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(name removed) has a fat arse

09 Jul 01 - 05:25 AM (#501664)
Subject: (name removed) has a fat arse

I know, I've had the displeasure of seeing it

09 Jul 01 - 05:29 AM (#501667)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Linda Kelly

she speak's very highly of you.

09 Jul 01 - 05:35 AM (#501673)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: GUEST,Thin arse

But I'm only a 'gutless' guest. How could she know?

09 Jul 01 - 06:12 AM (#501711)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Ella who is Sooze

gawd... have you nothing better to do, putting same message on most threads.... hmmmmmm!

perhaps you should consider a career in match stick boat building, very satisfying for the obsessive compulsive people so I have heard...

oh dear!


09 Jul 01 - 06:20 AM (#501719)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Dave the Gnome

Better than a fat head. She must realy have got to you for you to keep putting these postings on every thread. What's it like to be that besotted with someone that you cannot stop talking about them?

And don't worry too much about being anonymous. Are you that computer illeterate to think that your IP address(es) cannot be traced? Be VERY careful if you think you can get away with anything because you are hiden. You are not!


09 Jul 01 - 06:22 AM (#501723)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Dave the Gnome

Whoops! Spelt illiterate illeterate. Must prove something but I don't know what...

I'm sure our 'anonymous' guest will tell me;-)


09 Jul 01 - 07:51 AM (#501776)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: KingBrilliant

And you, dear Guest, are an arse-hole.
A very unpleasant one.
(name removed) - don't take no notice. You carry yourself with style, and I can't imagine why this ignorant git feels the need to insult you.
Sorry to raise the thread to the top again - but I didn't want to just ignore it either...


09 Jul 01 - 07:55 AM (#501783)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: KingBrilliant

And just to lighten the moment....
Mine is so vast that Mark once told me I needed patterned trousers 'to break up the monotony of your arse'.
Its a phrase I still cherish.
Still - we do make the rocking world go round. Freddie said so.


09 Jul 01 - 08:28 AM (#501810)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Patrish(inactive)

My daughter refers to her backside as " two badly parked vauxwagons"
(name removed) I too could not ignore this thread - guest is a very lame git - I would not waste a nano second thinking about him.
I could start a thread in praise of said nether region ?
Patrish xxx

09 Jul 01 - 08:34 AM (#501815)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: The Walrus at work

It strikes me that "GUEST" has had one too many wine gums.


09 Jul 01 - 08:38 AM (#501819)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Steve Parkes

We should treat his (her?) contempt with the remark it deserves!


09 Jul 01 - 08:50 AM (#501832)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: JudeL

GUEST - you appear to be obsessed by asses is this because you are one or because your head is stuck so far up yours !!

(name removed), take no notice of that crude rude and ignorant coward hiding behind his supposed anonymity
Many Big Hugs Jude May his bits shrivel and his life become far too interesting for him to cope with!

09 Jul 01 - 08:52 AM (#501838)
Subject: RE(name removed) has a fat arse
From: ScottyG

To (name removed) and and all you fat bottomed girls out there:

Lots of us guys love ample behinds. My wife is no skinny minny, but she's sure as hell sexier than these boney super-model types you see all over the place. Er, what was the quip; "more cushion for better pushin"?

Nonsense aside, what does the size of one's backside have to do with the kind of person one is? "Guest" needs to get a life.

BBWs - gotta love 'em!


--- I replaced the name of this thread's target in the thread title, and in all messages above this note. ---
---Jeff (PA)---

09 Jul 01 - 08:53 AM (#501840)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Skipjack K8

How the mighty are fallen? From Rear of the Year (Male) 1978 to the stretched marked sagging transom I now stuff down me trousers, I feel qualified to sit in judgement on this vexed question.

Jesus had, if not the biggest arse, the stretchiest skin in the Bible. He tied his ass to a tree, and walked thirty miles hence, unto Jerusalem.

Our guest, when unmasked as David has explained, is unlikely to be callipygian, and most likely possessive of many other imperfections, but shoite, I'd sooner be afflicted than a flamer. That's sickness of the soul.


09 Jul 01 - 10:15 AM (#501917)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: clansfolk

Maybe "Guest" - was actually looking into a mirror

An easy test for him to try is to sing a song standing then sit down - does it get quieter? - if so he sings from the same place as he talks from!

As for mine - well "when I sit around the house - I sit around the house" - "I get a hang over just sitting on a bar stool" etc. etc. etc......

Pete (Maximus seatus)

09 Jul 01 - 03:22 PM (#502235)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Eric the Viking

Judge ye not a book by it's cover, It's a shame that "guest" has no courage in him/her as the song goes. He/she does not identify the gender of the person that is being referred to either.Beauty is skin deep and for every bird there is a tree etc as the song goes, perhaps "guest" has not found his/her tree yet.

Pity the poor person. Sad, sad, sad,-perhaps guest will next time say, Jewish, asian,black, white, chinese, one eyed, disabled,short, tall, diseased or some other excuse to be a PRAT !

Signed, Eric the viking, never afraid to put my name to anything I write, say or do. lives in Cleckheaton-don't like it guest you can find me there, now PISS OFF!

09 Jul 01 - 03:26 PM (#502241)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Liz the Squeak

Yes it is... I like it that way. So do several other people.

Next time, come up and introduce yourself - I'll sing you a special song.


09 Jul 01 - 03:27 PM (#502243)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Steve Latimer

And according to Taj Mahal, Big Legged Mama's Are Back In Style Again.

09 Jul 01 - 03:31 PM (#502248)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: mousethief

I was just a skinny lad
Never knew no good from bad...

09 Jul 01 - 03:36 PM (#502252)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse

Wow Miss Lizzie! You've been flamed - incompetently, but flamed all the same. I am jealous. My ass has to be at least as big as yours!
SINS (Mary Sullivan, lest I be accused of hiding behind a pseudonym)

09 Jul 01 - 03:40 PM (#502262)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: SharonA

As a newbie (and a BBW as well!) (for those who haven't seen last week's Mudcat Radio show), I am more than gratified to observe the reaction to GUEST's flaming remark earlier today, and to know that such behavior is not dismissed as harmless or amusing. I'm especially glad to see that the person's name has been removed throughout this thread. I hope that "name removed" knows how much we care to protect the feelings and reputation of a fellow member; and I hope that GUEST has learned his/her lesson and grows up.

This simply serves to reinforce the positive impression I've gotten of the Mudcat membership as a whole. I'm proud to have been accepted into this group.


09 Jul 01 - 03:42 PM (#502264)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: gnu

I was going to post early this AM. Had it typed and couldn't hit the submit. Figured it was better to let sleeping trolls lie. After all, if there's no sunlight, slimy creatures like Guest usually crawl back under their rocks. But, given the fact that the party on the receiving end (no pun intended) of this cowardly and rude act has seen fit to post, here is a shortened version of my unposted reply to guest....

I've got a big arse too. Here it is for you to kiss, if you can get your head out of yours.

09 Jul 01 - 03:43 PM (#502268)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: mousethief

Okay, okay now, girls, none of this "my ass is bigger than yours" thing. I'm sure we're all just as worthy, and all just as wonderful, regardless of the size of our caboose.

Now, if somebody had proof that (name withheld) was torturing baby seals, or stealing presidential elections, or drilling in wilderness areas, or other such evil behavior, I might be interested in hearing more. The size of her "arse" doesn't interest me in the least. That's not where the heart is located. Nor the soul. (Although some people apparently keep their brains there -- which would make (name withheld) potentially much smarter than they!)


09 Jul 01 - 03:44 PM (#502269)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Liz the Squeak

Name removed is quite amused by all this - after all, it is a rather fat arse, and Queen wrote a song all about me. If my other activities work out, I shall shortly (and fatly) get on my bike and RIDE!!!


09 Jul 01 - 03:45 PM (#502270)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Liz the Squeak

Oh Mousie, you say the sweetest things.....


09 Jul 01 - 03:54 PM (#502282)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: chip a are bloody, damn pathetic. Now, sit down and slow your breathing a bit. Get hold of yourself (not that way asshole!) You can do better than this if you'll put your mind to it. Give your subject a little thought before you begin to rant and rave. Remember, the purpose of an insult is to hurt the one being insulted. So far, all you've done is give a pretty big bunch of folks a good laugh.'s you we're laughing at.

Have a nice day. : )

Chip A.

09 Jul 01 - 04:37 PM (#502338)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Áine

You know, I've always felt sorry for people, like guest, that can't appreciate all us BBW (yes, I'm a member of the sisterhood, too. And mine's been that way since I was born ;-) They really miss out on a good thing; and they forget that along with a big bum come two lovely, luscious big bodacious breasts! And I have them too -- AND they're perky!

And to (name removed) and all my BBW sisters I say, "Let your big bums fly, Girls! When we shake it, we don't break it - and only a REAL MAN can take it!!

Big-arsed and proud of it, Áine ;-)

09 Jul 01 - 04:42 PM (#502342)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: mousethief

And their perky what?

09 Jul 01 - 05:19 PM (#502357)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Llanfair

What a shame that, even in these enlightened times, people still consider that there are "good" and "bad" physical attributes.
Beautiful people come in all shapes and sizes.

09 Jul 01 - 05:32 PM (#502361)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: gnu

I think it's a biologically driven desire that most men have for women with big hips. Small hips ain't no good for squeezin out pups.

Oh oh. My keyboard breathalyzer has just informed me that I have performed an illegal operation and will be shut down.

Goodnight. My apo

09 Jul 01 - 05:33 PM (#502362)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: SDShad

Hey, now, I feel slighted. My arse is friggin' 'uge! Why can't I get my name removed?

Whining, or per etymology given in in a recent thread, more properly whinging,

Incontinentia Buttocks

09 Jul 01 - 05:47 PM (#502373)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Sourdough


and this is the best way you know to make the world a better place?

Mudcatters - What nice reactions to to a jeroll (a jerk crossed with a troll)

Makes me proud.


09 Jul 01 - 06:26 PM (#502417)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Liz the Squeak

I feel I should put a blicky here to the words to 'She weighs 16 stone and what do you get?'..... shame I can't remember how to do it....

Just remember, that when you see us coming, better run and hide. A lot of men didn't and a lot of men died.


09 Jul 01 - 06:44 PM (#502436)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Burke

Here you go Hope it works.

09 Jul 01 - 06:51 PM (#502443)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: mousethief

This reminds me of Allan Sherman's spoof on Molly Malone:

She wheels her wheelbarrow
Through streets that are narrow,
Her barrow is narrow, her hips are too wide.
So wherever she wheels it,
The neighborhood feels it,
Her girdle keeps scraping the homes on each side.

In Dublin's fair city,
Where girls are so pretty,
My Molly stands out 'cause she weighs 18 stone.
(That's 256 pounds.)
I dont mind her fat--but,
It's not only that--but,
She's cockeyed and muscle-bound, Molly Malone.


09 Jul 01 - 07:25 PM (#502479)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Liz the Squeak

Thanks Burke, knew someone could do it!!!


09 Jul 01 - 07:49 PM (#502512)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Mrs.Duck

I consider Name Removed to be one of my closest friends - about four feet wasn't it Liz!! Bottoms up girls!!!!!

09 Jul 01 - 10:20 PM (#502625)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Lin in Kansas

One of my brother's favorite descriptions of me went something like: "Well, she's red-headed. She's got a real nasty temper sometimes. And she's got an ass that's two axe handles and a can of tomatoes wide."

Nothings changed (except there's been another axe handle added)! Go ladies, go...


09 Jul 01 - 10:51 PM (#502643)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: harpgirl

I demand a recount!!!!!

I demand the right to be judged accordingly in this contest!! With that in mind I am promptly taking a polaroid of my backside and mailing it to the appropriate judge! I urge anyone who wishes to stand up and be counted to do the same. We'll see just who is the real winner!!!! What's your mailing address again Catspaw???????

I've always wanted to be in a callipygian contest...

09 Jul 01 - 10:51 PM (#502644)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Murray MacLeod

Gnu, you would be surprised , as I was, at the lack of correlation between hip size and ease of parturition.

My ex was (and is) a midwife of twenty-five years experience and I used to debate this very topic with her at length.

Nor is it true that breast size and ability to lactate satisfactorily are correlated in any way. (Not that anybody here has suggested that there is a correlation, but in such an idiotic thread, anything might happen ....)


10 Jul 01 - 01:29 AM (#502721)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Liz the Squeak

True Murray - as my own case will illustrate. It has been noted that I have broad childbearing hips, but had to have a C section because they weren't broad enough to squeeze my baby lard monster through at 8lb 12.5oz.

And for those of you who've seen/read Bridget Jones' Diary(if you haven't, go and do so...), yes, I can rest a pint of beer on it. But only if it's in a dimple glass.


10 Jul 01 - 03:09 AM (#502745)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: fat B****rd

And anyway, it aint the meat it,s the motion.

10 Jul 01 - 03:55 AM (#502760)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Steve Parkes

All that meat, and no potatoes! It's enough to keep a sensitive lad awake at nights ...

What's that other song? Ah--"It must be jelly, 'cos jam don't shake like that!"

Steve (with his chalk in his hand!)

10 Jul 01 - 07:56 AM (#502874)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: manitas_at_work

Hey Sinsull,

You and I might be cousins. My mum is a Sullivan.

Paul Draper

(LtS's husband)

10 Jul 01 - 08:41 AM (#502914)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: gnu

Murray... I know. Just an excuse in my slightly tipsy condition to say something risque. I usually get quite a reaction from my female friends when I say something about "squeezin out pups".

10 Jul 01 - 09:28 AM (#502953)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: guinnesschik

Well, good grief! What a great way to turn something too stupid to be really nasty into another really entertaining thread! Name removed should be proud of her fat arse, as am I. And believe me, it's HUGE! (Ask Himself, and just happen to ask him how much he likes it...)

FAWU! (fat arses of the world unite)

10 Jul 01 - 12:22 PM (#503132)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Jeremiah McCaw

And always remember; a thing of beauty is a joy forever!

10 Jul 01 - 12:40 PM (#503150)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: catspaw49

Sorry I kinda' missed all this, but it reminds me of an old railroader friend of my Dad's (another railroader). In describing his wife, he held his hands far apart and said, "She's got a firebox about yea wide." Always cracked the Ol' Man too.

I would be happy to act as judge in any "Firebox Contest"..........Submit your pictures to me and after due consideration and other things, I'll post a winner.


10 Jul 01 - 01:02 PM (#503172)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: gnu

Shouldn't there be a panel of judges ? I will volunteer to serve along with Spaw on the panel, purely in the interest of fair play and all that. Wait... there's going to be a male panel judging women and vice versa, right ?

10 Jul 01 - 06:30 PM (#503477)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Liz the Squeak

Better get the wide angle lens out then, hadn't I 'Spaw.....


10 Jul 01 - 07:44 PM (#503541)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Hawker

I try to avoid getting in on these kind of discussions and have avoided opening this thread for a couple of days now, but, broad of beam myself, it really appealed!
As a member of the Fat Bottomed Girls Guild, I feel I must offer my support to the name removed subject, and congratulate her on being noticed!
Jealousy is the sincerest form of flattery - and I'm Jealous!
From your bigger arsed friend in Cornwall, who has had 2 Ceasarean sections cos my hips weren't big enough either!
Fatty bum-bum Lucy :0}

10 Jul 01 - 08:21 PM (#503565)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse

manitas - could be. I am descended from a long line of horse thieves.

10 Jul 01 - 09:35 PM (#503615)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: catspaw49

Ya know, in all seriousness, I like women who are broad through the beam. A lot of the skinny-assed type give me the feeling I'm a child molester for even noticing. Short of a few pics, I haven't met many of our female members and even though we've discussed every part of the female and male anatomy around here, my love for all of them is based on the thoughts they project here and not on anything else. If you're a looker, great. If you're not, great. Who could possibly give a shit?

Liz, if the wide angle doesn't work, go for the panorama shot........All photos considered.


10 Jul 01 - 10:13 PM (#503638)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Burke

In order to have it be fair, don't you need to specify how far the camera is from the ... ahem ... object of interest? After all a close in pic will look bigger than one farther out. ;-)

10 Jul 01 - 10:57 PM (#503664)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Bill D

volunteering to calibrate all the technical stuff and be sure conversion units are properly done.

10 Jul 01 - 11:01 PM (#503666)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: GUEST,SDShad

So, are all these proposed wide-angle and panoramic photos to go into next year's calendar, then? Or a second volume, the Mudcat Merely Mooned Calendar 2002?


10 Jul 01 - 11:03 PM (#503667)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: GUEST,SDShad

uHM, I mean, Uhm, I'm not capslock-challenged above there. It's a symbolic emphasis on the greater girth of my back end.

Yeah, that's it.

SDShad, since my front end isn't exactly petite either....

10 Jul 01 - 11:21 PM (#503674)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Amergin

So,'re proud of Lts' wide arse, too?

my butt is not all that small...i also like women in all shapes and sizes....

11 Jul 01 - 03:25 AM (#503752)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Steve Parkes

"Firebox"?? Oh my goodness!

11 Jul 01 - 04:07 AM (#503772)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Llanfair

Sorry, folks, but photos just would not be fair!!!! At 6'1", my backside looks biggish, but not huge when I am photographed on my own. It's only when seen in real life that the true proportions can be appreciated!!!!
And yes, I had to have a caesarian as well! Managed to push out the 10lb 3oz one myself, though!!!
Cheers, Bron.

11 Jul 01 - 04:34 AM (#503786)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Kjell

here are some serious bottoms

sorry I am not able to make a click


11 Jul 01 - 08:31 AM (#503917)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: JudeL

10lb 3oz - just the thought is enough to turn my knees white, (mine were all much smaller)
but back to the music, and many thanks to Penny for "All around my fat" another one for us as can give proper hugs!

11 Jul 01 - 03:55 PM (#504345)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Manitas

Sory about hijacking the thread...


Nah, my mistake. Our side of the family was too poor to steal horses.

11 Jul 01 - 05:09 PM (#504419)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Diva

well speaking as someone who has a fat arse what is all the fuss about...... poor name removed must be jealous. I would much rather be well padded about the hurdies. Liz the Squeek is my role model...... way to go Lizzie !!! Diva the Rubenesque

11 Jul 01 - 06:05 PM (#504467)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Micca

and of course there is always this eulogy in the DT... Click here

11 Jul 01 - 06:10 PM (#504473)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Liz the Squeak

Was wondering when that would show up. Knew damned well who was going to post it though!!!


11 Jul 01 - 06:34 PM (#504487)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Philibuster

Though not having a fat arse, I suffer from a similar malidy. I've got a brillo-pad farm growing down there. You leave dem big butted wimmens 'lone, less I sic fluffy on you. =)

Philibuster, laughing his hairy little ass off.

12 Jul 01 - 01:35 AM (#504711)
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
From: Liz the Squeak

Er, Phili - too much information ther... WAAAAY too much information!!!

(does it affect your sliding abilities? Like carrying your own cocoanut matting around the fair with you.....)

Just curious, that's all.

And does your chest match??