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Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?

05 Jun 01 - 05:49 PM (#477067)
Subject: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: marty D

This is something that I've wondered for years now and figured Mudcatters would have some interesting opinions on. When my musical friends and I get together we often sing Gospel songs, and not only are some Jewish, but I suspect a few are pretty much aetheists. It doesn't seem to matter much though. The one person in our group who is actually (I think) a fundamentalist rarely sings the well known folk or blues Gospel songs but usually has new songs that the rest of us have never heard. Can't say I like them much. They seem slick and 'new countryish'.

So I'm curious. Can you really get into Gospel songs if you think that 'resurrection-stuff' is a bunch of hooey? If so, how?


05 Jun 01 - 06:14 PM (#477092)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: ddw

There is nothing about not believing in god that keeps you from enjoying the beautiful things created as a celebration of its existance.


I hate organized religion (the jury's still out on the utility of belief — I can't, but if somebody else wants to, that's OK) but I think many churches are magnificant.

I love gospel music — both old-timey white gospel and especially Af/Am gospel. And I love to sing them — they're tuneful and can "feel" as good as any music I know.

But, apart from my personal preferances, just think of it from a singer's (read "performer's") point of view. Does a good actor have to kill his daughters to play a convincing King Lear?



05 Jun 01 - 06:17 PM (#477098)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: wysiwyg


There was a great thread about playing in churches, too, to get one's skills and gig style up a notch. And we talked about this.

How? Well, I sang the choral sacred literature during the years of non-belief. I recall loving the beauty and the feeling it gave me, especially in Latin. I knew the meaning of what I sang... but my focus was elsewhere at the time. Now, I think it DID have an effect on me spiritually... down deep... and for the better. But I did not need to claim it at the time. I was working on other things, then, not spirituality, musically and otherwise in my life.

Maybe that's what it boils down to-- recognizing that people are BUSY doing and feeling what makes sense to them to do and feel (and think) at every point in our lives, and trusting people to move along progressively where they need to go. Taking what they need and giving what they can as they move along through life. Treating ourselves and others with that assumption always works, for me, anyway. Not that I remember to, all the time!

One thing that matters about this, though, is the attitude of believers participating. It's important to leave assumptions out of it entirely. Let the people be the people, the music be the music, and God be God. Then it works.

Even if it turns out Somebuddy IS listening.



05 Jun 01 - 06:19 PM (#477100)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Chicken Charlie



05 Jun 01 - 06:19 PM (#477101)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: wysiwyg

And... if there is a deep feeling of compunction about it, when one attempts it, perhaps that is simply cause to pull back, look way deep inside, and ask, "Hmmm, whassup widdat?"

And let the answers unfold without judgment or fear.


05 Jun 01 - 06:43 PM (#477132)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Burke

I'm curious if there are Gospel songs that appeal to you more because their texts are not quite so full of the Gospel as others. I'm thinking of something like "Are you washed in the Blood of the Lamb" where the Christianity is inescapable vs. "Farther Along" where the religion is really pretty general & the only mention of our Saviour is in the last verse.

05 Jun 01 - 07:35 PM (#477159)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: dick greenhaus

You don't have to believe in the lyrics, but you damn well have to believe in the music.

05 Jun 01 - 08:29 PM (#477187)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Midchuck

What Dick said.

I sure hope so, I've been doing it for 35 years, give or take.

The Mark must be upon your forehead,
These earthly goods you then can buy.
"Depart from Me, I never knew you!"
You'll hear my blessed Savior cry.

When the fire comes down from Heaven,
And the blood shall fill the sea,
I'll be carried home by Jesus,
And forever with Him be....

So to Hell with the rest of you scum....


05 Jun 01 - 08:38 PM (#477191)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: thosp


peace (Y) thosp

05 Jun 01 - 08:42 PM (#477196)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: kendall

Listen to Helen Schneyer. You wont have to ask again!

05 Jun 01 - 09:25 PM (#477217)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: hesperis

I was in Church choir for a few yers. I liked the music better than most of the others in Choir. Hymns, Gospel, Carols - great! Only a few of the songs got on my nerves. (Don't remember which ones, sorry.) And I'll sing "Lord of the Dance" in any of three versions: the original Shaker hymn (Simple Gifts), the Christian version, and Pagan version.

And I am definitely not Christian. Of course, it's amazing how many symbols commonly used by the Christian religion, are used by other religions... and older religions than Christianity, too. So there is a common thread in many religions, and in many of their songs.

That makes it easy for someone who believes in The Divine first, Music second, and Religion third, to sing songs from almost any religion with meaning.

05 Jun 01 - 10:10 PM (#477231)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: catspaw49

ddw said it for me right away.........And I'd like to add to his one point. An awful lot of the "modern Christian music" is really contrived sounding and very hokey. It's almost tuneless being so contrived and the words are ridiculous. Even a bunch of old agnostics and atheists can get some moral, if not "Godly" meaning from many old gospel songs, but this new "Up with People" type bullshit is hideous!

I went with Connie to a Christian Home Schoolers Convention and among other things, I listened to a group playing........well, something. All these kids were pretty fine players and singers, but the songs(?) were just nothing. What a shame........You wanted to run up and say, "Hey....Try this instead!"


05 Jun 01 - 10:53 PM (#477248)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Nancy King

I believe strongly that singing gospel music is good for us, whether we "believe" in what the words are saying or not. Many of the songs are marvelously joyous and hopeful, and that feeling gets transferred to us in the singing.

Furthermore, gospel music is, for the most part, very simple, straightforward music, and it's easy to sing. Great for learning how to sing harmony, because it's predictable. Great for learning to sing right out loud in a group.

I am not a "believer" now, but I spent most of my childhood as a member of the Junior Choir at my church (of course it was an Episcopal church, so it wasn't exactly "gospel" we were singing...), and I remember learning several "spirituals" (such as "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot") as a child. And gospel music has always been an important part of folk music. It seems entirely natural to me to sing gospel songs.

Cheers, Nancy

05 Jun 01 - 11:05 PM (#477256)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Joe Offer

I'm a liberal Catholic with a degree in theology, and I've been a church musician all my life. I have a lot of fun singing gospel music, but I won't sing it during Mass because most of it is "fundamentalist" in perspective, and mostly incompatible with the theology of "mainstream" Christianity. The bloody dead lambs and the war images and all that stuff just don't seem to fit us liberals - but the songs sure are enjoyable to sing. I'll sing gospel before or after Mass, but not during.
I've said before that during my seminary days, we had a quartet who called themselves the Rolling Lambs. They wore nerdy white shirts with black ties; and black blazers with "RL" emblems on them. they'd gather us around the piano in the dining hall, and we'd drink beer and sing gospel til the cows came home. So, yeah, I love singing gospel - just don't ask me to sing it in church.
-Joe Offer-

05 Jun 01 - 11:07 PM (#477258)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: wysiwyg

I bought the latest version of the new praise stuff... yycccch. We have done about three pieces out of it.... all lifted from old tunes!

The newer stuff-- well the newer southern gospel isn't bad, sometimes, but the rest... it's all presentation, like a very small and unsatisfying (and expensive) nouvelle cuisine meal! All garnish, no entree! Those melodies don't stick in my head no matter how often I hear them or sing along with them. Fluff... I hereby christen them Fluffernutters!

Our church thought we would be starting a contemporary praise service... and we tried... but week after week, that AIN'T what we do!

Next week, Gary Davis!

BTW, the Shaker hymnal we are studying at home at bedtime-- those Shakers had some REALLY UGLY melodies!


05 Jun 01 - 11:07 PM (#477259)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Bill D

like Kendall said.....(Helen's heritage is Jewish...but)

05 Jun 01 - 11:15 PM (#477262)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: GUEST,khandu

Yes! Can one sing "secular" music if one is a believer? Sure.

I do agree that most of the new "gospel" music is crap (to put it nicely. I am usually much more vehement on this subject.). From my perspective as a believer, I find many songs that are not written as gospel songs to nonetheless be gospel songs (to me).

I suppose music is in the ear of the behearer.


05 Jun 01 - 11:15 PM (#477263)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Rick Fielding

Wow. Well spake folks. Got nuthin' to add (that's a switch) 'cept that I agree with Paw and marty that the modern "pop country" Gospel stuff strikes me as pretty lame. Ahh shit, now that I've started I WILL add something. Occasionally I accidentally click onto that hokey "Gaither Gospel Song" thing on the tube. Yeah, they're sellin' the videos, and half the singers on the stage are dead by now, but I listen....and I love it! Even all the staring at the ceiling, tears, and awful jokes.

The greatest moment of my life was Reverend Gary Davis singing "Death Don't Have No Mercy" at a Mariposa Festival 35 years ago...and then following it with "I will do My Last Singin' In this Land". Man may have put the faces and personalities to whatever God may be, but he also wrote those wonderful songs!

See...don't get me started....


05 Jun 01 - 11:19 PM (#477266)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: wysiwyg

Go see my new verses Rick, for I Will Do My Last.... it's a current thread.

And Gaither? RealDeal, all of it. Why it works. Comparable program on the other gospel TV netwrork? Fake. All fake.

What we LIVE, sinks IN and leaks OUT.


05 Jun 01 - 11:26 PM (#477269)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Ebbie

Glad to hear the consensus! My ultra-fundamentalist parents were always a bit squeamish hearing their agnostic children sing their beloved gospel songs and I was unable, at that time, to put into words why I knew it was OK.

I still love gospel music, especially Southern Gospel, even though I have a different perspective from its usual position. I like to sing it, I love the harmonies, it just feels down home...


05 Jun 01 - 11:48 PM (#477282)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: dwditty

I think it was Dave Van Ronk who said, "I can tell a lie, but I can't sing one." 'nuff said.


05 Jun 01 - 11:49 PM (#477283)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: GUEST,Celine

I don't know if all around the world what is called Gospel is the same but to me here in Canada it rings up the Spirituals of the Southern United States. I find the question ironic because these tunes were often drawn up by the slaves as codes for escaping from their dreaded life and the words such as Heaven for example were used as keys for the land of freedom in this case. So millions of people now sing these songs without recalling the original meaning of the words so slyly dissimulated in the themes of Heaven and Chariots and Lambs and so forth.


06 Jun 01 - 12:00 AM (#477293)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: ddw

Now you've tweaked my interest, Celine. I know Follow The Drinkin' Gourd was used for that purpose, but were there others?


06 Jun 01 - 12:06 AM (#477296)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Little Hawk

Do I have to be "without belief" to answer the question?

Hell, flattop can do it, and if he can it's my opinion anyone can.

- LH

06 Jun 01 - 12:18 AM (#477310)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: GUEST,Celine

Sorry friends,

This one bears some research. I would imagine that "Swing Low Sweet Chariot coming for to carry me home" would surely be one of them. There were plenty of slaves escaping and they needed plenty of codes, so yes my dears, there must have been lots of such songs. Exactly which ones, I'm sorry, my fountain of knowledge stops here.


06 Jun 01 - 01:32 AM (#477337)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Ferrara

For a good example of someone doing this: If you get to the Getaway, listen to Bill D (agnostic, I think -- but maybe atheist?) sing "I'm Living on the Hallelujah Side" or "Gathering Flowers for the Master's Bouquet."

These songs are powerful and rewarding to sing. They say what they have to say in a beautiful, straightforward way that is very satisfying.

06 Jun 01 - 02:25 AM (#477351)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: SeanM

Dick, I think I want that on my gravestone.

I'll also add to the cavalcade of concurrence with a 'yes' vote.

I'd also say that you don't have to believe to like listening, either. I've NEVER been 'religious', yet some of my favorite childhood memories are of the Sunday morning gospel sets out at the Prescott Bluegrass Festival. Years later, even in my punk/alternative days, I still enjoyed the Violent Femmes' gospel numbers (oddly enough, one of which has now surfaced on a car commercial). Haven't yet been singing straight gospel (though one or two songs definitely move the spirit to sing), but that is more a matter of opportunity.

You don't have to believe in one god, or any god, to believe in the power of the spirit of man, and in the power of the music that is created.

My view, anyway.


06 Jun 01 - 04:17 AM (#477373)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Crazy Eddie

The most important thing about Gospel Singing is Sincerity.
If you can fake that, you've got it made!
With apologies to someone (Groucho Marx maybe?) Eddie

06 Jun 01 - 08:28 AM (#477443)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: kendall

Crazy Eddie, I think that was George Burns? I cant abide organized relegion, and, I dont care for gospel songs either. I'm a words person, and, if the piece has boring, inane words, I'd rather hear an instrumental. kendallrunningforcover

06 Jun 01 - 09:01 AM (#477463)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Giac

Not into organized religion, but most especially this "modern" variety. The music, and the service, sound like the people are at church out of obligation instead of conviction. Maybe because it is politically correct and socially advantageous?

But that aside, I do love old-time evangelical songs. And bloody lambs? Bring 'em on. The more gore, hellfire and damnation, the better I like 'em. I like to watch and listen to gospel singers who have "the spirit." If they fling their arms about and bounce around the stage, so much the better.

It's the feeling of the music, and meat in the words. Yeah, you can sing it and not "believe" and the underlying message.

I'm sick to death of Amazing Grace, but put the words to House of the Rising Sun (Blind Boys of Alabama, for a really good version), and it's a killer song. The words take on a life that was buried under a tiresome melody, in my opinion. (Don't start flingin' rocks now!)

Mary ~;o)

06 Jun 01 - 09:29 AM (#477482)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Fortunato

Gospel songs like Angel Band, Just a Closer Walk With Thee, Down in the Valley to Pray and many others engender a sense of musical community when heard and sung. It is, I believe, the simple, directness of the melodies and the words that amalgamates the singers and the listeners into a musical persona that vibrates as one body.

I believe that singing and the playing of instruments are spiritual acts, though not exclusively religious, or Christian, clearly.

No one of any credo, ethnicity or belief system should miss the opportunity to sing or hear these songs.

06 Jun 01 - 09:54 AM (#477497)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Nathan in Texas

Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?

Only on this side of the grave.

06 Jun 01 - 09:59 AM (#477504)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Mrrzy

I think religious music, and religious buildings, to be among the most beautiful in the world. What a crying shame, when our schools are so ugly and there isn't enough beautiful music celebrating the things that are in this life... but I sing it anyway, because it IS beautiful (because it is there?)...

06 Jun 01 - 09:59 AM (#477505)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Trapper

As Mark Cohn said...

Now Muriel plays piano
Every Friday at the Hollywood.
And they brought me down to see her
And they asked me if I would
Do a little number,
And I sang with all my might,
And she said,
"Tell me are you a Christian child?"
And I said, "Ma'am, I am tonight."

- Al

06 Jun 01 - 10:16 AM (#477524)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Matt_R

My buddy Ryan and I detest the new "Christian" music crap too. We're trying to work on parodies of it, called "Ryan's Cheesy Christian Album." Included are a Aerosmith-esqe religious song "Jeeeeeeeeeeesus! Jesus Chriiiiiiiiist! Jesus Christ you are my liiiiiight!!" and "The Jesus Song" which has the catchy chorus of "Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus! Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus!"

06 Jun 01 - 10:21 AM (#477530)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Little Hawk

Matt, my feeling is that Jesus himself would not be all that impressed with most of it either. I think his intention was to set an example for others to follow, rather than to acquire hordes of fanatical worshippers grovelling at his feet and repeating his name like a mantra.

- LH

06 Jun 01 - 10:25 AM (#477534)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Matt_R

Hey, George Harrison says "If you chant the names of the lord then you'll be free."

06 Jun 01 - 10:55 AM (#477563)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: wysiwyg


Plenty of room on the ground floor.

Violent Femmes gospel? Huh? How'd I miss that?! Donate me some for the Library??? (I can't listen online, either.)


06 Jun 01 - 11:27 AM (#477578)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: wysiwyg

Thanks to Marion, here's the thread referenced above:



06 Jun 01 - 11:30 AM (#477581)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

I agree with ddw,im not religous but some of my favourite songs are.john

06 Jun 01 - 11:46 AM (#477593)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: JulieF

I think I would avoid songs where I tended not to agree with the sentiment expressed. However, that does not mean that I would not join in when they are sung. I got a little hung up about this when I was a teenager - just as most teenagers I thought to sing hymns would be hypocritical. Nowadays I even go to church for events that are important to friends and family. In these cases I sing as loudly and as well as I can to "make" the occasion for other people.

I have always appreciated Religious music ( Mozart's Requiem and Hilderberg Von Bingham's work to name a few) and I defy anyone to start in one of the great cathedrals and not feel Awed ( Similarly Newgrange / Stone Henge etc)

All the best Julie

06 Jun 01 - 11:49 AM (#477595)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: GUEST,bbc at work

In answer to the question--of course you can. As some have answered--but why would you? I've appreciated reading this thread. As a Christian, I've wondered sometimes why unbelievers sing Christian songs. It was particularly helpful for me to read ddw's remarks. Just one twist to add--Whenever friends who profess unbelief sing gospel, it makes me a little sad. I hope that they will come to a time & place in their lives where they will see what, to me, is the truth in the music. Belief comes from a meeting of what is within the person & his/her understanding of God. I hope that I have never pushed my beliefs on anyone, but, friends, when you sing gospel in my presence, I am praying (with no judgement in my heart) that you will come to know the joy, the peace, & the strength that come from my faith.

best to all,


06 Jun 01 - 11:50 AM (#477596)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: mousethief

Matt, I'm with you. I used to (for satirical purposes) sing a thing that went,

It's so wonderful, wonderful, wonderful,
I'm so happy, happy, happy
Now-that-I've-let Jesus Jesus Jesus
Into my heart-heart-heart-heart-heart!

And that was when i was an evangelical!

Yeah, most of the people in my (Eastern Orthodox) church are converts from one stripe or another of protestantism, and we sometimes miss the old songs, and so at campfire sing-a-longs and such, we will trot them out and sing them in harmony and such. Then we'll laugh and say, "of course the theology is rotten..." and then sing more folk songs.



06 Jun 01 - 11:55 AM (#477602)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Dani

Hell YES!

If you can't I'm in BIG trouble....


06 Jun 01 - 12:02 PM (#477607)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: mousethief

Back when I was in grad school in Chicago, I flew back and forth a lot between Chicago and Seattle. One Christmas I was flying home to spend Xmas with my folks, and in O'Hare there was a high school choir singing Christmas carols while I was waiting to board my plane. They sang tolerably well, but what I noticed most was the faces. Some were totally deadpan, some had a "my Gawd what am I doing here I could be anywhere else" look, and some seemed truly happy and joyful.

I don't know if the happy and joyful faces were the believers or not. But they were delightful to behold, whereas the others really dragged the music down just by their facial expressions.

Moral: If you're going to sing gospel songs with a long face, don't bother. If you can truly enjoy what you're singing, and bring joy to your performance, then this Christian doesn't see why you shouldn't sing 'em.


06 Jun 01 - 01:54 PM (#477697)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Mrrzy

Hi, bbc, good to read from you! I have some questions, though, as I don't understand "where you're coming from" as we say. For instance, where you say Whenever friends who profess unbelief sing gospel, it makes me a little sad - I'm just curious, I don't quite see why... especially if you feel that (as you say later) Belief comes from a meeting of what is within the person & his/her understanding of God. If my understanding of god is that there aren't any, yet I find many $mas carols and other religious works to be movingly beautiful, would it really make you happier if I didn't sing them? And if so, why? Just curious, really, not picking any fights or anything, truly!

06 Jun 01 - 02:02 PM (#477699)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: GUEST,Pete Peterson

I sing gospel songs happily and say to myself that the time I come closest to believing is when singing those songs. (Still remember meeting Joe Offer at the Mudcat Cafe last October or so hering him singing Power in the Blood and answering antiphonally)THe consensus seems to be forming that it's OK to sing gospel songs whether a nonbeliever, confused doubter and seeker, or believer. . .and that modern Praise songs suck. (Praise, is that why you re-named yourself?)

06 Jun 01 - 02:18 PM (#477714)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Willie-O

I'm with everybody else. Don't sing too many, but Wayfaring Stranger is on my all-time faves list, with that great dark lonesome melody and the blood-and-guts lyrics.

A standard in my repertoire under the category "Gospel for Agnostics": "It Ain't Necessarily So". This classic has all the gospel swing and passion, and Bible stories, told with a skeptical flair (and crazy rhymes).

It ain't necessarily so (2x)
The things that you're liable to read in the Bible
They ain't necessarily so.

Jonah he lived in a whale
Yeah, Jonah he live in a whale.
He made his home in that fishes' abDOUGHmen
Jonah he lived the a whale.

I also sing murder ballads and shipwreck songs, but have no desire to kill anyone or find myself clinging to a splinter somewhere in the North Atlantic ...


06 Jun 01 - 02:22 PM (#477718)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: wysiwyg

LOL Pete! Good one! (I'm picturing a phone booth, "Praise Sucks, just call 999-555-5555!") I hope SOMEONE is blushing!

No, not why, tho.

Say, when ARE ya coming back to PY?


06 Jun 01 - 05:06 PM (#477830)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: bbc

Hi, Mrrzy,

If I wasn't clear in my meaning, it was probably from a desire to *not* push my beliefs on others. What makes me sad is my perception that people are singing about something as if they have it when they don't. Since I *am* a believer, not surprisingly, it's my belief that things of God are real & desirable. I am sad that my friends don't have the higher quality of life I perceive that I have through my beliefs. As to your latter question, by all means sing. Yes, the lyrics & tunes can be beautiful in & of themselves. For me as a believer, though, there is an added dimension of expressing my faith & worshipping when I sing those songs. I hope I haven't offended; just wanted to add my 2 cents to the conversation.



06 Jun 01 - 05:11 PM (#477832)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Little Hawk

Matt - I think I know what George Harrison was talking about, and that's a bit different...if it works for him, fine with me.

- LH

06 Jun 01 - 05:22 PM (#477844)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Benjamin

Speaking for myself, I've listened to and sang gospel before and after I became a Christian. It all means so much more to me now than it ever did. Words make sense now instead of being random poetry.
So you can sing gospel without believing, but it's my oppinion that you're missing a very important element.

06 Jun 01 - 05:50 PM (#477863)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Jeri

I enjoy singing gospel songs, and I refuse to cut any song out of my repertoire because it happens to mention God.

JulieF - I'm glad you said that about feeling hypocritical, because I went through it too. At some point, I realised I sing lots of songs with things in them I don't believe in. I don't want to do ANY of the stuff I sing about in sea shanties! Why should religious songs be any different?

I don't think I'd sing any hymns or gospel songs in a setting where people would automatically assume I meant every word. (This may have something to do with why Joe doesn't sing gospel in church. ?) I sometimes feel like I should have a t-shirt that says "Songs do not necessarily reflect the opinions or beliefs of the singer." (Just thought of one for Buddhists: "I don't want to be "Saved," just recyled.")

06 Jun 01 - 05:57 PM (#477867)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Dani

OK, here's the thing (to be taken in the spirit of love - both of music, and of mudcatters all):

Can I sing about love if I haven't got any right now? Can I sing about children if I've never had one have one? Or sing about never having one if I HAVE? Can I understand and feel traditional blues if I'm white? Can I sing a song a man wrote or do I have to change the words because I'm a woman?

I think I understand what you're saying, bbc, but I think there's a greyish, nebulous line out there, and those of use who love gospel music, and spirituals, and yet call ourselves 'christians with a small c' will usually err on the side of loving, singing and sharing the music, rather than counting ourselves out.

I have always loved the name of A Prairie Home Companions "Hopeful Gospel Quartet". I think there's a double entendre there.

And to Brother Joe, I say a resounding AMEN!


06 Jun 01 - 06:13 PM (#477880)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Hollowfox

My religious beliefs aside, I prefer 19th century (and earlier) hymnody to most of the 20th century hymnody I've heard. I enjoy 19th century (and earlier) secular songs as well. I enjoy singing Copper Family songs with friends for the marvelous harmonies, not because I believe that the songs reflect rural British life in the past 150 years. Marty D, could it be that you like the musical style, both sacred and secular? You're allowed. *g*

06 Jun 01 - 06:50 PM (#477909)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: dick greenhaus

Maybe it's a poor parallel, but I recall some marvelous masses written by s Lutheran named Bach.

06 Jun 01 - 07:03 PM (#477920)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Chicken Charlie

As long as we've already drifted into the distinction between Gospel and Praise, a gentleman of my acquaintance who is even curmudgeonlier than I defined the latter as "Three chords and five words for ten minutes."

I feel deeply for anyone who is part of trying to transition a traditional congregation into contemporary worship style; that in itself is a sort of crucifixion, in n dimensions.


06 Jun 01 - 08:43 PM (#477995)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Bill D

if you go to a play or watch a movie, you 'hope' that the actors will play their roles well, whether or not they identify with the character. It is a matter of expressing clearly and with feeling something that is important to others......and religious matter are clearly important in human society, whether or not they are 'true'....I have not been a religious man for many years now, but I am in awe of the power & feeling of much of the music inspired BY belief.

If everyone on Earth became a non-believer tomorrow, many of us would still sing those songs to celebrate our heritage...just we sing sea chanties, though most of us have never pulled a line or trimmed a sail.

....further, deponent sayeth not

06 Jun 01 - 11:36 PM (#478105)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: GUEST,Ophelia

I too felt hypocritical about singing anything with a religious context but I feel a lot better now. Thankyou

I would also like to thank Emmylou Harris for my introduction to Wayfaring Stranger (growing up in a non-religious household I had little exposure to those songs). I did however find a third verse in a Lomax? song book of early American songs which seems to complete the song (Emmylou only sang the first two - on the record we had). Good choice Willie-O.

I find that you can really soar (if you know what I mean) with gospel songs and it does make you feel good, even if you don't believe... Ophelia

07 Jun 01 - 11:28 AM (#478388)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?

If Swaggart, Bakker and Tammy Fay can do it, why can't you?

07 Jun 01 - 12:22 PM (#478432)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Mrrzy

I'm not offended, bbc, and I see what you mean now. This thread occurred to me today as I was belting out some really loud Wolfe Tones, and realized that a) I am neither in favor nor opposed to getting the British out of Northern Ireland, I don't think it's my call to make, b) I am neither proCatholic nor proProtestant nor anti either of them individually, c) I am against advocating violence d) I am against using insulting terms for ethnic or other differences/minorities... yet I really, really like the music! Yikes!

On the other hand, I do find myself shielding (quote unquote) my children from some of the lurics (lurics are lurid lyrics, this started as a typo but I like the neologism) I would be willing to sing myself... so I guess I'm a total hypocrite! Epiphany! Luckily I have nothing against hypocrisy...

07 Jun 01 - 12:31 PM (#478443)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: mousethief

Luckily I have nothing against hypocrisy.

That's good, otherwise you'd be a hypocr-- but wait. Um. THAT'S CONFUSING!


07 Jun 01 - 12:48 PM (#478457)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: GUEST,JohnB

Sure Can, I sing with a 70 or so voice mixed SATB Choir. We do all sorts of songs Sacred and Secular. I know that myself and several others are non believers to various degrees. What gets to several of us is the way that the words are written. As a white looking choir I do not feel comfortable "singin all dem words, de way deh is wrote" We have done many spirituals over the years and I have not seen one that was not written that way. JohnB

07 Jun 01 - 01:03 PM (#478472)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Rick Fielding

Yeah, 'fraid I'm a total hypocrite as well, if I have to believe in everything I sing. Goodness knows I love whaling ballads, but have given a ton to Greenpeace over the years.

Sing hundreds of songs about guns, murder, wars, battles etc. but find the "pro-gun" lobby mostly laughable.

I love the "idea" of Union Solidarity and sing many of the old songs, but some of the Union bigwigs who've hired me were simply pigs, who threw around terms like "brother or sister" but were obviously as power-mad as the Bosses they hated.

I think (for me) it's a question of "suspending better judgement", just like an actor does when playing a role. For that moment, you DO become who and what you sing about. So even though you may not like the person or the activity, you try to UNDERSTAND them. If you communicate the story to your audience, it's worked. If not, either you or the material was unconvincing.

When I'm singing a Gospel song, I'm obviously very wrapped up in the music and the accompaniment. As far as the lyrics go, it's a bit more complex. When I was a kid I heard George Beverly Shea sing on the Billy Graham TV shows...and I simply enjoyed it. A few years later when I realized that Graham had not lifted a finger to help in the Civil Rights struggle ('cause so many of his flock were hard line segregationists) and that he was buddies with Nixon and Hoover, it changed my outlook. Hard to take lyrics about us all being "God's Children" seriously when His spokespeople on earth (on American TV at least) would criticize hippies, but NOT lynchings. Guess it was hearing Black singers like Rev. Gary Davis that really made me want to SING these songs. Almost all the current prominent (singing) white Evangelists were silent (or worse) during those shameful days, and perhaps that's why I wouldn't be able to sing their music convincingly, but I love the Black (or the ones I first HEARD sung by Blacks) Gospel songs and certainly try to do the best I can with them. It's certainly an issue I've thought about though.


07 Jun 01 - 01:23 PM (#478494)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Hollowfox

Mrrzy, I firmly believe that you can be too young for some things. Hell, I'm too young for some things~and I'm not sure my 12 year old is quite ready to learn, say, Good Ship Venus at her mother's knee. I'd be worried about the hypocracy of making her learn something as the truth that I thought was false. But that's another bag of cats altogether.

07 Jun 01 - 01:33 PM (#478501)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: hesperis

Wait - is someone who doesn't believe in Christianity automatically someone who doesn't believe in God?

There is a difference...

My $0.02:

When I sing "Let us break bread together" I am singing from the viewpoint of one who has faith in God (and Goddess, btw, but that isn't really relevant). I do not have faith in the Church, as I find it hampers my connection to God rather than helping me connect to that Sacredness. (But that's just me.)

Many American Spirituals express a longing for freedom. I have heard that "crossing the River Jordan" is a metaphor for freedom found in death. It doesn't take a Christian to understand that. If you have ever been oppressed, and thought that the only way out was death, then you know what those songs are about. At least they had a heaven to look forward to, where ALL would count as one in love of God, and the colour of their skin (or the state of their bank accounts) wouldn't matter. Even if you can only *imagine* what that would feel like, you know what those songs are about.

Spirituality is universal. Yes, it helps to know where the particular religion's songs are coming from - but I am as comfortable expressing the Sacred in Christian Gospel as in "Om Namah Shivaya", a song dedicated to the Hindu God, Shiva. And I'm not Hindu, either. (And I don't even understand the words!)

And when I sang "Amazing Grace" as my first EVER solo, in a Church, there wasn't a dry eye in the house. I'm not even baptized, but I KNOW what it's like to be blind and then to see...

Maybe so-called "unbelievers" merely believe in something else? Or maybe they merely NAME it something else? Or maybe it only has different adornments than what you are used to in your own religios tradition?

But, that has nothing to do with music. Spirituality can come through music, but if something feels good to sing, then sing it! If it's a spiritual song, and you don't believe in that Tradition's God or whatever, consider it an exercise in religious tolerance. Sort of like playing both team's National anthems in sports.

At the end, we are all part of that which is.

07 Jun 01 - 01:33 PM (#478502)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: GUEST,djh

I think Christ is great, I think most churchs with his name on them stink.It always puzzles me when folks can't seperate Christ from organized religion. He didn't found his churchs and he'd probably go in and overturn the tables if he saw most of the pharase? faracee? pompous hypocrites who attend to his teachings today.
I sing spirituals all the time, rarely ones that mention Christ, I prefer ones that work in a secular, metaphorical context 'crossing the river Jordan , redemption type songs'. I think spirituality has gotten lost for many because the messenger (organized religion) is being mistaken for the message. Who can't get behind Peace , love , and Understanding?
Most really good spirituals are about the personal journey to fulfilment- Amazing Grace, who aint been lost? Who doesn't want to be found? Who aint tryin to get home? Metaphorically speaking.
Besides , you got a whole in your soul if you never have the urge to belt out a Blind Willie Johnson tune. If you aint heard Blind Willie I will pray for you. -DJH

07 Jun 01 - 08:59 PM (#478847)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Mrrzy

I am actually thinking so hard about this issue I'm willing starting another thread about the general ethical issue with singing, say, whaling songs, if you like the songs but not whaling, if that would be hijacking this one...

bbc has really made me think. (imagine a blicky to the singing gospel while disbelieving thread here). I am actually having a crise de conscience and thinking about changing all the music I sing, and kind of want to think "out loud" or whatever the Internet term is, with y'all.

I have always kind of minded some of the lyrics of some of the songs I like to listen to (perhaps I should say that I really only listen to stuff I can sing, as I have an irrepressed urge to sing along most of the time). I grew up on folk (Weavers, Baez, Ed McCurdy, and a lot of Clancy Bros & Tommy Makem). As I said in the aforementioned threads, I don't advocate violence, so some of those songs (I've progressed to The Wolfe Tones among others) are on point, as it were.
But my very favorite genre is ballads. Which tell stories. Which tend to be about exciting things happening, which tend to be the kind of things nobody advocates. Think of the ancient Chinese curse, "may you live in interesting times." So I am worrying about trying to be ethical and not make people sad by singing their lovely music while not buying into what the lyrics are about.

So can I believe in what the music is about – beauty, glorious melodic beauty? And just take the words as fiction? I mean, I read a lot of murder mysteries too.

Anyway, I'm really trying to think this through. Your thoughts would be fully appreciated, as would a visit from the blicky fairy…

07 Jun 01 - 09:01 PM (#478849)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Mrrzy

Oops, forgot that I'd composed that as if I were starting that new thread - never mind, blicky fairy, go back to sleep!

Also, I should mention that the crise is coming from having kids around whom I sing all the time. We have already talked about Jack Was Every Inch A Sailor, for instance...

07 Jun 01 - 11:36 PM (#478974)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: GUEST,khandu

Your steeple is a phallic symbol

erected to the glory of God

And the Pharisees who rule your temple

Do it with an iron rod

Yeah, they do it with an iron rod


08 Jun 01 - 04:35 AM (#479056)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Joe Offer

Now, a good example of the gospel bbc sings is Deep Settled Peace (click), an absolutely beautiful song. I admit that I like gospel songs that are a little quirky, like A Mother's Last Words to her Daughter and Dropkick Me Jesus or "There Is Power in the Blood of the Lamb."
As I said before, I'm a church musician who won't sing gospel in church. The church songs I like best are usually the ones that use or paraphrase texts from scripture. You won't hear me singing those songs at a gathering outside church - singing them for a general audience just wouldn't feel right. It's kind of like forcing my religion on people, and I don't want to do that.
What I call "gospel" is southern white gospel, and that's the stuff that tends to give me theological problems. I don't have the same problems with black "spirituals," and I'll often sing them in church. I guess when I think of black gospel, I think of the religious stuff sung by Rev. James Cleveland - I haven't heard white people do a credible job of singing black gospel, although whites can sing "spirituals" quite well.
Aretha Franklin is the daughter of a preacher from Detroit. I have a CD of a gospel performance she did at her dad's church. It's an extraordinary example of black gospel. I love it, but wouldn't attempt to sing it.
-Joe Offer-

20 Jun 01 - 05:45 AM (#487651)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: dr soul

Most of the songs I've ever written are based on African-American gospel music, yet I am neither African nor Christian. The spiritual message of music transcends specific ideologies.

20 Jun 01 - 10:06 AM (#487783)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: RangerSteve

My friend's atheist wife loves to hear me sing "When the Roll is Called Up Yonder". I have Jewish friends who sing sangs that mention Jesus. I think it's because gospel tunes have some of the best choruses and they're fun to sing along with. I'm not even sure if I believe in heaven the way it's described in song, but since I work on Sundays, singing these songs is my substitute for going to church and, so far, God hasn't given me any sign that he dissaproves of my singing songs that I don't necessarily believe in.

20 Jun 01 - 11:02 AM (#487830)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: marty D

I showed this to a few of the folks at our weekly sing and they were amazed at the discussion and the level of commentary. I think at least three of them are trying to come up with mudcat 'handles' as I speak. Thank you everyone.


20 Jun 01 - 02:09 PM (#488079)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Ebbie

Another analogy: is it OK to sing a love song if you've never been in love? It's likely that after falling in love the words of a love song will make more sense to you but it is entirely proper, I think, to sing it before- or in spite of experience, as long as you sing it with respect. I think it is necessary to suspend disbelief. Act as if. Otherwise you will offend everybody!


20 Jun 01 - 03:10 PM (#488128)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: chip a

I worked with a guy once who swore that if you ordered roofing tar over the phone, it would get in your ear. You can sing gospel without belief but you might get it all over you.

:) Chip

20 Jun 01 - 04:35 PM (#488200)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Rick Fielding

Got a somewhat angry P.M. telling me that my "whaling songs" analogy is hogwash, because "not believing in Jesus' power" (and still singing Gospel songs) is a lot more destructive than "not believing in whale killing" but still singing THOSE songs.

That's the point though, isn't it? They ARE the same to me. I see one as a "man created myth" (and choose not to believe it) and the other as a destructive behaviour ('specially in this day and age). I still like the beauty in the songs though, so I sing 'em...and get pretty emotionally involved.

Perhaps if I spent three hours listening to a modern "whaler" tell me his story, I might be swayed....or if I got hit by some religious lightning bolt, I might change my tune on that as well....but I I don't. I'm open for the possibilities though.


20 Jun 01 - 05:07 PM (#488226)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Turtle

Wow, this thread is just fascinating. I haven't sung much gospel, but I do sing sacred harp/shape note music, which also comes from a living Christian tradition. I don't consider myself a Christian any more, and among the folks who come to our singings there are Christians, Buddhists, Quakers, Jews, pagans, and probably other folks like me, who have a strong spiritual life but don't belong to any organized/named religion. I had a long talk with one of the tenors once about this (he's Jewish), and we both agreed that there is some kind of spiritual power to the music that keeps us coming back. It's not just about the beauty of the music, and it's not just about singing with a group of forty other folks who love it too. Neither of us is Christian, but both of us feel spiritually moved by the music.

I can't speak for the other folks at the singing, but I know that when I am singing the Christian words of those songs, they somehow morph in my mind. I think perhaps what I gain strength from, or what I pour intention into, is the spiritual meaning behind them.

Gosh, that sounds clear as mud. But here's an example: I might sing, "Savior, visit thy plantation--grant us, Lord, a gracious rain. All will come to desolation unless thou return again. Lord revive us, O revive us, all our help must come from thee." Those words are Christian, but when I'm singing them what I'm feeling/thinking/believing/singing is my belief that my life is dry without a spiritual connection, and that only by turning my heart and mind toward that connection in prayer/song/meditation/action will I be revived. The song is one way of praying/meditating on that and for that. I think my singing the song for that purpose is pretty close to the intention of the folks who wrote it and the culture it came from, even though for me it's not about Jesus and I'm not Christian. The songs have a spiritual power that is not bounded by their coming from a Christian tradition. I think this is related to what Hesperis (I think) was saying about spirituality being universal.

So is it the same with Gospel?

bbc, I want to respond to something you said, and I hope I will do so respectfully, because I want to engage in a conversation & not offend you. Let me apologize in advance if I hit a nerve by accident. You said, "I hope that I have never pushed my beliefs on anyone, but, friends, when you sing gospel in my presence, I am praying (with no judgement in my heart) that you will come to know the joy, the peace, & the strength that come from my faith," and then later in another post, "What makes me sad is my perception that people are singing about something as if they have it when they don't... I am sad that my friends don't have the higher quality of life I perceive that I have through my beliefs."

Isn't there an implied judgment in there that only if my beliefs are like yours can I have that kind of joy, peace and strength? And, conversely, isn't it possible that when I'm singing shape note (or gospel), I'm singing about something that I do have, something that's similar to what you have (i.e. a spiritual grounding to my life) but that looks different (i.e. is not Christian)? Do you really believe that there is only one way? I don't mean this as a slur, at all--I'm really curious, because it seems so clear to me in my life and the people I know that there are many ways to come to that kind of joy, peace, and strength. I have known people who radiated it who were Christian, but also others from all kinds of other spiritual backgrounds. Is your experience different?


20 Jun 01 - 05:40 PM (#488253)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: bbc

Hi, Turtle,

I tried to phrase what I said so carefully, because my intention is not to offend or put people off. As I understand it, though, a basic tenet of Christianity is that it *is* the only way. I won't know how God feels about that 'til I meet Him (her, it--if you prefer), if indeed I ever do. I know that what I believe & practice feels right for me. My praying for people is not anything that impacts their lives externally. I usually pray that God will speak to their hearts & minds & that they will be open to understanding & accepting who He is. That is a desire I have for all people, but particularly for those I care about. If you think you have found a high quality of life, don't you want your friends & relatives to have it, too? The thing that troubled me the most about Christianity, that I spent a lot of time thinking about & questioning during my college years was just that--is Christianity the "only way"? I never came to a bottom line & had to content myself w/ leaving it in the hands of God. I just try to walk in the light I have & to treat others as I want them to treat me. I'd be curious to see a post from my fiance who came to Christianity after many years of searching through various religious expressions.



20 Jun 01 - 06:55 PM (#488304)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Burke

This is in response to Rick & comparing whaling to religious songs.

I did not really agree your analogy either, but did not feel particularly strongly about it. I'm inclined to put songs & their situations into different categories when it comes to my expectations of what's on a singer's mind.

If I hear a solo performer singing a religious or political song I guess I have a certain expectation that they agree with the sentiments expressed. I have no problem with people joining into a group situation & holding personal reservations. I guess the difference is that a religious or political song performed by it's nature has a sort of proselitizing aspect to it, even if very general. I guess I also like to think the person singing a relationship song, either love, or get out of here, has had that experience. I think there's just an assumption that everyone has been there at some time.

The reason I think whaling songs are different is because they don't seem to be encouraging anyone to join in. Aren't they mostly about how rough the life is or the songs acutally used on whaling ships? It seems like even the whalers didn't think it was such a wonderful thing to do, more just an awfully miserable way to make a living. The songs are also about past events & don't seem to say we should do this now. I know whaling continues now, but the songs are more of the old days.

I think songs of past political movements would also not require any kind of agreement because the issue is gone.

20 Jun 01 - 08:00 PM (#488352)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: MMario

Some people react to whaling songs the way others do to an overt expression of religion. (Check some of the posts on threads about whaling songs and you'll see)

As far as "one way" - I was taught that Christ died for the sins of the whole world...which means to me believers and non-believers. I cannot believe in a god who would condemn a soul for lack of knowledge - and thus by extension a lack of belief - in Christ.

Add to that the many fine people I know who are far more "christian" in their outlook and behavior then many Christians I know (this is judging by the teachings of Christ - not the tenets of the churchs descended from his teachings)

20 Jun 01 - 08:40 PM (#488370)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Rick Fielding

Damn...oops Darn! (sorry, I may be a heathen, but that's no reason to swear)

This really IS a great thread. S'makin' me think...and that's always good.

Burke you make a good point. I've never sung the old whaling ballads (and shoot 'em up ballads) as "political songs", I sing 'em strictly for the stories. Now actually I DO sing a lot of fairly political material, which I HAVE to believe in or else I simply COULDN'T sing them. They don't really have the kind of musical content that can stand alone. The Gospel songs often DO. besides, the message in many a Gospel song is "Have faith, and things will be all right". I DO believe that...sincerely. It's just that my idea of faith is (so far) based on PEOPLE "doin' the right thing", as opposed to a Diety (and if you credit the billions around the world as having a clue, then you have to admit there are MANY Dieties) The concept of one Diety (over all the rest) just has never seemed remotely logical to me. Doesn't stop me from being close friends to some quite religious folks. Makes me feel good to know that they think I'm WORTH the effort! Ha, Ha!


20 Jun 01 - 09:10 PM (#488382)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: WyoWoman

Welp, bein' a writer and all, I have an automatic response to metaphors large and small, and the lyrics of gospel music are rife with metaphor, so I can sing "Just As I Am" or "Sweet Hour of Prayer" and not feel that my staunch liberal Protestantism is the slightest bit threatened. Stuff like "Old Rugged Cross" and "Power in the Blood" I enjoy every now and then for historic reasons. Reminds me of my Southernish childhood, and of the friends who invited me to their revivals -- as it turns out, in hope they could save my only once-born soul and make a positive impact in our town's statistics of being "almost completely Baptist." My family and a few others were the holdouts, and frankly, the Baptists would have felt a whole lot better about things if they could've brought us rogues into the fold.

Alas, it was not to be, and I remain a rabid liberal Protestant to this day. I learned some beautiful old songs, however.

20 Jun 01 - 09:17 PM (#488389)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Jeri

The people I think of as good, aren't good because of what they believe but how they behave based on those beliefs.

I'm probably getting into hot water here, and way over my head. I remember that one part in the bible about God saying that folks shouldn't worship other gods because "I am a jealous god." If there weren't any other gods, it would be silly to be jealous of them. I think the belief that God is the only god is a recent phenomenon. I get the feeling that in earlier times, Christians just believed he was the best god.

Regarding music - I've found very few songs that I identify with 100%. Sometimes what a hymn is about loving one another, the world or life in general. I'm not going to give up those worthy thoughts because I don't agree with the worship parts of a song.

I don't wish for people to believe what I do, because I'd feel sort of like I was telling them what to think even though I know that's not possible. If I went around saying I wished that people would question not what they believe but why they believe it...well, that's not so bad, but assuming they'd come to the same conclusion as me would be egotistical. Then again, it's human nature to think we've got the best - the best family, the best school or geographical location or music or form of government.

It's not how we treat members of our own groups that truly shows what sort of person we are - it's how we treat those who are different.

20 Jun 01 - 09:48 PM (#488406)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Mary in Kentucky

Ebbie, you said something that sparked a thought in my long, rusty memory. You said, paraphrasing here, it was OK to sing a song before or in spite of an experience...just sing with if. That reminds me of a story about John Wesley, founder of the Methodists (you know, Baptists that can read. *** I *** didn't say that, it was in the movie "A River Runs Through It"). Anyway, Wesley was on a ship sailing to England with a group of Moravians, and when a terrible storm battered them, he realized he didn't have the calm faith that they had. Later he was counseled to "Preach like you have faith, and then when you do, preach because you have it." Is this a fair analogy? It may not be...because he wanted faith...and sought it. We don't seek a lot of the experiences we're talking about in this thread.

I'm also reminded of the trite anaolgy of the song in "The King and I" to whistle a happy tune when you're afraid.

20 Jun 01 - 09:52 PM (#488408)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Jon Freeman

Jeri, the "jealous god" comes into the equation long before the formation of Christianity - try Moses and the 10 commandments/ Exodus.


20 Jun 01 - 10:54 PM (#488436)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: toadfrog

I'm sorry. I don't recognize any principle requiring me to sing only songs I agree with (depending a bit on the venue, of course). If I anxiously tried see whether I agreed with all the words in a song before I sang it, singing would not be much fun. When I decided to leave a particularly P.C. folk group (which shall be nameless) I sang them "Okie from Muskogie," with great feeling, and then split. And really, I don't believe most of those words - probably no more than Merle Haggard does, even!!

When I was a boy, my mother sang hymns all the time, and I know she had doubts about most of Christian theology. So what's wrong with that? And I will sing along on wimpy stuff like "Amazing Grace" and "Further Along," which should pass muster with the Unitarians, but I much prefer "Blood of the Lamb," or "Standing on the Promises." The real, gutsy stuff.

And I would sing whaling songs, too, if there were any that I thought were any good.

20 Jun 01 - 11:02 PM (#488441)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Jeri

Same God though, Jon, just earlier. (And I've remembered that scene in one of those movies - was it "The Greatest Story Ever Told" with the followers of Moses and that golden sheep or whatever it was.)

I wondered, when I considered myself Christian, just how much of the framework of religion was from God and how much was from people. I believed then and now that the structures, and many of the rules, were created entirely by people based on their own very different interpretations of what they believed God wanted them to do.

For me to want to learn a song, it has to have something I strongly like. There may just be one very clear, beautiful idea in one verse, or it may just be the tune. As long as it has something, and there's nothing in it I strongly object to, I feel fine singing it.

Jeri, who's dodging thunderstorms (one of which included hail the size of SINSULL's bourbon balls) tonight.

20 Jun 01 - 11:13 PM (#488451)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Jon Freeman

Same God, yes Jeri but the dates would surely mean the Jews adopted the one God principle and the Christians necessarily always had that belief even from thier earlier days.

Structures, I guess we can all wonder the same as you (although many will have it that the bible is God's work and he is the author). With regards Christianity, I think the whole thing is really summed up in the NT where the rich man is asked about the commandments and it is said something like there are only really 2: Love God with all your heart and love thy neighbour as yourself or something like that. It could certainly be argued from that that a lot of the complications are man made not God made...

As for singing - me I just sing what I enjoy regardless as to whether I believe in it or in some cases, even understand the words.

As for the thunderstorms and hail, take care - as you know, my computer was zapped in a storm which had hail the size of marbles earlier this year.


20 Jun 01 - 11:19 PM (#488455)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Mary in Kentucky

Now Mrrzy, I'm confused too. I originally thought, of course you can sing gospel without belief. But then, I had another thought.

I believe it was Izak Perlman (maybe Zuckerman) that said you just had to be older (40ish) to perform the Beethoven or Brahms (violin concertos.) I think he meant that regardless of talent, passion, skill, etc., you just had to have a certain maturity that only life experiences can bring. Now I'm wondering if this applies to all areas of the arts and expression or if it varies with genre, audiences, performers, whatever. And is it a correct analogy?

Then, on the other hand, I know that a good actor can live a role and make it very convincing.

This gets curiouser and curiouser.

20 Jun 01 - 11:21 PM (#488456)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Amergin

I sing Lonesome Valley all the time....and I don't I guess you can...

20 Jun 01 - 11:35 PM (#488462)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: mousethief

I have to differ that "Amazing Grace" is wimpy stuff. Not if you've lived it. Maybe there's a difference there; not whether or not you can sing it, but if you can FEEL it.

And people can be technically perfect, but if they don't feel what they're singing, their singing will lack something.

Not saying that someone need be an evangelical Christian to "feel" evangelical Christian songs; obviously this is not the case, as Turtle's example clearly shows.

Singing from the head and singing from the gut are 2 different things.

There. That should stir up the hornet's nest a little. Flame away!


21 Jun 01 - 01:08 AM (#488490)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: TishA

Christianity isn't just a "belief System" it is an experience.

Yes, a basic tenet of Christianity is that it is the only way.

Another basic tenet is that Jesus Christ is the only begotten son of god.

Another: The wages of sin is death (spiritual, eternal seperation from god)

Another: "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the father but by me."

Another: Jesus is the Lamb of God, slain from the foundation of the world.

Another: We are lost not because we've "done sins" (that too) but because we have a sin nature.

Another: Christ's crucifixion is payment for "the wages of sin"

One more: We have to accept or reject this payment of our own free will.

I don't say any of this to get on anyones toes. Only to try to illustrate why a "born again Christian" (check out Nicademos) insists that you have to be a believer to truely understand and thereby truely communicate gospel songs.

And why that Christian isn't going to accept the idea that there are many paths. Or ANY other paths that are valid.

Now Flame!

: ) Chip at home

21 Jun 01 - 05:26 AM (#488590)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: bbc

Ok, folks, simmer down. My fellow Christians, try not to sound so defensive; this has been a friendly thread, at least so far. I felt kind of like I was standing alone as the main proponent of Christianity; it's good to hear from you. I read MMario's & Jeri's posts last night & was troubled by them. I know that I will see them in person this weekend & I don't want us to feel uncomfortable together. I've met Jeri before & really like her & I've been looking forward to meeting MM, someone I've known online for a long time. I feel that God woke me up 15 minutes early today w/ the specific intent that I answer some points. First of all, I don't feel that I'm better than other people & I certainly don't think I know all the answers. And I respect people's right to their beliefs, whether I agree w/ them or not. Here are my current thoughts--MM, my understanding of the Christian Bible is that, yes, Jesus came to the world to provide a means to reconcile all people w/ God, but that individual salvation is based on each person believing & accepting that reconciliation. I certainly agree that how we live has more importance than what we say we believe, but each Christian is an imperfect human being & we are each at different stages of maturity, both physical & spiritual (Some people, like me, are stubborn, slow learners!).

We are straying from the thread topic, though. I think the heart of it is yes, of course, you can sing gospel whether you believe the lyrics or not. It tends to have simple tunes, satisfying harmonies, & may even make you feel good. If I think that good feeling is the Holy Spirit trying to convince you of the truth of the lyrics, that's just one point of view. I guess my point is just the distinction that while an unbeliever may get a good feeling from singing gospel or may just perform it, for me, it expresses the core of my existence & is worship. By all means, sing. Marty, thank you again for starting this thread. It's provoked some good thinking & I know it has allowed me to express some thoughts that have bothered me for a long time.



21 Jun 01 - 08:45 AM (#488684)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: RichM

What you believe is not as important as what you do.

The only remains of my Christian, Catholic upbringing is "Love your neighbour", and " Do to others what you would have them do to you". I suppose I am more of a buddhist these days: I *know* that I have been re-born many times: I remember those lives!

My favorite gospel song is "Zen Gospel Singing" One of my singing partners in my bluegrass group is Jewish. He has always loved gospel songs!

21 Jun 01 - 09:01 AM (#488697)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: MMario

Hey bbc! {{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}

21 Jun 01 - 09:03 AM (#488698)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: IanC


I'm not going to flame, but I suspect I'm going to disagree with you.

I agree that Christianity is not a notion but a way. I'm afraid that, although I regard myself as strongly Christian, I don't agree that

(1) a basic tenet of Christianity is that it is the only way. (2) Another basic tenet is that Jesus Christ is the only begotten son of god. (3) Jesus is the Lamb of God, slain from the foundation of the world. (4) We are lost not because we've "done sins" (that too) but because we have a sin nature. (5) Christ's crucifixion is payment for "the wages of sin"

Most of these come from John, which has always given me some difficulty as it's not a historical account as such. (4) is, as far as I'm aware not biblical but rather the result of Calvinism. I would be happy to be corrected.


21 Jun 01 - 10:35 AM (#488786)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Dani

I'm excerpting a bit of an article below. You can find the whole article at this address:

Glenn Hinson's book delves deeply into this subject. I haven't yet read it, but had read this article, and just heard an interview with him, and suspect that many of us who love gospel and spirituals, and have and interest in the roots of African-American music will find treasure. The people he worked with tried very hard to share insight with those of us who did not grow up in this tradition. I think a lot of this conversation overlaps. And I think, for me, anyway, the thing hinges on the degree of respect and dignity that is brought to the pursuit of something that you are called to, whether you would name that caller the Holy Spirit, or some other name. And whether you are born into it, or grow into it.

bbc - I, too, am glad you brought it up. Let's set some time aside at the Getaway for some discussion!


"You got to be in it to feel it. And if you're not in it, you just sit there and you look." The words of Primitive Baptist Elder W. Lawrence Richardson, a former member of the gospel group The Fairfield Four, sum up the essence of Fire in My Bones: Transcendence and the Holy Spirit in African-American Gospel (University of Pennsylvania Press, 424 pp., $24.95), authored by UNC-Chapel Hill anthropologist and folklorist Glenn Hinson. They also reflect the career of The Branchettes, the gospel duo celebrating nearly three decades in song and praise later this month.

21 Jun 01 - 10:45 AM (#488807)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: GUEST,bbc at work

I think this thread shows Mudcat at its best--an honest discussion between thinking, caring people, regardless of their beliefs. Thanks for the hug, Leo; I was really hoping I wasn't offending you! Yes, Dani, I'll be happy to talk as long as folks are friendly & want to. I, as a believer, have been burned by hard-sell Christians & have no desire to be one, myself.

bbc (packing tonight & leaving as soon as work allows on Friday) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

21 Jun 01 - 11:09 AM (#488835)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Little Hawk

Can Leon Rosselson do it? That's the real question.

We have now reached the official 100 posts. Glory be!

- LH

21 Jun 01 - 12:07 PM (#488890)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: GUEST,djh

I just revisited the thread to see what was new and noticed something odd - Hesperis and myself posted at the same time, said basically the same thing , and sighted the same songs at 1:33 on 6/7. What are the odds?

21 Jun 01 - 12:34 PM (#488928)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Wolfgang


your question 'what are the odds?' cannot be answered for it is too unspecific. If you mean the odds that for a specified post, e.g. yours, another person is posting similar thoughts at the same time, the odds are very low. If you mean the odds for a posting of simultaneous posts with similar thoughts by any two persons within not too short a time, the odds are very high.

The point that is counterintuitive for many is that something with extremely low odds for happening at a specific time ot to a specific person has extremely high odds to happen at least once if given a lot of opportunities. So the odds that you'll roll three Sixes in succession when you want to is extremely low, the odds that this happens to some player if you are several persons playing a whole evening are very high.


21 Jun 01 - 01:05 PM (#488968)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: mousethief

Wolfgang, "What are the odds?" is a rhetorical question. It's another way of saying, "Isn't that interesting?" or "Doesn't that seem weird?"

It's not meant to be an actual request for calculation of a specific number.


21 Jun 01 - 01:10 PM (#488974)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Wolfgang

Thanks, but I knew that, Alex


21 Jun 01 - 01:11 PM (#488976)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: mousethief

Coulda fooled me.


21 Jun 01 - 02:31 PM (#489045)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Turtle

Hi bbc,

Thanks for the thoughtful conversation. I appreciate your willingness to talk so openly and respectfully about your beliefs in this kind of a public forum. I resonate strongly with much of what you said, particularly the bit about trying to walk in the light and treat others as you would have them treat you. It seems to me that in many ways we are on similar paths.


21 Jun 01 - 05:05 PM (#489156)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: mousethief


I find myself sort of sidelined by the current direction the thread is going, and wanted to try to say how things look from my POV. Feel free to ignore.

I don't know about other Christians, or about other "branches" of Christianity, or about people who might claim to be Christians but really aren't, or vice versa. All of that is outside my ability to make categorical statements about.

I do know that I am taught that Jesus Christ is the only bridge between divinity and humanity. Being fully God and fully Man, he bridges the gap between the two realms and thereby makes it possible for us mere mortals to have concourse with God.

This doesn't mean I don't value people who are not Christians, or who don't believe this the way I do. I know many, many good and loving people -- and even some holy people -- who are on quite different paths from me. It is not my job to judge them, or their decisions, or their paths. I feel it is my job to do the best I can to be faithful to the path I find myself on.

I count pagans, atheists, agnostics, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Baha'is, etc. etc. among my friends.

And yet I belong to what you might call a very "exclusivist" branch of Christianity.

How can this be?

I don't know. Maybe I'm not a very good Orthodox Christian (as has been hinted here before). But I find myself in very good company, including some real luminaries of the Eastern Church like Fr. Alexander Men, who was martyred by the Soviets on the very eve of the downfall of their atheistic empire. He too refused to discount and reject others based on their religious choices, and was open to learning truth at any table he sat at, and yet he still proclaimed the gospel he was entrusted to teach.

Very often "conservative" Christians find themselves left out of a "tolerance" that tolerates everybody who tolerates everybody, but subtly refuses to tolerate people who make any kind of truth claims, or who say "This is true and its opposite is false." I cannot join in the great toleration game and say, "your way is just as true as my way." I can say, "My way may be false and yours true," because as a fallible human I might, in fact, have it all wrong. But if I'm right, then those creeds or paths which deny the things that are right, are wrong. Which leaves me out of the great toleration game.

Yet I do have a great love and respect for people on different paths, and don't look down on them as being of any less intellect, goodness, or even ultimately salvation, than myself. For as my one-time roommate once said, "you don't need to know the name of a bridge to cross it." And we are told in our own Scriptures that many will enter the kingdom of Heaven who didn't even know they were headed that way. Again, mine is not the judgment. Mine is only to keep my own nose clean, and try to practice the sort of faith and love that I've been called to.

This is where I am. Thanks for listening, if anybody did.


21 Jun 01 - 05:32 PM (#489179)
Subject: RE: Can you sing 'Gospel' without Belief?
From: Jon Freeman

Click here for part 2