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BS: BS. Vegetarians - do not read .

11 Jun 01 - 02:39 PM (#480969)
Subject: BS. Vegetarians - do not read .
From: Donuel

We have grown up with advertising filters embedded in our brains and hear a second voice of disclaimers without a second thought. Here is a cleverly worded email that avoids a direct statement but is pretty hard hitting by way of pushing your taboo button.

Subj: Re: [ManBeef Contact] I want to know you if you are real Date: 04/17/2001 9:52:37 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: (Joseph Christopherson)

Dear M.C.

Many people don't openly accept the fact that others enjoy the flavor and texture of human meat. However, we assure you that our company is in no way a joke. We have been in this business for many years, and over the years we have had many people assume that our company is merely a joke. Though we are offended by that, we do take the time to let people know that we are indeed a serious business.

It is common for people to feel uncomfortable with the idea of eating human flesh, and this has caused a great deal of problems for us in the past. Those who deem the concept of consuming human flesh as "gross" only do so because they have not experienced the delicacy that is ManBeef.

For people who are new to the world of human flesh consumption, we offer a new "Sampler Pack." This package contains small samples of the most common cuts of ManBeef. We find that it is a good way to introduce someone to the concept of eating human meat. The sampler pack only costs $200 and contains 28 samples of our best cuts. If you would like to order our sampler pack, please contact

ManBeef operates on a completely legal basis. All bodies we use are legally accounted for, and have had all of their rights waived by selling their bodies to cadaver venders, before they passed away. This makes the sales of our products completely legal. You can find more information about how we acquire our bodies on our processing page.

Some countries, states, or counties have laws against the purchase, sale, or consumption of human flesh, however many do not.

ManBeef assumes no responsibility if you violate local laws by purchasing human meat. It is the customers responsibility to contact their local authorities and determine whether they would be in violation of local law by purchasing or consuming human flesh. If you discover that it is illegal to consume or purchase human meat in your county, please contact your congressman and request that the laws be changed. When a customer signs up for ManBeef membership we thoroughly check their state and county laws in regards to handling, shipping, purchasing, and consuming of human flesh. If at that point we discover that it is illegal for you to purchase human meat from ManBeef International Meats, we will inform you. It is also important to remind you that the laws do change from county to county. This means that if you plan to have a picnic in another county, you may be in violation of local law by transferring human flesh across county lines. If you wish to become a consumer of human meat, we suggest that you begin researching the legality of this action. By better understanding the laws throughout the country, you safeguard yourself against legal action.

Thank you for your interest in ManBeef,

Joseph Christopherson -- President, ManBeef International Meats. --

11 Jun 01 - 02:46 PM (#480973)
Subject: RE: BS: BS. Vegetarians - do not read .
From: mousethief

Seems pretty direct (and disgusting) to me!


11 Jun 01 - 02:48 PM (#480974)
Subject: RE: BS: BS. Vegetarians - do not read this .
From: Donuel

BTW I am sure vegetarians read , I just did not want to causeany undue anguish by having a vegetarian read "this" post. Ennuendo is one thing but... Too bad Ford Explorers do not have a disclaimer of once again "unsafe at any speed".

11 Jun 01 - 02:54 PM (#480982)
Subject: RE: BS: BS. Vegetarians - do not read .
From: Clinton Hammond

That's funny!!

Sign me up, eh!!!!

11 Jun 01 - 03:00 PM (#480985)
Subject: RE: BS: BS. Vegetarians - do not read .
From: Donuel

As they say Its the other white meat. (doesn't taste like chicken at all - more like pork) Anyway enough of this tripe I saw on the Art Bell site.yuck

11 Jun 01 - 03:03 PM (#480988)
Subject: RE: BS: BS. Vegetarians - do not read .
From: Dicho (Frank Staplin)

This reminds me of an old childhood lament- And me without a dish and a spoon! Also another fictional product, Soylent Green. I remember that Long Pig was a euphemism for human flesh, cannibal style. Manbeef must be Nouvelle Cuisine.

11 Jun 01 - 03:11 PM (#480997)
Subject: RE: BS: BS. Vegetarians - do not read .
From: Donuel

Now this would be a wierd story : Vegetarian donates organs to animal ;-}

11 Jun 01 - 03:11 PM (#480998)
Subject: RE: BS: BS. Vegetarians - do not read .
From: Bagpuss

Everyone knows humans taste like pork, not beef!


11 Jun 01 - 05:44 PM (#481097)
Subject: RE: BS: BS. Vegetarians - do not read .
From: Liz the Squeak

Why do I have this craving for applesauce?

LTS who used to be vegetarian!!

11 Jun 01 - 09:57 PM (#481264)
Subject: RE: BS: BS. Vegetarians - do not read .
From: RangerSteve

What kind of people work in the butcher shop at this place? With all the legal meat that's readily available, why bother with human meat anyway? For that matter, why bother with snails, squid, head cheese or frogs legs?

11 Jun 01 - 11:09 PM (#481297)
Subject: RE: BS: BS. Vegetarians - do not read .
From: guinnesschik

Ugh. I don't like the taste of carnivorous animals, and I'm sure humans (fed on a steady diet of carcinogens and fast food) would taste dreadful....unless they're vegetarians.

Yuck. Think I'll stick to CowBeef, thank you.

11 Jun 01 - 11:50 PM (#481314)
Subject: RE: BS: BS. Vegetarians - do not read .
From: Chip2447

If a vegetarian eats vegatbles, what does a humanitarian eat?

12 Jun 01 - 05:46 AM (#481447)
Subject: RE: BS: BS. Vegetarians - do not read .
From: Gervase

guinesschik's got it.
The sort of crap most people shove into their bodies would make them taste disgusting. I know how I stink after too much coffee, curry or whisky, so heaven knows what I'd taste like (though my fingernails always seem pretty tasteless!).
I think the answer is only to eat vegetarians. Just think of it; by devouring a veggie you're helping save the world from global warming (cf: the farting thread).
On another tack entirely, why can't the GM pioneers, in their infinite wisdom, make peas, beans and sprouts that taste of snot? Not for me, you understand, but it may be the only way to get small children to eat them.

12 Jun 01 - 06:35 AM (#481459)
Subject: RE: BS: BS. Vegetarians - do not read .
From: GUEST,folkie

reading this thread definately beats working (and I am a vegetarian!

12 Jun 01 - 08:10 AM (#481500)
Subject: RE: BS: BS. Vegetarians - do not read .
From: Donuel

One point of mine is that the ManBeef guy never says they actually will sell you a human product. Apparently some people all fooled all the time by what I call "Policorp English".

12 Jun 01 - 08:17 AM (#481503)
Subject: RE: BS: BS. Vegetarians - do not read .
From: RangerSteve

re: peas, etc. that taste like snot: or make them in the shape of dinosaurs, worms, cartoon characters. Getting back to human meat, the stuff needs another name, just like veal for cute little baby cows, escargot for slimy vermin that most people just step on, head cheese for crud scraped off of a cows face, sweetbreads for parts you never new existed, prairie/mountain oysters for bull testicles, and in the middle Atlantic states, Scrapple for ground up pork snouts, tails, ears mixed with corn meal. Apparently, people will buy anything if the name is entirely unrelated to the actual product. I'd also like to recommend "unmentionable Cuisine, a cook book that's fascinating, even if you don't use the recipes. Ethnic and regional recipes for everything from cow brains to barnacles, with stops along the way for dog, cat, mice, with detailed explanations for why people eat that stuff. Highly recommended.

12 Jun 01 - 08:21 AM (#481506)
Subject: RE: BS: BS. Vegetarians - do not read .
From: Donuel

Gervase , you have a good point. There is one protien that is respondsible for meat flavor. If GM types could insert it into veggies so they all tasted like McMadcows french fries then kids might eat them. Alot of the hybrid fruits like strawberries already taste either flavorless , like sulphur , or some kind of fruit but it'snot.

12 Jun 01 - 12:16 PM (#481655)
Subject: RE: BS: BS. Vegetarians - do not read .
From: Justa Picker

And here I thought M and M's were the only ones that ate their own kind.

12 Jun 01 - 12:25 PM (#481661)
Subject: RE: BS: BS. Vegetarians - do not read .
From: Clinton Hammond

"Well, sir... It's just that... I'd rather eat Johnson."

---Monty Python---


13 Jun 01 - 05:14 AM (#482247)
Subject: RE: BS: BS. Vegetarians - do not read .
From: Gervase

Maybe it depends if you're well-hung or not (and no, don't go there, 'Spaw!).
Once I had a rather nasty necrosis in my leg where the flesh started to go off around the edges of a wound, and the smell reminded me a lot of roquefort cheese, with just a hint of gamey pheasant thrown in.
If I dissociated the pong with the problem, it actually smelled quite tasty. Or perhaps I'm just a sicko who loves roquefort and pheasant!