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NewMember SharonA on MudcatRadio TONIGHT

03 Jul 01 - 09:00 AM (#497407)
Subject: NewMember SharonA on MudcatRadio TONIGHT
From: SharonA

Yes, it is I, former GUEST and now new member, SharonA. I'm pleased as punch to finally join the ranks for real!! I wanted to let y'all know in case you're interested: I'm going to be on Mudcat Radio this evening, July 3, 2001!

MaryMac called me last night and invited me for the umpteenth time, pointing out that tomorrow's a holiday and I don't have to get up early for work (that's been my excuse up to now). So I'll be there tonight for the first time! The show begins at 7 pm, US Eastern Daylight Time, and I think it runs for 2 or 2-and-a-half hours.

Please tune in and listen to me sing some original songs while flubbing some lyrics (no, I don't just do that when I'm typing!), and celebrate with me as I have become an official Mudcatter!


03 Jul 01 - 09:13 AM (#497413)
Subject: RE: NewMember SharonA on MudcatRadio TONIGHT
From: MMario

for those of you who haven't run into Sharon - she has been very active on the song challenges

for example


a masterpiece!


just a few samples of the talent that has arrived lately.

03 Jul 01 - 09:26 AM (#497419)
Subject: RE: NewMember SharonA on MudcatRadio TONIGHT
From: Matt_R

My my my my yi yi WHOO!
M-m-m-my SharonA!

03 Jul 01 - 09:29 AM (#497425)
Subject: RE: NewMember SharonA on MudcatRadio TONIGHT
From: Noreen

Welcome, Sharon, and look forward to hearing you tonight.


03 Jul 01 - 11:28 AM (#497532)
Subject: RE: NewMember SharonA on MudcatRadio TONIGHT
From: GUEST,Marymac at her new JOB!!!!

Hey, ya'll! We got a live one here! Be sure to watch tonight, and give SharonA a big warm Mudcat welcome! Ask her to sing the song about the old man and the big white car! See ya'll tonight!


Marymac, who's 9 to 5'ing!

03 Jul 01 - 11:48 AM (#497546)
Subject: RE: NewMember SharonA on MudcatRadio TONIGHT
From: JenEllen

The songstress? You bet your boots I'll be listening....knock'em deal, girl.

03 Jul 01 - 12:08 PM (#497564)
Subject: RE: NewMember SharonA on MudcatRadio TONIGHT
From: Max

Hey, Sharon, glad you are gonna make it. One small note, I have a meeting this afternoon about and hour and a half away from Mudcatville. I should be cutting it very close to start the show on time. We may be a half hour late or so. I have Pene Azul here to hold down the fort and to welcome guests, so it should not be problem other than a wee bit late start. Its a big meeting (not business), a very big meeting, so wish me luck and send me some massive good thoughts and prayers. See you all tonight.

03 Jul 01 - 12:16 PM (#497570)
Subject: RE: NewMember SharonA on MudcatRadio TONIGHT
From: MMario

and drive careful on you way back!

03 Jul 01 - 12:23 PM (#497577)
Subject: RE: NewMember SharonA on MudcatRadio TONIGHT
From: Noreen

Good luck Max... and lots of positive thoughts.


03 Jul 01 - 01:41 PM (#497637)
Subject: RE: NewMember SharonA on MudcatRadio TONIGHT
From: SharonA

Wow! Thanks, everybody, for all the encouraging words! :^)

MMario, you'll have to tell me how you set up my posts as pages; that is cool! MattR, about half the people I know call me "Sharona"; of the rest, the pronunciation of "Sharon" varies (some use a long 'a', some a short 'a') and, of course, a select few use certain four- and five-letter names I won't repeat!!

Marymac, I toldja already that I'd play "Big White Car" tonight, silly lady! And Max, many thanks for having me on the show, and I wish you all the luck in the world and more at your meeting! I'll see ya when I see ya (always assuming I find the place... Marymac gave me excellent directions, so I should be OK as long as I remember to bring them along!)


03 Jul 01 - 04:46 PM (#497770)
Subject: RE: NewMember SharonA on MudcatRadio TONIGHT
From: Áine

You Go, Girl!! Can't wait to hear you tonight, Sharon -- and it's great to see that 'Guest' tag off your name, too. Great good luck to you tonight, and be sure and plug the Song Challenge!, OK (hahahaha)? ;-)

Waiting for MCR time with twitchin' ears, Áine

03 Jul 01 - 05:10 PM (#497784)
Subject: RE: NewMember SharonA on MudcatRadio TONIGHT
From: SharonA

You got it, Áine. Okay, I'm off to feed my cat, grab my guitar and HIT THE ROAD! Next stop, West Chester, PA and Mudcat Radio! See y'all there!!


03 Jul 01 - 05:19 PM (#497788)
Subject: RE: NewMember SharonA on MudcatRadio TONIGHT
From: catspaw49

Gee, I was so hoping to catch her before she left too. Has anyone told her it is the responsibility of every guest on Mudcat Radio to check MaryMac's underwear? Probably not, so I guess I'll have to do it myyself again tonight................Maybe now that MM is working 9-5 she can afford some new drawers.


03 Jul 01 - 06:36 PM (#497843)
Subject: RE: NewMember SharonA on MudcatRadio TONIGHT
From: GUEST,artbrooks@work

Planning to listen in, but could someone give SPECIFIC directions (suitable for the technologically challenged) on how to access the simultaneous chat room that I've been told exists? Like what software is required, where it is, what path is necessary to get from one place to another to open it. PLEASE!!

03 Jul 01 - 10:23 PM (#497959)
Subject: RE: NewMember SharonA on MudcatRadio TONIGHT
From: Max

SharonA here on Max's computer. The radio show just ended and I HAD A BALL!!! Thanks, everyone, for your support and encouragement and all the sweet, nice things y'all said! I've GOTTA do this again - now I'm hooked!

catspaw, Marymac sez "White with rib-knit"!

SharonA :^))) *BG*

03 Jul 01 - 10:28 PM (#497962)
Subject: RE: NewMember SharonA on MudcatRadio TONIGHT
From: Jon Freeman

I enjoyed it Sharon and hope you treat us to another one.


03 Jul 01 - 11:10 PM (#497986)
Subject: RE: NewMember SharonA on MudcatRadio TONIGHT
From: Amos

You were great, Sharon. Just great!! Don't fergit them aspirin now.


04 Jul 01 - 12:10 AM (#498009)
Subject: RE: NewMember SharonA on MudcatRadio TONIGHT
From: katlaughing

Sharon, I had to leave early for a long distance phoen call, but what I heard was fantastic. Please DO do it, again!! And, thanks for making the effort to be there and sharing with us.
