolars and Fibulas the multiple Jons of varios spellings, Ricks, Kevins, Keiths and all the rest of you great big motley crew.....

A huge thank you for letting me share my life with you. It is a gift I will cherish forever.


Dave the Gnome.

03 May 01 - 02:40 PM (#454950)
Subject: RE: A sincere thankyou
From: GUEST,MMario - working at the wrong computer

yes, you're getting greedy; but it's allowed! *grin*

and from my viewpoint, thanks for sharing...

Now - what do you plan to do about the Gnome Liberation Army?

03 May 01 - 02:48 PM (#454954)
Subject: RE: A sincere thankyou
From: Noreen

You're right Dave, and having people to share it with is the most important thing. (Just as I shared my tea with a cat who came in through the open kitchen window and made off with my bacon! Well I think it was a cat...)

Thanks, Dave.

03 May 01 - 02:53 PM (#454957)
Subject: RE: A sincere thankyou
From: mousethief

You were riding along in the Gnome-mobile, were you?

Thanks for the positive note. Give your wonderful wife a big hug for all of us here.


03 May 01 - 03:02 PM (#454965)
Subject: RE: A sincere thankyou
From: GUEST,Melani

Happy Spring, Dave! It's always good to appreciate what you've got.

03 May 01 - 03:15 PM (#454981)
Subject: RE: A sincere thankyou
From: GUEST,Claymore

I spent a couple of day's (or was it nights) in Gnome, Alaska. As we were landing, it was so windy that our pilot told us the air-strip was using a log for a wind sock. I was damn cold and anybody who wants to liberate Gnome can have it, with no fight from me.

Seriously, I would only add that regular meetings of good friends playing good tunes is another blessing of life.

Let me share my old family toast which goes:

May new friends become old friends, And may old friends last forever...

03 May 01 - 03:16 PM (#454982)
Subject: RE: A sincere thankyou
From: Hollowfox

You're both welcome and well come for/with that thought. It's a piece of wisdom that's good to be reminded about every once in a while. And thanks for reminding me/us all.

03 May 01 - 04:47 PM (#455065)
Subject: RE: A sincere thankyou
From: Morticia

If I'm part of a motley crew, do I have to go and play heavy metal now? Only, I'm not sure how 'Paranoid' would sound re-arranged for mandolin and bodrhan, but I'll give it a go.Just off to get the black hair dye and dog collar,back in a tick.

03 May 01 - 05:14 PM (#455091)
Subject: RE: A sincere thankyou
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Another motley thankyou and you're welcome! This thread explains my reasons for gratitude. Along with my chorus concert Friday and Saturday night. Along with dear friends, present company included!

03 May 01 - 06:04 PM (#455148)
Subject: RE: A sincere thankyou
From: Hawker

And thanks to you too!

04 May 01 - 08:18 AM (#455620)
Subject: RE: A sincere thankyou
From: Dave the Gnome

Has the weather in Alaska bucked up yet? If so I may well arrange a visit from the GLA!

I say I say I say. My wifes gone to visit that huge state in North America.

Oh really, which one?


Why do you have to ask her? Do you not know already...

Lovely toast Claymore, must try to remember it (I will credit you - honest!)

And Morty that's motley crue, oh never mind;-) I hope the tick you come back with ain't from the dog collar though!

Animaterra, hope you have a wonderful weekend. See - positivity (is there such a word????) can be catching. Let's do it more often. *BG*

Dave the still happy Gnome

04 May 01 - 08:44 AM (#455638)
Subject: RE: A sincere thankyou
From: LR Mole

Yah, mon. Perhaps in order for evil to flourish it is only necessary for good people to do nothing, but life is strong in us all. The circle belongs to the sun.

04 May 01 - 08:59 AM (#455650)
Subject: RE: A sincere thankyou
From: Ringer

Spring must be earlier you side of the Pennines, DtG; in Derbyshire, the May's not yet out (though the cherry-blossom is). Since May's out in Gnome-land, have you cast your clouts? The mind boggles...

04 May 01 - 12:30 PM (#455839)
Subject: RE: A sincere thankyou
From: Fibula Mattock

ach, I missed this thread 'til there now. Happy Anniversary to you and Mrs Gnome, and to Junior Gnome on his birthday. I feel all happy and caring now. Could be all the beer at the pub lunch, of course... ;-)

04 May 01 - 12:45 PM (#455851)
Subject: RE: A sincere thankyou
From: Jande

Yay, Dave!

Good thread. Push 'em out!

Congratulations on your family anniversaries.

Positively Positivity!


~ Jande

04 May 01 - 01:37 PM (#455874)
Subject: RE: A sincere thankyou
From: Irish sergeant

Dave: Congratulations on the anniversaries and birthday. And thanks for a great thread that sums up the best of Mudcat. Happy Spring to all. Kindest reguards, Neil PS: Vive le Armee de Liberation de Les Gnomes!

04 May 01 - 04:20 PM (#455977)
Subject: RE: A sincere thankyou
From: wdyat12


Thankyou for a thread that is positve. That's where my heart is nowadays. Afterall, I am in love! he he he.


04 May 01 - 08:55 PM (#456169)
Subject: RE: A sincere thankyou
From: Peter K (Fionn)

Only Dave is allowed to put a "G" in "Gnome," Claymore. The humble folk of Nome would never dare.

Glad to hear that Spring is upon you Dave - I'm on Bald Eagle's side of the the hills, than which Nome could hardly be much colder.

04 May 01 - 09:23 PM (#456187)
Subject: RE: A sincere thankyou
From: Ma Fazoo

From where I sit, in our third floor, three room apartment, I can see the tops of the newly budded trees, hear the horn of the ferry from here to Providence, and smell the ocean botttom on the breeze. I'm with my little fourteen year old Jack Russell terrier ( Jody's at a pickin' party). All's right with the world, and will be even better when he gets home. Thanks Be.

04 May 01 - 09:49 PM (#456199)
Subject: RE: A sincere thankyou
From: BRG

Great sentiments, Dave. And directly from Alaska - 15 inches of snow in the last two days - kind of makes grumps of us all here. But the brilliant sun has finally broken through and all is well again.

Isn't "Idaho, Alaska" the answer to the query?


04 May 01 - 09:53 PM (#456202)
Subject: RE: A sincere thankyou
From: katlaughing

Congratulations, DavetG and nice thread! We've had snow off and on for the apst couple of days; it's okay, though, since it really is spring, it all melts later in the day. The tulips are now standing tall and proud as can be, our neighbour's crabapple tree has brave little blossoms coming out, and the perennials I put in pots to move to the new house last October are sending up tender shoots, so...come warm weather and sunshine, into the earth their little feet go! Merry Spring!

Ma Fazoo...I can almost catch a whiff of that salt air, my memory:-)
