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manchester sports guild folk club

10 Jul 01 - 04:42 PM (#503382)
Subject: manchester sports guild


10 Jul 01 - 05:56 PM (#503449)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: Dave the Gnome

I thougt if you could remember the 60's you weren't really there!

I remember seeing a couple of blokes there who called themselves the Humblebums. Some Scots git called Connely and a no hoper called Rafferty. There was some other bloke called Harding there as well. None of them ever got anywhere ...;-)

I very nearly nicked the old MSG sign from round the back of the Cathederal before they did up the shop fronts about 10 years ago. I never got round to it but I've still got the memories though.

Thanks for reminding us.


Dave the Gnome

10 Jul 01 - 06:17 PM (#503465)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: Anglo

Early-mid 60s there used to be a folk night at MSG emceed by someone called Drony. Those were the days when the "big" local group was Folk Song Northwest, till Frank Duffy left them to pursue a solo career, (I don't think he ever caught it), and they became the Northwest Folk Four. I'd get down to MSG occasionally but it was a bit of a zoo. (I did live in the more refined Victoria Park).

10 Jul 01 - 06:27 PM (#503474)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: Noreen

That's what MSG stood for?! I've heard many people talk about it, but it was well before my time, you know.... :0)


10 Jul 01 - 06:54 PM (#503501)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: Anglo

Ah, yes, Noreen, certainly before your time - I could tell by looking at the photo gallery :-)

I suspect I too could covet that concertina.

Back then I just had an old guitar I was teaching myself to play, playing in a "bluegrass" band with Alan Hodson and a couple of other folks. I don't remember it as well as I might - it was the 60s, after all.

11 Jul 01 - 04:23 AM (#503778)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: Llanfair

I used to go regularly, I loved it!!! Saw Carthy and Swarbrick a few times, Mike Harding, Marie Little, Magna Carta, and loads more. I used to go to Harry Boardman's club as well.
That was in the days when there was no fear of being mugged or murdered in Manchester late at night, and I could safely get the last bus home to Northenden!
Cheers, Bron.

11 Jul 01 - 08:04 AM (#503888)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: John J

MSG? Nah sorry mate. Never heard of it (lately).

11 Jul 01 - 10:04 AM (#503979)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: Dave the Gnome

Course you have, John. Just visit your local Chinese takeaway and look for the tin of Mono Sodium Glutomate (sp ?)

Makes my beef in black bean sauce taste great;-)



11 Jul 01 - 12:53 PM (#504132)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: GUEST,JohnB

Yeah, I remember MSG, it was a great place. I could not afford to go there too often though, my apprentice pay as it was. I remember nursing one beer all night. Bigger test though, anyone remember "The Old House At Home Folk Club" JohnB

11 Jul 01 - 12:56 PM (#504137)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: bill\sables

I remember being booked there in the late 60s

11 Jul 01 - 02:39 PM (#504260)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: GUEST,davejones

Yes Vin,Ido remember MSG.I was a child of 20,it was a great place.It seemed that Martin Carthy was on every week,Idon't think he was but one's memory fades.I always maintained that it was in the basement but I'm assured by many that it was upstairs.Again, it was the Sixties,was there,butdon't remember.

11 Jul 01 - 02:44 PM (#504271)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: Llanfair

The room felt like a basement room, but I think the jazz was downstairs.
Cheers, Bron.

11 Jul 01 - 02:49 PM (#504281)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: 8_Pints

Spent many a happy Saturday there. Saw Nick Jones, Pete Bellamy, Tony Rose (get well soon!), Carthy and some bloke called Tony Capstick who emigrated to Yorkshire.

First met Sue there (look at us now!).

Anyone remember "Jenks" on the door? What a character!

Nostalgia ain't what it used to be *BG*

Bob vG

11 Jul 01 - 02:59 PM (#504291)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: Roughyed

I remember the Beggarmen recording a live LP there. (I was underage, honest)

11 Jul 01 - 04:58 PM (#504412)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild


11 Jul 01 - 06:39 PM (#504491)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: Anglo

Yes, I do remember Tom & Smiley (vaguely, I admit). And as to Drony's real name, though, sorry I haven't a clue.

11 Jul 01 - 08:36 PM (#504589)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: 8_Pints

I remember going there after my Saturday job in Safeways! Went one week with a couple of friends (Liz and Pete, Bron) after I'd split up with my boyfriend and some bloke chatted me up. We've been married for 24 years!

We have a very old LP (1967) that was a live recording at the club featuring the Taverners, Mary Asquith and Sheila, the Penine Folk, Harry Ogden, Lyn Taylor and Ken Wilson.

I seem to remember a duo called Ad Hoc and a group called Gypsy's Kiss. There was also a very young Paul Brady with the Johnsons. Anybody who was anybody I guess!

Sue vG

11 Jul 01 - 11:42 PM (#504673)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: Bluebeard

Bloody 'ell, that's brought back a few memories! I remember seeing Tom and Smiley there(still got their LP) and a few months later I was playing at some folk pub in Ashton-under-Lyne and so were they. MSG.. a great place.

12 Jul 01 - 03:12 AM (#504729)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: Llanfair

Aha, 8 pints!!!! I'm with you now!!!!!
I've never come across anywhere like the MSG, though fire regs would have shut the place down!
Cheers, Bron.

12 Jul 01 - 03:37 AM (#504734)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: John J at home

I saw Mary Asquith a couple of weeks ago at the Bull's Head, Mobberley session. I don't know what happened to Harry Ogden, he ran a folk type programme on Piccadilly Radio now and then but he seems to have sunk without trace! Re: The Old House at Home folk club, wasn't that in Blackely or somewhere?


12 Jul 01 - 03:50 AM (#504740)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: Dave the Gnome

Harry Ogden went on to become landlord of the Marble Arch for a while where he also ran a good folk club. Saw him a few months ago and he is into photography now if I remember rightly - or that might have been the time before!



12 Jul 01 - 09:27 AM (#504907)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: RoyH (Burl)

Aaaahhh memories. I sang there several times in the mid-sixties, early in my career. I was trying to play guitar in those days before common sense reigned. I remember Jenks too. Famously candid, to say the least. I shared the bill one night with an excellent banjo player named Roger Knowles. He went on to a long career too, played in Europe a lot. Haven't seen him in years. Anybody know what he's doing now? His wife was a good trad style singer. Great days, large audiences.

12 Jul 01 - 12:23 PM (#505057)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: GUEST,JohnB

Yes JohnJ, the Old House at Home FC was basically in the middle of ICI in Blakely. It was probably Mike Hardings first club. I guess it must be a 60's thing or something worse but I can't think of anybody who I saw at MSG. JohnB

12 Jul 01 - 05:33 PM (#505287)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: John MacKenzie

Can I bend the thread a little bit and ask who remembers th New Orleans club in Newcastle?


16 Jul 08 - 07:09 AM (#2390462)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: GUEST,Phillip Pearson

Drony's name was John Dronsfield. He was a lecturer in graphic design and the Manchester College of Art and Design.

17 Jul 08 - 02:33 AM (#2391146)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: GUEST,GUEST, Jeremy Moyes

I remember seeing Alex Campbell at the MSG. Half way through the evening, Alex (true to form) was clearly the worse for wear, downing pints with whisky chasers. The crowd began to get roudy, as Alex's singing deteriorated and he began to bicker with members of the audience. I remember Alex asking a couple of lads to join him outside, as things were rapidly spinning out of control. Then he sang "The Last Thing on my Mind" - the Tom Paxton song - and I can still feel the deafening quiet that descended on the place. Don't ask me when that was - I'd guess '66 but maybe someone out there has a better memory - but it was pure Alex - and I've not forgotten that moment.

17 Jul 08 - 05:32 AM (#2391212)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: Bryn Pugh

Happy days indeed. I was one of the squad of MCs, at three and a half guineas a pop.

Frank Duffy's Singers' Club on a Monday, later taken over by the ineffable Drony (John Dronsfield) was amazing. You paid one and three to entertain people who had paid one and three to be entertained. Great place for trying out new material, though.

I packed it in in 1972, I think - and I am almost certain that I was MC on the night that Alex was the top line, mentioned above.

We shall never see its like again, or of that grisly old bastard, Jenks, who ran the gaff.

Any other members of "Mancunian Way" out there ?

17 Jul 08 - 06:08 AM (#2391235)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: Vin2

I saw Alex a couple of times at MSG - late sixties / early seventies methinks. A towering figure indeed, but as you say when he launced into Tom Paxton songs like Last Thing On My Mind and the beautiful Victoria Dines Alone, he showed his gentler side and held the audience spellbound. A great character - the only one who could call Jenks 'Mr Jinks' and get away with it!! Still got an LP where he introduces people like 'an up-an-coming folk singer' called Sandy Denny. A great character, great singer/muscician 'yeah oh yeah'!

See you guys at Saddleworth festival this w/end? I'll be camped near the food tent wearing me well worn Mudcat t/shirt!

17 Jul 08 - 10:56 AM (#2391404)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: Mary Humphreys

I remember MSG - the folk clulb was definitely upstairs and the jazz downstairs. The room was painted dark colours - or was that just the nicotine on the walls?
I saw AL Lloyd there, Ewan & Peggy, Harry Boardman and most of all I remember the Grehan sisters who played Irish music like I had never heard it before.
Funny - I don't remember seeing Carthy,but maybe that was a three pints evening....Frank Duffy used to MC the singers nights, then later was replaced by Drony. Didn't realise he was a lecturer - but there were a lot of teachers about then in folk music.
THe Old House at Home was probably the best-hidden venue in Greater Manchester. I remember doing a gig there and having to walk home to Fallowfield carrying a banjo because the buses had all stopped at 11.30 and there were no all-night buses or taxis to be seen. Wouldn't do it now! Too old / not daft enough!
See you at Saddleworth.

18 Jul 08 - 06:43 AM (#2391950)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: GUEST,Chris P.

Hello Mary! You were there too? The MSG has never been displaced in my affections, except perhaps by the RAOB club in Leeds. I remember as well as the above, Jackie & Bridy (spelling?) and Donovan with Gypsey Dave in the background. And the waiter (and anyone else walking in front of the stage) braving John Connolley's banter.

18 Jul 08 - 06:53 AM (#2391955)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: Bryn Pugh

In which year did the "Guild" close ?

Anyone up for a reunion, Christ knows how many years after ?

If so, who, and where ?

21 Sep 08 - 01:54 PM (#2446595)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: GUEST,T.Downes

Sadly,Frank Duffy died recently.I used to love the song he sang about an irish brass band who ended up bashing each other with their instruments !!Anyone remember the song ?Maybe its gone forever like dear Frank.

21 Sep 08 - 05:16 PM (#2446770)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: Bernard

Rosie Hardman (and Bob Axford), Neil Innes (and the Bonzo band)... of course I don't remember!!


21 Sep 08 - 05:48 PM (#2446793)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: doncatterall

have posted on another thread on this - Jenks cursing because Carthy had gone off to play with Steeleye - Capstick standing in ETC............

a great club!!!!!!!!!!

when I first went it was folk upstairs & jazz downstairs (& some terrific blues nights)

latterly folk in the basement - I remember the last night with some joker called Harding

one of the best nights - Noel Murphy & Draft Porridge.


21 Sep 08 - 06:41 PM (#2446826)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: GUEST,mike cahill

saw Hamish Imlach down a bottle or so of whisky there while doing his set (briliantly) I was sat behind one of the cast iron supports, come to think of it every seat was behind one or another. he was so good I bought a load of his LP's trying to re-capture the moment, he just wasn't the same sober

22 Sep 08 - 04:04 AM (#2447060)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: Les in Chorlton

Noel Murphy and Draft Porridge!!!!!!!!

A bass player who's name I cannot remember and Davey Johnston, guitar and tenor banjo, demon player - joined Elton John and plays with him still I believe.


L in C

22 Sep 08 - 04:11 AM (#2447064)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: GUEST,Graham Bradshaw

Ah yes - Draught Porridge. I remember queing up outside the Troubadour in London and not getting in, but listening from outside.

Later saw them properly at our own club in Surbiton.
The bass player was Ron Chesterman and of course the inimitable Davey Johnston (better known as Shaggis). As you say, still with Elton John. And still very flamoyant, but never matching those halcyon days. No doubt made a few more bob than he did with DP.


22 Sep 08 - 04:23 AM (#2447070)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: GUEST,Graham Bradshaw

Forgot to say in previous post, I played at MSG several times in the late 60s - with Derek Sarjeant Trio. We drove all the way up from Surbiton - which in those days was nearly a whole days jaunt (pre M6), although thinking about it, it's not much different post M6!! But you couldn't be late. If the contract said start at 8.00, if you were late, Jenks used to dock your fee, even if you weren't due on till 9.00. Disley, who also used to do it regularly, never got his full fee!!

Also, on the subject of Alex Campbell, we always used to say that he had opened and closed more clubs than anybody else. He was a favourite for the opening night as he was a guaranteed 'full house' to get things off to a good start. And usually a few months later, there he was again closing things down. (Yes, even in those great days, clubs used to close frequently - usually because of landlords/breweries etc - but often through lack of support. If you didn't get the formula right even then, things failed. Nothing changes really. The difference was there were always new ones starting up).

Alex was a lovely man, but after a few whiskies did get a bit morose, and I can remember us sending him home after the interval at Surbiton as he was no longer capable of finishing off the night. But we still booked him back time aand time again. There was no one to match him for engaging an audience when he was on form.


22 Sep 08 - 04:32 AM (#2447076)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: John MacKenzie

I saw some lovely photo's of you from those days Graham, only last week.


22 Sep 08 - 05:14 AM (#2447084)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: GUEST,Greycap

Hey, Burl,
I'm still around playing and singing. So is Eileen, my wife.
Roger Knowles

22 Sep 08 - 06:39 AM (#2447126)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: greg stephens

I played a gig there with the Original Callity Band, but I wasn't familiar with the place otherwise, not being a Mancunian. That would have been mid 70's, I suppose.

22 Sep 08 - 07:23 AM (#2447139)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: Les in Chorlton

Late 60s early 70s? We had a club in Ellesmere Port and we would have people on Sunday who had been at MSG on Saturday.


L in C

22 Sep 08 - 11:56 AM (#2447321)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: Vin2

I can picture the rooms now - jazz donwnstairs originally (i think Maynard Fergusson was guest a couple of times) and folk upstairs where i first saw Carthy/Swarb. Then downstairs in larger room, bar on left as you go in and stage in middle on right with the 'bogs' at the back which flooded on the last night as Harding did his bit (on stage singing i mean).

I remember the Old House at Home too Mary; down Bottomley Side way. I work at M/C Uni now - didn't you used to run the folk club hear a few years ago. By the way - fab gig at Saddleworth!


23 Sep 08 - 07:41 AM (#2448004)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: Vin2

Saw Dando Shaft there & the original Magna Carta toooo

23 Sep 08 - 08:01 AM (#2448016)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: doncatterall

Dando Shaft - great band saw them several times and seem to remember them doing a "reunion" concert in Didsbury.
Polly Bolton who sang with them (though not in the original line-up) had an amazing voice.
Also had Martin Jenkins on mandoline.
Bumped into their tabla player in Sidmouth many years ago & they were not doing anything then - are they still together in any form?


23 Sep 08 - 03:05 PM (#2448369)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: RoyH (Burl)

Hello Greycap and Eileen, Glad to hear that your still singing and playing.Hope I might heaar you again somewherre sometime. Best Wishes, Burl/Roy

23 Sep 08 - 03:45 PM (#2448408)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: skipy

I used to go quite often in 1971 & 72! Used to hitchhike over from RAF Coningsby (in uniform) go to the guild & then lay my sleeping bag down in some old railway arches (within staggering distance) & crash out! Nearly came a croper one night when a lorry revesed in!

26 Sep 08 - 08:52 AM (#2450763)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: Vin2

Thought Polly Bolton was with Dando from the beginning. Eeee tis a sad day when yer learn nowt!

26 Sep 08 - 12:07 PM (#2450919)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: doncatterall

Dando Shaft's first album certainly didn't have her on it and she wasn't with them the first couple of times I saw them.


27 Sep 08 - 04:51 AM (#2451421)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild
From: scouse

I did the MC Job there once maybe twice?? Can't really remember. I think I got the gig through a guy called Stan Jardine(Anyone remember Him?)I can remember one of my play lists was The Grehan Sisters and The Mathews Brothers.. Somewhere in the back of mind Christy Moore was there as well (Everyone got very drunk on Newcastle Brown)..I remember a guy called Pete Smith and someone who ran the Owdam Folk Club (Paul ????)!!! Did A gig out there and remember being in the middle of nowhere.

As Aye,


27 Sep 08 - 06:50 AM (#2451450)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Les in Chorlton

Was Stan Jardine tall and from Birkenhead? Was Pete Smith on"Deep Lancashire"?

L in C

27 Sep 08 - 08:52 AM (#2451494)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Jim Carroll

I was standing with a group of friends outside the MSG talking to Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger, who had been guests there.
While we were talking a taxi drew up and a smart young man got out and headed towards the night club next door.
One of our number said, "That's Georgie Best", to which Peggy asked, "Who's Georgie Best?"
On being told he was the world's greatest footballer (by a City fan) she sprinted after him and got his autograph "for Callum", she said!
Jim Carroll

28 Sep 08 - 05:37 AM (#2452018)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: scouse

Y'right Les, Stan lived in Birkenhead as did I at the time but I don't think Stan was a Birkonian. Pete Smith if my memory serves me was married to Marie Little.I think!!
As Aye,

28 Sep 08 - 05:45 AM (#2452019)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Les in Chorlton

I have this memory of Stan being tall and thin with a beard but that could be anybody I suppose. Did he start of with a trio? He sang and the other two were guitar and fiddle. I think Stan went on to add more and more people until he had sort of one of each - a banjo, a whistle, a squeeze box and so on.


L in C

24 Oct 08 - 09:26 AM (#2474794)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,g.

I met a young teacher upstairs in the folk club her name was Laurie, Lorrie can't quite remember !

24 Oct 08 - 09:38 AM (#2474812)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Bryn Pugh

That might well have been Lorraine (Lori) Mills, an old flame of mine, who hailed originally from near Scarborough and had studied at Elizabeth Gaskell (DomSci)

Last I heard of her - and its over 40 years - she had married a chap called Dave Driver, making her . . .

23 Dec 08 - 05:52 AM (#2522813)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Susieq

MSG!   The thought of that place brings back many happy memories of the late sixties. Memories fade with time but I thought it was jazz upstairs and folk upstairs.   Does anyone remember John Cooper Clarke being there or is that just me??

08 Jan 09 - 01:58 PM (#2535303)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Tom Ryan

I used to go with friends in the mid sixties, when I was about 18-19. I remember seeing the McPeake Family, three generations of them, and being impressed , though I thought the Uilleann Pipes a bit odd at the time. I, too, remember Alex Campbell being excellent, but again not finishing the set because he had drunk too much. The Corrie Folk Trio, as they were then, were popular. I have a vague memory (as do most of us who were active in the 60s) of seeing the Ian Campbell folk group there, but I can't be sure about that. Anyway, the folk nights were great fun. Nothing quite like it here in Sudbury, Ontario, where I have lived for the last thirty years.

02 Mar 09 - 08:16 AM (#2579184)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Charlie

What about Tony and Arthur singing Sammy's Bar?

02 Mar 09 - 08:29 AM (#2579189)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Les in Chorlton

They were good fun - I believe Arthur still runs that club in Bolligton


L in C

11 Mar 09 - 06:32 AM (#2586249)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Mike Green

I Have been "googleing" for something quite different when I was amaized to come across this.....

I was a regular for many years on Monday Night Singers Club at the MSG (I even have a vinl album call Folk at the MSG recorded on one singers night) and also ran two folk clubs in Eccles The Duke of York on a Friday and the Cross Keys on a Sunday where our resident group was Porter Cunningham.

I left the Manchester area for the North East in 1973 and met up with a Guy Vin Garbut of the High Level Ranters but lost touch with him in the mid seventies. A few years ago at a Poetry Festival in Durham (where i now live) I met up with Mike Harding with whom I would swap gigs in the 60's between his club & mine. Other names I remember from the MSG days were Marie Little & Pete Smith (who lived behind me in Clifton), Marie is now in the North East also. I was with a group for a while, the Free Folk, and we were billed with the Spinners & the Taveners. Other names are Big John McAteee, Bob Axford & Rosie Hardman, and a tall guy whos name escapes me but played fantastic bluegrass banjo.

A particular memory is of Paul Simon who appeared on a Saturday night at MSG during his tour of the country and he played a new song he had written on Widnes guessed it.

My searching was actually to find refernce to a guy called Pete Ryder who wrote and performed a song called Child of the Rain - does anyone remember him (he was a good mate of Bob Axford) or more importantly remember the lyrics to his song.

I have many other memories (I got the words/chords for streets of London of Ralph McTell when he visited Eccles sometime in the 60's) but the lasting memory will be of Monday nights at the MSG and that miserable old sod Drony.......

11 Mar 09 - 07:13 AM (#2586263)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Bill S from Adelaide

At the end of the 60's early 70's, I was involved with the Salford University folk club and for some reason, we had to book all or most of our guests through the MSG.
So does anyone remember SUFC? Our biggest draw was Jake Thackeray a the locals from the flats used to flood in, we could get 300 on a good night, we must have been the only Uni club to cater for the surrounding community and make money, we booked Mr Fox one time to spend up some money and made a prifit even with their fee!
We got to the MSG but I can't remember who was on (it was the 60/70's after all)
Bill S from Melbourne (still awaiting a change of nic)

11 Mar 09 - 08:12 AM (#2586292)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: doncatterall


fond memories of clubs at both the Keys and Duke of York (and MSG of course)


11 Mar 09 - 08:51 AM (#2586313)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: JohnB

Well Guest Mike Green, I knew a lot of those names from my youth too.
I could hardly ever afford to go to MSG but a lot of those people went to the Friday Night Folk Club at the Noel Timpson Youth Centre.
Pete Ryder is still around and playing, although I don't remember him from back then. I saw him a few years ago in Rochdale and he was playing in Swinton a couple of weeks after we were there in 2007.
I live in Canada and have since 1977, I can probably find a UK contact for him if you want one.

11 Mar 09 - 12:51 PM (#2586452)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club

Pete Ryder was a regular at the MSG and had a hate hate relationship with Jenks. I went there once or twice but it never clicked with me.
Pete is still playing and living in Bolton. I will ask him this week about Child of the Rain lyrics Mike.

Like I say for some strange reason I didn't go there too often but couldn't justify why.

11 Mar 09 - 12:53 PM (#2586457)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Dave Wynn

That last lot from Guest was from a cookieless me.

12 Mar 09 - 10:35 AM (#2587173)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Mike Green

Dave - I would really appreciate it if you could acquire details from Pete. I could supply an Email Address if that woud be the best way to make contact

Incidentally I sometimes recorded the sessions at the Cross Keys on old open reel tape and I have a recording of when Pete was our guest for the evening and Rosie Hardman & Bob Axford turned up on the same night. Quite naturally Pete & Bob got "lathered" and the night deteriorated into a drunken slanging match (but with some good music). Rosie & Bob performed a piece they had just picked up (The Day the Pittletrenthide Jug Band hit the Charts). I must attempt to get that session converted to CD.

12 Mar 09 - 10:58 AM (#2587187)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Greenm

Further to last posting - I am no longer a "guest" - I joined the mudcat cafe many years ago but forgot my log-in name, password etc. I have now rejoined with a different Email address.

Just as an addition to the previous search for Pete Ryder - for the past forty years I have been playing annother of Pete's renditions (althought not written by him the arrangement was his) - "wish I was Mole in the ground" - a unique finger style on the D chord which took me ages to copy......

12 Mar 09 - 11:16 AM (#2587196)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Ray

Tony and Arthur? Yes, so far as I know, Arthur still runs the club at the Dog & Partridge on Friday nights although I've not been down for years. I bet he's still singing Sammy's Bar. Mrs "Arthur" was the Mayor of Bollington a year or so ago and Arthur her consort. As for Tony, he sadly died in a climbing accident in Glencoe around 30 years ago.

12 Mar 09 - 11:18 AM (#2587197)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Ray - again

Forgot - whatever happened to Pete Royle

12 Mar 09 - 04:43 PM (#2587433)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Phil Edwards

Ray - I see Pete Royle fairly regularly; he's a bit of a fixture in the downstairs bar at Chorlton FC (the club is upstairs). He's good when he can be prevailed on to play - I remember hearing him do a terrific "Hattie Carroll" - but unfortunately he takes a lot of prevailing.

He hasn't given up music, though. He made a CD in 2007; this is the Myspace page that goes with it.

13 Mar 09 - 05:36 AM (#2587829)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Ray

Pip - thanks for the info, please mention me to him next time you see him although whether he'll remember me from a name is another matter; I don't think I've seen him for over 30 years but we used to cross paths regularly in the 70's - ask him if he remembers the resident band at the Deanwater.

The first time I encountered Pete was at the Guild and remember Bryn Pugh (Eddie) introducing him saying that this chap will make a better living out of folk music than he would.

04 May 09 - 06:51 AM (#2623831)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Pete Mac

Back in late 60's, me (piano/guitar) & Geoff (Harmonica/vocals) played an MSG Blues night with legendary US Bluesman 'Big Boy' Arthur Crudup. Anybody remember that? In early 70's we founded the Maltshovels Folk & Blues Workshop in Altrincham - anyone got memories of that place?

11 Jun 09 - 05:27 PM (#2654324)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Paul Reade

Re September 08 "...someone who ran the Owdam Folk Club (Paul ????)!!! ... in the middle of nowhere." I think it might be me - I ran a club from 1967 or 68 until about 1973 at the Swan in Dobcross, otherwise known as the "Top House" and we had some great nights there. There was a bar in the room but Jim the barman - definitely a different generation to us (probably in his 60s), wouldn't serve you if there was a singer on who he wanted to hear. Jim's comment after Martin Carthy's gig was "Ee, he were a reet good turn!". We later had to move to the Hanging Gate in Diggle (even more i the middle of nowhere) as the floor at Dobcross was found to be in imminent danger of collapse.

12 Jul 09 - 03:58 PM (#2678491)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Pete Royle

Hi ,Ray And Pip. Just stumbled upon this web site and was pleasently surprised to see my name mentioned ,thank you for that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I first played "THE GUILD" in '68 . To be honest with you if it hadn't been for Monday night Singers Night I don't think I'd have ever had the nerve to play in public,it was run very well,the atmosphere was great, and there was comradery amongst the musicians that doesn't
seem to be preverlent these days. There is much more of a competetive
edge to performers these days. Pip , that's why I don't hang around folk clubs anymore, the friendlyness isn't there these days.There's
a tension amongst performers that wasn't there in the '60's and '70's.
I quite sure that this is not just my imagination I'm a lot more
relaxed these days than I was then , as most people who new me then would tell you,there was more tension in me in those days than there is in a guitar string .
Anyway , next time you see me at the Chorlton Folk Club say hello.
I intend doing a song there Thursday 23rd July. Thank you for your
comment about "The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carrol"take care,Pete

13 Jul 09 - 05:53 AM (#2678912)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Nigel Paterson

My abiding memory of the MSG (in the 60s) was the large, enthusiastic audience. Some of the best gigs we ever played.
                                           Nigel Paterson (mandolin, The Halliard)

13 Jul 09 - 07:29 AM (#2678952)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Vin2

Hi Mike (Green)

Re MSG and "....a tall guy whos name escapes me but played fantastic bluegrass banjo", i can recall a fab duo who i saw there a couple of times called Tom & Smiley and once had an lp of theres called 'The Bluegrass Sound of Tom & Smiley', great stuff! Or could it have been Ivan kelsall? Not suprised at Pete Ryder having a 'hate hate relationship with Jenks. Others found him a bit hard to take aswell at times 'cept Alex Campbell who alway managed to get away with calling him Mr Jinks! bless him.

Pete Royle, did you once run or appear at a cricket club in Moston (or was Newton Heath) in Manchester many moons ago?

Hope to see y'all at Saddleworht this w/end. I think it's Eric Bogle's last tour.


13 Jul 09 - 09:32 AM (#2679046)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Pete Royle

Hi Vin2, Yes I ran a folk club at Newton Heath Cricket Club '73-4-5
         enjoyed it a lot, good time to have a club.

         I've retiered from work now so thinking of getting back to
         singing again, as a pastime.

                               Take care, Pete

13 Jul 09 - 09:58 AM (#2679066)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Les in Chorlton

This is an excellent idea Pete.

Les in Chorlton

13 Jul 09 - 01:25 PM (#2679230)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Ray

Hi Pete, great to hear from you - it must be 30+ years - I see from you photo on my-space that you've taken up shaving! Its probably that long since I last went to a folk club although we did play a spot at the club in Conway for an old mate's 70th birthday. In all honesty, it seemed to me that everyone there had simply carried on going at the majority seemed to be around our age. I live up in the hills nowadays so it would be quite a trek down to Chorlton. Maybe our paths will cross again in the future.

Vin - the bluegrass banjo player - I think it was Ivan Kelsall. I've not seen him for nigh on 40 years but I am in touch with him - check out Mandolin Cafe. Tom & Smiley - Tom is still around - Google Tom Travis. Smiley (also Tom) went off to play with PJ Proby and then packed it all in. I've not seen him since the series of concerts we did in memory of Tony Hardman (Tony an Arthur) - I think he was living Preston way in those days.

14 Jul 09 - 04:48 AM (#2679732)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Vin2

Hi Pete, i thought it was Newt' Neef (my birthplace). Nice to hear your thinking of coming back on stream. Hope to see sometime.

Ray, i saw Ivan Kelsll (who i used to work with at BAe in Middleton years ago) three or four months ago at the Oddfellows Arms in Middleton where there is a singing/playing session every Monday eve (John Howarth, Mike Canavan, Martin Lynott, Des Friel, Jack Lee, Pete Middleton, Ian Sidebottom and others). I know Ivan played banjo quite a lot in the past and last time i spoke to him he was learning the Mandolin!

Cheers, Vin

14 Jul 09 - 11:17 AM (#2679971)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Bryn Pugh

I had a very nice E-Mail from Ivan earlier on this year. He is alive and well and still playing (IMO) shit-hot banjo.

Nice to hear that you are alive and well, Pete R - PM me, if you wish, and we'll catch up.


14 Jul 09 - 11:38 AM (#2679987)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Ray

Yes Vin - hence I said to check out Mandolin Cafe where he posts regularly. He's said in the past that he frequents the Oddfellows but its a bit far from where I'm based. Not seen John Howarth for years either!

14 Jul 09 - 12:13 PM (#2680006)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Vin2

Some nice piccies from the Oddfellows if you copy and paste the below address into your address bar......

15 Jul 09 - 04:16 AM (#2680534)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: scouse

Oh Dear Me, Paul Read... I used to go with you to the MSG.Also you booked me to play at your Club Although in those days even I sang 15 verse songs of the Trad. ilk. It was through you I met Pete Smith and ended up doing an MC job at the MSG... My Gig night there was "The Mathews Brothers, The Grehan Sisters." and I somehow remember Christy Moore demanding to have a Newcastle Brown drinking contest.. My God the memories..
As Aye,
Phil Jackson.

15 Jul 09 - 11:30 AM (#2680783)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Ray

Great photos Vin, almost everyone looks so old! Is that John Howarth on the last one - looks about 30 years older than when I last saw him.

28 Aug 09 - 06:38 PM (#2711106)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Dave Roberts

Have wonderful memories of the MSG where I saw so many marvellous acts at the folk club in the early seventies. Mr Jenks was a strange character but we always had a laugh because of something he said or did. One night he made an announcement about something that had been stolen or so he believed. He said that if the person responsible would leave the article in the gents, then all would be ok. Pause for laughter.
Had so many great nights here, it's difficult to name everyone but here goes : Murph and Shaggis (later Draught Porridge), Alex Campbell ( always finished with Wild Mountain Time swaying about drunkenly), Martin Carthy, Nic Jones, The Pigsty Hill Light Orchestra, Sam Bracken and Dave Shannon, Magna Carta, Tony Capstick, Mary Asquith and Big John McAtee.
Such a shame that it became a car park. Long Millgate was the address just near the cathedral.

29 Aug 09 - 03:14 PM (#2711635)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Guest John

hi pete

I certainly remember the Malt Shovels....I should do because my Auntie Doris was the landlady there for many years.

I can't remember when she gave up there but I do remember all the various music that was performed there.

Everything from modern Jazz to Traditional Folk etc etc...

Last time I went in there many years ago there was a banjo band playing...there seemed to more bajoists than customers...

The Malt had a reputation under my auntie for being a " learner drinkers pub".

Most of my mates "learned" there. Of course I couldn't because she knew my age. So I learned in the Orange Tree.

I do remember the Folk workshop at the malt but just can't remember any names.

Ah the good old bad old days



29 Aug 09 - 07:41 PM (#2711789)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Jack Taylor

So Bryn - I can't see any volunteers for the reunion you called for in July 2008. Well I'm for it if you can get it organised. I seem to half recognise a lot of the names posted but they seem so reticent - just like they were on their very first gigs on Monday nights Singer's Club - remember? I'm still up to kipping in the car in my sleeping bag, so pick a good venue with plenty of good ale and let us all know. I'll have to come down from Lakes - but it'll be worth it. Might even give you all a song.....

Vin 2 mentions Ian Sidebotham in one of his posts. Is this Ian Sidebotham brother of Lyn(used to be Taylor when we were married)? He used to play banjo very well indeed if it's the same person.

The reason Salford Uni and MSG used to 'share' guests was so we could get the expenses netted out of their fees - two big gigs in the same area. Jenks had me well trained - I did the folk bookings and some Monday night compering until I managed to off-load that onto Drony. Jenks thought Drony was a fine fella' so he jumped at it as soon as I suggested it. I could then spend more time doing the bookings upstairs then slip down later to listen to the likes of Rosie Hardman, Marie Little, Sam Bracken, Tony Kelly, The Beggarmen
Harry Ogden, Pete Smith etc all of whom started out on the Monday night's Singers Club stage at the MSG.

Now just to settle you all - Jazz up or down and Folk up or down. It all depended on the night (Thur; Fri; Sat or Sun) and what Jazz was booked on what night. If it was a big name massive pre-bookings sell-out then the Jazz went upstairs no questions asked. Folk took a back seat, or rather a downstairs one. Monday night folk was very rarely affected - no jazz on Mondays, though occasionally it would be downstairs if the upstairs room was being used for something special or if it was being (rarely) decorated.

I'll vouch for Jim Carroll's 27.09.08 Peggy Seeger/George Best autograph escapade. I was there and witnessed it.

Come on Bryn organise the "do."

08 Sep 09 - 09:44 AM (#2718868)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Greenm

A reunion is a great idea, and there are many "artists" that could be involved including some of the "big names" who owe a lot to MSG of the sixties. I am sure that the likes of Mike Harding, Ralph McTell, Marie Little/Pete Smith (now in the North East), Rosie Hardman/Bob Axford (Paul Simon?? who I first saw at MSG) would put themselves out (well perhaps not Paul Simon); but more interestingly are there and of the Monday night singers still around; I still have my Vinl album "Singers Night at the MSG" - who was the tall guy who played excellent Bluegrass Banjo and if I remember correctly was always imaculatly dressed unlike most attendees - and who can forget Big John McAtee and his rendition of Spanish Lady.......

09 Sep 09 - 07:15 AM (#2719655)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Bryn Pugh

Thanks for the encouragement, Jack. I am currently Legal Consultant to the National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners Ltd, Head Office of which is based in Corby, Northants ; so, as you

would have to come down from the Lakes, so I would have to come up from the sticks.

(Wherever you are in Northants you are in the sticks)

Doubtful I could manage anything this year, but I will give it serious consideration for 2010.

Good to hear from you, BTW - since you are a 'Guest' I had to post this in plenary, rather than PMing you.

12 Oct 09 - 02:52 PM (#2744326)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Pat

Hi - only recently talking about the MSG so I'm delighted to find this. I don't think I was as regular as most of you lot though. i was just turning on to folk/trad irish from 1970-1974 and the trad irish turned into my passion. I don't know if anyone remembers my mate Anna (mandolin) and me Pat (tin whistle), we used to go to the Monday singers night and play a few tunes. I remember Planxty playing and donal lunny fluffing Angie on the guitar (I still cringe when I think about it). How awful for that to be an abiding memory when everything else he does is so fantastic!! All the names you mention are very familiar but I can't put faces to them. Must be old age, the memory is banjaxed. Kelly and Walsh used to host the Mondays when we went and the folk was in the basement. I was once upstairs for a folk concert. We also used to go to the Crown and Anchor to see the Beggarmen. Aaah well. Patx

12 Oct 09 - 04:34 PM (#2744403)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Les in Chorlton

If you live locally you could join us for some songs or tunes at The Beech in Chorlton

L in C

12 Oct 09 - 09:56 PM (#2744584)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,christy moore

great to connect with MSG again.It was unique club.When I started going there Jack Taylor ran the singers night and I remember Drony taking it over.Getting to sing there on the Monday was a big part of my week.From there I got booked at Mike and Pat Hardings Old House at Home in Blakeley,StClares, Hopwood Hall. There was a vibrant and exciting Folk Scene in Manchester then and MSG was the hub of it all. Bob and Bill were on the door and Jenks was "himself".Was the tall banjo player Pete Stanley who gigged then with Wizz Jones? I also recall Eamon Clinch and Gerry Brady doing a few Singers nights but it was a bit too chaotic for Jenks.Rosie Hardman,Tony& Arthur,Marie Little,Tom&Smiley,Pete Ryder,Mary Asquith,Des English,Mike Harding, Tony Downes, Mike Canavan are a few of the Monday stalwarths.I started going in'67 when Hamish Imlach brought me along. My last gig there was with Planxty circa'73.Thanks for all the memories.

13 Oct 09 - 03:50 AM (#2744703)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Les in Chorlton

If you are passing by Christie you could join us for some songs or tunes at The Beech in Chorlton, Manchester

And thanks for endless amounts of great music

L in C

14 Oct 09 - 02:42 PM (#2745790)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Clive Pownceby

Here, from my archives is the detail from their xerox'd flyer - 3 months in 1967.

Sat. 20th May   THE TARRIERS
                Mary Asquith & Ian Chisholm
Sun. 21st       THE PENNINE FOLK
                and friends
Sat. 27th       CHAPTER 3
                Harry Ogden
Sun. 28th       THE MINOR BIRDS
                Pete Wood

Sat   3rd       NOEL MURPHY
                The City Folk
Sun. 4th       MATT McGINN
                The Union Folk
Sat. 10th       THE BOTHY FOLK
                John Graham
Sun. 11th       THE TAVERNERS
                Lyn Taylor
Sat. 17th       THE WRECKERS
                Dave & Rog
Sun. 18th       JOHN FOREMAN
                The Valley Folk
Sat. 24th       NIGEL DENVER
                Roger Knowles & Nick Strutt
Sun. 25th       A.L. LLOYD
                Keith Roberts

Sat. 1st       CLIFF AUNGIER
                The Pennine Folk
Sun   2nd       JOHNNY SILVO
                Helen Peacock
Sat. 8th       THE HOG'S EYE MEN
                Tom & Smiley
Sun. 9th       ALEX CAMPBELL
                Brian & Bob
Sat. 15th       DIZ DISLEY
                The Folk Union
Sun. 16th       THE MUNSTER MEN


Relentless wasn't it?! oh yes, those were the days allright and aren't they missed?

14 Oct 09 - 04:09 PM (#2745876)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,John Ashurst

I remember the Monday nights with Tony and Arthur (Wakefield, still going in Macc.) and then Tony Kelly and Terry Walsh. Great fun and people used to come considerable distances as it was so near Victoria Railway station, so you got to hear new voices. Only other place I have ever been which had (and as far as I know still has) simultaneous Folk and Jazz on 2 floors is Nicky Tams in Edinburgh. Nice to see so many familiar names joining in this thread. Pete Ryder made a CD "Drinking in the Last Chance Saloon" fairly recently. It was good. Anyone remember Dave Mandel. I can't recall if he was an MSG habitue. Made a record called "Nuclear Power Station"

14 Oct 09 - 04:17 PM (#2745883)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Clive Pownceby

I'm especially pleased to see Pete Royle's name on here. Bothy, Southport Pete? Remember? mid/late '70s? 'Lover's Cross' never sounded as good!!!! - well apart from Croce's original!

15 Oct 09 - 03:55 AM (#2746271)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Les in Chorlton

Pete Royle visits Chorlton Folk Club and produced his own CD last year although he very rarely sings these days.

L in C

15 Oct 09 - 09:33 AM (#2746499)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Vin2

Well, there's some really great names and memories mentioned here. Jack, re Lynn Sidebottom (Taylor); i'll ask Ian next Monday night at the Oddfellows in Middleton Jack.

If you're ever in the vicinity Christie & Jack & Ray or any one else (Oddfellow in Middleton near Rochdale) on Monday nights you can usually see Mike Canavan (Tony Downes pops in occasionally), Ian Sidebottom and John Howarth etc.

Great guest list clive!

Pitty Manchestu hasn't got an msg now.

Les i will get to the Beach one day tho i've have to leave early to get back to Heywood.

15 Oct 09 - 12:19 PM (#2746652)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Ray

Still watching. Great list Clive, did Diz Disley actually turn up?! The Union Folk - in those days inc. Brian Dewhurst who was forced to change his stage name to Brian Preston. Tom & Smiley - Tom is still around - not seen Smiley since Tony (Tony & Arthur) Hardman's memorial concert.

22 Oct 09 - 05:17 PM (#2750569)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Clive Pownceby

Referring back to my list 4 or 5 posts up from this, Pete Wood who got second billing in May '67 is still going strong, whether it be solo or with The Keelers. A local lad, though many think he's from Tyneside, my local club - the Bothy in Southport has him as guest one Sunday next Spring.
A fine, and modest, understated talent.

25 Oct 09 - 08:04 PM (#2752673)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Helen Howard (ne Walker)

Hi to all, I used to go to the MSG in the 60's and played guitar and sang on Monday nights, as well as seeing all the big names of the time, They were such good days.They were the beginning of a lifelong love and involvement in folk music. I met my husband there--Dave Howard who has been in the Oldham Tinkers for the last 25 years. So up to date now, we live in S.Ireland. Last year we went off to Boyle to see a magical reunion night of the Grehan Sisters,they were singing in "Mammie's bedroom!!" now the upstairs of their old pub. We still see Marie Little and Pete Smith, (here in June)
Then in September we met up with Tom and Smiley in Spain. Tom (Bowker) and Norma have lived there for 5 years. Tom(Travis) and Ann live in Glossop. We see Gerry Brady from the Beggerman, he now lives in Dublin, still sings and comes to our folk club in Co.Kilkenny.
So the memories live on, from little acorns.....

26 Oct 09 - 08:24 AM (#2752847)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club

HIya Helen,

I think i first saw the 'Owdam Tinkers' at the MSG and have seen em meany times since. Just been watching a Utube vid of them singing their great 'Welcom Song' (should be on the curriculum of every school in the land!). See John every Monday down at the Oddfellows.

Hsd a great bluegrass album of Tom & Smiley once. Might just pop over to Co. Kilkenny one day and visit your club.

Here's the utube link for your enjoyment


26 Oct 09 - 08:35 AM (#2752854)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Vin2

Sorreeee, my membership's playing up agin. For 'GUEST' in last message read Vin2

Salaam Alaikum


27 Oct 09 - 09:11 AM (#2753582)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Vin2

Message for GUEST Jack Taylor;

Hi Jack, re you posting further up; i spoke to Ian Sidebottom last and showed him your message. He was pleasantly supprised aand was wondering how he could get in touch as it's been a long time.

You could p'raps post a message on here for Ian or he can be contacted at the Oddfellows Arms pub in Middleton near Rochdale (England) on most Monday nights around nine pm where he sings/plays.

Hope you get this message.



29 Oct 09 - 06:01 AM (#2754679)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Vin2


30 Oct 09 - 07:30 AM (#2755540)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Vin2


01 Nov 09 - 06:50 PM (#2757586)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Vin2

Refresh agin

11 Feb 10 - 05:22 PM (#2836555)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club

Wow! Some great memories from the MSG One of my favourites was "The Taverners"

11 Feb 10 - 05:25 PM (#2836558)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Audie Ofyle

One of my favourites there was 'The Taverners'

11 Feb 10 - 10:50 PM (#2836764)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Audie Ofyle

Hey Tom,
         Saw your info re. MSG. I used to go there often. I too have lived in Canada (London) for 30 yrs. Drop me a message at

04 May 10 - 11:26 AM (#2899814)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Orson Trap

I saw Arthur Big Boy Crudup at MSG. Bob Hall, Simon Praeger (guitar)& Steve Rye (harmonica) were support. At one stage he 'ordered' them to join him for a song or two and when they thought they had finished he pointed to Bob Hall and said "play that thing". Bob didn't look too amused.
I also remember the first 'Blues Night' there. John Dummers Blues Band were the guests. Dave Kelly was in the band playing slide guitar (SG) mostly. 'Putty' was the other guitarist. They were later joined by Jo Ann Kelly who the guest upstairs in the folk club that night, if my memory serves me right?
John Dummer (drums) and 'Thumper Thompson' on bass, who would later
be in the pop group 'Darts'.
Had some really good nights there, Bernard Wrigley with Dave & June Brooks comes to mind, Wally Whyton as well as others already mentioned. Anybody remember the chinese waiter?

03 Jul 10 - 12:50 PM (#2939188)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,MikeP

I found this thread by chance but what memories it brings back. MSG Folk Nights were a must-see for my drinking friends and me in the 1960s. After a few beers the harmonies sung along with the groups were incredible. Like "Whiskey in Jar-O", "Hand me the punch ladle, I'll fathom the bowl...", and "Old Pendle, Old Pendle, Thou Standest Alone, Twixt Burnley and Clitheroe, Whalley and Colne...". How I recall these lyrics so clearly 40-odd years later I can't imagine.
We delighted in singing along to regulars like The Pennine Folk and The Taverners and I think The Dubliners showed up one evening, as did Martin Carthy.
Someone earlier in this thread also mentioned The Grehan Sisters - we didn't see them at MSG but they were a supporting act to Simon & Garfunkel in their 1967 show at The Feee Trade Hall. The sisters were memorable for the most incredible performance of playing the spoons!

04 Jul 10 - 07:54 AM (#2939524)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club

Delightful times indeed MikeP.

Speaking of Wally Whyton Orson, remember that great raido show he used to do called Country Meets Folk ? I think it was the forerunner to JIm LLoyds folk on Friday ? Always loved Wally's song 'Leave Them a Flower'....

       Leave them a flower, some grass and a hedgerow
       A hill and a valley, a view to the sea
       These things are not yours to destroy as you want to
       A gift given once for eternity

04 Jul 10 - 07:55 AM (#2939527)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club

Sorry it's done it agin, last message was from me Vin2

25 Mar 11 - 06:02 AM (#3121066)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Ivan Kelsall

Considering that the MSG in it's heyday,had some of the foremost Folk musicians from the UK,Ireland & the USA,there's not one article about the Folk side of the MSG on the I'net.
   The only MSG article is by Jack Swinnerton who established the Jazz Club there.
   I remember with great affection all the 'regulars'who turned up every Friday,Saturday,Sunday & Monday nights,to either sing, play both or just to watch & listen. It was the greatest era to live in.The pop music scene was awesome,Jazz was huge as was Folk Music.
   There were so many places to play.I was out lugging my Banjo around to a different Folk Club every night.My own claim to fame was opening for Bill Monroe & the Bluegrass Boys when they played the MSG in '66.My band consisted of Tom Bowker on Mandolin,his cousin Mike Bowker on Guitar,me on Banjo & a fantastic Bass player,John Henderson. Tom Travis guested with us that night.TT had previously played with Tom Bowker in their own band & after my band split,he re-joined Tom Bowker to form the very successful duo 'Tom & Smiley'.
   I've often thought that it would be a fabulous thing,to organise a
re-union somewhere,just to sit & talk & exchange experiences since those days. In truth,they'll never be bettered,
                                              Best wishes - Ivan

27 Mar 11 - 07:03 AM (#3122496)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Russell Wood

Along with Ivan (above), I was a regular at the MSG in the 60's, doing various amateur stuff on Drony's open Monday night, and for a while, singing with Rosie Hardman (the big girl) who turned professional. There was a regular bunch standing in the corner by the bar, and harmonising on the chorus stuff! The MSG and the Two Brewers in Salford were my regular folk places. Sing on!

30 Apr 11 - 01:12 PM (#3145373)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Peter Davies

I looked though this entire thread and see only a few references to Paul Simon. Here's my story.

We were regulars at MSG in the sixties, particularly the Folk Club. One evening during the week, while having a pint, Frank Duffy came over and said:

"Make sure you come next Sunday. I met this guy in Greenwich Village who is sensational. His name is Paul Simon."

Paul was touring England but was not well known, even in the States. During his UK tour his solo album became quite popular and, I believe, while touring he and Art (Paul's guest when we saw him, but they did not sing together), got a call from New York saying that the re-recording of Paul's solo album was number 1!

Needless to say, when I saw him that Sunday night, I was blown away. His solo version of "Sound of Silence", with acoustic guitar, is far superior to the Simon and Garfunkel rendering, IMO.

A story my dearly departed friend, Pete Smith (not the Pete mentioned on this thread), liked to tell about the evening goes as follows:

At the end of the evening, suitably oiled with many pints of Guinness, we ended up on the stage with Paul. At some point Paul turned to Smith and said (about me), "What's this guy's name?" to which Smith replied "Pete". Then Paul (apparently) turned to me and said "Pete, you're pissed!"

I have no memory of this (Guinness will do that), but I will take it as my claim to fame!

24 May 11 - 01:11 PM (#3159818)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club

ian campbell from glasgow not that one
frank duffy was a great mate back in 1963 and i did a guiest spot at the msg on 2 occasions
also used to attend the waggon and horses regularly where harry boardman was resident
any news on frank

24 May 11 - 01:19 PM (#3159824)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Mary Humphreys

Both Harry and Frank are long gone, sad to say.

24 May 11 - 01:23 PM (#3159827)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club

frank duffy and me were great pals in the early 60`s
and he had me down to the msg to guest on a couple of occasions
I could write a book on some of our escapades
if you can tell me anything about frank I would be really happy
ian campbell    not him

25 May 11 - 07:30 AM (#3160255)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Vin2

Hiya Ivan, yeah i remember Tom Travis & Smiley Bowker and brilliant they were. Used to have an LP of theres yonks ago called 'The Bluegrass Sound of Tom & Smiley'.

MSG was a fab place ably guarded over by Jenks. A re-union would be an interesting idea if there were enough interested - who knows, maybe even lead regular meets and call it MSG2 (wonder if that upstairs room in the old Unnicorn is available ?

Anyway mate see you at the Oddfellows next time.


25 May 11 - 01:38 PM (#3160428)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Herga Kitty

I ran a folk clubs reunited session on Monday evening at Sidmouth festival one year, with a special welcome to people from Monday evening folk clubs - and Mary Humphreys came along to remember the MSG singers nights...


27 May 11 - 02:24 PM (#3161397)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Tony Easom

I remember trembling with fear on Monday night singers nights waiting for my name to be called for a floor spot by Kelly or Walsh. Sung out of tune, played the wrong chords, but kept coming back! Gret days!

01 Jun 11 - 03:32 AM (#3163548)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Vin2

Would that be Tony Kelly and Terry Walsh - ex Beggermen?

01 Jun 11 - 05:10 AM (#3163577)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Derek Schofield

yes, indeed!

01 Jun 11 - 05:29 PM (#3163916)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Vin2

Ahhh great stuff. I think it was watching Terry Walsh play the whistle so brilliantly that inspired me to go out and buy one and even learn a few tunes.

04 Jun 11 - 08:23 AM (#3165128)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: blinddrunkal

I've still got my old (red) membership card, and a grey "MSG Jazz Pass-out" too! Sad isn't it! My best memory was Mississippi Fred McDowell playing downstairs, and Magic Jack The Rabbit Man playing in support (can't remember who he was supporting though). Tom & Smiley played at our college folk club in the Cross Keys on Broad Street Salford, always a good "turn"!

04 Jun 11 - 08:32 AM (#3165130)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Les in Chorlton

Does the building still exist?

L in C#

04 Jun 11 - 07:37 PM (#3165312)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Paul Reade

I can't find my old membership card - but I do have my Musician's Pass, valid until 30/6/73, and signed by Jenks!

The MSG and adjoining buildings were demolished some years ago. Long Millgate is still there but where the MSG stood has been grassed over with a "water feature" as part of the development of "Urbis".

I've often thought it would be good to have some kind of commemorative plaque there, possibly a paving stone with an inscription, as there are no walls there now. Assuming Manchester City Council will allow it, would any ex-MSG regulars be interested in contributing to the cost?

09 Jun 11 - 03:55 AM (#3167485)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Ivan Kelsall

The Paul Simon gig was awesome. Paul was living in London at the time & had trouble getting up to Manchester.So much so that he missed his first spot.He went on to play a complete l 1/2 hour spot,being introduced as the 'late' Paul Simon.
   Russell - It was you who took me to the MSG as a'guest'at first.We stopped off at the old 'Lounge Bar'on Market Street for a quick pint beforehand as i remember.We were both working in design at A.V.Roe & Co. at Chadderton at the time.
   The "Two Brewers" on a Sunday night was also another favourite place of mine.I remember going along one night to see Tom Paxton.When i got there,TP was busy moaning away because he hadn't had a Taxi sent to his Hotel to pick him up. He was saying " if i come here to fill your club up ......" etc. He was politely told that the club was full every Sunday night with or without him. He seemed to calm down & went on to play 2 superb spots.
   Does anybody remember Noel,the guy who used to be the doorman at the MSG.He came upstairs into the Folk Music room one night & there was a Piano on stage.He sat down & proceded to play some of the finest Blues Piano i've ever heard.
   Paul - How ironic that there's nothing at the Urbis site
comemorating the fact that some of the world's finest musicians played there.Even more so, with one of the finest schools of music in Europe being only a few yards away.
   Vin - I still have a copy of Tom & Smiley's first LP,the one that you mention.
    Prestwich Village Folk Club was another great place to play,run by the inimitable George Purcell.Unfortunaltely for me,being a non-driver,every time i went there,i had to walk home from Prestich to New Moston,sometimes carrying a heavy Banjo & in the pouring rain - not much fun,but i'd do it all again (if i was as young & as stupid).

29 Oct 11 - 03:38 AM (#3246514)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club

Stumbled upon this MSG by accident and did it revive some memories dispite having lived in Australia since the early 70's. I recall Rosemary, The Taveners, Pennine folk, Tom & Smiley. What Great nights. Jazz in the basement the ground floor bar and folk upstairs, take your pick. I still have "A Round with the Taveners" record actually recorded at the Guild [I think] Also a record of Tom & Smiley. Secretary Jenks was certaily a character. What a shame that it is all gone. Sydney Side Mike

30 Oct 11 - 04:38 AM (#3246853)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club

Chris Joe Beard
I just had to put my memories of MSG in a new book venture called Taking The Purple.I went there as a terrified guitarist member of a young jugband as our first try at the BIG club in town.Drony was compere and we went down a storm to our shock and delight.Jenks booked us to do both the jazz AND folk on the same night.Two gigs for one.The Young Contemporaries Jugband became The Purple Gang and later I got to compere at Poynton Folk Centre (I`m back there now 2nd month..see The Centre Sessions on Facebook).
I remember the MSG/NW talent there-the variety...great people.Who was the MSG guy who ran "The After Hours Club"? We did gig that after MSG one night.Our manager Gordon did an impersonation of Herman Munster crashing out of a pile of boxes that night into the arms of a copper!
I ran a folk club called "Granny`s" years later-but MSG was THE place.

31 Oct 11 - 02:12 PM (#3247785)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Starman

Hi, Martin Gittins here. As part of the 'A NIGHT AT THE MSG' concert (fundraising event fo my brother's grandson ON 12TH NOVEMEBER)_ I'd like to print off some memories of the MSG. Ideally, the majority of the stuff on this thread. Obviously, I'd edit out any personal comments or information which doesn't pertain DIRECTLY to the MSG. if anyone has any objections to being included or, better still, if you have any FURTHER memories, please get in touch. It would be extremely time-consuming to email all of you directly, so I AM USING THE FORUM AS A MEANS OF COMMUNICATING THIS REQUEST. I presume that, since you posted to an open forum, your views are intended for general reading, so i would guess that there would be no objection? The printed booklets would only be made available on the night of the fundraising event and would not be sold for personal gain by myself or anyone else involved.

31 Oct 11 - 03:37 PM (#3247845)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club

Hi Ivan, wish i still had my album of T & S. Has yours go 'Big Ball in Boston' on it. Can't remember any others - so long ago.

God i remember the brill Purple Gang too - Granny Takes a Trip ?. Am sure have got that track on a sampler somewhere. Check it out on Utube folks.

Hope to see y'all on the night in Cheetham Hill and of course at the Oddies on Monday nights.


08 Nov 11 - 05:05 AM (#3252665)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club

Tom & Smiley made 2 LP's. The 1st was "The Bluegrass Sound of Tom & Smiley" & the 2nd one was "Country Style". I have the first one,which doesn't include Big Ball in Boston,so maybe it's on the 2nd one.
    I'll be there (sans Banjo) on Saturday night - let's hope it's a good turn out,

28 Nov 11 - 05:29 PM (#3265032)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Dave the Gnome

Guest Mike Green from March 2009 - If you could get in touch with me via here with any sort of contact details it would be to your benefit:-) Pete Ryder found the song and gave it an airing tonight - Along with a very interesting story to go with it:-)

If anyone knows Mike get in touch with him as well.

Out of interest Marie Little and Pete Smith were at Swinton last month as well!



29 Nov 11 - 08:55 AM (#3265392)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club

Hi Mike, it's Pete Ryder. John Bailey, who covered the song, came to a gig of mine on Walney Island and presented me with a copy of the lyrics to 'Child of the Rain'. 44 years after the fact!

05 Dec 11 - 08:11 AM (#3268708)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Raggytash

If anyone see's Pete Ryder give him my regards will you, could do with another copy of Last Chance Saloon, mine's started to play up on some tracks it's been played so much

19 Jan 12 - 05:22 AM (#3292656)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: scouse

Went to my "Annual Picking Party." (Dutch Bluegrass)last Saturday here in Leiden an I always check out the guy who's selling good second hand LP's and CD's Last year I found some old "Hot Rize." LP"s. To my amazement this year I found Tom and Smiley's 2 Saga LP's for 6 Euro each!!!
As Aye,

26 Apr 12 - 11:23 AM (#3343560)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,GUEST, Acc Ident

The reunion concert "A Night at the MSG" was held in November 2011 at the Ukrainian Club, Cheetham Hill, Manchester and was a great success with 13 acts appearing, and an audience of around 150. The artists had all featured at the MSG in some capacity.

Now the CD of the Concert (and of memories of the MSG taken from interviews with artists and audience) is available, featuring tracks by Gary & Vera Aspey, John Bailey, Alan Bell, Phil Drane, the Hometowners, John Howarth (Oldham Tinkers), Marie Little, Harry Ogden, Pete Ryder, Chris Simpson (Magna Carta), Malcolm Thorp and Arthur Wakefield.   

For a copy (all proceeds to charity) e-mail

18 Jul 12 - 10:48 AM (#3378310)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club

Boy, reading this thread has taken me back somewhat!

I was SO sad that my health meant that I couldn't take part in the concert; it would have been great to see so many old pals again. I hope those of you who attended enjoyed my reminiscences of Jenks though. I worked for/with him as his secretary for 6 months before turning pro and saw sides to him that he never showed in public (which was a shame - he really DID have saving graces and I actually remember him with great affection).

If anyone who remembers me wants to get in touch, it would be great to hear from you, Just call in at and email me!

Love from
Rosie Hardman

12 Nov 12 - 09:30 AM (#3435185)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Greenm

Rosie; good to see you are still around - you may be interested to know that I have a recording of you and Bob Axford from the Cross Keys in Eccles from some time on the 60's. You performed amongst other things "the day the Pittletrenthide Jug Band hit the charts" - do you remember. Pete Ryder was actually my guest for that night but you and Bob also came along - needless to say "we supped some stuff" that night. I had been trying to contact Pete back in 2009 and I see from this thread that he did in fact reply last November but I missed it. The 60's was certainly a great era for Folk and pity that now MSG, The Keys and the Duke of York (Eccles) are distant memories.

25 Nov 12 - 07:48 PM (#3442162)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,David Williams

I have just come from a Peggy Seeger concert here where I live now in Oxford. (Sunday the 25th of November 2012 ) yes she is still going strong.

At the end of the concert I talked about the first time I saw her in the 1960s with her partner Ewan MacColl at MSG.She said she liked the place and so did Ewan.

I came home and looked up MSG and found this site. I used to go after work with my friend Alan Renshaw ...we worked at Lewises on Market Street.

I remember Jenks who at the time I thought was a bit odd but looking back he was central to its success.

Like most people I went because there was not only a choice of diffrent types of music on the diffrent floors but there were some beautiful girls there with very progressive attitudes to certain things that appeal to a horny teenage male.

The music was great and I often wonder what happened to that array of talent.Some you came across later in life -Mike Harding for example at the Ring o Bells in MIddleton, but others were fantastic and I never saw them again

Such was Manchester and in varioius new venues...still is.

24 Jul 13 - 05:01 AM (#3541116)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,dick bentley

I suppose there must be someone who remembers Paul Simon's visit in the 60's and possibly the doormans comment "I don't know what is so good about him" - the entrance was £5.00 (very expensive)

Also Dave Campbell - a Canadian guitarist and the American group New Lost City Ramblers

11 Aug 13 - 07:09 AM (#3547837)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Saska

Struth !!! - I must have been away for a while.I just read a reply from Bryn Pugh to a message i left back in '09.
    Question - Does anybody remember who the MSG's photographer was ?.
I know that he was emplyed by Jenks to photo.all the main guest bands at the MSG. If he's still around,he must have some amazing pics.taken through the years.
   Nice to see a fairly recent post from Rosie Hardman.I was hoping that maybe she'd turn up at the MSG 'Reunion' bash organised by Stanley Accrington & Martin Gittins - let's have another one soon !!.
   I was there to see Paul Simon .He arrived late & missed his first spot.He did over an hour for his 'only' spot & was intoduced as 'the late Paul Simon'
   Best wishes to all,
                     Ivan Kelsall

11 Aug 13 - 03:46 PM (#3547962)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: Llanfair

I've really enjoyed reading through this thread, and re-living the MSG experience. We will never see the like again. I feel proud to have done my bit on singers' nights there.

17 Oct 13 - 07:39 AM (#3567733)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Saska

It struck me as funny that somebody posted that 'Jenks' & Pete Ryder had a 'hate- hate' relationship. Jenks 'hated' Pete so much that
Pete was one of the most frequently booked singers ever at the MSG. I know for a fact that Jenks had a very high regard for Pete's talent. However,Jenks did loathe the Liverpool Spinners with a vengeance.
   For my part,i got on very well indeed with Jenks,as prickly as he could be sometimes.I always found him to be almost unscrupulously fair minded,& if you were straight with him,he respected that.
I owe my one & only 'claim to fame' to Jenks. When i had my band together,''The Dog Hobble Ramblers''along with Tom 'Smiley' Bowker on Mandolin & with his cousin Mike Bowker on Guitar & singing lead,& John Henderson on Bass Fiddle,we actually opened for 'Bill Monroe & The Bluegrass Boys' in June '66. I suppose being the only Manchester based Bluegrass band had an advantage.
This morning,another name from the past sprang to mind - Maria Lowden (Louden ?). Maria was a pretty regular MSG member - anybody got any info.regarding her ?,
                            Regards to all - Ivan Kelsall

25 Apr 14 - 06:48 AM (#3622195)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Guest, Bryn Pugh

If any of you folkers wish to get in touch, you can find me at

25 Apr 14 - 06:56 AM (#3622196)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Guest, Bryn Pugh

If any of you folkers might wish to get in touch, my E-Mail address is

02 Aug 14 - 12:28 PM (#3647692)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Alan Simpson

Worked there part time as a waiter in the early 70s upstairs in the folk club and down stairs in the smoke filled Jazz cellar.Until I recieved my marching orders from Jenks. Saw lots of acts, Noel Murphy with a young lad called "Shaggis" who later went on to a support Elton John,Magna Carta,the late Tony Capstick,Maynard Ferguson Big band,Martin Carthy and numerous others.Had a great time was there the weekend we changed over to the decimal system made a fortune in tips as nobody could work out the coinage.Happy days

25 Mar 15 - 08:17 PM (#3696949)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club

Anybody Heard of the "Northwest folk four", Folk group going back the mid sixties, or have they made any recordings? ,I am now in my seventies in

11 Nov 15 - 09:01 PM (#3750145)
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
From: GUEST,Anna Booth

I remembrer the MSG very well, singers like Ewan Maccoll, Peggy Seeger, Alex Campbell, I seem to remember a trio of girls 'The Grehan Sisters'. there were so many singers back in those days. Fabulous memories.