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Non-Music threads thoughts

10 Jul 01 - 11:31 AM (#503068)
Subject: Non-Music threads thoughts
From: GUEST,Jayohjo

OK, this is more an explanation than anything else. I do feel bad about most of my posts being non-music, but there's a reason for this. I consider that I know very little about folk music, I just sing it, so I don't feel qualified to contribute to music threads, as I wouldn't have anything very helpful to say! However, the reason I hang about here is that I WANT to know, and there are so many hugely knowledgeable and talented people here that I just read the music threads and feel many times more intelligent instantly (um probably....)
That's all I wanted to say, thankyou! Jayohjo XXX

10 Jul 01 - 11:40 AM (#503080)
Subject: RE: Non-Music threads thoughts
From: Kjell

This is the same feeling for me, and I am not even singing - just listening and enjoying. I particularly like the discussions of the historical backgrounds of traditional songs. Every day I learn more and am very indebted to you all.


10 Jul 01 - 11:41 AM (#503081)
Subject: RE: Non-Music threads thoughts
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

I feel exactly the same way as you, I read most threads but rarely post to the music ones because I feel I have nothing relavent to add.john

10 Jul 01 - 11:48 AM (#503093)
Subject: RE: Non-Music threads thoughts
From: catspaw49

Great guys! When you can add, do so! AS you learn more, you too can answer some of the questions that you're learning from now. Plus, as time goes by, you'll likely find an area of expertise or special relevance where you can be of help.

A lot of people don't seem to get that can learn here as well as debate musical points. ANd there are things to be hashed in the BS as well. Personally, I'm glad you're all here. Enjoy the joint and don't apoplogize!!!!


10 Jul 01 - 11:50 AM (#503095)
Subject: RE: Non-Music threads thoughts
From: Mrrzy

I also only sing but I post anyway, why not, I have thoughts if not knowledge. And I start nonmusic threads too, but usually only if a) I need personal help with something I think Mudcat members can help me with, b) if it's something I think Mudcatters might enjoy because they are the kind of people they are, even if it isn't about music, or c) if it's a Mudcat thing, even if it isn't a music thing. I also post as Guest instead of myself if the question I have would reveal too much about me. I love this site and this community, and don't see why I should only be allowed to show in in one admittedly not very narrow context. But as a courtesy to those who'd prefer this be a MUSIC thing, rather than a community thing, I also use NonMusic in my thread titles, if it's appropriate.

10 Jul 01 - 12:05 PM (#503113)
Subject: RE: Non-Music threads thoughts
From: Bill D

And Max has made it clear that he does not wish to stop or inhibit non-music topics..only that he hopes people will be reasonable and try to consider others as they post.

This has become a community, and though music is a central theme, members of a community DO often have non-musical things to say. If they respect each other, it will probably work out just fine.

10 Jul 01 - 12:10 PM (#503119)
Subject: RE: Non-Music threads thoughts
From: MMario

And don't forget - those of us less knowledgeable - CAN ASK QUESTIONS ! (!) !

Amazing concept, I know, *grin*, but true. As has been shown, over and over, if someone doesn't know the answer, someone else will try to find the answer, or at least you get people's curiosity going - which means a larger "work force" trying to find the answer...which (at least in theory) means it will take less time to accomplish.

11 Jul 01 - 04:21 AM (#503777)
Subject: RE: Non-Music threads thoughts
From: Dave the Gnome

I always consider the Mudcat as a meeting room for people interested in Folk music rather than exclusively a forum about Folk music. Like any other meeting place people are going to have common interests but that does not prevent them from discussing anything and everything else.

Long may it continue thus!


Dave the Gnome

11 Jul 01 - 08:02 AM (#503885)
Subject: RE: Non-Music threads thoughts
From: paddymac

Amen to all the above. I think Spaw pretty well nailed it, even without being, ahem, colorful.

11 Jul 01 - 08:28 AM (#503914)
Subject: RE: Non-Music threads thoughts
From: GUEST,Celtic Soul


I thought *I* was the only one!! :D

I am also a singer, but have never really learned a whole heck of a lot about the music I sing. I know what I like, and that is what I perform.

The level of knowledge and competance here is amazing, and I guess that can be a little intimidating when you know you have little to offer in the way of in depth and exacting information. But Jayohjo and Spaw are absolutely right. There is much to learn here, and the long timers are so very supportive and friendly that you can't help but love the place.

I came for the information. I stay because of the feeling of community and the supportiveness.

11 Jul 01 - 08:58 AM (#503933)
Subject: RE: Non-Music threads thoughts
From: GUEST how about the way Kasey Chambers sings Fred Eaglesmith's "Water In The Fuel?" Did she nail it, or what? Feel so sorry for that poor trucker...

11 Jul 01 - 08:27 PM (#504583)
Subject: RE: Non-Music threads thoughts
From: Burke

Count me as another with a narrow range of knowledge to share, but wanting to feel a part of the group in some way.

By participating in non-music threads, music lurkers can become part of the group instead of standing on the side as invisible, silent listeners.

11 Jul 01 - 08:45 PM (#504596)
Subject: RE: Non-Music threads thoughts
From: McGrath of Harlow

Even when we can't help directly in a search, posting in the thread helps keep it alive, and that means more chance that someone new will drop in who can suggest a new direction to look, or come up with the goods themselves.

The other day I started a thread looking for a song that an 82 year old lady wants to hear again. A few helpful answers from people with information to give, but still we haven't found the words. But since nobody dripped in who didn't have info, the thread sank away out of sight.

(In case anyone might have anything to add - here is a blue clicky to the thread in question -"Poppies" song

Even if you don't have the information to add, threads need refreshing. Long live thread drift!

11 Jul 01 - 08:50 PM (#504601)
Subject: RE: Non-Music threads thoughts
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Mcgrath I tried your link but there seems to be a problem with it.john

11 Jul 01 - 08:51 PM (#504602)
Subject: RE: Non-Music threads thoughts
From: McGrath of Harlow

Now why doesn't that seem to work?

Anyway the name of the thread is Lyr Req: 'Poppies' song . And here os another go at making a blue clicky thtab gets you there. If it doesn't work this time, anyone wanting to visit the thread can use the search mechanisms on this site.

11 Jul 01 - 09:30 PM (#504620)
Subject: RE: Non-Music threads thoughts
From: Jeri

McGrath, the clicky didn't work because it said "a href=2http..." Fixed it.

When I first started posting on the internet - in newsgroups, not here - I didn't feel like I knew much. I still don't. What I did have that others frequently didn't was a willingness and the time to look for something. You may have never heard of a certain song, but you may be able to search for information for someone anyway.

Sometimes just contibuting a little bit of information can jog someone else's memory. Even more questions can help.

12 Jul 01 - 02:59 AM (#504725)
Subject: RE: Non-Music threads thoughts
From: Amergin

i don't have a narrow range of knowledge...i have exactly no knowledge.....

12 Jul 01 - 08:01 AM (#504847)
Subject: RE: Non-Music threads thoughts
From: Lox

but do you know that to be 100% true Amergin



12 Jul 01 - 12:33 PM (#505062)
Subject: RE: Non-Music threads thoughts
From: Hollowfox

Dave the Gnome makes a good point here. This is a place for people interested in folk things, not a place where the membership is limited to experts.

12 Jul 01 - 01:13 PM (#505084)
Subject: RE: Non-Music threads thoughts
From: MMario

And thank {insert something here} for that!

There are things that a lot of people can do, from popping unanswered question threads up to the top (not necessary unless they are about to fall off or perhaps it's "peak" time for a segment - like the UK) to going into the auction and doing a similar service for items at the bottom of the list that still have time left on them. (we just discovered today that if an item goes more then 14 days without a bid it "disappears" on us. or searching the web.

heck - go into the old threads - find an interesting question and see if you can find the answer OFFLINE, then post...

etc. etc. etc.

or review a CD - or a gathering, or a session...

12 Jul 01 - 01:57 PM (#505123)
Subject: RE: Non-Music threads thoughts
From: Pseudolus

I'm-a-learnin too...

I used to go to open mike nights at a local Irish Pub a lot and finally I learned a song from a Clancy Brothers CD and sang it, naturally and proudly announcing it as an irish song. "The Garden Song" as most of you know is not actually irish but I thought it was because I learned it from that CD. Undaunted I decided to learn another. Certainly a song about "Willie McBride" from the same CD clearly had to be Irish. I made another proud announcment the next month and found out much to my chagrin that not only was it not Irish, it was called "No Man's Land" and not Willie McBride!!! Much of this must be second nature to the tried and true folkie but I was still learning! Finally, before announcing a new song the following month, I asked my friend (the one who was graciously keeping me straight teh rpevious two months) if "The town I loved so well" was Irish. He said yeah but even this time when I made my THIRD announcement, another friend close to the stage said, "Are ya sure?"..... Cracked me up.... So, learning CAN be fun!! I'm not an expert but my friend laughs at me a lot less these days!!!


12 Jul 01 - 06:30 PM (#505330)
Subject: RE: Non-Music threads thoughts
From: GUEST,Burke (using a new browser)

I search for lyrics as well.

I'd guess my real contributions come when I do quick look-ups in services my library pays for. OED online is probably the most recent.

Here's a permathread idea. Call it Unfilled or Open requests. Once a Lyr Req has been refreshed a couple of times with no results, put a note in the Unfilled thread with a link to the request. Then new people or people who've been away can find what still needs looking for.

We might want the person with the request to be the one to add it to the thread, just so we don't spend too much time on something they aren't that interested in. Guests, especially would need to indicate a willingness to check back for answers.

12 Jul 01 - 06:35 PM (#505335)
Subject: RE: Non-Music threads thoughts
From: mousethief

Cool idea, burke!


12 Jul 01 - 07:32 PM (#505385)
Subject: RE: Non-Music threads thoughts
From: Snuffy

But how would you get it off the unfulfilled thread once it had been answred?

13 Jul 01 - 12:27 AM (#505527)
Subject: RE: Non-Music threads thoughts
From: Jim Dixon

I don't have a lot of expertise about music, but I enjoy the challenge of searching for information on the 'net. When someone poses an interesting question, I go to work searching for the answer, using my favorite search engine, Google. If I find it, I post a link. Rarely does the answer come from my own store of knowledge. But I've learned a lot in the process.

13 Jul 01 - 04:19 AM (#505577)
Subject: RE: Non-Music threads thoughts
From: Geoff the Duck

If the chat in this forum was reduced to ONLY the technicalities of Tunes, Instruments and Songs, I suspect that a majority of Mudcatters would never have bothered joining in the first place. I DO contribute to Informational threads, as I have a weird collection of facts and rumours which fly aroung my brain - God knows where they came from!!! Despite that, my main enjoyment of the Forum is from reading and contributing to the non-musical threads. I do feel that the BS: prefix covers the World with an overwide umbrella, but am not sure what categories I would split it into - given a choice.
Do not feel that you have not got a contribution to make - YOU are the reason I am here!

13 Jul 01 - 09:05 AM (#505681)
Subject: RE: Non-Music threads thoughts
From: GUEST,Burke

I'm going away right now for the weekend. If people think the unanswered questions thread is a good idea, I'll work it up in more detail next week.

I won't just start the thread until I've checked into how it would be maintained because we would indeed want to clear it out from time to time.

13 Jul 01 - 02:36 PM (#505946)
Subject: RE: Non-Music threads thoughts
From: Bill D

'unfulfilled requests' might best be followed by tracing your own threads, and refreshing them occasionally

13 Jul 01 - 09:03 PM (#506119)
Subject: RE: Non-Music threads thoughts
From: Joe Offer

Great idea, Burke - I started the PermaThread and put it on the PermaThread Index.
-Joe Offer-

13 Jul 01 - 11:37 PM (#506179)
Subject: RE: Non-Music threads thoughts
From: hesperis

A lot of guests come by, and they don't even see the trace function. Would it be possible to have the word "trace" link to the apply for membership page, instead of just having nothing there for guests?

It would be a good advertisement.

Oh, and I come here for the BS threads, but am soaking up a lot of the folk-process while I'm at it.