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Bush Acoustic Music Club (Manchester UK)

10 Jun 01 - 10:24 AM (#480200)
Subject: Bush Acoustic Music Club
From: davejones

Hello World,finally got this sorted I think,I'ma bit techno-challenged.Just to welcome anyone in the Manchester U.K. area,or indeed,anywhere else, to the Bush Acoustic Music Club.The Bush Inn,Moorside St.,Droylsden,Manchester.Every Tuesday at 9-00pm.We've been running for years and it's always nice to see some new faces.It's Folk andBlues-based but anything goes usually.Hope to see you there.Dave.

10 Jun 01 - 11:58 AM (#480241)
Subject: RE: Bush Acoustic Music Club
From: Uncle_DaveO

And here I thought this was going to be another political joke thread.

Dave Oesterreich

10 Jun 01 - 07:06 PM (#480480)
Subject: RE: Bush Acoustic Music Club
From: Snuffy

And I thought this was going to be about music in the outback.

Wassail! V

10 Jun 01 - 07:08 PM (#480484)
Subject: RE: Bush Acoustic Music Club
From: Sorcha

And I thought maybe El Shrubbo was gonna open a coffe house.....and sell tickets.

11 Jun 01 - 02:26 AM (#480631)
Subject: RE: Bush Acoustic Music Club
From: DaveJ

Two not so techie tips:

(1) Use your right thumb on the spacebar when appropriate. It improves the readability of the English language immensely.
(2) Only post once.

Sorry, I can't make it, but plane fair from Ithaca, NY to Manchester, U.K. is alittle steep.

P. S. I'm with DaveO, I thought this was going to be a humor thread.

14 Jun 01 - 08:40 AM (#483219)
Subject: RE: Bush Acoustic Music Club
From: Jon Freeman

Transferred from duplicate thread - Jon

Subject: RE: Bush Acoustic Music Club
From: Steveie1
Date: 11-Jun-01 - 08:26 AM

Acoustic Music Clubs seem to be springing up all over. I have one in Elie, Fife called the 19th Acoustic Music Club. Like yours its Folk / Blues based but again anything goes. Our club meets 1st and 3rd Thursdays each month. Next time I am in the area I'll call in.

14 Jun 01 - 08:41 AM (#483220)
Subject: RE: Bush Acoustic Music Club
From: Noreen

Hi Dave, welcome to the Mudcat Café, and congratulations on wading through the difficulties of cable TV-internet to post your first thread! :0)

The Bush is now online....

A highly recommended club, with friendly and talented regulars and visitors.

(Do I get the free pint now, Dave?)


14 Jun 01 - 10:58 AM (#483287)
Subject: RE: Bush Acoustic Music Club (Manchester UK)
From: John J

Nowt to do with Dubya Bush I hope.

Hello Dave, and welcome to Mudcat. I'd like to visit your club sometime soon. Noreen just sent me a PM to alert me to your post: we'll arrange a time when we can both get there so we can make a nuisance of ourselves singing. Noreen said something about a free pint. If that true I'll come twice! Whose beer is it anyway? Could you post (basic) directions to the pub please? Noreen lives up in t'hills north of Bury, I live in the flatlands of Cheshire (Altrincham).



14 Jun 01 - 11:31 AM (#483309)
Subject: RE: Bush Acoustic Music Club (Manchester UK)
From: John Routledge

Welcome Dave

Having heard you play I am more than happy to come along.

Will be a couple of weeks though. looking forward to it!!

Cheers John

14 Jun 01 - 11:57 AM (#483334)
Subject: RE: Bush Acoustic Music Club (Manchester UK)
From: Dave the Gnome

I'll try to give it a whirl, Dave. Getting good up 'ere init:-)

I'm Dave P (The handsome one - as opposed to Dave W;-)) from Swinton Folk Club

If we are all there at the same time we can play at posh submarine commanders.

Dave, Dave, Dave...



14 Jun 01 - 12:09 PM (#483337)
Subject: RE: Bush Acoustic Music Club (Manchester UK)
From: GUEST,JohnB

I have an aunt who lives in Droylsden, so next time I am over from Canada, you can count me in. Good Luck, JohnB

14 Jun 01 - 02:30 PM (#483444)
Subject: RE: Bush Acoustic Music Club (Manchester UK)
From: Joan from Wigan

Hi Dave, sorry I won't be able to come as Tuesday is one of the nights I run Wigan Folk Club - and I seem to remember your club when it used to be called Droylsden Folk Club. A very friendly club, with very friendly people and good music. I'll put the details in "Folkal Point" (if you'd like to receive that, PM me with your email address and I'll put you on the mailing list). Welcome to Mudcat, and I'll hope to see you somewhere around soon. Is Droylsden Folk Festival happening again?


14 Jun 01 - 06:57 PM (#483661)
Subject: RE: Bush Acoustic Music Club (Manchester UK)
From: John Routledge

There are sufficient Catters in area to invade Daves Club. As long as it is more than two weeks ahead count me in. Cheers GB

14 Jun 01 - 07:39 PM (#483702)
Subject: RE: Bush Acoustic Music Club (Manchester UK)
From: 8_Pints

Hi Dave,

Sue & I should be able to alternate with Pete Coe's club in Ripponden (his runs first Tuesday in the month I think).

Thanks Noreen,

Bob vG

15 Jun 01 - 03:46 PM (#484455)
Subject: RE: Bush Acoustic Music Club (Manchester UK)
From: Catrin

Woohoo - I know this place - very friendly and fun too - I will make it when I can (no excuse really, seeing as how I live just down the road!)

Welcome to Mudcat Dave


16 Jun 01 - 06:19 PM (#485134)
Subject: RE: Bush Acoustic Music Club (Manchester UK)
From: Noreen


18 Jun 01 - 02:14 PM (#486160)
Subject: RE: Bush Acoustic Music Club (Manchester UK)
From: Noreen

I'd give directions, but maybe I'll leave that to Dave. My sense of direction is legendary...


19 Jun 01 - 07:50 AM (#486830)
Subject: RE: Bush Acoustic Music Club (Manchester UK)
From: GUEST,davejones

Hi,not much time,locked out of this in 15 mins. Bush Acoustic Club,Moorside St.Droylsden.From the new M60,come off at Ashton-Under-Lyne,but take a left to Droylsden,(Ashton is right).Keep in the right-hand lane and continue to major setof lights Concorde Suite is on right at Droylsden centre.Turn right there (Market St.) and go through a feww bends it becomes Moorside St. Bush is on the right, a Thwaites house.Hope to see you all there.Joan, no the festival is onhold at the moment.Anyway, it seems a pity but........

19 Jun 01 - 08:22 AM (#486841)
Subject: RE: Bush Acoustic Music Club (Manchester UK)
From: DaveJ

Hi, Dave,

Keep the Bass Ale cold (er I mean warm;-), and maybe Ill figure out how to row across the big puddle.


19 Jun 01 - 08:47 AM (#486855)
Subject: RE: Bush Acoustic Music Club (Manchester UK)
From: John J

Oooooh, nobody mentioned Bass before. Not to be missed!


19 Jun 01 - 12:14 PM (#487040)
Subject: RE: Bush Acoustic Music Club (Manchester UK)
From: GUEST,Nick P.

Well, Dave, I'm allways on the lookout for new audiences to impress, (translates; all the audiences at all the venues I usually visit are probably getting cheesed off with my usual tunes by now) so if you're up for a few fiddly-diddly fiddle tunes, I'll do my utmost to pop along tonight! see ya there!.......Nick P.

25 Jun 01 - 01:36 PM (#491533)
Subject: RE: Bush Acoustic Music Club (Manchester UK)
From: Noreen

DaveJ, have you set off yet? See you about the middle of August? :0) (Not heard that song before- great story!) Beer's not Bass though, but Thwaites's's, and I believe they do a good pint of the black stuff too.

I'm not going to follow Dave's directions... I turn right when leaving junction 23 of the M60 (as will anyone coming from the north) and head towards Manchester, away from Ashton. Follow Droylsden signs, and see you there!


25 Jun 01 - 01:53 PM (#491547)
Subject: RE: Bush Acoustic Music Club (Manchester UK)
From: John J

What time are you getting there Noreen?


25 Jun 01 - 01:58 PM (#491550)
Subject: RE: Bush Acoustic Music Club (Manchester UK)
From: Noreen

8.30 -> 9ish, John.

26 Jun 01 - 12:02 PM (#492243)
Subject: RE: Bush Acoustic Music Club (Manchester UK)
From: Noreen

Bother- looks like I'll not be able to make it tonight after all... son's band is playing tonight rather than tomorrow. Another Tuesday perhaps.

Have fun, all.


26 Jun 01 - 12:35 PM (#492272)
Subject: RE: Bush Acoustic Music Club (Manchester UK)
From: John J

Ah well! Noreen's going to let me know when she's going next; I'll arrange to go the same night.


02 Jul 01 - 08:12 PM (#497050)
Subject: RE: Bush Acoustic Music Club (Manchester UK)
From: Noreen

Refresh... it's Tuesday again.

09 Jul 01 - 11:00 AM (#501950)
Subject: RE: Bush Acoustic Music Club (Manchester UK)
From: GUEST,Marion Dennerly

Hi, Nice to hear that the Bush is still going from strength to strength,had some good nights there and hope to get there again soon. Nice to see youre on line and i recognise a number of names that have responded to your thread. Hello to Joan, sorry I dont go near the Angler any more cause it would have been nice to see and hear you again. perhaps if you manage to get across to the Bush you could post a thread and i'd endeavour to get there although it's not exactly easy at the present. Marion

09 Jul 01 - 11:29 AM (#501986)
Subject: RE: Bush Acoustic Music Club (Manchester UK)
From: Amos

I thought this was going to be about a club where people gathered to mispronounce words and abuse language... my mistake!


10 Jul 01 - 01:00 AM (#502712)
Subject: RE: Bush Acoustic Music Club (Manchester UK)
From: Joan from Wigan

Hi Marion! Lovely to hear from you again. But, as I said earlier in the thread, it's unlikely I'll get to the Bush as it clashes with one of the nights I run in Wigan. And I, too, don't get to the Jolly anywhere near as often as I'd like to these days. The next time (up to now) that I'll be over that side of Manchester will be the Open Door Folk Club Extravaganza in October. Pauline has booked me for the Sunday afternoon (21st). I'd love to see you then if you're there, and indeed any other friends from the area.

Meanwhile, as it's Tuesday, anyone able to get to Droylsden tonight should visit the Bush (and anyone closer to Wigan should visit the Fox & Goose!...)


10 Jul 01 - 07:55 AM (#502873)
Subject: RE: Bush Acoustic Music Club (Manchester UK)
From: davejones

Thanks Joan for refreshing this,Marion it'll be nice to see you when you can make it.Yes,Amos theEnglish abuse kicks in about 10-30 when Guinness-speak rears it's ugly head(OOPS,already happened).We're there again tonight as every Tuesday.If anyone can make it that would be great.Dave.

24 Jul 01 - 11:29 AM (#513425)
Subject: RE: Bush Acoustic Music Club (Manchester UK)
From: davejones

Hello again,be there and be square.Tonight 9.00 Dave Jones.

24 Jul 01 - 12:08 PM (#513459)
Subject: RE: Bush Acoustic Music Club (Manchester UK)
From: Noreen

Wish I could, Dave.

Have fun!
