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Non-Music: Powhatan Indian lecture 2

25 May 01 - 08:04 PM (#470657)
Subject: Non-Music: Powhatan Indian lecture 2
From: GUEST,Timehiker

Don't know how that last post got lost in cyberspace, I'll try again.

I want to thank the Mudcat for the enthusiastic response I got from my request for help on this topic several months ago. The date for the lecture has been set for Saturday, June 9th, at 2:00 PM eastern time. If you are in the Richmond, Virginia area on that weekend, consider yourself invited. You can get directions from our website at I believe there is a small fee involved, and reservations are advised, but not required.
click here for the original thread.

I incorporated some of the advice I got from you in my format and topic selection. I will break the 30 minute talk into 3 mini-lectures, and talk about three Native people who had an impact on the settlement at Henricus. they are Pocahontas, who lived there for several months after her capture by the English, Opposunoquonuske, the weroansqua, or female chief of a neighboring Appomattucks town, and Oppecancanough, who orchestrated the military action that caused Henricus(and all the other English settlements except Jamestown)to be abandoned.

Thanks again, and take care

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