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In praise of Mudcat

28 Jun 01 - 08:59 AM (#493831)
Subject: In praise of Mudcat
From: John J

I've been on the Mudcat for a couple of years now and would just like to say to all those who run it, contribute to it, and are a part of the Mudcat Community (for that is what it is) that I don't think I've come across a more pleasant mix of people. I've just been reading a thread on Arthur McBride, the replies to that thread are typical of what I have come to expect: witty, informed, controversial, funny. OK some contributions are infuriating, but that only fuels the discussions that we take part in or just read.



28 Jun 01 - 09:07 AM (#493836)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: pavane

Hear Hear, as they used to say. Two or three weeks only, but I have learned a great deal in that time.

28 Jun 01 - 09:11 AM (#493838)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: Peter T.

The best. yours, Peter T.

28 Jun 01 - 10:37 AM (#493924)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: jeffp

You'll get no argument from me. As far as I'm concerned, Mudcat is the best place on the net. And that's because of the people who come here, yourselves included.


28 Jun 01 - 10:37 AM (#493925)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: Matt_R

Yep, last Saturday (the 16th) marked my 2-year anniversary of being here. Although I'm not here as much as I used to, as I find myself growing away from a lot of the opinions expressed here. I've found folks my own age who can appreciate all kinds of music. But the people here at Mudcat are really nice and helpful and caring. You can always be sure to get an answer to any question you have...often times within 5 minutes. Live long and prosper.


28 Jun 01 - 10:39 AM (#493929)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: LR Mole

As much as I hate technology, and as deeply suspicious of this gadget as I am, the computer's invention, development and ubiquity is justified by this single use. My life would be considerably poorer without it.

28 Jun 01 - 10:45 AM (#493933)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: Amos

Hear, hear. The nicest people on earth come here, I b'l'eeve, and I never woulda found 'em if not for Dick's DT database and Marvelous Maxie's Mind-Melding Mudcat Mixer!


28 Jun 01 - 11:33 AM (#493992)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: Bill D

and at the Getaway, we will 'probably' have Dick G., Max, Joe Offer and 2 or 3 'joeclones', and the two people who sat knee to knee with song notebooks(Susan of DT & Dennis Cook), comparing versions and wondering if there wasn't a better way...*ahhh...let's put them on computer disks and trade!*

as well as MANY other posters of fame & infamy...(we aim to set a record for # of 'catters at one gathering...currently 58, I think)

28 Jun 01 - 11:46 AM (#494002)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: Steve Parkes

It wasn't till Catspaw got ill the previous time that I began to realise how much the folks here care about each other, and how much I did too. It's the nearest thing on the Net to meeting people face to face that I've come across, and much more personal than other discussion forums I've been on.


28 Jun 01 - 12:14 PM (#494031)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

I Have only been here 3 months, but this is definetley the best website I have found.I think the people are very nice and helpful.I would like to say THANK YOU to Max and evrybody else who helps to run this site.

28 Jun 01 - 03:15 PM (#494166)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: CarolC

It's an amazing place, and I am profoundly thankful for it. For many reasons... some having to do with music, and some not.

The Mudcat is the only website in which I have interacted with other people. Once I found this place, I didn't feel any need to look further.

28 Jun 01 - 03:47 PM (#494186)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: gnu

Guess I REALLY lucked in. This is the first and only forum, chat room, whatever, that I have ever been in. I was always trepidatious about any such venue and actually used the Mudcat to search for lyrics for a couple of years before asking for help in the forum one day. Once I did, well, I just had to sign up. And I've enjoyed every bit of it since.

28 Jun 01 - 04:40 PM (#494223)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: Ralphie

It just goes to show that the world may be inhabited by a lot of strangely formed beings.....But,if you have music, you have the glue to stick them all together......(memo.. I must get out more!)Regards Ralphie

28 Jun 01 - 04:49 PM (#494230)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: mooman

I use the net all the time for research but this is the only forum I bother with. Great community, tremendous knowledge, sometimes passionate but almost always sensible debates and every 'Catter I've met in real life I've liked. Who could ask for more?

Thank you Max for providing this place and to everybody for making it what it is.


28 Jun 01 - 05:00 PM (#494238)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat

Amen to all that, mooman

28 Jun 01 - 05:12 PM (#494248)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: McGrath of Harlow

Well, it seems Matt R is mellowing...Well of course two years here is like a generation. You'd count as a senior citizen now. Time passes fast here on the Mudcat.

Every now and then you get people lamenting the Good Old Days - and what I always think is, the Good Old Days are here and now. Even when it gets a little knotted up at times, mostly that is people getting panicky and protective about it and scared they are going to lose something they value. Except they sometimes put it in danger in the process.

28 Jun 01 - 05:15 PM (#494249)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: catspaw49

Somehow the place went through a different evolution than many other message board sites and this was due to the immediacy and ease of usage that Max built in. You can get immediate replies and an almost chatroom like style or keep a thread alive for as long as it takes to get an answer.

Part of it is in the type of character that shows up here. Almost everyone came to a great database in search of folk lyrics and discovered not only the DT, but the forum as well. As a group we're "different" simply because of our musical tastes and the "general folkie personality."

Most of us were not too computer literate and we found a place where it wasn't necessary to speak the language to speak OUR language, and in the process gained considerable computer skills. Mudcat began a transition from strictly lyrics to discussions and Max was brilliant in letting the place find it's own way. If Folk Music mirrors life, than so does the 'Cat and that fact alone weghed heavily as discussions went to dofferent topics and indeed anything became "fair game"........and yet still tied to the music somewhere. For some it was a blessing and for others a curse, but we hashed things out, argued and fought........some couldn't find the niche in both worlds and left. Some restricted themselves to one or the other and eventually they too dropped away. It is significant that a large number may have gone, but an even larger number remain from 3-5 years ago. New members find it a friendly place and they too make decisions. No one who "lives" here can "exclusively" play in only one world and enjoy the 'Cat. Like Folk and life, it's multi-faceted.

We learned as a group, often the hard way, haow to deal with flamers and trolls and frankly, in that area, we may have come up with a distinct style that works here although nowhere else. We also learned that we could be friends and agree to disagree. Though it frustrates some, very heated discussions happen here and yet the severest of antagonists will emerge from the fray with a sound and freindly relationship. Then.........well............

I believe we had some events occur which for whatever reason, often those above, began to "form" us and band us together as a community, as a real cyber village. Anna was so excited to find this place, she wanted everyone to come to her house for a "gathering." We were Net Wary and yet somehow it began to dawn on us that we were folkies and nice folks first and net junkies second. Anna went all out and though there was some trepidation felt beforehand, her first gathering was not only a stunning success, but made us all want to enjoy that fun too!!! Festivals became Mudcat meetings! Soon 'Catters travelling here or there would try to link up with others as they passed through.

After a particularly nasty time several years ago, we started the "Tavern Threads" (Thanks Leej), which showed us a way to heal without hurting as badly and these began to add to the "Lore of the 'Cat" and produced a certain iconology of their own----If you're new here, do you ever wonder about those lime jello references?-----Some of that lore became a problem in some thinking there was a clique. We hashed that one out too and now most feel nothing of the sort and instead get into the spirit of the place and play along, more anxious to know the story behind tiples than thinking they were excluded.......Cliques don't happen here because most of us are anxious to "tell you all about it" so you can add to the craziness.

Then I had an aortic aneurysm. We were still feeling along and changes were coming fast, but suddenly one of us was perhaps about to die. None of this is to my credit obviously, I just happened to be the one who was about to belly-up. Catters found themselves banding together........crying, praying, and sending their best to a man they had never met in 3D, but a man most considered a friend because of the songs, thoughts, and words they had all shared here. Everyone took a look inside and realized that if they had traded places with me, this same epiphany would have taken place and realized too that they felt strongly about virtually everyone else! We began to show that we did love and care for each other and that the trials of our own lives could be shared by great friends unmet. Much of this happened in the same time period and the future for the place became wide open and quickly changing. The caring and love grew and made it a different place as well, as Barry Finn's recent liver transplant and my own heart surgery showed. We have members who daily remain in special thoughts all over the world.

So some time goes by and we see the emergence of this English bloke who is becoming the "Ambassador-At-Large" for this village. Bill Sables spread himself out over Engalnd and began trips to the states and Europe as well. After several trips to the US, meeting more and more 'Catters, Bill and Allan C. got together on the "Great Mudcat Adventure" where they made a big loop of the US having Mudcat gatherings everywhere they went! These were often first time gatherings by Catters in those areas and led to more and bigger ones later. This summer, Bill has already attended a great gathering in Germany where some net friendships once again spilled over into real life and those folks are closer than ever before! Bill followed that with a whirwind tour of the US and Canada with 2 young Catters, talented beyond belief, not only bridging generational gaps but cultural ones as well.

We have a Resource site here with pictures and bios thanks to bbc and the Radio show has become a fixture on Tuesday nights for many. It's a fantastic place alright! Though some feel it's just another MB, most here do not and accept in out hearts the real truth............We have no idea how it got this way, bit it sure is special!!!

HINT: It's the People!


28 Jun 01 - 05:26 PM (#494256)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: Les from Hull

Well said, Spaw! Welcome home, mate!


28 Jun 01 - 07:10 PM (#494342)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: bbc

Yup, 'spaw, Mudcat is the most special place I've found on the Internet. I've been on for 4+ years. A couple of times, I thought I was leaving, but I found that I really couldn't. Although I haven't always been happy w/ everything I've found here, the good has always more than outweighed the bad. I've gotten information, support, some darn good friends--even clay pigs! :) As Ian & Sam said, "Mudcat rocks!" Good to see you posting, friend. Welcome back.



28 Jun 01 - 11:31 PM (#494468)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: Amos

Hey, bbc, glad to see YOU running up and down the threads too!!! Ya had me worried for a bit there that all our roustabout ways and freewheeling cogitations had just worn you out for good, and I felt downright bad about it, too!

Spaw, your summation of the situation was not only redolent of your usual masterful style but seemed down right youthful!!! You sure you aren't hiring some zesty young English majorette from Manpower to write your stuff for you?


28 Jun 01 - 11:41 PM (#494476)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: katlaughing

Beautiful, Spawman, sums it up quite well. Thanks,


29 Jun 01 - 01:24 AM (#494517)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: Lonesome EJ

Damn Spaw. I believe that valve job has increased the blood flow to your brain. Good post!

29 Jun 01 - 02:15 AM (#494541)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: Sandy Paton

By God, it sure is good to hear your voice again, Spaw! Now I guess it'll be okay if I uncross my fingers enough to pick a little on the guitar again. You could end up making a praying man out of this crusty old heathen! Welcome home, lad! We've missed you.


29 Jun 01 - 03:50 AM (#494555)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: Steve Parkes

Now, now, folks--we mustn't get the old boy excited while he's still recuperating! Still, I have to say it's as if there's an empty chair when you're not around, Spaw.

Bugger, I'm getting damp-eyed now--I hate it when that happens!

29 Jun 01 - 04:34 AM (#494559)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: Fibula Mattock

Nice one Spaw. Good to "hear" your voice again!

I'm working most of the summer in an office with limited internet access, so my forays into Mudcatland will be infrequent, and I'm really going to miss it. I've got my Mudcat T-shirt now (thanks Bill!), and I've met my first Catter in the 3D world (hi Ella!) and I hope to meet many more at the fleadh in Listowel this year, which I will get to by hook or by crook (or by boat).
Cheers guys - one and all - for making this such a great place to be.

29 Jun 01 - 05:38 AM (#494575)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: gnu

Damp eyes for sure. But I'm thankful for it... for the Mudcat community, Max, clones, and the eloquent gentleman who is back in fine form.

29 Jun 01 - 07:00 AM (#494620)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: nutty

As someone who lives alone yet never feels lonely..... Mudcat is an extension of that global folk family that is just as real as my own family

Glad you're back Spaw .... thanks to you and Max and all Mudcatters

29 Jun 01 - 07:45 AM (#494643)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: Sam Pirt

What can I say?

it ROCKS!!

Cheers, Sam

29 Jun 01 - 02:32 PM (#494932)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: GUEST,53, Glenda, at work

Yeah, I also have to say this is the BEST place on the net. I truly enjoyed reading Catspaw's explanation about the site. I really love spending time here. It is like a special place to visit, like Mama's kitchen has always been at home. Like finding family you never knew about before and suddenly realizing that you don't have to know a lot about people to really care for them.

I add my thanks to all the others - to all I have 'met' here and those 'friends' I will yet meet. THANKS A MILLION.


29 Jun 01 - 02:46 PM (#494937)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: fat B****rd

Yeah !! Mudcat makes up for all the people I never get to speak to face to face. Not being one for getting out much (no problems with that) Mudcat is like several chats about subjects that interest me and new ones that might. Oh by the way, better late than never, welcome back Spaw All the best from the fB XXX

29 Jun 01 - 02:54 PM (#494948)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: Greycap

Love it - my 2 cents worth

29 Jun 01 - 02:58 PM (#494954)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: katlaughing

Like I said in one of the early Spaw threads, "Where the unrelated meet their kin..."

(oops, I lied, it's in the one called, "when the heart is full, ya gotta etc...)

29 Jun 01 - 02:59 PM (#494956)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: Justa Picker

No place I'd rather be, online.

Mudcat is the "Hotel California" of the Internet.

29 Jun 01 - 03:19 PM (#494965)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: Lox

I know half of you half as much as I should like And I like half of you half as much as you deserve.

Hello - just paying my six-monthly visit to y'all.

I'll try and and give you more quality time in the near future.

lox (never far away)

29 Jun 01 - 03:47 PM (#494980)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: McGrath of Harlow

That was pretty good spaw. When someone writes the history of the Mudcat - or rather of the early days on the Mudcat, first 20 years or so - that'll be a key passage.

29 Jun 01 - 03:49 PM (#494982)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: catspaw49

(Spaw madly scribling)......"like the Hotel California of the internet"..........yeah, I'm stealin' that one alright.........


29 Jun 01 - 03:53 PM (#494986)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: Llanfair

I agree with everyone. Mudcat has changed my life, and I am bereft if I can't log in at least twice a day to talk to my friends, and listen to the discussions going on.
It is a very special, magical place.
Cheers, Bron.

29 Jun 01 - 04:17 PM (#494995)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: McGrath of Harlow

"Three years ago I bought your soap. Since then I have used no other..."

29 Jun 01 - 06:13 PM (#495058)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: Matt_R

Ah, nice Tolkien quote, Lox!

29 Jun 01 - 07:29 PM (#495094)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: Peter T.

Nice words, Cp. Amen to that. Glad you lived (that's guy talk for glad you lived).

yours, Peter T.

29 Jun 01 - 07:44 PM (#495099)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

I have just met a real Mudcatter for the first time,(Les from Hull),he was very friendly to me and introduced me to his friends.I would not have met them without Mudcat, this is another reason why I think this is the best folk site on the whole internet.Thanks to all concerned.john (in hull).

29 Jun 01 - 08:51 PM (#495130)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: CarolC

Welcome back Lox! Stick around a bit, ok?

29 Jun 01 - 09:33 PM (#495143)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: Art Thieme

For me, as I've said before, this place -- THESE PEOPLE -- provided me with a folk scene to hang out in at a time in my life when I've pretty much lost the ability (and/or the energy) to be there in person.

Thank you guys and gals !! It's a treat to swap music with you via recordings these days. I still hope to meet many of you down the road. (And I figure you might be surprised where I might show up one o' these days.)

Art Thieme

29 Jun 01 - 10:45 PM (#495172)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: katlaughing

I am counting on it, Art!

30 Jun 01 - 03:29 AM (#495288)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: roopoo

I think Spaw summed it all up with his usual finesse.

Mudcat is a slice of real people from a real world who just happen to have a common interest. Because we are all individuals we have our own ideas and experiences to add into any discussions. Like the real world, we can't all agree, but we try to respect our differences. That's the beauty of it in one way: we don't all follow the proscribed line. We come from all backgrounds and countries, and if the world could be run on the same lines it would be a much happier place!

Climbing down off soapbox now.


30 Jun 01 - 06:35 AM (#495321)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: Sourdough

Catspaw -

Really well put. Thank you and welcome back.

You sure have a breadth of expression.


30 Jun 01 - 07:35 AM (#495331)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: rock chick

I'm new here and to date I can only praise the Mudcat, helpful, great people the best site so far I'v come across, even for me (who is'n, to good using computers) your site is so uncomplicated to get around, think I will be here for a Longggggg time.

Thanks for all your help and if I dare say for all the help I will get in the future.

30 Jun 01 - 10:15 AM (#495366)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: ard mhacha

Hello All, Have to agree with all the sentiments, even a crusty oul b-----d like mise has got to admit, helpful people, the site is a must for my kind of Folk, Slan agus Beannacht [Health and Blessings] Ard Mhacha.

30 Jun 01 - 10:22 AM (#495367)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: GUEST,Dita (at work)

I considered just posting a blank - Spaw said it all better than I ever could. (It sounds better when I think it in Scots- Spaw said it a').
McGrath, forget the history of Mudcat, get Spaw's words engraved in tablets if stone, and placed at the head of the site.
I love you lads and lassies, john.

30 Jun 01 - 05:50 PM (#495549)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: CarolC

Instead of forgetting Mudcat's history, let's learn from it. It's an incredible site, but the really amazing thing about it is how it just seems to keep getting even better.

And the better it gets, the more amazing and wonderful people it attracts.

01 Jul 01 - 02:22 PM (#495937)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: Roger in Sheffield

......Have I missed something though, no pop up adverts, no click on sponsor messages, why has Max created a meeting house like this. He is either a very nice guy, far more generous than we probably deserve, or more likely there is some small print around here somewhere

...............10 free BS threads with every BLUES thread, your soul may be at risk if politics, religion or InOBU website threads are started in the same week

01 Jul 01 - 03:38 PM (#495982)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: marty D

Now this is the kind of praise I can really get into. Mudcat is PERFECT 24/7. Always relaxing, often challenging, sometimes irritating. You can't ask for more than that.


01 Jul 01 - 06:27 PM (#496090)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: McGrath of Harlow

Any time now the Bad Fairy will show up...

02 Jul 01 - 05:18 PM (#496898)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: LR Mole

Yup.Late.Gotta go.

03 Jul 01 - 12:12 PM (#497567)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: GUEST,Dita (at work)

CarolC, you mis-understand me, when I said forget mudcat's history, I simply meant Spaw's words were too important to wait for a history to be written, as McGrath suggested, and should be utilised now as an example of what Mudcat is about, and be compulsory reading for every user.
love, john

04 Jul 01 - 01:39 AM (#498035)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: Roger in Baltimore

I don't get to come here as often as I would like (certainly not as much as I used to come). I was just looking for some information on how Lead Belly strung his old STella 12 - String. I was pretty new to the net, but I used a couple of search engines and encountered quite a few sites. THe Mudcat was the only site that answered my question. My big mistake was beginning to read the other threads. I found there was information I could share and information I could gain.

The 'Cat was a much smaller place then, and you could read all the posts from the last 24 hours pretty easily. It is not so easy now, so I have to pick and choose where before I read nearly everything. I recommend the Mudcat frequently at folkie gatherings and when people ask me a folk-musical question. I am spending the week at Commonground, a camp featuring music and the concept of diversity in our society. The first day I wore a Mudcat button given to me at the last Getaway (I think). The second day, I wore

my Mudcat T-shirt. I didn't "catch" any Mudcatter's, but I was able to spread the word. People who really should know about this place (like Bryan Bowers or Robin Bullock) have never heard of it. Well, they at least know of the Digital Tradition now.

I quickly felt I had made friends here. However, given the horror stories of meeting folks from the net, I was a bit wary of meeting them in person. Fortunately, the Getaway provided a "safe" place to meet for the first time. I can't say I've liked every 'Catter I've met, but there are none I have disliked. I thought Anna was crazy to invite these "strangers" to her house. Well, maybe she was, but I have truly enjoyed here hospitality and the music. In a fit of sheer idiocy, I travelled to Connetticutt to attend a Mudcat party thrown by Barry Finn. By now, I knew I could trust the Mudcatters. I had a wonderful time, met some very charming and interesting pieces and heard two Katrina and Peter Cady songs that are part of my repetoire.

Maxx is another crazy person (crazy about music). He has spent a great deal of time and money to make this place possible. There are a few side benefits for him (he gets to test out new ideas he may be able to use in his work), but the real fact is he loves what happens here. For a young guy, he has shown great wisdom in making some rather difficult decisions that have helped this site through some horrible struggles. If you really like what is happening here and are grateful for the lack of banners, click on "Support the Mudcat." You can be generous with your money as well.

I haven't tasted many sites on the Net, but the few I have have been burdensome ways to communicate with others. The 'Cat in comparison purrs like a dream.

I look forward to more Mudcat meetings and I will continue to show my face in the place from time to time.

With love,

Roger in Baltimore

04 Jul 01 - 01:54 AM (#498037)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: CarolC

Oops! Sorry Dita.

04 Jul 01 - 05:17 AM (#498101)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: Gervase

Amen, Pat. I remember while ago I posted a pompous pile of shite about this place being just a BBS for chrissakes, and shouldn't we be getting lives out there in the real world. Harumph.
As a result I had my arse well and truly chewed by two good mates who happen to be regulars here as well - chewed in the real world.
And then I saw how people here actually do come together to support each other and how the simple, open and unconditional support given to the "anyone got the lyrics to..?" inquiries is carried over into more complex and life-changing things as well.
And then I began to see that, as Pat says, this place is rather splendid simply because of the people.
I mean, obviously you wouldn't want to meet 'em all at once. Particularly not if it was your round. But all in all, they ain't bad.

04 Jul 01 - 04:58 PM (#498501)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: ard mhacha

Gervase,I agree with all you say, being of a like mind until I went into Memorable Mudcat Threads and took in the search for the origins of Spancil Hill, this was fascinating. I have known the song for years and numbered it among my favourites but after reading through this link, the song has took on a whole new meaning. I recommend this link to any newcomer. To Mudcat,And to everyone connected to this site,Slan agus Beannacht [Health and Blessings] Ard Mhacha.

05 Jul 01 - 09:35 AM (#498891)
Subject: RE: In praise of Mudcat
From: Amos

The marvelous thing Max has wrought, partly by design and partly from a convergence of spirits, is that the Mudcat is in composite both intelligent, humorous, industrious, humane and inexplicably and unfailingly human.

Plus it has the wonderful quality of not minding when you are not there, welcoming you back when your eappear, allowing you to continue any conversation as long as you wish, say as much or as little as you want, and test the waters of acceptance without fear of animus (usually) or psychosis.

This is indeed a wonderful creation in the field, a truly successful and human website which is also intelligent, 99% fully operational and 99% caring. Kudos are due!!