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A Challenge: Mousethief, post something

19 Jul 01 - 02:52 PM (#510572)
Subject: A Challenge: Mousethief, post something

The forum cuts off too long thread titles, so here is the challenge in full:

Mousethief, Kat/Katlaughing, WYSIWIG and the rest of you who only post crap but think that you have some ownership here:

Post something about folk or blues that will interest people.

If you can't...


Draw your own conclusions...

Joe Offer was RIGHT

Nothing more needs adding

19 Jul 01 - 03:30 PM (#510615)
Subject: RE: A Challenge: Mousethief, post something
From: mousethief

Guest, how many melodies have you found for MMario?

How many people asking for lyrics have you helped?

I'll stand by my record. You?


19 Jul 01 - 03:30 PM (#510616)
Subject: RE: A Challenge: Mousethief, post something
From: Jack the Sailor

The GUEST who doesn't know what GUEST means (A blues/folk song)

He's Stirrin' up crap and causin his scenes He's the GUEST who doesn't know what GUEST means

He thinks its the blues but its only the greens The GUEST who doesn't know what GUEST means

Won't use his name, cause he'd be ashamed To act this way as a GUEST Trolling the Forum, no sense of decorum Anonimity is best for the GUEST who doesn't know what GUEST means

Light up pal, the only difference between the opinions they post and the those that they post is that you can single them out because they have names. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, if they are willing to stand by them.

Please, folks, remember, best policy to use with trolls/flamers is

19 Jul 01 - 03:44 PM (#510635)
Subject: RE: A Challenge: Mousethief, post something
From: Gareth

Is this a case for Billy Goat Gruff ?


19 Jul 01 - 03:55 PM (#510648)
Subject: RE: A Challenge: Mousethief, post something
From: Hawker

I'd just like to say a BIG thank you to Mousetheif, Kat/Katlaughing and WYSIWIG - and anyone els that applies, I KNOW there are loads of you - too many to mention - who have all helped me in the past with a music thread of one sort or another, and in other more deep and meaningful ways, not necessarily directly to do with music, but certianly the ethos of this site, and the companionship which like minded people can give to each other.
Not ashamed or afraid to state my name,

19 Jul 01 - 04:01 PM (#510657)
Subject: RE: A Challenge: Mousethief, post something
From: GUEST,djh

I come and go especially since modem died on home pc, but, when here I have read and contributed to several interesting WYSIWIG threads on the subject of the Gospel Blues among other things.
More importantly What is the reason for the overt hostility? What did they do to you?

19 Jul 01 - 04:06 PM (#510670)
Subject: RE: A Challenge: Mousethief, post something
From: Uncle_DaveO

Yet another ill-natured trollism!

19 Jul 01 - 04:06 PM (#510672)
Subject: RE: A Challenge: Mousethief, post something
From: Mrrzy

Yeah, I noticed that the people being picked on were some of the most helpful, so why don't we turn this into a Thank You, you helpful people you, thread? Thanks, KatwhomIhopeisreading, WYSIWIG, and most especially my dear Mousethief.

And RobDale, great song! Add some verses, everybody!

19 Jul 01 - 04:21 PM (#510692)
Subject: RE: A Challenge: Mousethief, post something
From: GUEST,Karen

Personally as a named Guest I find it odd that unnamed Guest feels "crap" as he/she defines it has no place on the Forum but unkind insults directed at other members is okay by him/her. Interesting set of ethics there.
My only beef with mousethief is that he sweetly offered to make me dinner ages ago (beef stroganoff, I believe it was) and never came through! Just because we live in different states is no reason to renege, Alex.

P.S. I truly wish nasty members who feel obligated to "share their feelings" with the rest of us would stop posting under the "Guest" moniker. It gives us real Guests a bad name.

19 Jul 01 - 04:25 PM (#510695)
Subject: RE: A Challenge: Mousethief, post something
From: mousethief

I made the stroganoff, Karen, you just never came and ate it!


19 Jul 01 - 04:26 PM (#510697)
Subject: RE: A Challenge: Mousethief, post something
From: MMario

BINGO! THAT is the point that has been tried to be pointed out time after time...

19 Jul 01 - 04:29 PM (#510704)
Subject: RE: A Challenge: Mousethief, post something
From: mousethief

That I made the stroganoff but she never ate it?

19 Jul 01 - 04:31 PM (#510707)
Subject: RE: A Challenge: Mousethief, post something
From: Lonesome EJ

Alex - thanks for having an opinion on nearly every topic (whether I agree w/you or not)

Guest - Get Well Soon

19 Jul 01 - 04:37 PM (#510711)
Subject: RE: A Challenge: Mousethief, post something
From: mousethief

Um, you're welcome, Leej, I think.

It is the job of the citizen of a democracy to have an opinion on every topic. Of course it is better to be well-informed than otherwise. I can only read so much, so fast. But I never pretend that I'm infallible; I have learned a lot here at the Mudcat Café on all sorts of things (even music!) and have even had my mind changed on some issues; which may not have happened if I hadn't stuck my foot in my mouth in the first place.

(Nor do I hide behind anonymity.)


19 Jul 01 - 05:11 PM (#510715)
Subject: RE: A Challenge: Mousethief, post something

Call me a flamer, call me a troll even call me the worst of insults A GUEST

The fact remains, the forum is being over-run by non-music threads. And No I'm not gutless just because I don't bother to register as 'wanker5' before I post .

There's non so blind as will not see

19 Jul 01 - 05:31 PM (#510726)
Subject: RE: A Challenge: Mousethief, post something
From: mousethief

Don't like non-music threads? Start a music thread. It's pretty simple.

I think you meant there's "none" so blind.


19 Jul 01 - 05:37 PM (#510732)
Subject: RE: A Challenge: Mousethief, post something
From: mousethief

the forum is being over-run by non-music threads.

And so the solution, Guest/Wanker5, is to start another?

You never answered my questions. How many lyrics have you found? How many melodies have you supplied to MMario? All we've seen from you so far is flaming/trolling.

Of course we can't know for sure because with you hiding behind "Guest," we don't know which other posts are from you and which are not.


19 Jul 01 - 06:34 PM (#510760)
Subject: RE: A Challenge: Mousethief, post something
From: McGrath of Harlow

just because I don't bother to register as 'wanker5' before I post


19 Jul 01 - 07:01 PM (#510771)
Subject: RE: A Challenge: Mousethief, post something
From: gnu

Guest... non-music threads about politics, ideologies, sex, crap, yes, even CRAP, lead to discussion, ideas, interpretations, just fun... and sometimes to music, as seen above. Sometimes, it's just killing time. Don't kill our good time - it's a waste of yours. Stay on the absolute music threads if these other threads offend you or start your own site where you can be the ruler of all you purvey. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, fuck off.


19 Jul 01 - 07:05 PM (#510773)
Subject: RE: A Challenge: Mousethief, post something
From: Gareth

Actually, this music/non music thread reminds me of those theosophical discussions about how many Angels can dance upon the head of a pin


19 Jul 01 - 07:07 PM (#510778)
Subject: RE: A Challenge: Mousethief, post something
From: mousethief

I have a song I wrote about people like this guest.

click here


19 Jul 01 - 07:19 PM (#510786)
Subject: RE: A Challenge: Mousethief, post something
From: gnu

I wasn't going to say anything about Guest posting a non-music thread, but, since I have put in a loooong work day and will be leaving soon... nah, just fuck off.

19 Jul 01 - 07:29 PM (#510795)
Subject: RE: A Challenge: Mousethief, post something
From: Cobble

If we did'nt talk about everything under the sun, and have fun doing it, where would the inspiration come for all those wonderful songs. Wanker what do you think life is about, pulling other people down? because they do things, not the way you wanted them done. You are a pathetic piece of JETSOM, I feel sorry for you. Do you have any goal in life I doubt it. The rest of us will stay pathetic together and enjoy what we do.


19 Jul 01 - 07:36 PM (#510802)
Subject: RE: A Challenge: Mousethief, post something
From: Jack the Sailor

Why non- musical threads are of value.

I like to write songs GUEST
And here is something you're gonna dread
But I get more ideas to turn into songs
From the non- musical threads

I know that writing folk songs
may seem an anacronism
But if I take my ideas from other songs
that's sorta like plagerism

So I get my ideas by talking to folks
If I'm lucky, Intelligent
On Mudcat I know that I won't have to coax
The are folks here who know what I meant.

19 Jul 01 - 07:37 PM (#510803)
Subject: RE: A Challenge: Mousethief, post something
From: Gareth


My old father was on the receiving end of rather more US of A "friendly fire" than he cared to recall twixt 1944/5.

Your peice tonite was :-


Well Targeted



Turn Billy Goat Gruff loose on the Trolls.

Or second thoughts, if your a Pratchett fan let Mr Vimes deal with the matter. (Should we call them Rocks or Gravel Eaters ?)

I speak as one who can act the Ionaclast with the best of them.


Your satirical ballard

19 Jul 01 - 07:41 PM (#510808)
Subject: RE: A Challenge: Mousethief, post something
From: gnu

Gareth... satirical ballard... ooooh, I like that. LOL.

19 Jul 01 - 07:57 PM (#510832)
Subject: RE: A Challenge: Mousethief, post something
From: Jack the Sailor

Cool Song MT

19 Jul 01 - 08:13 PM (#510846)
Subject: RE: A Challenge: Mousethief, post something
From: Cobble

I enjoyed the JUG last night with Bill Sables and the crowd and no guest, correct me if I'm wrong but sounds like a disgruntled Mudcatter,(sorry if im wrong) is ever going to spoil my free time and the pleasure of being a catter.

Sod the idiot, yours Cobble.

20 Jul 01 - 01:57 PM (#511292)
Subject: RE: A Challenge: Mousethief, post something
From: GeorgeH

I notice we're using the Guest English Dictionary definition of:

Crap: Anything with which I disagree.


21 Jul 01 - 01:49 PM (#512048)
Subject: RE: A Challenge: Mousethief, post something
From: GUEST,SharonA at the Library

No, I'm NOT the anonymous GUEST (could you tell?) Sorry about the prefix to my name, but my machine is off-line at the moment.

To anonymous GUEST: I don't know if I'm one of "the rest" you refer to as only posting "crap", but just in case... I'm a newbie (started as a GUEST myself a month or so ago) but FYI I did start a Tune Request thread (asking for obscure ballad tunes in common meter to go with lyrics I had written); I've also posted comments to several threads on the subject of music, and have made some contributions to the SONG CHALLENGE!s. Oh, and I've made an appearance on Mudcat Radio. That's it so far, but I certainly plan to do more as time goes on!


21 Jul 01 - 02:10 PM (#512066)
Subject: RE: A Challenge: Mousethief, post something
From: Lyrical Lady

Alex ... will you make the stroganoff again for the 24th? Yum .....


21 Jul 01 - 02:27 PM (#512073)
Subject: RE: A Challenge: Mousethief, post something
From: Amos

Bitterness such as this
Bespeaks great sorrow
Lost children,
Dark secrets regretted,
A heart sunk to low places
Where music itself
Is only an exercise in history.


21 Jul 01 - 04:53 PM (#512172)
Subject: RE: A Challenge: Mousethief, post something
From: GUEST,SharonA at the library

BTW, mousethief ain't no slouch in the SONG CHALLENGE! department himself.