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Help: Head mounted microphones

02 Jul 01 - 12:13 AM (#496301)
Subject: Head mounted microphones
From: Les B

I just saw a local folk/pop trio performing, and one of them was using a fairly inexpensive head mounted mic -- he told me it was about $85 US.

It sounded pretty darn good, and certainly freed him up to move his head as he played dobro. It also did away with a cumbersome mic stand in a very small coffe house space.

Have any of you experimented with these ? I know there must be some Britanny Spears wannabes out there !?!

02 Jul 01 - 12:23 AM (#496306)
Subject: RE: Help: Head mounted microphones
From: Murray MacLeod

The mic might be $85.00 Les, but when you add in the transmitter and receiver the cost goes to round about $300.00 (for a Shure ).

I have one of these which my ex gave me as a present, but I have never used it. I can't help thinking it looks ever so slightly naff ......(IMVHO)

What I would like is the system which I saw the Scottish female trio "Chantan" use, whereby the mics are hidden in the hair, the transmitters are round the back on the waistband, and it is all totally invisible. Way kewl.

Only drawback is you need to have a sufficient quantity of hair .........


02 Jul 01 - 03:42 AM (#496370)
Subject: RE: Help: Head mounted microphones
From: Sarah the flute

I use a hand held remote mike for calling but I know a few callers who use head sets. Trantec seems to be the favoured model. Personally I like the hand held remote cos then you can get other people to say things too (which I suppose you can with a head set too if you are very friendly come to think of it) but what do these roving callers do with their free hands???

02 Jul 01 - 04:05 AM (#496380)
Subject: RE: Help: Head mounted microphones
From: John J

The caller in our band also uses a Trantec head mic system. It works successfully for him. I use the same type of transmitter / receiver setup but with a home-made passive mixer with 3 mic inputs for use on my melodeon. Very happy with it as it allows me to leap around the stage, got to the bar, visit the loo etc, and still play if required (although sometimes you get funny looks if in the toilet).


02 Jul 01 - 05:21 AM (#496404)
Subject: RE: Help: Head mounted microphones
From: GeorgeH

Murray . .

The mic system you describe sounds like what's often used in theatres . . any theatrical hire outfit should be able to put you onto them. (It's about 10 years since I handled one of these, so anything else I might say would be hopelessly out of date . . )


02 Jul 01 - 12:08 PM (#496640)
Subject: RE: Help: Head mounted microphones
From: GUEST,Les B

Murray - Yes, if you go the "wireless" route it can get expensive quickly. This set, however, was cabled into the sound mixer, so, in theory, it was about as expensive as a Shure SM58. But it does raise the question of how much cable you can have before there's line loss ? This had a very short tether, but he was close to the sound board.

The "wireless" route would be ideal, but most sound gurus I've talked to prefer to be wired in - security (job security ?) -- less interference from Police calls, amateur radio operators, etc.

I agree, it would be ideal to have the mics hidden in the hair -- I saw a performance artist a few years ago who had that set up and it was great. However, since one of our band members is balding it might be a bit of a stretch !?!

02 Jul 01 - 01:33 PM (#496703)
Subject: RE: Help: Head mounted microphones
From: marty D

Well they're sure an improvement on the 'concealed' mikes I first saw at a production of Camelot years ago. Awful sound, and of course they rubbed against clothing. A wireless mike sliding around chain-mail is worse than Robt. Goulet. 'Way Kewl' Murray? If you can't beat 'em, then join 'em. Awesome!
