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BS: Who Do You Love?

13 Jun 01 - 01:48 AM (#482206)
Subject: Who Do You Love?
From: Blackcatter

OK - everyone seems to be asking personal things, so here's mine:

I got a cobra snake for a neck-tie, etc.

so tell me: Who Do You Love?

13 Jun 01 - 02:10 AM (#482212)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Amergin

my dogs....

13 Jun 01 - 05:48 AM (#482265)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: English Jon

Emily Sanders of Cannock, Staffordshire.

13 Jun 01 - 06:17 AM (#482275)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Noreen

My children.

13 Jun 01 - 07:55 AM (#482307)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Robby

My brown-eyed Macushla, our three children and soon to be two granchildren.

13 Jun 01 - 08:28 AM (#482319)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: kendall

Almost everyone, and, all animals, except hyenas

13 Jun 01 - 08:32 AM (#482325)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?


13 Jun 01 - 08:33 AM (#482328)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Dave the Gnome

Juicy Lucy...;-)

13 Jun 01 - 09:30 AM (#482368)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Mooh

...thy neighbour...

That's intended to push the buttons of whoever it is who sends me personal emails regarding my excessive religiousness.

Family, friends, the dog (but I dare say not the cat)...

Peace. Mooh.

13 Jun 01 - 10:12 AM (#482400)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: chip a

Tish, my kids, my sister & mum, wait a minute........this depends on how you define "is".

13 Jun 01 - 10:16 AM (#482402)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Midchuck

Mizchuck, Dr. Lulu, Rotten Rodney, my Maw, Koshka, Waylon & Willy, various siblings, nephews and nieces...then we start getting into instruments....


13 Jun 01 - 10:25 AM (#482406)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Matt_R

My family, cats, friends from Newman, and MOST especially Kim, the love of my life.

13 Jun 01 - 10:37 AM (#482415)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Bardford

I Love -little baby ducks,old pickup trucks, slow movin' trains,and rain. Little country streams,sleep without dreams,Sunday school in May,and hay.
And I love you too.

Cheers, Bardford

13 Jun 01 - 10:46 AM (#482420)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler

(Doing poor impression of Gwyneth Paltrow- I'm as pretty but with a shorter neck and bigger boobs, [MUST diet])"I love you all..." RtS(especially Herself as it's her birthday today,that's why there's a bottle of wine in the fridge for tonight)

13 Jun 01 - 10:55 AM (#482427)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: English Jon

This is starting to bother me. Should that not, stricltly speaking say "Whom" rather than "Who", or have I mis-understood all the grammar they never taught me in school?

Oddly pedantic today...

Any etymologically minded types out there able to shed light?


13 Jun 01 - 11:26 AM (#482454)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Midchuck

You're right, as far as standard English usage goes. You're wrong as far as Bo Diddley usage goes.

The thread name was a quote.


13 Jun 01 - 11:33 AM (#482465)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Bill D

agapé, eros, storgé or philia? (The lists vary a LOT, depending...*grin*)

13 Jun 01 - 11:56 AM (#482495)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Blackcatter

Thanks for the clarification Midchuck.

Yes "whom" would be grammatical, but "Who Do You Love" just hit me as I was looking throught the thread list.

O.K. here is my list: Mary, Lisa, Andie, music in general and particular, most of my friends' cats, "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness," New Hampshire's Constitutional "Right of Revolution," Winnie-the-Pooh, Key West, Ireland, and myself (because it is good to love oneself)

pax yall & thanks for the responses!

13 Jun 01 - 11:59 AM (#482498)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Blackcatter

Bill D - knock your shoes off and list whatever, whomever you want and define it however you want.

I always thought it an odd thing that English has probably the largest vocabulary but tends to use the word "love" so generically

13 Jun 01 - 01:12 PM (#482550)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: GUEST,Earnshaw

Well,its obvious..... Heathcliff.

13 Jun 01 - 01:17 PM (#482555)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: wysiwyg

The otherwise unloved or underloved.

The ones who have been invisible.


13 Jun 01 - 01:21 PM (#482557)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: mousethief


13 Jun 01 - 01:23 PM (#482561)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: GUEST,Heathcliffe

Wait for me Kathy, wait for me at the gates of hell until I can join you!!!!! and we shall be together....(gasp) Forever!!!!!!

13 Jun 01 - 01:42 PM (#482573)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Caitrin

*grins* I'm just nineteen and I don't mind dyin'.

I'd have to say my parents and brother, a few close friends, Danny, and my dear old cat Scott who despite his advanced years still manages to take down a snack from the kitchen counter now and then.

13 Jun 01 - 01:50 PM (#482581)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: mousethief

I'm just nineteen and I don't mind dyin'.

This of course is why armies are primarily made up of 19-year-olds and not 40-year-olds.


13 Jun 01 - 02:23 PM (#482607)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Chicken Charlie

When all this stuff ends up in the National Enquirer, does DT get a share of the payment? I'm sure it would boost circulation. OK, OK---

My dog, a lady or two, and my friendly neighborhood luthier. Guess I have no imagination.


13 Jun 01 - 02:41 PM (#482618)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Walking Eagle

My family and another special feller who might be lurking on this list,so this gal will keep shet ( hillbillyese for shut ) about it!

For you furrin'( foreign ) 'catter critters, hillbillys are folks who are bred and born in the Appalachian Mountains of the United States.

Who or Whom. It don't make no difference when it comes to love!

13 Jun 01 - 08:32 PM (#482944)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Robin2

Bob, Brian, Chris, Kim, Sam, George, Barney, Tommy,and Annie

13 Jun 01 - 08:41 PM (#482948)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Lyrical Lady

I'll nooooo be tellin' the likes of you lot ... for fear of him takin' to the hills ne're to return ... 'tis a secret I'll be takin' to me grave!


13 Jun 01 - 09:11 PM (#482961)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Murray MacLeod

Very few posts on Mudcat make me laugh out loud, but the image of Bo Diddley singing "Whom Do You Love" was simply hilarious.

Murray (who lives not where he loves)

13 Jun 01 - 09:28 PM (#482973)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Sorcha

ahh, but the Question is:

Who loves ya, baby?

13 Jun 01 - 11:20 PM (#483028)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: GUEST,Dancing Mom

David. Ashley, Amy, Samantha, and Nathan.My mom and my mother-in-law. The rest of our great big family. My Eck buddies. Old friends. And, this afternoon, a sweet bundle of joy named Michaela whom I helped bring into the world, and her parents who allowed me the privilege of sharing in their experience. YES! Life is so sweet. Sharon

13 Jun 01 - 11:30 PM (#483033)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Lyrical Lady

Dancing Mom ... you are so fortunate! Such a wonderful experience!


14 Jun 01 - 01:54 AM (#483085)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Benjamin

God! My friends and family. My cat!

14 Jun 01 - 02:01 AM (#483087)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: wysiwyg

It is WHO. It would be "By WHOM are you loved?".

Imagine Kojak saying THAT. "By whom are you loved, baby?" But he was both colorful AND correct, with "Who loves ya, baby?".


14 Jun 01 - 02:28 AM (#483094)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: wysiwyg

Or "With whom are you in love?". That's correct too.

"WHO are you telling?" Or, "WITH WHOM are you discussing it?" Or, "TO WHOM are you addressing yourself, madam!?".

I remain,


14 Jun 01 - 03:36 AM (#483108)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?

My dad, my children. Noreen, Skip, Eric, Bill, Ducks, Cobbles, Llanfair, KB, Catrin.... and probably a lot more other catters I just have not met yet

14 Jun 01 - 05:12 AM (#483138)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: English Jon

Oh my goodness. I've unleashed a monster.

Talking of the army, guess who Emily (q.v.) is shacked up with...

Not happy.

"ubi caritas et amor, deus ibi est".

Ha bloody ha.


14 Jun 01 - 06:08 AM (#483151)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Gervase

Or "...with whom Emily is shacked..". That's the trouble with correct English - it can sound so bloody awful! Yet ending a sentence with a conjunction is something up with we will not expected to put.
Bollox to that!
As Orwell said, break any of the rules rather than say or write something monstrous.
As for the love thing - that'd be telling, and it's got me intro trouble so often these past 25 years that I'd better keep schtum. I don't half fancy Molly Bloom though.

14 Jun 01 - 06:08 AM (#483152)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler

I may have to cross Herself off the list. Dropping me off at work where we are hosting the Antiques Roadshow she said to the securituy man on the gate: "I'm just dropping off another antique".
RtS (I've got to keep on the move to avoid those price tags!)

14 Jun 01 - 06:33 AM (#483160)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: English Jon

Sorry.. I let standards slip a bit there.

I'm a bit cut up that my beloved is dating a professional killer. What is the attraction of a soldier? O.K. the pay's alright, but you stand there doing what you're told all the time - i.e. squaddie = dogsbody. Individuality is completely suppressed, and they turn you into a killing machine. Can't cope with it I'm afraid.

Sorry if this offends anyone, but I find the whole military thing to be completely immoral. Frankly, I hope they send the guy off for a stint in northern Ireland. Not for any malicious reasons, just to make her think. (She's very pro Ireland etc. good fiddle player)

Anyway. She dumped me three years ago, so I suppose she can do whatever she likes. Think I'll just sit here and sing "I courted a damsel" until the nice doctor comes with the special jacket.

Losing it a bit today. It comes out once in a while.


14 Jun 01 - 07:01 AM (#483171)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Gervase

It's a bugger being dumped, and you rarely get over it completely. My sympathies.
But la donna e semper mobile (just like men, really), and sometimes you have to concede that there is just no accounting for taste. After all, look at all those deluded women who seem to find that shit Jeffrey Archer irresistible.

Now, can I get done for contempt by stating here, while the trial is still on, that the man is a renowned philanderer, liar and thief, with the morals of an alleycat and who wouldn't know the truth if it hit him square between the eyes? He has regularly used prostitutes and for him to make any pretence of "normal family life" or whatever he likes to call it is the height of hypocrisy. The only reason he sued the Daily Star (and won) and not the News of the World (which first broke the story of his paying off a prostitute) is because the Star rehashed the NoW piece and did it badly, stating carelessly that he had shagged the woman on a particular date, which the NoW was careful not to to imply.
And his books are crap

Sorry about that. Some things just need to be got off the chest.

14 Jun 01 - 07:06 AM (#483174)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: English Jon

With any luck they'll lock him up for a very long time.

He must have done something they can nick him for. Shame it's not illegal to be an arsehole.

and his books are crap.


14 Jun 01 - 07:27 AM (#483181)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Gervase

Just as well it isn't, otherwise I would have spend most of my youth in clink!

14 Jun 01 - 08:21 AM (#483208)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Matt_R

Yo English Jon, don't be so general. My dad was in the military for 24 years. 4 of them spent in the Military Police, and the next 20 as a diesel mechanic.

Believe it or not, not everyone in the military is a grunt.

14 Jun 01 - 08:27 AM (#483215)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: English Jon

I've got a few choice words for the police as well. (They arrested me on suss once. Completely groundless, but I ended up feeling like a criminal for about a twelve-month after) - I guess it's just that Military organisations are politically and morally anathema to me. But then, I've got a cousin in the Army who feels exactly the opposite way.

Anyway I didn't mean to offend. Sorry Matt. Just a bit upset today.


14 Jun 01 - 08:35 AM (#483216)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Micca

One is reminded of how little things change, especially public and civilian attitudes to the soldier in peace time!!!

" Its Tommy* this and Tommy that
and Tommy hows yer soul
but its "thin red line of 'eroes"
when the guns begin to roll"
* slang for British soldier

14 Jun 01 - 08:43 AM (#483223)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Matt_R

Well, my dad (and mom too) were Military Police in a small USMC supply base in Albany, Georgia (where I was born a couple years later!). Life was pretty quiet there. The biggest incidents they had were people stealing from the commissary storage buildings, people stealing pecans from the trees on base, and helping return lost dogs to their owners...

14 Jun 01 - 09:21 AM (#483237)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: English Jon

You're dead right Micca. Kill someone in wartime, and you're a hero. Do it in peace time and they lock you up. So from this we conclude: Kipling is in favour of organized murder. (but only after whoever is in charge says it's O.K.).

Yes I know idividuals are individuals, and a job doesn't define personality, except in as much as it becomes necessary to make a serious moral decision if you're going to pick up a gun.

Em's current bloke (like my cousin) claims that he'll leave the army in the event of a war. - In which case, is that cowardice? Certainly he's lying to someone if he's receiving the benefits of the military lifestyle with no intention of behaving in a soldierly manner come any sign of trouble.

Anyway, any organisation which kills people is not going to get my seal of approval. sorry.

Now where do I sign up as a conchie?


14 Jun 01 - 10:24 AM (#483261)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Walking Eagle

Seems we've wandered away from the thread. Dancing Mom - - I've never seen a human baby born, but have been in attendance to many foalings. I know how joyful you feel. For that one brief moment, all is well, bright and beautiful with the world.

Sometimes, I just love love itself.

14 Jun 01 - 11:13 AM (#483296)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Blackcatter

Wow - a question about love evolves into a military discussion (and a language lesson as well).

I'm not at all surprised!

I love these threads!

By the way, I recently attended the "Board" hearing for a friend of mine who is an officer in the U.S. Air Force. Last year she came out as a lesbian and the "Board" was conviened to basically decide not if, but how she was going to be kicked out.

Because of her exemplerary record (she is also an A.F. Academy graduate) and her honest desire to continue to finish her time, they decided to grant her a full honorable discharge.

pax yall

14 Jun 01 - 02:12 PM (#483420)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?

"whom is it that you love? Prey tell, Whom is it that you Love? I have a cobra snake necktie , boots made of the finest ratlesnake hide....Made out of a human cranum, please wont you take a stroll with me and tell me, Whom is it that you love?" . STOP IT WITH THE GRAMMAR , IT IS NOT ONLY ANAL IT IS RUDE.

14 Jun 01 - 02:19 PM (#483430)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: chip a

Dancing Mom,

I delivered four of my daughters myself. Faith (second) had her cord tied in a half hitch and looped around her neck!She was fine, but I dried (rawhide!) the cord and saved it for her. I cut each cord with a pocket knife, then saved each knife for them to have when they're older. Last christmas they all got their knives at once. Every dad should at least be present at birthing. Doing the delivery is an experience that cant be matched on earth. For the dad that is. Not taking away from the miracle on the mothers side of it all. Love my kids!

Chip A.

14 Jun 01 - 02:20 PM (#483433)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: mousethief

Not nearly as rude as posting nasty comments anonymously, Guest.


14 Jun 01 - 02:47 PM (#483460)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Justa Picker

Ah but there are different kinds of love.

Love of a spouse or significant other,
Love of Parents and siblings (and relatives),

For me the most intense is the love of one's children. Something that cannot be described until experienced. It is the most all consuming love there is. So intense it can make you cry without having anything to be upset about.

14 Jun 01 - 03:50 PM (#483505)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Amos

This I swear, for this I know
Zoenamo, agapo!



14 Jun 01 - 04:06 PM (#483513)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Amos

Boy, talk about fractured databanks. What I meant to write was this couplet from Byron's Maid if Athens:

Hear my vow before I go,
Zoë mou sas agapo.


14 Jun 01 - 07:32 PM (#483695)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Murray MacLeod

I have to go out on a limb here Susan and say that you are incorrect regarding your who's and your whom's.

"Whom do you love?" is grammatically correct by virtue of the fact that the pronoun "whom" is governed by the verb "love" and must therefore be in the accusative case. The fact that it sounds awkward is neither here nor there as far as correct grammar is concerned. Your other examples are of course correct.

Murray (anal but not rude)

15 Jun 01 - 01:04 AM (#483864)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Blackcatter

Speaking of differnt kinds of love:

Did you ever notice that you can

Love your 5 kids as much as if you only had one,

Love your 3 dogs and 4 cats as much as your one pet bird,

Love your mom, dad, sisters, brothers, etc. with plenty of love to spare,

Love all your friends

Love 10 different types of music, a hundred books and/or movies,

YET . . .

many people believe that you can only love one person in that "all-consuming" "partner" "marriage" (or whatever) sort of way.


pax yall

15 Jun 01 - 01:06 AM (#483866)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Blackcatter

By the way

I love my new Mudcat T-shirt!

15 Jun 01 - 01:17 AM (#483869)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: mousethief

People don't assume that, Blackcatter. They've experienced it.


15 Jun 01 - 07:09 AM (#483977)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Firecat

Outside family and friends, there is one very special person that I love.

My fiance.

15 Jun 01 - 08:38 AM (#484039)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Matt_R


So he finally popped the question, eh?

Congratulations you two!! All the best for a beautiful love-filled lifetime!

{{{{{{{Firecat & Alan}}}}}}}}}


15 Jun 01 - 12:15 PM (#484247)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Mrs.Duck

Geoff (the Duck), Natasha(prew), Alec, Madeleine(Little Duckling), Molly (mootlefish), Rowan(boats) Guest (? but can guess!) and all my wonderful friends met and unmet.

15 Jun 01 - 12:47 PM (#484277)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Jim Cheydi

Romana, Cordelia, Priscilla Queen of the Desert, peanut butter m&m's, Whorticulture, Robert Rankin, Princess Leia, Chocolate Skateboards, peacock blue flat tops, Jan & Dean, Airports, Luton Town, DC Analogs, Half Man Half Biscuit, Hoegaarden through a straw, Sophie in Tulsa, Heaven is a Halfpipe, Jimmy Correlli, Cordelia Chase, two pints of lager and a packet of crisps please, Fiona Apple, Johnny, Joey, Marky and Dee Dee.

15 Jun 01 - 01:46 PM (#484331)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Dorrie

I cant believe u love cordelia chase!!!!!!But priscilla queen on the desert rocks!!!

I love lots of things and britney spears

love dorrie xxx

16 Jun 01 - 11:39 AM (#484992)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: mytoycar

I love people who are honest, Kind and respect other people. And my imaginary friend clive the 3ft spoon.

16 Jun 01 - 12:36 PM (#485010)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Mr Red

Malvern UK
it's where I got divorced.

17 Jun 01 - 11:22 AM (#485426)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Firecat

Thanks Matt! Yeah, he did. I've got a gorgeous engagement ring but it's a bit big! I wear it on a chain around my neck. It's absolutely beautiful.

We're not getting married till about 2005, though.

17 Jun 01 - 12:10 PM (#485447)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Noreen

(((Guest)))- you are of course, as you know, included in my list.

Thanks for this thread, Blackcatter. It's certainly interesting reading, and something I have been thinking a lot about lately.

And don't forget to tell the people concerned... wouldn't it be a shame if you loved them and they didn't know?


17 Jun 01 - 03:30 PM (#485547)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: wdyat12

I love Maggie

And Maggie loves me.

We plan a life together,

How happy we will be.


17 Jun 01 - 05:55 PM (#485612)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Matt_R

Here's a song for you, FC, by way of The King, Elvis Presley:

Won't you wear my ring
Around your neck?
To tell the world, I'm yours by heck
Let them see your love for me
And let them see by the ring around your neck

Won't you wear my ring
Around your neck?
To tell the world, I'm yours by heck
Let them see your love for me
And let them see by the ring around your neck

They say that going steady is not the proper thing
They say that we're too young to know the meaning of a ring
All I know is I love you and that you love me too
So darling this is what I ask of you

Won't you wear my ring
Around your neck?
To tell the world, I'm yours by heck
Let them see your love for me
And let them see by the ring around your neck!

18 Jun 01 - 04:05 AM (#485837)
Subject: RE: BS: Who Do You Love?
From: Firecat

Thanks, Matt! I'll really have to get Alan to have a look at that!