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Leather Carving Tips..Straps, Cases etc.

17 Jun 01 - 09:42 AM (#485388)
Subject: Leather Carving Tips..Straps, Cases etc.
From: Rick Fielding

It just occurred to me that there might be other leather carver/artists on Mudcat besides Bill Sables and myself. I don't want to speak for Bill until he sees this but my guess is, that like me, he loves hearing about new tricks and tips, as much as dispensing them. Here's a post Bill made in the "Guitar strap" thread.

"I have made dozens of straps for players of various instruments and I find that a strap of two and a half inches width is the most comfortable anything narrower cuts into the shoulder and anything wider cuts into the neck. Nylon straps tend to fold or crumble into one narrow string so I make straps from top grain leather which holds its shape. I finish the strap by chamfering and rubbing the edges so as they don't leave a sharp edge and to keep the stains and tanning from marking clothing, and indeed guitars, I fix them with a final coat of pollish. So far I have never stained a shirt even when playing in a hot sweaty room. One other point is always take off the strap when putting the guitar into the case as most straps have metal adjustments which will scratch the instrument. Cheers Bill"

I concur that two and a half inches seems to be the best width for most straps, although many folks specify the dimensions they want simply from long experience.

I was taught to use a tool called a "bone folder" to smoothe off my edges, but in recent years have gone to a homemade device (a small cylinder with a groove cut into it and impregnated with carnauba creme) that I just slip into my Dremil. I attach the strap (by one of it's holes) to the wall, and run the Dremil up and down it a couple of times. Fast...and works well.

One change that I've noticed over the years, is that certain designs that were hugely popular 10 years ago (Celtic motifs) hardly get asked for now, while others that city-folk thought corny then (Western Motifs) are cool again.

One stamp I bought years ago (a Volkswagen!!) has REALLY become popular again.

Any other carvers?


17 Jun 01 - 01:06 PM (#485480)
Subject: RE: Leather Carving Tips..Straps, Cases etc.
From: bill\sables

One other way to rub the edges smooth is to use a piece of heavy canvas of hessian after having wet the edges first. I have tried Rick's idea using an electric screwdriver with a wheel and it is by far the fastest way to do the job.
Rick, what do you find is suitable width for banjo and mandolin straps? I usually do banjo between 1. 3/4 and 2.1/2 and mandolin between 1.1/4 and 1.3/4. Many people ask what is the right length; in my experience the strap should be comfortable and hold the instrument in the same position weather seated or standing (I can't undrestand how "rock musicians" can physically play the guitar when it is suspended around their knees)As Rick said I would be interested in learning any new ideas from anyone who does leather carving. Remember a carved strap is for life, not just for Christmas so choose your design well, you have to live with it
Cheers Bill

17 Jun 01 - 01:55 PM (#485503)
Subject: RE: Leather Carving Tips..Straps, Cases etc.
From: Clinton Hammond

you guys need a web page with pictures of your work, where folks like me can go and decide if they wanna buy something!


17 Jun 01 - 02:08 PM (#485507)
Subject: RE: Leather Carving Tips..Straps, Cases etc.
From: Rick Fielding

How true Clinton. We were gonna put some designs up on mineclank but got sidetracked as far as getting proper pictures into it. Like Bill, 100% of my work has been custom order by word of mouth for the last 13 years, but it wouldn't hurt to get a few things up there. I'll get on the's not like I couldn't use the money!

Bill, I generally do banjo straps 2 1/2" ('cause good banjos are REALLY heavy) Guitar...2" and mandolin 1 3/4". 'Course some folks have very specific ideas...which is nice.

Yeah, you need a "Long Cow" for a Rock and roll strap!

Another little trick I use for burnishing sides is to take one of those flexible soft rubber sanding blocks...cut a "V" shaped groove in it (bout a quarter inch deep) and glue a piece of canvas to the block. Just wet the edge and start rubbin' get some "powerful" friction. Works pretty fast.

By the way...used my electric drill with the "buffing cylinder" once, and frigged up the whole strap!! Tried to be a little TOO quick.


17 Jun 01 - 02:25 PM (#485513)
Subject: RE: Leather Carving Tips..Straps, Cases etc.
From: Banjer

I've made much of our leather gear for Civil War reenacting. Our holsters, belts and pouches are faithfully reproduced to original patterns. I have made a few straps. I like using the 'mystery braid' in strap construction where two slits are cut into about 2/3rds the length of the strap and then braided. I haven't done much leather working recently because the leather working supply house that was in our town closed up and I hate trying to buy leather without being able to see and select for myself.

17 Jun 01 - 03:02 PM (#485529)
Subject: RE: Leather Carving Tips..Straps, Cases etc.
From: John Hardly

All right guys, here's your chance to lay it to rest (or confirm it).

I use a cloth guitar strap because I keep it in my case and I was told that leather is hell on the newer (like nitrocellulose) guitar finishes--or maybe it was old finishes--either way I've got one of each (new and old).

What say ya?

17 Jun 01 - 03:09 PM (#485533)
Subject: RE: Leather Carving Tips..Straps, Cases etc.
From: Clinton Hammond

I use cloth too, but only because I sweat like M&M at a Lesbian Folk Circle when I'm onstage.... I've ruined 2 or 3 good leather straps by sweating them nearly solid...

Cloth I can wash...

17 Jun 01 - 04:09 PM (#485566)
Subject: RE: Leather Carving Tips..Straps, Cases etc.
From: Mrs.Duck

Anyone who meets Geoff the Duck will notice that his banjo strap is festooned with ducks - one of Bill's of course but he never sweats so......

17 Jun 01 - 04:50 PM (#485586)
Subject: RE: Leather Carving Tips..Straps, Cases etc.
From: dwditty

Go to Mudcat Resources and look at Blii Sables pictures. If you scroll down, you'll see some of his work.

17 Jun 01 - 05:01 PM (#485590)
Subject: RE: Leather Carving Tips..Straps, Cases etc.
From: Clinton Hammond


Very nice work...

Not something that -I'd- wear, but very nice indeed!


18 Jun 01 - 12:41 PM (#486027)
Subject: RE: Leather Carving Tips..Straps, Cases etc.
From: Terry K

I am the proud owner of a Bill Sables guitar strap and I can tell you that if Bill says so, it's right! In true Sables style, he donated it to a charity auction and I was the lucky bidder. I now have a personalised work, signed by the artist, that I will treasure for ever. It even makes me feel guilty at how badly I play the instrument so is a great incentive to practice. Get one while you can!!!!

Cheers, Terry

18 Jun 01 - 02:38 PM (#486198)
Subject: RE: Leather Carving Tips..Straps, Cases etc.
From: Les B

Bill & Rick - not to take away from your beautiful carved straps, but for mandolin I just go to a saddlery, or horse tack shop, and buy a pair of bridle reins for about $13(US).

They're about 5/8" wide, are strong enough to easily hold the instrument, and have a neat little decorative knot at one end. With a hole punch and a sharp knife I can get two mando straps with the knots, and another two without the knots out of one set of reins - about $3.50 a strap, I reckon.

18 Jun 01 - 05:06 PM (#486324)
Subject: RE: Leather Carving Tips..Straps, Cases etc.
From: Steve in Idaho

I've made a few straps, and lots of other leather goods, mainly because with horses it is much cheaper to do my own work on tack. My strap is top grain cowhide dyed black, burnished on the edges, about 3 inches wide, with a row of conchos down the center. White buck stitching around the edges with each concho held on by soft brown glove leather finished in a rattlesnake (a knot for leather that works well on conchos). I've had it for 25 years, it has never left my guitar (always fastened on the button on the box), and folds neatly over the strings/frets/nut when the case is closed. I've never had a problem with the instrument's finish that I am aware of. As it has aged it has but grown nicer - fits me well and chafes me not. I think it is up to the individual and what works for them. There is a glycerine neat's foot oil that works very well to protect the leather if you are concerned about finish and protection of the leather's original color.

Can't say as I have ever sold a strap as it has always been for friends. A web site with some of the pros work would be nice - I'd love to see some of the craftsmanship that this crew is capable of!

19 Jun 01 - 07:05 PM (#487360)
Subject: RE: Leather Carving Tips..Straps, Cases etc.
From: dwditty

Well Rick,

I haven't seen your work, so I can't speak to it. But from all I've heard it is wonderful. As far as Bill Sables is concerned, well that's a different story. Having seen Bill's work on the Mudcat Resources page (scroll down Bill's photo), I commissioned a strap. Today I arrived home from work to find a box from Bill (thanks for sending it Animaterra). WOW, is all I can say. Beautifully done to my specs, complete with roosters (cockerels to Bill), the mudcat logo, and Bill's signature lady bug. I just put it on my guitar, and the Sables magic is at work makes me play better. So all you catters who want to add a very special touch to your instrument, I say commission your strap - Sables or Fielding. And, yes, Bill, it was definitely worth the wait.


19 Jun 01 - 07:07 PM (#487363)
Subject: RE: Leather Carving Tips..Straps, Cases etc.
From: dwditty

Well Rick,

I haven't seen your work, so I can't speak to it. But from all I've heard it is wonderful. As far as Bill Sables is concerned, well that's a different story. Having seen Bill's work on the Mudcat Resources page (scroll down Bill's photo), I commissioned a strap. Today I arrived home from work to find a box from Bill (thanks for sending it Animaterra). WOW, is all I can say. Beautifully done to my specs, complete with roosters (cockerels to Bill), the mudcat logo, and Bill's signature lady bug. I just put it on my guitar, and the Sables magic is at work makes me play better. So all you catters who want to add a very special touch to your instrument, I say commission your strap - Sables or Fielding. And, yes, Bill, it was definitely worth the wait.
